//------------------------------// // Chapter 13: It's About Time // Story: A Long Way to Fall // by Cinders of War //------------------------------// Morning Blade headed back to Canterlot High School the next day, holding her coat tightly around herself. The weather had suddenly gotten colder today and she had thought she was used to it by now, but she realized she wasn't. Yesterday, she got to talk to Principal Celestia quite a bit, catching up on the last few years. The kind principal had told her everything from the Fall Formal to the Battle of the Bands, which Morning had heard a little from Sunset herself. It was weird, but she believed it all. After all, she had to deal with magical artifacts from another world, crystal constructs, a man who could transform into shadows, a girl who could shoot lights and now a princess who could walk through a statue. Yeah, anything was believable after everything she's witnessed. She looked over to the ruins of Sombra's auditorium as she passed by. The cleaning up process was still underway, but there was still a lot of rubble to clean up and walls to tear down. The Templar's Eye machine that the mad king had used to open the portal was nowhere in sight, likely already shipped over to some lab to figure out what it was for. Morning didn't care. She wasn't here for that today or any other day. "Good morning, Morning Blade!" Princess Twilight Sparkle waved to her over at the front steps leading into the school building. "Did you have a good night's rest?" "I did, princess, and I'm ready to continue on more of this adventure." The ex-Assassin pulled her bag strap and smiled. "There's so much more to tell. I just hope I'll be able to get through it all..." "Hey, don't worry." Twilight put a hand on her shoulder. "You'll be fine. You've done a great job so far and I know you on the other side. You're a diligent worker who follows her orders to the perfect detail. Is that right?" "I guess it is," Morning smiled. "Come. Let's get out of this cold. There's so much to tell. This next bit's going to be a little... exciting, maybe." "I look forward to all of it. Come on, the faster we get there, the faster you can start." High Noon had returned to work as the deputy after giving it some thought, realizing it was a much better job catching criminals than being part of a whole corporate scheme. “Glad to have you back, Noon!” Sheriff Silverstar said, giving the big man a huge pat on the back. “Good to be back, Sheriff!” High Noon smiled, which was something he hadn’t done in days. It’s been a few months since High Noon had accidentally returned to Appleloosa, but he regretted none of it. He got to see his parents, his best friend, and all the people of his little town once again. Looking back, he shouldn’t have even left in the first place. This was all he ever needed. He tipped his hat lower over his head, shielding his eyes from the rays of the sun. “Ah…” he breathed. “No weather beats a scorching day.” After a short time of basking in the sun, High Noon returned to his duties of patrolling the town. Sure, Appleloosa was a fine town, but every town had crime. And that was his job. To stop crime. “Howdy, Ms. Ranch,” he greeted the elderly woman as he walked by. “High Noon?” she asked, shocked to see the boy back in town. “It’s been ages since ah last saw ya! Where ya been?” “Oh, I decided to find some work in the cities,” he told her. “I thought I’d be able to do more, but I was wrong.” “Well, it’s good to have ya back, High Noon,” she smiled, showing her dentures. “Ah’m sure your parents are glad that you’re back." “They sure were, Ms. Ranch.” High Noon thought back to his parents’ smiling faces when he had just returned to Appleloosa. “They sure were...” High Noon continued down. It really had been a mistake for him to leave Appleloosa before. He had everything he wanted here. Family, friends, his hat, and much more. “Uh, deputy?” his walkie-talkie chirped. “We got a possible break in going down in sector four. We need someone to check it out, over? It's the warehouses.” High Noon picked up his walkie-talkie and held the button. “Roger. High Noon here. I’ll check it out.” He headed down the street, heading for their designated sector four, which was the warehouse area. Funny why someone would come all the way to Appleloosa to break into a warehouse. There were bigger cities out there with much better loot. He headed towards the warehouses, scouting out the place. All of them that weren’t in use had a huge padlock on the front, except for one; the padlock broken and the chain on the floor. “Sloppy criminals…” High Noon muttered to himself. They left so much evidence of a break in here. He pulled his pants up higher and whipped out his trusty revolver. Most criminals would surrender immediately when they saw his iron, but those that tried their luck, they found their way to the graveyard sooner than they had ever intended. High Noon entered the large faded green doors, looking through the dark spaces for signs of the criminals. “This is the deputy! Come out with your hands up!” “Is that who I think it is?” he heard one of the voices say. It sounded