
by SimpleWriter

Chapter 1 'A Long Night' Sec.5 'The Boomstick'

Have you ever had a moment in your life where something happens, where it all occurs so fast and out of the blue, that you have no rational way of reacting to it? You tense up and freeze like a deer in the headlights, or you mumble incoherent words as you desperately try to find a rational explanation? Have you ever had a moment, where you learn of information that dramatically changes the outcome of your life to the point where you have a mental breakdown? Welcome to my world.

I've had a few moments like that in my life. That is how I've been shaped into who I am. That is how I lost my hand. But none of those even compare to the truth that has been given to me. The fact that we are one out of trillions upon trillions upon trillions of the possible worlds. We are at war with an empire with technology that we can't harness. We could be facing our extinction, our demise.

I was on my hand and knees, trembling in absolute shock. My skin went pale white, sweat and tears poured down my face. I couldn't stop shaking even if I tried. My head shook from side to side in denial.

"Jesus Christ." I mumbled. "I-I-I don't..."

"It's a lot to take in." Dan huffed. "But at least we got an explanation. This empire, they call themselves the 'Tri-verse Empire'. Not only do they have guns but they can harness magic. That's how they were able to jump worlds. Who knows what else they can do."

"Wait..." I growled. "Hold on. You said that there are infinite universes! Infinite!" I stood on my feet, pointing a finger at the alien horse. "How do we know that you're telling the truth!?! If there are infinite worlds, then that means that another version of this empire can already Jump to other dimensions! How do we know you're telling the truth!? You could be one of them! You could be one of those fucks out there that are murdering innocent people! If they can come into our world, then why can't yours? Where is your army!?"

"I can't prove anything to you!" Vaneela exclaimed. "For all you know, I could be lying to your faces or I could be telling the truth. You have to trust me!"

"Then EXPLAIN yourself!"

"I don't know the answer! For all I know, we could just be one of the alternate versions of the original worlds. But it is theorized that there are three base dimensions. And every alternation from these worlds branches out from them. It is believed that we ARE the base of all of it."

"Bullshit." I sneered. "What are the chances of that? Bullshit!"

"It's a theory, genius." The horse mocked. "It's never been proven but it is believed that there are three base worlds. My world. Then there is your world, which appears to be way more technologically advanced than ours. Then there is the middle world, the hybrid. It is the world where humans exist but they exist as humanoid versions of my kind. They possess the same skin and hair color, as well as the same personality traits as the equine version. They also have access to weapons and technology like yours."

"I still find it difficult to believe that we are the originals." I mumbled.

"Like I said, it's a theory. The Empire hasn't been able to gain access to any other worlds other than ours. They jumped with ease between the main three, but it is proving to be extremely difficult to find a way to the alternates, almost as if a barrier of sorts is preventing them from going on. They've had access to your world for quite sometime now, and they would've sent others to the alternates long ago at the rate they were growing, but they haven't then and they aren't now."

"And how do you know this?" I asked. "Where are your people? Where is your army? If you're not one of them, then did you get here?"

"Equestria, my home." Vaneela fell silent with a thousand yard stare looking straight through us. "Equestria has fallen."

I just glared at him, unsure if I could buy his story. I waited for him to continue.

"I was...an eavesdropper. An operator, the voice in the earpieces of spies as they infiltrated those monsters. They would collect data while I listened. If they got into trouble, I would tell them what to do or what to say. I documented everything that I heard by writing it down on a note pad. I've learned that they had access to your world for roughly six months at the time I heard them speak about it. And that was roughly over a year ago. They only started to attack now because they wanted to study your world first, learn of your weaknesses and flaws. They could see everything and they wanted to learn where you military bases are, where your deadliest weapons were being held."

Van sighed. "Equestria fell one day." He continued. "I got no word from any pony. I never knew what happened. All I knew at the time is that we had fallen, and one of our leaders was executed while the other fled. Never heard a word since then. When we lost...I went into hiding. I only went out to collect food and water by day, but I never left my position. There was still much to be analyzed, so I kept my sleep to a bare minimum. I might not have had any spies at my disposal, but I had radios that were tapped that were still being used. That is how I learned they were prepping their first attack here. I found the base, snuck my way in, and gained access to one of the portals before they could shoot me."

"Why?" Christa asked. "Why did you come here? What are you thinking you can do to help?"

