The Fall Formal

by Unanimous123

The Monster

Flash was now getting worried. He couldn't see Twilight anywhere. She had promised to dance wth him. Flash knew Twilight would never—

Flash’s thoughts were interrupted as a loud boom resounded through the school building. The gym was silent for a moment then everyone ran towards the front of the building to see what was happening.

As the students got closer, Flash heard a gasp from the students who were closest to the door. Flash looked around a few of his class mates and was filled with shock. A monster, strangely resembling Sunset Shimmer, flew in the sky and was laughing to herself.

Flash tried to get a better view and gasped. Twilight lay on the ground near the monster. Without thinking, Flash’s feet started moving. All he could think of was Twilight. She had to be okay! What had that monster done to her. Flash couldn’t reach the door—there were too many students blocking his path. All Flash could do was just stare as Twilight lay on the ground.


Twilight got up a few seconds later. She looked around confused for a minute and then she remembered what was going on. Twilight turned to see Sunset, who was now a she-demon, nearing the students.

Sunset was filled with mad anger. She flew towards the high school and relished seeing the fear in her classmates. She then smiled. It was time for revenge on this high school—and Equestria.

“I had to pass through so many obstacle tonight. Just to get my hands on this crown.” A wave of realization passed the students. They now knew that this monster was no other than Sunset Shimmer. Sunset began to to move back and forth, “but let’s let bygones, be bygones. I am your princess now, and you will be loyal to ME.”

Sunset used her newly found magic abilities to destroy the entrance of the school. Students panicked and screamed as they ran to get away from her. Sunset then touched her head and cast a hypnotic spell on all of the students except Twilight and Spike.

Twilight looked at the hypnotized students. Her friends and Flash were all under Sunset’s spell. Sunset had even hypnotized her two associates—Snips and Snails. Twilight looked at Spike and told him to go someplace safe. Spike looked at Twilight reluctantly, but hid behind a bush.

Sunset then demanded all the students to head towards the portal. Sunset turned to the now-standing Twilight and gave her a sick evil smile.

“Spoiler Alert! I never planned on destroying the portal. I not only want this pathetic high school. I want Equestria, and with my brainwashed army, I’ll get it.”

As Twilight looked at the helpless students in Sunset’s teenage army, Twilight just knew Sunset couldn’t win. Mustering up all her courage Twilight confidently stated, “No. You. Won’t.”