familiar, but he couldn’t quite place it. “Sounds like him,” the second one replied. “Come out!” High Noon barked again, pointing his revolver forward. Soon, two men walked out from the corners, putting their hands above their heads. Upon seeing their faces, fear seeped through High Noon’s sleeves as he took a few steps back. He almost dropped his revolver, but managed to keep his hands steady. “Nice to see you again, Jeeves,” Wolfgang smiled through his menacing teeth. “Been looking for you for a while.” “That’s right,” Dagger Wind smiled, still wearing an eyepatch on his right eye. “We figured you’d maybe have returned to your hometown, so here we are! Grabbing a few cars were just extra. You know how it is. Whatever we can get our hands on and all that...” Wolfgang took a step towards High Noon, but the deputy raised his revolver to the killer’s head. “Stop where you are!” Wolfgang let out a howling laugh. “High Noon. You really think a simple gun will stop me from killing you?” Without warning, a knife slipped down Wolfgang’s yellow sleeve as the killer threw it towards High Noon. The deputy raised an arm to protect his face, feeling a hot blazing pain as the sharp knife embedded itself in his forearm. Pain lanced from the injury as the icy blade slipped effortlessly into his flesh. “Agh!” he gasped as he grabbed for the knife. He held his breath as he yanked it out in a quick motion, grunting again as blood began to ooze out of the gash in his arm. “Told you…” Wolfgang smiled. “Now, be a good boy and die. Mahogany Wood didn’t say we have to bring you in alive.” High Noon quickly dashed out the warehouse doors as Dagger Wind’s bullets started pinging off the solid metal doors. Noon stowed his revolver and pulled out his walkie-talkie. “Deputy High Noon here! I am in need of assistance in the break in case! Two individuals. Highly dangerous. Requesting immediate backup. Bring firearms, over!” No reply came yet, forcing the deputy to make a run for it, back to the center of town. They wouldn’t openly follow him into a crowded space. Would they? His answer came shortly in the form of more bullets. He turned and fired two shots off in the distance, trying to scare off his attackers or maybe to get a lucky shot in. Both failed as Wolfgang and Dagger Wind headed out, heading straight for him. High Noon started to panic. He thought he was safe here, but of course he wasn’t. Mahogany wasn’t going to let someone like him get away just like that. “C’mon High Noon,” Wolfgang taunted, pulling out a longer dagger. “Make it easy for us.” High Noon tried to calm himself down. Wolfgang had always scared him, but now, the killer was after him, not working for him. He just had to wait up for reinforcements. He wouldn’t be able to take Wolfgang down on his own, but with help he might just be able to walk away from this alive. "Deputy, this is the sheriff," his walkie-talkie spurted, bringing hope to High Noon. "Got your call. Reinforcements are on the way. Stay safe, over." The grey-skinned killer suddenly kick off the ground, sprinting faster, the wide grin still on his face. The sudden burst of speed caught High Noon off guard. He tripped backwards, feeling the ground hit his back as he landed hard. He quickly squirmed back with all his strength, doing anything he could do to get as far away from Wolfgang as possible. “What’s the matter, High Noon?” Wolfgang raised his dagger. “Still afraid of me? Well, you should. I’ve killed plenty of people, but I must say. You’re going to be a fun one to kill. I’ll make sure to cut off your skin before I stab you in the heart.” “N-no… please,” High Noon started to babble. “I-I…” “Save your breath. You’ll need it when I start working on you.” Wolfgang raised his dagger, but High Noon found just enough courage to throw the man off of him, buying him some time to get up and run again. “Didn’t expect that,” Wolfgang smiled. “Impressive.” Dagger Wind took aim and fired his SMGs, pelting the area with bullets and clipping High Noon in the right shoulder. The deputy grabbed for the wound, but kept going. “Get him, Dagger Wind,” Wolfgang motioned to his comrade. “Don’t let him get away.” “Fine,” he grunted and ran past Wolfgang. “Didn’t think you were so easily beaten, Wolfey.” As he headed off, Wolfgang widened his already large smile. “Oh, I’m not. Trust me.” High Noon ducked behind a few barrels, panting from his run. His body could still go, but his mind couldn't. Fear of Wolfgang stopped his head from thinking rationally, but when he saw Dagger Wind taking over and Wolfgang hanging back, he started to calm himself down. If it was just Dagger Wind, maybe he could pull it off. He readied his revolver in his good arm, waiting for the right moment to attack. Dagger Wind came into sight, blunty holding his guns in plain sight of the rest of the townsfolk. Most screamed and headed inside, but a few, unsure of what to do, stayed out, looking at the mercenary. Dagger Wind suddenly turned to one of them and pointed his guns at him. "Oh? What are you looking at? You want some of this?" High Noon, sure of what was coming next, got up and shot his revolver at the killer, lodging