The Fall Formal

by Unanimous123

The Defeat

Flash didn’t know what was going on. He could see what was in front of him, but it was blurry. He couldn’t think or move though. Flash could not comprehend the scene that was going on at the front of the school. It was as if he couldn’t control anything he did. Suddenly his blurry eyes, caught beautiful violet eyes looking at him. It was Twilight. Somewhere in the back of his mind he was able to remember how important to him she was. Flashed tried with all his willpower to remember and saw a memory of her hugging him after he did something.

Flash kept that memory in his mind as continued watching the scene in front of him. Strangely his vision was starting to clear up and he saw Sunset rising higher and looking angrier than ever. She raised a huge magical fireball in her arm.

Flash heard a muffled voice saying, “Twilight Sparkle you just messed with me one too many times. You need to be dealt with.” Then Sunset threw the fireball at Twilight. Her eyes were wide in fear.

As soon as the magical fireball hit Twilight, something snapped in the back of Flash’s head. He was freed from Sunset’s spell to see Twilight flying from the impact and crumple near the side of the building. Flash went into shock as his brain processed what just happened.

Flash turned and saw that all of the students surrounding him were acting like zombies. Not wanting to draw attention to himself he slipped out of the crowd and exited the school through a side exit.

Flash exited the building and silently walked towards an unconscious Twilight. As gently as he could he picked her up and moved her behind a bush where Sunset couldn’t see them. Flash rushed inside the school and grabbed a bottle of water from the cafeteria. He returned to Twilight, opened the bottle and slowly splashed some water on her face.


Twilight looked up. Her head hurt and her vision was fuzzy. She shuddered in pain and groaned. “Everything’s going to be okay” a familiar voice reassured her. Twilight closed her eyes the pain hurt so bad. Twilight remembered Sunset taking her crown and hypnotizing all the students. “I have to stop her,” Twilight gasped and opened her eyes.

Her vision began to clear and she was shocked to see Flash holding her. Twilight began to blush, but she was confused—how had Flash been able to break free from Sunset’s spell?

“Wh-what happened?”

Flash quietly explained that he broke free from Sunset’s spell as soon as Twilight was hit by the magic. After he finished explaining, Flash hugged Twilight. A light violet glow surrounded Twilight and then all the pain was gone. Flash looked at Twilight as she stood up and smiled. Her face became serious again as she saw Sunset gathering all the students near the portal.

Twilight spoke to Flash, “I need to stop her now, before it’s too late.” Flash grabbed Twilight’s wrist and looked at her. “We’ll stop her.”

Twilight yelled and got Sunset’s attention. Sunset looked at Twilight annoyed.

“I’ll give you one thing princess. You never give up. It’s a pity you have absolutely NOTHING!”

Flash walked from the other side of the bush. “She has me.”

Sunset cackled, “Flash, it’ll be a pleasure to destroy you and your princess together.” Sunset lowered herself and stood on the burnt ground. She walked over and touched Flash’s face, “But since you were my boyfriend I’ll let you free if you’ll come back to me.”

Flash was disgusted by her behavior and responded, “NEVER!”

“That’s too bad” Sunset smirked as she created a fireball filled with dark energy that was bigger than the first ball she threw at Twilight.

Sunset sarcastically said, “ Goodbye Flash Sentry and Princess Twilight, I’ll miss you so much.”

Twilight grabbed onto Flash and they both looked into each other’s eyes. They both knew that if this was going to be their last moment, at least they were together. They leaned toward each other, and just as Sunset threw the fireball, they kissed.

Sunset laughed but gasped as she looked down and saw that Twilight and Flash were unharmed and surrounded by a bluish-purple aura of magic. The gears in Twilight’s head started turning and she began to think about her brother’s wedding. Suddenly, the answer came to her. Flash and herself were using the magic of love.

Flash gave Twilight a hug and their magic glowed brighter and brighter until it finally set of a wave of energy that destroyed the dark magic inside of Sunset. After Sunset’s magic was destroyed, the students woke up from their hypnotic trance and looked around in confusion.

Twilight felt her energy drain as she was defeating Sunset. She saw something zip past her head towards the Wondercolt's statue, but Twilight was too exhausted to care. The last thing she heard before collapsing on the concrete was a resounding scream from Sunset