
by CartoonNerd12

Chapter 5

Celestia had set the sun down and saw her sister raising the moon just as a draconequus and earth pony came bursting through the throne room doors. When she saw them she couldn't help but smirk.
And to think Fluttershy and Spike were worried…
She put on a serious face but kept smiling while remembering her promise and addressed her new visitors.
"Discord, Applejack, what a pleasant surprise. What brings you two to Canterlot?"
Applejack took her hat off in respect and said, "Pardon us, Princess, but we was hoping you could tell us if you've seen Fluttershy and Spike. We know they came to Canterlot but we have been unable to find them."
Celestia had to suppress a giggle as she asked, "Is there trouble?"
"No ma'am, just wondering why they would take this trip in the first place."
"So spill, Cay-Cay, have you seen them or not?" Discord crossed his arms.
"As a matter of fact, I have. It was my doing as to why they're here. You see, I believe that Spike and Fluttershy were right for this particular mission that needed to be carried out."
"Mission?!" they both said.
"Yes. I've sent them to retrieve a special fruit that is closely guarded by my friend, Concordia and-"
"CONCORDIA?!" Discord bellowed, "You're still friends with that-that-that overgrown size Breezie?!"
"Yes, Discord. I know your history with Concordia is a strain one but she is a valuable ally with her powers over order and harmony. Much like your powers with chaos and disharmony."
Applejack voiced, "Who is this Concordia?"
"Concordia is the daughter of Harmonia, the creator of the Elements of Harmony. She was an alicorn but her wings were that of a Breezie's. Concordia took after her mother hence why Discord calls her a 'overgrown size Breezie'."
"Well, she is!"
Celestia sighed.
Applejack said, "You say that this Concordia has powers of order… But how is her power any different from what Starlight or…" she cringed toward Discord, "Accord was doing for order?"
Discord gave her a scowl, "You just love to bring up my past mistakes, don't you?"
She shook her head, "Not on purpose, I'm just trying to understand how this being brings order to Equestria."
Celestia smiled, "Concordia is different from Starlight and Accord because she is in charge of keeping the natural order of life. She doesn't take it to another level because she knows too much order will upset the balance."
AJ mentioned, "That makes sense."
Discord admitted, "Granted, maybe she never over did it with orderliness like I did with chaos but she's such a sticker for the rules! You are almost aware I was almost betrothed to her, right?!"
Applejack gaped, "Say what?!"
Celestia sighed sadly, "Yes, Discord, I know… Harmonia wanted order and disorder as husband and wife to keep the balance in Equestria."
AJ slit her eyes at the chaotic being, "Let me guess… Fluttershy has no idea this almost happen…"
Discord pointed, "There was nothing to tell. I didn't love Concordia, yet that overgrown Breezie wanted to marry me on her mother's behalf. It was part of the reason I took over Equestria so I could prove to them they can't tie down a free spirit."
AJ motioned, "Well… you still have to tell her. Believe me, as the Element of Honesty, you need to be honest in your relationship with Fluttershy or else you two won't be truly happy together."
Discord sighed. He didn't like talking about his past that much. There were a lot of painful memories that went with it. But Applejack's talk of honesty was a hard truth he had to accept. He gave the country mare a slight nod causing her to smile up at him.
Being reminded of Discord's near betrothal made Celestia look at the stain glass windows again like when Fluttershy was looking at them this afternoon and felt the guilt all over again. She addressed the draconequus with her head down.
"Discord, I would like to make a formal apology to you…"
Both the spirit and pony looked at the alicorn with wide eyes as she continued.
"I was wrong to submit you to using your magic for good. I didn't give you a choice in the matter, you had to be reform or else…" she shamefully shook her head, "I went along with Harmonia's plan to have you wed her daughter, I figured it was the best way to keep harmony in Equestria. But I know now that you are your own being and should have a say in your fate… Like every one of my subjects in Equestria. You're right; no one should marry someone if they don't love them… I learned that too late…" she shed a tear.
Applejack softly said, "Because of Good King Sombra…" she put her hat back on, and uttered, "You didn't know love until then…"
The tall alicorn faced her, "It is true. And now I hope all my subjects find love even the ones that don't know they have it already." she subtlety hinted to her present company with a smile.
The draconequus and cowpony exchanged looks, unsure what to make of that last remark.
Getting back to why they came here in the first place, Celestia stated, "Now, I believe Spike and Fluttershy will be back within a few days so if you two would like to stay here until they come back…"
"And let Concordia tell Fluttershy I was almost engaged?! No way! Not going to happen!"
AJ declared, "Discord, even if we do go after them now, it's already late which makes it more difficult to catch up to them. Besides, Spike and Fluttershy are not helpless; they can manage on their own."
"I'm not saying they can't. Fluttershy can be quite formable if you get on her bad side." he sighed lovingly, it was just one more thing he was attracted to the pegasus.
"And Spike is the bravest dragon I know…" she said quietly with a blush as she remembered how courageous he was when throwing that rock into the Timberwolf's mouth.
Celestia spoke up, "Very well, I'll have my guards escort you to your rooms so you may continue your quest in the morning."
Once they were out of the room, a certain dark blue alicorn entered in.
"What is Discord and Applejack doing here?"
Her sister smiled, "That I cannot say. However… I am in need of a favor from you, my sister."
Luna's brow went up.