one bullet in the back of his knee. "Gah!" Dagger screeched as he collapsed to one knee. "Go! Get to safety!" High Noon shouted to the bystanders, willing them to get indoors. "Why you...!" Dagger grunted. High Noon quickly kicked one of the SMGs out of Dagger Wind's hands and brought a fist to the side of the merc's face. Dagger Wind recovered quickly and grabbed High Noon's arm as he drew it back. With a swift movement, Dagger Wind punched the cowboy in the chest and then in the side of his legs, forcing him to the ground as well. "Ha!" Dagger chuckled and he planted a fist in High Noon's face. "You think I would go down just from a bullet?" High Noon recovered and aimed another punch at Dagger Wind. It missed, but High Noon kicked out with one leg, swiping Dagger down on his back with an 'oof'. He got onto his knees and grabbed for Dagger Wind's throat and squeezed tight. High Noon wasn't much of a fighter, but he had tremendous strength for working out on the ranch for the first part of his life. This man was a trained killer, and he had no qualms about taking his life. Dagger Wind beat and pounded him, but High Noon endured, knowing the one eyed man could only keep up for so long. Soon, the killer's hits slowed as his strength started to fade. Before High Noon could watch him close his eye, a hand yanked him off of Dagger and threw him back into the barrels he had hid behind earlier. "Sorry, cowboy," Wolfgang smirked. "But I can't let you do that, High Noon." He brandished his dagger again and pointed it at High Noon, but was interrupted by police sirens before he could say more. "Our time is up," Wolfgang easily surrendered. "Come, Dagger. We must go." The mercenary tried to get up, but almost suffocating and crippled in one knee stopped him from fully standing up. "I need some help..." Wolfgang walked over and put out a hand for Dagger Wind. The mercenary took it, but instead of pulling him up, Wolfgang just smiled at him, doing nothing to help. "What... are you doing?" Dagger demanded. "Get me up, Wolfey! We got to go!" "Oh I know, Dagger. And I'll be taking my leave. But first..." Wolfgang gripped the mercenary's hand and slashed his dagger through it, standing up as the hand followed. "Gaaaaah!" Dagger Wind screamed in pain, grabbing his stump. "Why...?" Wolfgang tossed the hand away and brought the knife down into Dagger Wind's chest, plunging it as deep as he could while smiling all the way. "I've always despised you, Dagger. Thought you ought to know. So long." He twisted the blade, watching as Dagger Wind's remaining eye became lifeless. During the betrayal, High Noon had quickly scampered off, not wanting to have to deal with Wolfgang. He wasn't ready to face that fear yet. He witnessed two cop cars speed past him as he made his way back to his home, quickly grabbing the bandages from his cabinet. He couldn't stay in Appleloosa. If Wolfgang were to target his friends and family, he wouldn't be able to protect them. He had to leave them again. After going to Manehattan, he would never be able to properly return to his life here. But where would he go now? Frigid left his room, just having a nice warm shower, cleaning the dirt out of his face. The day had gone simple, until Star Lance had sent him and Mirror Match to clean the mud pits. His whole body had been covered in mud and he really didn't like the feeling. Even the events and congratulations of the Redwood assassination felt like a distant past. He dragged himself down the halls, looking to get some grub for his hungry stomach. He grabbed a plate of ham and pickles before finding a seat at an empty table. He was soon joined by Dust Fencer, smiling from ear to ear as he sat down. "Busy day, huh Frigid?" he asked as he ate his dinner. “I heard Star Lance had a job for you today.” "You can say that again..." Frigid breathed as he got to work on his dinner. "Star Lance really knows how to work us hard. Mirror Match and I were covered head to toe in that mud." "Yes he does..." Dust nodded. "Speaking of Mirror Match. How are things between you two?" "It's alright," Frigid answered. "I mean, we're still alive, killing Templars. It’s good.” Dust Fencer stroked his beard, giving his apprentice the once-over. “That’s not what I asked, Frigid.” Frigid raised an eyebrow. “What did you ask?" Dust smiled, but continued. “I asked how are things between you two.” “I’m not sure I follow.” “Kid, in my long career with the brotherhood, I’ve learned that when it comes to your teammates, especially the dames, you work with ‘em long enough, something’s gotta give.” “Ummm… wait, what are you trying to ask me?” Dust sighed, but a small chuckle still escaped his mouth. “When are you gonna ask her out?" "Out?" Frigid asked. "We've gone to get food together. Almost went to see a movie too that one time." "Oh, I mean out as in out," Dust Fencer smiled. "You know? Like on a date or something." "What?" Frigid's face started glowing red. "Oh no no no, what are you on about? We're... we're just friends. That's right." He never really told anyone, but Frigid knew he had feelings for his partner deep inside, unsure what to do about them. She’d