//------------------------------// // Nighttime Planning // Story: Martha & Skits's Adventure in Ponyville // by Zenitram Nadroj //------------------------------// Cadance, Shining, Flurry and the Crystal Empire citizens get on board the train about to leave. The clouds seemed to have vanished and they all packed up and headed out to the trains station. “Goodbye, Twilight.”, Cadance says. “Goodbye, Cadance.”, Twilight says. “I hope we can spend more time with each other.” “Thank you for letting us stay with all of you.”, Shining says. “Hopefully, the Crystal Empire will be better when we get back.” “Wait!”, a familiar voice shouts. They look ahead and see Martha and Skits approaching the family. “Don't we at least get to say goodbye to all of you?”, Martha asks. Skits barks in protest. “Oh, of course not.”, Flurry says. The three then hug the dogs. “Goodbye, Martha. Goodbye, Skits.”, Cadance says. “I hope you two will remember how you got here.” “Hopefully we will.”, Martha says. “It seems ludicrous that two dogs fell from a portal and can't remember how they got here.”, Shining says. “Not only that, it's also ridiculous.”, Martha says. “That's what 'ludicrous' means. It's another word for ridiculous.”, Cadance says. “Well, hopefully we can remember soon.” The train whistles and the citizens enter the train. The train then leaves the staiton and the group wave goodbye to them. Martha then yawns followed by Skits. “I'm feeling sleepy.”, Martha says. Skits moans. “Oh, man. They're feeling sleepy and they don't even have a home.”. Rainbow says. “Well, how about they stay with me.”, Fluttershy suggests. “I think I may have some spare beds in my closet.” “Fluttershy, how very thoughtful of you.”, Rarity says. “It's the least I could do.” Soon, Martha and Skits get on their new beds and lie down. Fluttershy then brings them blankets and covers them. “Do you feel comfortable?”, she asks. “Yeah. Thanks a lot, Fluttershy.”, Martha says. “These are the softest beds we've ever rested on.” Skits barks in agreement. Fluttershy then yawns and rubs her eyes. “Well, I better get to bed.”, she says. “Goodnight, Martha. Goodnight, Skits.” “Goodnight, Fluttershy.”, Martha says. Skits barks goodnight to her. She then kisses them goodnight and they fall asleep. “I can't believe that monster was just using us!”, Weaslegraft says. He and the other former lackeys gather at his building having a meeting. “Oh, man. I wish I could just strangle that monster with my bare hands.”, Kablooey says. “Let's not be hasty, Kablooey.”, Fildgemarker says. “And when I say 'hasty', I mean fast, rushed or hurried.” “He's right.”, Pablum says. “Have you seen how powerful his magic was? I'd rather be arrested a hundred times than be vaporized by him.” “Hmm, I wonder.”, a voice says. They turn and see Bumblecrum pacing back and forth. “What are you thinking, Grumbleyum?”, Gimmie asks. “It's 'Bumblecrum'!”, she corrects him. “What I'm thinking is that if that monster somehow found a way to come to our world...maybe we could find a way to go to his world.” “What? That's crazy.”, Weaslegraft says. “So crazy, it just might work.”, says Pablum. “Huh?”, the group says. “What are you saying, Pablum?”, Weaselgraft asks. He goes to the drawing board and starts making equations. “Is he actually doing something?”, Kablooey asks. “Maybe we should see where he goes with this.”, says Gimmie. In Helen's room, she and her family are around her as she gets tucked in. “Everyone in town had the same nightmare?”, her mother says. “How is that possible?”, her dad asks. “I don't know.”, she says. “We need answers, ASAP.” “Well, I'm sure we'll figure it out in the morning.”, her mother says. “Hopefully, you won't have another nightmare like last night.” Her parents kiss her goodnight and take her brother out of the room. “Goodnight, honey.”, her dad says. “Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, Dad.”, she says. Her mother turns off the light and she closes the door. At Keretomatus's lair, he has just finished a spell. “Sons, to the room!”, he shouts. The princes then enter his room. “Yes, father!”, they all shout in unison. “I have just completed the spell.”, he says. “And what perfect timing. Look.” He gestures to the viewing pool. They approach the water and sees the two dogs sleeping in beds completely unguarded. “They're asleep.”, Martarmus says. “Yes. With them asleep, their guards are lowered.”, the emperor says. “Giving us the chance to take them.” “Of course.”, says Horlagamous. “So, what should we do?” “No, no.”, Keretomatus says. “It's not what we should do. It's what you should do.” “Us?”, Scorjosemal says. “Why us?” “Because, I my army is not quite complete yet.”, he says. “So, I need you three to buy us some time.” The three princes all bow to their father. “As you command, father.”, they all say. They all go to the cauldron and the monster uses the spell. The sons are then effected by the spell and their spiritual beings are extracted. The spirits then set out to Ponyville. The monster then turns to the remaining animals. “Now back to business.”, he says as he cracks his knuckles.