"I don't know...I just don't." The pony sighed. "Maybe it was nieve hope. Maybe I could meet the leaders of your nations, and organize an attack on the enemy. Now that I think about it, they would've probably killed me on sight or worse. Maybe I was trying to warn you all. These soldiers, this empire, they don't wish to kill. They want to find use for everyone so they can either be a slave or a soldier. They take likely candidates and warp their minds so all they turn into robots who follow orders with no moral thinking."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I just couldn't. Fighting the pain in my shoulder and everywhere in my body, I forced myself to my feet. I didn't say anything but force myself out of the door. I just walked down the hall, rubbing my torso to stay warm.

"Where are you going?" Christa whispered.

"Christa, I-...I just need a moment. I need to think."

"Let him go." I head Dan whisper. "Let him process it."

I just kept on walking. They didn't follow me. Either they let me go, or Christa went to go after me and Dan stopped her. I didn't care. Walking through the dark halls, I was careful not to disturb anyone who was sleeping. People were setting up shop right in the halls. I saw a custodian closet, and a couple was setting up a air mattress in there. Eventually, I did make my way to the mess hall. I could seen my dad. He had a sleeping bag set up, and he was just getting in.

"Dad. You got a shirt?"

"Hmm? A what?"

"Shirt." I whispered louder. "Do you have a shirt? Shoes? Socks? I'm freezing here."

Dad quickly crawled back out. He opened up a duffle bag, and tossed me what looked like a flannel shirt. I caught it. Luckily for me, it wasn't a button up. Then, a pair of running shoes rolled to my feet, with a sock stuffed into each one.

"I packed as much as I could." He whispered. I began to put on the socks. "When everything happened, I tried calling you. You never picked up. I knew we had to get out, so I grabbed everything that I could fit into these bags and went after you. I was praying that you would be at Dan's for New Years, so I headed there. Jesus, you wouldn’t believe the panic. The decimation of it all.”

I managed to slip both of my feet into both socks with one hand. That was when I began to put the shoes on, but dad was already up and over to me. The shoes were on, but then he began to tie them. I looked around, hoping nobody would notice. Then I looked down at my dad who was tying my shoes for me. I sighed knowing that there was no other option.

"Dan was there, but you weren't." Dad whispered, already finishing tying one shoe. "Looks like you stayed home while he went out to drink, but he just went home instead. We agreed to stick together and head for you in Dan's truck. We were heading towards you, but Christa began calling on Dan's cell." He said as he finished the other shoe.

I began to button up the shirt by pressing the two metal pieces for each button together. They clicked and held in place. "Need a hand?" Dad whispered.

"Nah...I got it." I whispered back. "I need a flashlight though. You got one?"

"Ummm...yeah sure." He said, this time handing me a large black flashlight. "Where you going?"

"Nowhere. Just going to take a look around, take my mind off of things."

"Did you talk to th-"

"Yes I did. Did you?"

"Oh no." Dad said. "It seems alright, but I don't trust it. Don't want to find myself near that thing. Don't even know why I let you talk to it. What did it say?"

I stood there, trying to find the words to say. He doesn't know. He really doesn't know. I didn't know what to say. I just couldn't say anything. How could I put news so disturbing into his head. My dad is a very relaxed dude, but I don't want to break it to him.

"Nothing too serious." With the shirt on my back buttoned, I clicked on the flashlight, and walked away.

"Don't worry about it."

"Mind if I join you?"

I looked back before I ushered him to come with me with a nod of my head. And he did just that, walking right by my side.

I was tired, exhausted. I was trudging through the halls with a flashlight to guide me. At one point over by the main entrance of the building, there was a staircase leading up. Curious, I poked my head inside. It was dark and tight in space. I stepped inside and looked up to see every floor above me. Up it went. Every sound that I made was ten times louder than usual. The walls caused my breathing and mumbling to bounce off the walls and travel all the way to the top. I headed up, and my dad followed behind.

"You would expect there to be massive crowds of people running around in the streets." Dad whispered.

"You would expect to see looters breaking into stores, utter anarchy, but the streets were so...empty. They became so quiet so fast. Cars were left on roads with the engines running. Some were even ran into buildings. I saw so many...so much...never mind. I'm just glad that you're alright."

"Yeah...you too."

We climbed up and up. We went higher and higher. We passed people who were sleeping, drinking, or crying along the steps. Some people with their own sources of light would pass by us with a small greeting, or would just shove on by without a word. People were eating beans out of cans like fucking bums. We are all living like bums in this building. There's no power. There is no irrigation system, and there is no heat. This building is safe and secure, but that doesn't mean that we are completely out of the forest.

