
by CartoonNerd12

Chapter 8

Applejack and Fluttershy suddenly found themselves back in Ponyville just outside Twilight's castle. The doors opened revealing Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie just about to walk out.

Twilight exclaimed, "Thank goodness! We were just about to get you!"

Rainbow pointed, "Yeah! All of a sudden I was feeling weak in the legs, the next, completely energized!"

Rarity said, "Yes, it was the strangest thing, for a moment there I felt a cold chill and was very weary but now I feel fine!"

Pinkie bounced, "Yeah! I almost didn't make it to the castle because I was so exhausted that I almost fell asleep on the way over! Then suddenly like a bolt of electricity running through me I was back to my old self!"

Twilight mentioned, "I don't know what happen, I was all fine then for a brief time I was drained, then just few minutes ago I was suddenly refreshed! And-" she finally saw the looks on their faces and frowned, "Is everything alright?"

Fluttershy suddenly burst into tears while Applejack held her for support and told their friends, "I think I know what happen and… there's something you need to know…"

They gave confused looks.

Later, after they had gathered in the throne room, including Starlight, Applejack explained the situation of Concordia draining her and Fluttershy's harmony magic. Twilight deduced that since they were all connected through the Elements it made sense that they would felt weak too just not as much as Applejack and Fluttershy had.

Twilight then pointed out, "Now, the biggest question is, why were you there in the first place?"

AJ and Fluttershy exchanged a look and sighed, they knew they had to say it. When they did, all their friends gasped.

Rainbow pointed, "You and Discord?!"

Rarity motioned, "You and Spike?! But Spikey's always had a crush on me!"

Applejack eyed the fashionista, "Don't tell me you're interest in him now that I've fallen in love with him!"

Rarity stammered, "O-of course not! I'm just taken aback, that's all! You know how long his affections toward me have been."

"Don't remind me. Now that he's finally moved on and he has returned my love…"

Pinkie gasped in excitement, "OH MY GOSH! HE HAS?! YAY! THIS CALLS FOR A 'I found my true love' PARTY!"

AJ frowned, "You're going to have to hold off the party planning, Pinkie, because… because…" her emotions finally got the better of her as she started choking back tears and was trying so hard to keep them in, but it was pointless.

Rainbow and Pinkie gasped knowing that AJ rarely ever cried so hard.

Fluttershy's own tears started up again as she blubbered out, "Discord and Spike made a deal with Concordia to get our magic back and now they're force to stay there with her!"

Twilight screeched, "WHAT?!"

Applejack nodded and kept on crying.

Discord eyed Concordia with his arms crossed as he said, "You know, for someone who despises interspecies relationships you're that willing to marry me for an arranged marriage?"

"As much as we are different species, we are still forces of nature and that makes us the same."

"You are such a hypocrite! Admit it!"

"You know, you should be thanking me. You and the dragon would have lived on for the next thousands of years but your mares… Tell me, Discord, are they immortal?"

The draconequus gaped and smacked his forehead. How did he not realize…? Fluttershy was a pony with an ordinary lifespan. He could live forever but she would… He could not think it. He looked over to where Spike was, standing next to the gem wall and wondered if he should bring up the matter. Not only would the young drake lose his love but his sister and all their friends…

Concordia kept speaking, "I thought not. Ponies don't live as long as alicorns and other creatures do. At least I am offering you a chance to be away from the pain of loss…"

He glared darkly and bitterly said, "As if you know anything about loss…"

Her eyes widen at that statement before yelling in anguish, "I have lost my mother to a tree! I had several friends among the ponies who have perished over time! I had a crush on you only you decided to be stone and later ended up falling for a pegasus!"

After hearing that last sentence he cock his brow and asked, "What was that?" He could see her panting from her rants.

"You honestly thought… that I would agree to mother's arranged marriage if I didn't have feelings for you!"

"Whoa-whoa! You mean to tell me that you actually had a thing for me?"

Concordia said in a firm tone, "Yes."

Discord was utterly speechlessly before frowning, "You know you could have just told me that yourself instead of just hiding behind mommy all the time."

"It would not have mattered since we were to wed."

"Would not have mattered?! Would not have mattered?! It matters a great deal Concordia! I know you're for the rules and everything, but for Cay-Cay's sake, why don't let you ever decide things for yourself!"

"I just did. I made sure that the natural order was kept."

"No. You were still following rules… You believed the natural order was upset but have it ever occurred to you that change is part of the natural order?"

She raised a brow. Discord kept quiet so she could mull over his words.

She then declared, "I still stand with my beliefs." she said that with finality and added, "I will have Celestia wed us first thing tomorrow."

"And didn't you just say that Celestia was unfit to rule Equestria?"

"She is. But given how I made a deal with you and the dragon of the mares having their magic, it would be unwise to go against my old friend." she took her leave.

Discord went to Spike and sat down.

"You couldn't change her mind, could you?" the dragon asked.

He scoffed, "When one is all order it's hard to change their minds. I guess that's a good thing about chaos you're free to change." then his face went sullen as he faced his comrade, "Tell me, Spike, what were you going to do when…" wording it carefully, "Twilight moved on from this life?"


"You know… ponies and dragons do age differently. Dragons can live thousands of years but ponies…" he watched how Spike's widen as the words sunk in his tiny dragon mind.

Spike covered his mouth in realization, "Twilight… the girls… Applejack… all of our friends…" he covered his eyes as the tears came, "How did I not see it before?!"

"It didn't occur to me either until Concordia mention it to me." he sighed, "I thought I would have Fluttershy forever, you know? But her lifespan won't allow that…"

Spike stop with his sobs and uttered, "Suddenly… the deal doesn't seem so bad now…"

Discord touched his chin, "Yes… so it seems…"

Celestia was shaking her head. How could Concordia do such a thing to love? Once Twilight had sent her letter through the postal service she rushed over to the Castle of Friendship where she saw the pain in the mares that had been through so much.

She told them, "I am so sorry… Had I known… I never would have sent you…"

Applejack said, "We believe you, Princess."

Fluttershy nodded.

Twilight asked her former mentor, "What do we do? How do we get them back?"

"Leave it to me, I shall have a serious talk with Concordia, it seems isolating her from the Equestria had been a mistake."

Applejack warned, "Be careful, she wasn't exactly thrilled when she found out how you were running things now."

Celestia smiled at the cowgirl, "I thank you for your concern but I will be fine."

The rest of the mares wished her luck as she teleported away.