by Yarael-BJ-Poof

Episode Five: Unraveling

5.15.17  1:37P  F#08

Several months had passed since the victory in the floor one dungeon. The girls were progressing at a decent rate, occasionally meeting up with Kirito, Asuna and Agil. Kibaou hadn't been heard from in a while, so everyone assumed the worst. 

They were on floor eight now. The previous six bosses had been a challenge, but they overcame. With Kirito's guidance, the game was starting to be a little easier and maybe even fun. 

This floor had an abundance of good restaurants and cafes, one of which the girls were at. They were seated at a table, talking about the last few months over tea and breadsticks.

"You know, darlings, I find it quite odd that the last boss barely put up a fight. Maybe it's because the creator is being more lenient and changing the computers to make it easier for the players?"

Twilight put in, "My guess it that the software is faulty on that front. Since this is the first version of the released game, there should be a few bugs." 

"Ah'm jest hopin' that he don't start releasing patches." Applejack remarked, taking a sip of tea. "If the rest of the bosses are a piece o'cake, that's really good enough fer everyone."

"Mmm...cake!" Pinkie giggled. 

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "But it was still kinda disappointing that the last boss was so easy. I mean, it was a giant freakin' SPIDER! What the hell! We don't want EASY fights with giant freakin' spiders!"

"You'll find, Rainbow Dash, that most people would prefer their lives over difficult fights with giant spiders," Rarity remarked dryly.

Sunset nodded. "Besides, if we get out of here, we can go play Skyrim and fight all the spiders we want."

"IF??" Everyone glared at her.

"Well, it's true! If we screw up on something or just don't have enough experience, we won't make it out!"

"What a reassuring positive outlook," grumbled Rainbow.

"Well, we won't screw up and we will get enough experience." Applejack said. "Ah've learned one thing, and that's to always assume the best."

A waiter came to their table to refill their tea and give them more breadsticks. Pinkie immediately grabbed two and shoved them both into her mouth, making them look like walrus tusks. 

After the waiter left, Twilight asked, "Is it too much to assume that all these creatures that we fight are indigenous? I mean, the creator put them there, but do they respond to climates like real creatures?"

Rainbow laughed. "That sounds like something Fluttershy would say." She immediately thought about how worried Fluttershy must be for all her friends, how she might never see any of them again. The others sensed this too, as it brought a heavy silence down on the group.

No one said anything for a few minutes. Sunset broke the silence after a bit by saying, "Uh, so how many of you have seen the rock garden at the edge of town?"

Rarity perked up. "A rock garden? Oh, I just adore rock gardens! They're so charming and serene, and they're always beautifully arranged!"

Applejack adjusted her hat and said, "Well then, why don't we just go and see it?"

Everyone agreed. They got up and walked out the door as Twilight paid for the food. It was a clear afternoon with fluffy clouds in the air. A gentle breeze was blowing, causing the trees to sway. 

On the way to the rock garden, a large snake threatened them, but Applejack stopped it with a well-timed stab to the head. Everyone was a little on edge after that, but the first glimpse of the rock garden eased it.

It was magnificent. There were plants in baskets hanging from the walls, there were birds singing and playing in the trees, and there was a fountain in the center with shiny coins at the bottom.

Sunset and Pinkie sat down on one of the benches facing the fountain, while Twilight and Rarity went to look at the massive flower arrangements. Rainbow and Applejack stood and leaned on the fountain, watching the water splashing up in the cool air.

Rarity was right. The whole area gave off an aura of serenity, which made the girls feel the most comfortable and happy they had since Akihito Kayaba ruined everyone's lives. 

They stayed there for about an hour, basking in the peacefulness the garden radiated. When they decided to leave, they joined up and prepared to walk out the door. Sunset heard a faint sound that nobody else seemed to pick up. It sounded like...crying? 

She listened again. It was definitely crying, and it was coming from one of the more secluded areas of the garden. "Stay here, I'll be right back," she told everyone. She then walked off in the direction of the noise. The others were confused, but they stayed around.

There were shadows from the afternoon sun cast darkly over a large portion of the area. Sunset followed the crying until it got loudest, and then she found the source. 

It was a girl about thirteen, wearing a hooded t-shirt and tight red jeans, and whose brown hair had two large curls on either side of the front. She had a simple broadsword laying at her side. She was sitting in a corner facing away from the main part of the garden, with her head buried in her knees. 

Sunset felt a sharp pang of pity at the sight. She knelt down next to the girl and gently patted her shoulder. The girl looked up with tears streaming down her face. From the redness of her eyes, it looked as if she had been crying for a long time.

Sunset introduced herself and asked, "What's wrong? I heard you crying." 

The girl wiped her eyes and said, "M...my sister...and the pigs...and that big one...a-and..." before bursting into tears again.

Sunset stroked her head and comforted her, "No no, it's ok, it's ok. You can tell me what happened." 

The girl slowed down and gave a big shuddery sigh. She began in a shaky voice, "Me and my big sister had just come here today, and we saw some wild p-pigs. And...she wanted to fight them for fun, but one gave her...a...huge blow to her ribs...and she..." She was desperately trying not to cry again.