"Looks like we're coming up to the top." Dad whispered.

I pointed a light further up and we were intact coming up on a doorway that has yet to have a door installed. Poking our heads through, we saw that nobody was up here. I whispered out to see if anyone could respond, but nobody did. It sure did look like this floor was vacant. It does make sense, I could see several open windows, and several holes in the walls that have yet to be finished being built. With all of these gaps in the structure, cold air was just pouring in through. You could hear this long and drawn out moaning sound. The wind was strong enough to blow through a tight space off somewhere to make such a noise.

We ventured through the halls. The wind blew and whistled throughout the building. The darkness along with the cold wind, and drifting of various trash along the floor, it felt like we were exploring a haunted house. We found a gigantic hole in a wall to the outside. Rebar was sticking out from the walls, and tolls were still sitting where their users left them. I looked out and down. The wind blew through my hair and I trembled a little more. With my mouth puckered up, I spat a glob of spit what was still slightly red from my tongue injury in the apartment.

I watched it fall all the way down to the ground. It drifted along with the wind like a leaf in Autumn. Once it hit the ground, it was too far away for me to see it anymore. It disappeared.

"Oscar?" Dad asked louder, knowing that we were away from the other people. "I know this is a stupid question to ask during this time...but are you alright?"

I couldn't stop thinking about the things I've seen, the things I've done. I've never been so afraid, so terrified in my life. The memories just came back and played over and over in my head like a broken record. When you see something so fucked, your brain analyzes everything to the slightest detail. I couldn't shake the sounds the bat made as that soldier's head turned to a sickening pulp of hair, bone, and blood. I wanted to vomit once more, but I wasn't sure if I had anything left to let out.

"You know that nothing will be the same anymore." I said, looking back at my father. "With verything that has happened, after everything that will happen...everything will change? This is history right here. We are witnessing history."

My dad looked at his feet and nodded his head. "Look son, I don't know what is going on around here. I have an idea, but I don't know the whole story. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I will find out for myself sooner or later. But...Oscar...do you remember our rule?"

"We need to stick together." I said, tapping my stump against his shoulder.

"That's right." Dad said. "It's not easy to comprehend, I know. But if a desision needs to be made that keeps both of us alive, then that's what we need to do. Family comes first. Family always comes first."

"I know."

"We need to protect ourselves." Dad whispered, removing something from his shoulder. "That's why I grabbed this."

I noticed that he did have something behind his shoulder right as he pulled it out from behind him. He showed it to me. It was a shotgun, a double barrel. It had a dark brown wooden stock, and the two long barrels glimmered with its freshly cleaned metal. I recognized it as the gun that dad kept with him in case of a burglary or any situation similar to that.

"You're giving this...to me?" I asked. "Even with-"

"I'm giving you this especially because of your hand." Dad said. "It's simple, powerful, and easy to reload. Especially for you. Do you know how to work it?"

"Of course." I said, giving dad the light. "I've shot this plenty of times."

I took the gun and I held it in my arms. With my hand on the stock, I pushed a little button on the side, and the barrels fell towards the floor. My stump held the gun as the metal wrapped itself around it. The two chambers were empty.

"But you haven't shot it in years."

"It’s not too hard." I said quietly. "Push this button, it opens. Stuff two shells in there, snap it shut, and you're good to go."

"Just checking." Dad said with his arms crossed. "I just want you to have something to keep you safe, just in case. Hell, the army might be here any minute to get us out of here. It's just good to have it around."

I nodded, and turned to look out over the tree tops. Dad stood next to me. He breathed that forest air in, and exhaled out of his mouth.

"It's so quiet." Dad whispered, the wind carrying his voice. "We still have a few hours till sunrise. Come on, we should get some sleep."

Dad turned and made his way towards the stairs.

Sleep, yeah right. Who the hell can sleep at a time like this. I stood there and looked at the gun in my hand. I nodded in approval. It was a powerful weapon. Sent me falling to my ass when I first fired it, but that was years ago when I was a kid, when I had two hands. No matter. It doesn't matter if I have one hand or two hands, I'm still unsure if I'll be able to pull the trigger if the time comes.

"I'll come with you." I whispered at my dad, starting to follow him.


A raspy voice snarled in my ear. A blue hoof wrapped itself around my neck and spun me around! I let out a chocked cry as I came face to face with the fucking pegasus that burned its red eyes into my soul. I heard dad scream my name and I struggled to scream with its arm around my neck. The pony pushed me back, and I stumbled over towards the window! My heels were dangling over the edge! The horse glared at me with insidious smile of pleasure. Then it spoke to me...

