//------------------------------// // Chapter V: Almost Two Hours Later // Story: Terrible Things... // by Diceman //------------------------------// Chapter V:Almost Two Hours Later As the credits rolled across the screen Chrysalis turned to Twilight Sparkle, smiling ear to ear. "So, how did you like the movie? Be honest with me now." Twilight turned to Chrysalis with a sheepish grin on her face. "Well...umm..." "Well what? The suspense is killing me!" "Well" Twilight said cheerfully "it was better... than getting raped?" Chrysalis stared at Twilight for a moment. "That bad?" "Well rape is worse but that was pretty close, but hey we can always watch another better movie next." "Oh, I have just the one. Its on the hard drive of this console I think." Chrysalis flipped through the menus until the title screen for 'Super Mario The Movie 2: Warts Offensive' popped up. "Umm, Chrysalis?" "Yes Twilight?" "Please rape me, It would probably hurt less than watching this"she said jokingly. Both of them laughed heartily as Twilight grabbed the remote with her magic and changed the channel to the home shopping network. Because I would rather watch Billy Mays peddle shit cleaner than watch actual shit.