Sunset's eyes had tears too, and she said, "No, I understand what happened. I'm really sorry."

"And...she told me...to make it out in one piece...and tell Mom and Dad...that she's sorry-y..."

Sunset wiped her eyes. "I'm so sorry. That must be devastating." She thought back to her own parents, their faces of betrayal as she turned her back on them permanently, as she went into the human world to never return.

She shook the thoughts away and started to help the girl to her feet. She gave her a handkerchief to blow her nose and wipe the tears from her face.

After the girl had calmed down some, Sunset asked, "What's your name?"

The girl sniffed and replied, "Miu Nomura. I'm a middle school student from Japan."

Sunset smiled and said, "Well, I'm glad to meet you. I'm just sorry it had to be under these circumstances."

Miu nodded silently.

Sunset said, "Come on, I have some friends who would probably like to meet you. I'm sure we can take care of you."

Miu nodded and answered, "Oh, that'd be fine."

Sunset held her hand and they walked back together to the waiting group.

"Finally!" Rainbow yelled. "We didn't think you'd ever come back! What were you doing back there, touching your..." she held her tongue when she saw Sunset had company.

"This is Miu. Her sister was killed by a pig this morning." Sunset explained. "And I was back there comforting her, NOT pleasuring myself, as you seem to think."

Rainbow wanted to say something back, but she saw the girl's tear-streaked face and held back. 

Eventually, proper introductions had been made and Miu seemed less traumatized by her sister's death. She never smiled, but it was noticeable she was feeling better. The older girls quickly grew attached to her, and they were sure she could have an official place in their friendship.

5.15.17  9:13P  F#08

They had only known Miu for about six hours and already they felt like they could teach her all the ropes of swordplay. Even though they knew none of the details. The only things they knew were taught to them by Kirito, who was probably off on another adventure of his own.

Miu had told them more about her life, like her secret crush at school, her best friend's dating experiences, and the fact that she really enjoyed playing the piano. Rarity saw this as a personal bonding moment, and that's where she was now. The rest of the girls were outside the hotel doing various things. Rainbow was smoking a makeshift cigarette, made from a rolled-up piece of leather and some tobacco extract. Twilight walked up and said, "You know, that's not very good for your lungs." 

Rainbow shrugged and said, "It won't affect me in real life. There's no age limit for smoking here anyway."

Twilight rolled her eyes and said, "Fine, have it your way." 

As she walked off into the semi-busy street, someone else caught her eye. It was a man with blue hair and a blue jacket with lightning bolts on it. He looked like a spitting image of...


The man looked up from his menu. "Rainbow?!" 

Rainbow threw away her cigarette and rushed to give her soccer teammate a Dutch rub. "Why, you old son of a bitch! I didn't expect to see you all the way up here!"

Soarin rubbed his head and retorted, "Neither did I! I thought you would be dead at the floor one boss!"

Rainbow socked his arm. "Dry up. So how have things been with you? Is the rest of the soccer team here?"

Soarin grinned. "Yup. They're staying in the inn over there. As far as I know, they're still fighting over the choice of drinks."

Rainbow laughed. "They haven't changed."

"Yeah..." Soarin stopped. "Hey, listen. Umm, if it's not too awkward or anything, would it be too much to ask for, you know...a hug?"

"A hug?" Rainbow had no idea what relevance this question held. "You know I don't do hugs."

"Nuh uh, I've seen you when you're with your lady friends. You just haven't hugged someone of the opposite sex before?"

"Well..." Rainbow was stuck. Her dad never showed her any affection. 
"Well, maybe just this once."

Soarin raised his eyebrows and opened his arms. As they embraced, Rainbow felt a strange feeling that she did not expect. It was the same feeling she got when she bought an Xbox One S, but it was stronger.

She pulled away and looked at Soarin. He poked her face and said, "You've got a little...red or something there."

She touched her cheek, which was warm. Was she...blushing?

Soarin turned to leave. "So, you free to go on a quest tomorrow or something?"

"Uhh, yeah, sure."

"Cool. See ya then." He pointed his fingers like guns and made a firing sound before walking back to his inn.

Rainbow went into the hotel, a little dazed. She couldn't possibly have feelings for Soarin, could she?

She cleared her mind and went in the room where all her friends were. They had dinner and settled down for the night. Tomorrow would be a strange day, with Soarin and a new girl. 

Rainbow could only hope it would turn out normally.

Fluttershy opened the door to Rainbow's room, where Blaze was sitting there with her. His gaze didn't change as he saw her, instead he said, "I guess you want to see her now."

Fluttershy nodded. Blaze got up and left the room. Fluttershy sat down on Rainbow's bed and looked at her obscured face. The Nerve Gear was still humming, the only thing keeping Rainbow alive. Also the thing that could be the cause of her death.

Fluttershy picked up Rainbow's warm hand and held it in hers. She started crying, her head bending down and touching Rainbow's hand.

Fluttershy didn't notice when a single tear escaped from under the Nerve Gear and rolled down Rainbow's cheek, landing on the soccer-themed bedspread.

It was a moment witnessed by none.