Time Problems with the Sun

by KingJoltik

Restoring the Lost Things

Note to self Celestia, when engaging over the matters of alicorn colts, make sure you understand what their knowledge level is first. Granted, this is the first time this situation has ever happened...except that time in Albuckuerque. But we don't talk or think about that Celestia, right? Right. Now, where was I? Celestia thought to herself as she flipped through the fourth book the librarian had found where Chrono was before they found him. Turns out, when his spell backfired, several other books over advanced magic had fell off the nearest bookcase, causing confusion as to what book he was really reading. Now, Celestia was reading: Clover the Clever's Specialized Spell Emporium, the Wizard's Guide to Mind, Time and Other Unique Spells. She had personally forgot how detailed the book was as she hadn't read it in over three centuries.

Gah! Seriously Clover? Did you have to write eighteen chapters over mind spells?! I know I was convinced that he either used a memory based spell over his mind or a time spell but...ugh, this is the problem with smart ponies. They love to write two billions pages over every little detail on every spell they come up with. Celestia snorted as she flipped another page. I'm gonna be stuck here for a long while, aren't I? she thought, not knowing the book she was looking for was three books under the next one she was about to read. I could really go for a stiff triple vanilla and caramel cake right now...with extra frosting and a side of chocolate ice cream.


No way. How is this...how is this possible?! was all Chrono could think as he tapped his hoof. The following caused another screen to appear as his eyes kept shining at the sight. How do I have advanced skin-tech?! I thought I wouldn't get that implemented until three years into the time magister school course! So...how do I have it now? Is some kind of simulation I'm currently in?

Chrono swapped through several screens, happy that the tech was very simple to use thanks to already basic training he had had when he was young. He began rubbing his chin in thought. Okay, think this through. If I am in some kind of...training simulation? No, this feels too real. Did I do some kind of time transporter course and something messed up? Like, my mind got transported to the wrong place? No, then I wouldn't have skin-tech. So...my mind went through time into this body? I mean, that seems to be a bit more of a possibility but...darn, I'm not sure.

Then, an idea struck him as the lightbulb that was his brain turned on. Wait a minute, if I have skin-tech, my ID will be in the skin-tech. Let's see here...dum de dum de dum...huh?! Chrono gasped as a new screen showed itself. This...this says I'm...I'm in my late twenties?! But that's impossible! I mean, I'm ten! I just started the time magister classes, there's no way I could be...I could be...

Chrono's mind stopped. He couldn't believe what he was now thinking. I'm in my future body. But that's...no...WHAT THE ******* TIME **** SPACE **** PARADOXING ****!!! he internally screamed. That can't be true! It can't! I mean, me...in my...future body?! No...

Chrono laid back in his giant new bed, his eyes filed with nothing but a mix of confusion and despair. He didn't know what to think. He wanted to think that everything would be fine, that it was some dream. But one pinch later proved it to be real. So, he just laid there, thinking about what he was supposed to do. That is, till his eyes closed into a deep sleep.

The next day...

I hate you Starswirl. I hate you with a burning ******* passion! AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!! Celestia internally screamed, wanting to do a marathon of facehoofs as she read another one of his spell books. Why do all of his books have like...two hundred chapters?! Ugh...only Twilight could love this many pages. Celestia chuckled at that thought. What would I do without my faithful student?

Now taking a sip of coffee, she answered her own question. Heh. I wouldn't be much without her, would I? Perhaps I should ask her to search for whatever spell Chrono used on himself. It would definitely be a load off of my mind.

However, after that thought went through her head, her eyes finally noticed something. Blinking a few times, she focused her vision as she read the words in front of her carefully. This is...this is mind transfer spell based with a time spell. she rubbed her chin as she looked over every bit of the spell. Could this be the spell he used? It's made for unicorns and it mainly is used for the...future. Oh no. Don't tell me his alicorn magic-

She quickly closed the book and put it on her back. She signaled for her secretary. "Raven!"

"Yes your majesty?" Raven replied, bowing down.

"I'm going back to the library for a second. Have a guard find out if Chrono is awake yet."

"Yes your majesty."

With that, she quickly trotted down to the book haven. There, she asked the ponies inside to leave, wanting the library to herself. All of them quickly complying, she paced through the room, examining the scorch marks that Chrono's previous spell had made around the library. She had noticed that the spell had ricocheted around the room, hitting multiple objects. She started comparing the book's spell to some of the marks and made a resounding gulp down her throat.