been with his on most of his missions throughout the year, and he had come to respect and care for her as they fought on. It seems that Dust knew about it too. "Uh huh," Dust sarcastically agreed. "Very convincing." "Ummm... yes. Well... uhhh..." Frigid muttered, lost for words. "Come on, Frigid! The two of you are so close. You gotta go that next step." "But... you know... hmmm… d-do you think so?" "Yes, you really should," Dust continued, swallowing down more of his food. "We all know how you two feel about each other. Maybe go see that movie or something. I know she'll like it." "I-I'll try..." Frigid said nervously. "Try what?" Mirror Match asked, standing behind Frigid, startling him with the sound of her voice. "Ah, Mirror Match!" Dust Fencer greeted. "We were just talking about you! Please, sit. Actually, I'm just about done with my dinner. Frigid will fill you in." Dust got up to leave, giving Frigid a not so subtle wink before heading off. Mirror wore a confused look. "What was that about?" Frigid Night tried to cover his bright red cheeks and calm his heart rate. "Ummm... well... you see..." "What?" she asked impatiently. He tried to think of the best way to put it, but it felt like his brain was on a holiday. "W-would y-you like to... ummmm..." She raised an eyebrow. "C'mon, Frigid Night. Spit it out." The Assassin's face started glowing brighter. "W-would you like to g-go see a m-movie... with me?" "Was that all, Frigid?" she started laughing. "You've asked me to accompany you many times before. Why are you so nervous this time?" She thought about it before a sneaky smile formed on her face. "Are you asking me out, perhaps? Like on a date?" "...M-maybe." He quickly looked away and pulled his hood over his head. "Maybe?" Mirror teased him, inching closer. "Come on. Give me a straight answer. Yes or no?" Frigid stayed silent for a few seconds before getting the guts to say it. "...Yes." “So you do like me!” Mirror Match batted her eyelashes at Frigid, making his outfit suddenly too hot. “Sure, I’d love to go out with you. Got anywhere in mind?” "Well..." Frigid thought, a loss of words from the sudden rise in temperature. "Right. The... theater?" She laughed before slipping her arms around his neck. "I'm glad you think of me like that, Frigid. You know, I've actually been waiting for you to say it." "You have...?" “Sure thing.” Mirror Match twirled a lock of hair in her fingers. “Well, just give me a time, a place, and a face, and I’ll be there.” “Let's say... tomorrow after dinner?" Frigid offered. The peck on the cheek was all the confirmation Frigid needed. Braeburn burst into the room as High Noon zipped up his backpack, his face a mask of shock as he realized his friend's plan. "Ya leavin'? Again? Ah thought you was here to stay?" High Noon shook his head sadly. "I can't, Braeburn. No matter how much I want to. There are dangerous people after me. I can't put you all in danger just because I want to remain in my hometown." "But how're ya gonna manage on your own?" Braeburn demanded. "You was almost killed today! Ah'm not gonna lose a friend like that!" High Noon formed a smile at the corner of his mouth, but kept his expression serious. "I have a plan. It might not be a good one, but it'll definitely keep me alive, be it good or bad. Maybe even allow me to fight back against the wrongs I've done." Braeburn had nothing more to say, instead embracing his old friend. "Ya come back and visit when it's all over, ya hear?" "Definitely will, my friend." High Noon picked up his backpack, filled with rations, water, medical supplies for his arm wound, and a coat, just in case it got chilly. He started walking out, but walked back to pick up his hat, almost forgetting it. "Not forgetting you this time." He wished his parents goodbye as he headed out the door, getting hugs from them before leaving. Next, he headed for the Sheriff’s office. As soon as Sheriff Silverstar saw High Noon walking towards him with a backpack, he knew he was about to lose his best deputy again. “Well if it isn’t High Noon…” he sighed, putting his hands in his belt. “Didn’t think you’d be leavin’ this soon.” “Sorry, sheriff,” High Noon looked down. He pulled the star off his coat, handing it to Silverstar. “After what happened, I can’t stay here. I can’t put everyone here in danger again. There are dangerous people after me. I can’t let them get to all of you too.” Silverstar took the badge and looked at it for a moment. “Can’t say Ah’ll be happy ‘bout this, but… ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Be careful out there, Noon. Do us proud. Serve ‘em all that justice o’ yours.” “Thanks, sheriff.” He took the sheriff’s hand and shook it. “It’s been an honor serving with you.” “Likewise, deputy,” Sheriff Silverstar smiled through his moustache. “Take care ya hear?” High Noon waved his goodbyes to the sheriff and the other deputies as he left the office and headed for the train station. He had a plan, but it still had a lot of holes. It was going to be a long ride to Trottingham, though, so High Noon figured he’d plan it better along the way. This wasn’t going to be easy, but it was worth a try.