"I told you."

She turned around, and rammed her hind legs right into my chest. I took one more step, and my foot tripped over the edge and I followed with it. Everything became a blur as I watched the building grow higher and higher. The window grew smaller and smaller. My limbs flailed in the air, desperately trying to grab for anything to hold on to. Everything rushed by me so fast, but I could see the ground quickly approaching me at blinding speeds.

"Not so fast!"

Two arms tucked themselves underneath my armpits. The rapid flapping of wings and malicious laughter made me scream even louder. My feet dangled in the air, I was completely helpless.

"I keep my promises."

Two rows of teeth clamped down onto my throbbing shoulder. I moaned and kicked my legs. The pain was too much. The horse shook its head back and forth while gnawing at my skin. Just when I thought that it was going to rip a chunk of flesh from my back, she dove towards the ground. My screams grew louder as I braced for impact, but I could feel the arms slip out from under me. Not a second later, I was flailing in the air with nothing to catch me.

I watched the ground slam right into me. I landed on my feet, but the raw force and angle that I landed on, sent my knees ramming into the snow in front of me, before rolling to a stop in the freezing cold. Everything became a flash of white and I uncontrollably moaned in agony. I looked at my legs, to see that they were both in two straight pieces. I shook, I trembled, I quivered with fear for my life. The pegasus landed with ease into the snow, its eyes never left mine. She approached me, and leaned in so we were face to face.

"I told we would meet again."

"Please! PLEASE! Don't!"

"Don't. Don't what?!"

Aching all over, I forced myself to my feet, but as soon as I put pressure on my feet, on overbearing wave of pain sent me collapsing to my side. The horse laughed, her cackle turned to howls as they scored her get the trees.

"Don't kill you!?" She wheezed. "I just saved you from certain death! That fall would've killed you if it wasn't for me!"

With self-discipline, I forced myself to my feet! Both of my legs throbbed with a strong pulse, but I continued to limp further and further away from her.

"Run Oscar! RUUN!!!"

My dad’s voice sent me limping fast and faster into the trees! The pony just stood there, watching me. A loud bang made me look back to see two men from inside the building! There were armed with rifles with flashlights taped on the barrels and they came to investigate!

"Help!" I screamed. "She's gonna kill me! Shoot her! SHOOT HER!!!"


Two shots rang out from the trees! The two men, their heads shook for a split second. I cried out in shock, seeing a gaping hole in each of their heads. I watched them fall. They dropped...they just fucking dropped to the ground. Life isn’t at all like a movie. Not even fucking close. Blood doesn't spray out in every direction, they don't jerk their heads back, or do any fancy flips or falls. They fell like fucking flies. Gone, just like that.

Their bodies fell, and I watched the horse turn her head to stare right at me. Her blank expression just looked through me, but then the corners of her mouth began to lift. Pretty soon, she had a sickening smirk plastered on her face. She felt no guilt, no pity. No remorse. There was only pleasure.

I ran. I ran as best as I could and didn't dare look back. My dad’s voice followed me, screaming at me to run. Run and keep on running. I had to get help! I needed to get help! I need to find out military and have put them in the fucking dirt!

"You might as well just stop, friend!" I heard the pony taunting me from behind. "Either way, you're gonna find out how screwed you are!"

I didn't listen to her. I dodged trees left and right. I pushed and forced my way through bushes and low hanging branches. Everything ached. Everything was sore from tonight. No matter how much my body begged for me to stop and rest, I pushed myself to keep going! My chest was on fire, my legs felt like they were about to lock up. My feet would drag to the point that I nearly tripped over themselves! I kept telling myself over and over...

"Got to keep going! Got to keep going! I've got to ke-"

Just behind a tree up ahead, a dark figure emerged from the behind the trunk. It was military grade armor, and its eyes glowed an emerald green blaze. My heels dug into the ground but it wasn't enough to slow down to avoid the rifle that bashed my face in. The tremendous force sent me falling to my knees, clutching my nose. My palm grew warm and wet.

"Alright, let's move in. We got work to do."

Looking up, my attacker made a hand signal that made several more soldiers emerge from the trees. They were all armed to the teeth with deadly weaponry. I didn't bother getting up.

"Someone take care of the kid, yeah? Carry him back?"