"This is what he did." she said in a sad tone. "But...why a time spell? Why did he pick that of all things? I mean, there were tons of other spells here and..." her thoughts finally stopped her talking as she realized something. Wait a minute Celestia. Chrono has been acting strange ever since the library incident. He's been acting...more his age. Like, he suddenly turned into a kid after that...even though he was already a kid. she chuckled at that thought. He sure is mature for his age.

Finally seeing a solution, she closed the book and walked out of the library. Letting out a small yawn, she knew what she had to do. If this book is right, there is a way to reverse this spell. All I need is Chrono...and make sure he cooperates.


Okay...okay. Everything is okay. Everything is alright. Everything is awesome. Yeah...its all good. Its all good. Chrono thought as he stared at his hoof on his bed. Every since he woke up, he had been staring at his hoof, his eyes boring deep into the body part. He hadn't once activated the skin-tech after waking up, for he feared that doing just that could cause a paradox. Remember your training. You can manipulate the time based on the fact that you don't know your future and you make sure others don't mess up the future. The Time Magisters exist in order to keep time, not manipulate it.

It was this point his mind kept repeating to himself to not mess up. Remember, you can't mess this up. You need to keep the timeline safe, and yourself safe. I have no idea how that works, but I have to. Remember...remember...you become a time magister and mess up, resulting in your young mind ending up in your future body...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! he internally screamed, his mind slowly descending into madness. Why?! Why am I here?! Why am I in this time and in this world?! Why am I some four-legged winged being with a horn?! Why is this happening?! Why is-


"Chrono? Are you there?" said a familiar voice as it knocked on the door.

"Yes?" he yelped in response.

"May I come in?"


Celestia slowly walked in, a book on her back as she closed the door behind her. She shined her usual calm kind smile as she walked up and sat down on Chrono's bed. She instantly saw his panicked expression, and had a pretty good idea why he was panicking. "Chrono? Are you alright?"

"Um-uh-er-dur-uh....yes? I'm uh...I'm okay!"

"Are you sure?" Celestia asked, cocking an eyebrow in concern.

"YES! My name is Chrono Stream and I'm fine!" he yelled, his eyes wide as dinner plates.

"Ooookay." Celestia remarked as her horn began to shine. The book on her back began to float over as she opened it and turned to a certain page. "Now, could I ask you a question Chrono?"

"Uh...sure." Chrono shrugged. Oh sweet timelines!!! What do I do here?! Do I go along with her or-

"Do you recognize this spell?" she asked, knocking his mind back into reality as she showed him a page.

"Huh? Spell?" Chrono replied as his eyes focused on the book. As he read the entry, he looked back up and shook his head. "No."

"I had a feeling you would say that." Celestia sighed as she put the book down, its contents still open to that page. "Chrono...you're not currently yourself, are you?"

"I uh...what do you mean?"

"Simple. You used this spell." Celestia pointed at the book as she stared at him. "And now your brain is something entirely different."

"Uh..." Chrono gulped, his mind in a massive overload of panic. Uh-oh...she knows! What do I do now?! I mean, I don't even know my mission! What if I tell her and all manner of paradoxes happen!?! What if her finding out results in a time apocalypse where the Dimensional Space **** heads rule everything?! What if-

"Chrono? You alright?"

"Um....yes?" he repeated. I need a better response here.

"You used this spell, didn't you? And now, you don't know who or what you are, don't you?"

"I...I..." Chrono couldn't respond. He didn't know what to say. Instead, he just sat there, stiffening like a board.

Celestia sighed again and then gave him a small smile. "Chrono. Will you let me restore you?"


"Yes." she nodded. "Let me turn you back to normal. I can reverse the spell. Will you let me do this?"

"I..." Chrono stopped, his mouth wide open in fear. What do I do? I don't...I mean, I think I trust her. My future self wouldn't be around her if I didn't, right?


"Really? You're sure?"

"Yeah. Please fix me."

"Alright. Just hold still." Celestia replied as she flipped through a few pages. There, she saw the entry she was looking for and asked Chrono to hold still. A few seconds later, her horn shined a magnificent glow and the aura around it surrounded Chrono. He could feel his body being lifted into the air as the spell continued, a small aura slowly encasing his brain.

Then...nothing. Nothing but a white void. That is all Chrono could see as his body fell back down on the bed. Minutes passed as he laid there motionless, unable to move. Until finally...

"Ooooohhhh...I don't feel so good." Chrono moaned as he rubbed his head. "What happened?"

"You, my little pony, went on a serious mind trip." Celestia answered as she tapped his head. "You okay?"

"Yeah...I'm good." he groaned as he opened his eyes. "I feel like my mind went through like...ten beatings or something. What happened to me?"

"You used a time spell Chrono." Celestia replied, her tone switching from concern to serious. "And now you're going to tell me why."