She could smell it… that foul stench… and it was coming closer… she ran. The large Timberwolf was right behind her. She ran through the dark woods until she was trapped by a large rock wall and faced the creature as it growled at her. She was ready to put up a fight when…
"LEAVE HER ALONE!" shouted a deep voice and a large figure that was on all fours went in front of her. She couldn't see his face but his voice seemed familiar even if it sounded different. "You will not take the love of my life away!" he shouted again.
Suddenly she realized who it was. "Spike…"
She finally got a good look at him in the moonlight. He was taller, more buff, and was no longer cute but downright gorgeous!
"AJ, are you alright?" he stared at her with those emerald eyes of his.
She knew then she was dreaming because obviously Spike wasn't like this and the fact he would proclaim his love like that no matter how much she wished it. So she went along with the dream.
"Yeah, I am, now that you're here…" she smiled.
He smiled back before facing the Timberwolf again and let out a roar causing the creature to get scared and ran away. The dragon gave a smirk while looking at Applejack, she looked so beautiful in the moonlight with her eyes sparkling at him that the next thing he knew he was pressing her against the wall with her forelegs wrapped around his neck and began kissing him on the lips which he happily returned. None of his dreams with Rarity had been like this. Making him reason to believe that Applejack was the one for him.

Fluttershy found herself in a moonlit meadow with fireflies swarming all around her then she felt something around her neck and gaped when finding a ring there. She found an inscription in it, To my one and only Fluttershy.
"You like it?" a voice said that she was all too familiar with.
With a smile on her face she rushed into his arms as he embraced her tightly and stroked her mane.
"I love it." she replied.
They faced each other as they kept in each other's arms and Discord showed her his golden band on his talon.
"As a free spirit I cannot imagine being tied down to anyone but you."
She gasped happily and embraced him again. She knew she was only dreaming but it made her so happy to hear Discord say these words. For he was correct, he was a free spirit and marriage was something that would just enchain him but for him to want her to be his and his alone made her so joyful.
Discord could swear she was actually right there beside him but he did not want to spoil the dream. He thought, Until I confess my feelings for her, this is the closest I'm going to get to have her loving me back…
He lifted her chin up as they leaned in for a kiss.

Spike had wrapped his tail around his beloved as they were on the ground side-by-side, feeling pure bliss. To him she was a treasure that he planned on guarding for the rest of his life.
"I love you." she said.
"And I love you." he smiled with their noses touching.
Since it was all a dream it was easy for her to say the words, "I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you… After the Timberwolf attack, I started falling for you, but with you pining over Rarity still, it didn't feel right to tell you…"
He gave a guilty look, "I'm sorry about that too… Rarity is amazing and beautiful but… I never had chance with her… But you're not a second choice, Applejack. I finally started seeing how much you and I were alike this whole time. Even when I wanted to save Rarity from the Diamond Dogs, I almost kissed you and then two years later, you saved me from Timberwolves, and in turn I began acting so clumsy on helping you and I had no idea why… I thought maybe I was just out of my element or something, I was used to serving Twilight after all and I don't know much about farm work but… at the same time… shouldn't I have been more efficient?"
AJ pondered on that, "I guess you're right."
"I think fate was conspiring against us. Rarity never gave me the same attention I gave her but with you… you had always listened to me and you never wanted me doing any favors for you. I just wish I had noticed it sooner."
"Well… better late than never I always say." she smiled.
He smiled, "Thank you for waiting, I know that wasn't easy… but knowing that I have you now is all that matters."
"You said it…" they leaned in for another kiss.