The Fall Formal

by Unanimous123

The Crown

Flash Sentry and his band had just finished playing their song and were walking of stage. Near the stage Princess Twilight nervously waited with her friends as she waited for Principal Celestia to announce the Princess of the Fall Formal.

As VIce-Principal Luna walked on the stage with the crown, Twilight held her breath. Principal Celestia opened an envelope and said, “The Princess of this year’s Fall Formal is… Twilight Sparkle.” As soon as she heard this, Twilight’s heart leapt with joy and Twilight walked up the the stage to receive her crown. Principal Celestia placed the Element of Harmony on Twilight’s head when a cry for help was heard. Twilight immediately recognized the voice— it was Spike. To Twilight’s horror he was being dognapped by Snips and Snails.

Twilight jumped of the stage and began to pursue the dognappers. Since she was not completely used to running with this body she slid across the hallway and slammed into the lockers. Twilight regained her balance and ran out of the building. Suddenly a voice made Twilight freeze.

“That’s close enough Princess.”

Sunset Shimmer was standing in front of the Wondercolt’s statue with a sledgehammer in hand. Beside her stood Snips and Snails holding Spike with them.

Twilight angrily exclaimed, “Don’t hurt him!” Sunset laughed, “I wouldn’t dream of it would I?”

Spike, after bitting Snip’s arm managed to free himself and he ran towards Twilight. Twilight scoped Spike into her arms and hugged him.

Spike and Twilight’s reunion was interrupted as Sunset said almost sympathetically, “You two don’t belong here.” Her voice was full of malice as she made her threat. “Give me the crown and you can go back to Equestria tonight,” Sunset swung the sledgehammer next to the portal, “or keep it and never go home.”

Twilight gasped and took the crown off her head. After contemplating her choices for a minute, Twilight responded, “No.”

Sunset dropped the sledgehammer and looked at Twilight coldly. “Looks like I’ll have to do this the hard way.”


After putting his guitar in his locker, Flash Sentry began to look for Twilight. As he walked back into the gym, he listened to several snippets of conversation.

“…I can’t believe she won…”

“… First year without Sunset as Princess.”

“Wonder who cried for help…”

“Whoever it was Twilight just ran out after them”

Flash, after figuring out Twilight was outside, decided to go out and help her. Flash briskly walked to the back of the school and looked for Twilight. When she wasn’t there, Flash hoped that she went back inside.


Meanwhile at the front of the school, Twilight could see the rage that was building up in Sunset. Suddenly, Sunset ran towards her and tackled her to ground. Twilight, in vain, tried to keep her crown away from Sunset. Snips just walked behind Twilight and pulled the crown of her hands.

“Here you are Sunset”

Sunset grinned as she got off Twilight and grabbed the crown.

“Finally more power than I could ever imagine” Sunset said as she put on the crown.