The soldier put his fingers to his mouth and let out an ear piercing whistle. It was long and loud. To me, you could hear it for miles around, it was so high pitched. As his hand fell to his side, the snapping of branches made me look straight up into a tree. A furry creature was quietly waiting in the tree. An apostle! It's elongated limbs gripped the branches tightly, while it looked down at me with its very long, very sharp teeth bared. Its teeth were a revolting shade of yellow and red. As it leapt down on top of me, the last thing I could remember seeing before blacking out, were the multiple strands of flesh stuck in its sickening, yellow teeth.


"I am warning you! DON'T!"


I couldn't see anything, but I could see them clear as day. My memories...my voice.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do with my life!!?"

What have I done? What am I doing?

"Give me the money! Where is the money!!?"

Please don't...

"I need just one more! Just one more hit!!"

I've come so far. I've changed so much. I don't want to be reminded of this. Leave me alone. Please, just leave me alone.

"What are you doing? Hey. Hey! Yo man, turn right! TURN RI-"

The hellish screeching of tires. The sound of metal Collin ringing with metal, glass shattering, bones snapping, blood gurgling. Every sound, every heart beat, every second was played back with so much detail. Please, just leave me alone...

I woke up with a pounding headache. Every pump of my heart sent a pulse to my brain that felt similar to getting bludgeoned with a solid brick. I remembered everything clearly before I got attacked. I wanted to run and check on my friends and family, but I was too tired, too weak. It didn't even matter anyways, seeing that when I woke up, I was sitting in a chair. My arms and legs were once again taped to restrain me in my seat. Fuck.


A pair of red eyes appeared in the darkness ahead of me. It stood there, looking at me, but then a light from above me barely illuminated the small area around me. I could see a small circumference of light at around me. The pair of eyes disappeared. I looked around as best as I could. All I could see was darkness. It was quiet. Really quiet but out from the black abyss, something small and crumpled together hit me! I looked down at me lap!

I was taken aback to see that a rag was crumpled in a ball. It was dirty. Black and brown, and red. There was a lot of red, too much. It was dry and had been for hours, the blood crusty in appearance...small bits of meat were stuck to it. I took a long while just staring at this towel. I just stared at it.

"You know whose blood that is, right?"

I said nothing.

"See, we were trying to contain the shit storm that started in that complex. We got word from one of my men, saying that he was going after a one armed twerp that matched our description of you. He said he wanted help." The pony growled, its voice circling me.

"But when I got down there, we found him in a puddle of his own blood and piss. His head was bashed into a fucking pulp! You fucking murderer!"

I followed the voice until it stopped right in front of me. Her eyes never left mine. I struggled to squirm free. It was no use.

"Did you know that an Apostle can smell and locate a puddle of blood from six miles away? They possess a very strong sense of smell obviously, but imagine how well a pack of them will do if they all work together if they have a lead. Well in this case..."

The pony approached me. Her head emerged into the light with a metal baseball bat in her mouth. While her fur was blue, specks and blotches of red painted her face and body. She lowered the bat to the floor and rolled it over to my feet. The bat stopped as it hit the chair, exposing the heavy stain of red that lied along that steel.

"Oscar Clutch, you are now prosecuted by the Tri-verse Empire for the brutal murder of one of my men. Any act that will interfere with our way of life will be returned with an equally harsh consequence. Anything you say or do that is considered wrongful shall be rewarded with a longer and stronger punishment."

As she finished, the rumbling of a generator caused a series of lights to illuminate the darkness. I could now see the vast array of soldiers, armed with weapons that would tear me apart. Men, women, and children were bound and gagged. They were all on the floor at their feet. But worst part about all of this was not that I was on the edge of life and death. It wasn't seeing the helpless people crying in terror. No, the worst of it all...was seeing my father...Dan...Christa....and everyone in her family. They were lined up before me on their knees. They all looked at me with rage with terror...with pain in their eyes.

"You murdered one of my men, Oscar. And now...?"

The bat began to rise into the air with a red glow at the handle. The same red glow protruded from a circular disc on her chest that appeared to be embedded in the armor she wore. The bat hovered in place over our heads. I trembled as I watched it sway back and forth.

"I'm gonna hit you where it fucking hurts."

I watched her eyes as they trailed to the back of her head before she turned around and looked right at Christa. I couldn't see her face, but I could see the pony's lips begin to curl into a smile, before she began to swing the bat right down towards the top of her head with blinding speed! I let out a shrilled scream as I watched my girlfriend about to be beaten to death!