//------------------------------// // Descent Into Danger // Story: Tales of the Battle Foals // by Sirdubya //------------------------------// Air Slash ascended from the hole with a disappointed frown on his face. “What misfortune! It has caved in at the bottom!” “WHAT!?” Fire Fight exclaimed. “D’hey ain’t got crushed, did they!?” Turf War asked. Shrapnel grunted as he shook his head. “He says ‘No, I sense my master further from here. He is unharmed.’” Crazylocks said. “Ok, great, but what about Quantum Tech? Why did she even get out of her mech?” Spiral Galaxy asked. “Ah think she was tryin’ to look closer at somethin’ that was here when the floor fell in like it did.” Kickback said. “Try to remember what you can, Kickback.” Fire Fight said. Greensprout held her staff above the hole and let it glow as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. After a moment, she relaxed. “I don’t sense anything down there that might have dropping vitals, so this ‘Quantum Tech’ must also be safe. I’d presume she’s with this ‘Zebota’.” “You can perceive vitality with that thing?” Shadow Shroud asked. Greensprout nodded. “Yes. It truly is a peculiar relic, but a wonderful one nonetheless.” “My, my. And here I thought that Shrapnel’s level of sentience was the only amazing thing I’d see today.” Shroud sneered. Shrapnel huffed in annoyance at her. “’Do not presume me to be a mere pet, child.’ is what he says.” Crazylocks said. Shroud chuckled. “I jest, I jest. Hmm…..Ah! Lo and behold.” She pointed to a large crack in a nearby wall. Peering through it, she could see that the wall was thin enough to be broken down. “Seems we’ll have to make our presence known if we want to proceed.” “Fine by me! Just let me shoot a meteor at it.” Spiral said. But before she could even charge her horn, Shrapnel leapt towards the wall and smashed a huge hole into it where the crack was, creating a big entrance for the foals. “Or….you know……Shrapnel can just do that….” “Dat’s cool an’ all, but what we gonna do wit Quantum’s big ol’ robot? Y’all know how to work dat thing? I sure as hell don’t.” Turf War said. “Even if one of us did, I’m sure that Quantum Tech installed some form of security system preventing anypony other than herself from activating it.” Air Slash said. “Spiral and I will just carry it with our magic, and if something comes up, we’ll just put it down, but we’d have to make sure to protect it. I’d hate to have to tell Quantum that she’s gonna have to repair this thing with how much work she must have put into it.” Fire Fight said. “Works for me!” Spiral said. She and Fire Fight lit their horns and focused on Quantum’s mech. With their combined strength, they managed to lift the dormant machine, but it….felt a little lighter than expected. The two unicorns looked over to see Crazylocks with her horn sprouted and lit. “A robo shooty suit in need is a robo shooty suit indeed!” she blurted. Fire Fight and Spiral Galaxy glanced at one another. Though concerned, it seemed that Crazylocks had a sense of being able to help others, so they decided to humor her. Spiral shrugged. “Every little bit helps, right?” “Yeah, it does. Alright, let’s get moving!” Fire Fight said. “Be mighty careful, y’all. Ah think Ah’m startin’ to remember what attacked us, an’ it ain’t pretty.” Kickback said as they all made their way through the smashed wall. “Tch. D’hey ain’t gonna be too much prettier when my hammer say ‘wassup’ to d’hey faces!” Turf War said. “Regardless, it would be best to err on the side of caution. We know nothing of this place.” Greensprout warned. “Just keep that staff of yours handy in case we forget to heed that warning….or reprimand us by not using it at all. Your call.” Shroud said. Ignoring Shadow Shroud’s sarcasm, Greensprout followed the Battle Foals into the void of darkness before them. The unicorns and Crazylocks were already putting off a desirable amount of light since they had to carry Quantum’s mech, and Shrapnel seemed to be able to sniff out a desirable path through the caverns. No doubt this was the result of his mystical connection to Zebota. Everypony kept their senses as sharp as Air Slash’s swords, whom even he didn’t even bother to gaze at Greensprout at a time like this. As they delved deeper, more and more of the little glowing lights began to appear on the walls and ceilings. They eventually found a light on a wall that was low enough for them to reach out and touch, and saw that it was a strange, luminous gooey substance secreting from around a patch of moss. “Hmm….how curious.” Greensprout said. She held her Gaia Root over it and let it glow. “What do you make of it?” Air Slash asked. Greensprout continued to focus herself and her staff on the glowing secretion. “It is….strange. It feels as though it’s reaching out to grab me. I don’t like it.” She said. She then suddenly sensed something approaching them. “ Something’s coming!” The Battle Foals readied themselves upon hearing that and looked in the direction that Greensprout did. Much to their shock, a pony came trudging in their direction! “Huh? Hey! Who are you? Can you help us? We lost our friends down here and-” Fire Fight was cut off when the pony suddenly lunged towards them while shrieking like a mad pony. He brandished some kind of metallic object at them. “WHAT THE!?” Before the feral pony could strike them, Shrapnel smacked him with his claw, sending him flying into the wall. Despite the traumatic impact, the feral pony got up as if nothing happened and gurgled ferociously at them. Mere seconds later, a horde of more of these corrupted ponies came rushing out of the dark. “Well, this is an interesting form of a formal greeting!” Shroud said as she drew her kamas. “Ah reckon mah memory just about came to me now, but it looks like we’ll have to quiet these fellers first.” Kickback said as he drew his guns. The unicorns and Crazylocks set Quantum’s mech down and readied themselves. Spiral began levitating and charging her cosmomancy as Fire Fight ignited his gauntlets. “I don’t know what’s going on here, but keep your guard up, guys!” he said. Shrapnel aggressively slammed his claws down onto the ground and bellowed a ferocious roaring howl. “’COWER BEFORE ME, MORTALS!!’….is what he said, but COWER BEFORE ME TOO AAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Crazylocks shouted. “Y’all get behind me if ya need to! D’ese m*****- uh jerks don’t look like d’hey play!” Turf War shouted. Air Slash immediately got in front of Greensprout and held his swords out to defend her. “Greensprout! Stay back!” He poised his other swords towards the cave ponies. “I won’t allow these mongrels to do so much as breathe on you!” Greensprout found herself a little surprised to hear that. Then again, he was a Bladerunner and had been trained from birth to put the lives of others before his own. But she nevertheless felt a little flattered. “A-Air Slash…” She then got her game face on and lit her staff. “Then allow my strength to become your own!” She raised her Gaia Root and it let out a pulse of energy that affected the Battle Foals. They could feel their vitals being empowered. Their senses were sharpened, their breathing was easier, even their physical strength felt a little boosted. “Whoa! Thanks, Greensprout!” Fire Fight said. Greensprout nodded, and the Battle Foals went to work. A duo of the cave ponies charged Turf War brandishing sword-like weapons. Turf War didn’t dare strike the ground with his hammer-axe for the risk of causing a cave-in, so he had to stick with old school. He blocked their blows with his shield, causing them to flinch back. “Y’ALL WANT A BEAT DOWN!? I GOTCH YOU!!” He forcefully swung his axe at one of them, driving the blade into the pony’s skull and knocking her into the other one. Turf War knee jabbed him, causing him to stagger, and Turf War beat him down with a few well-placed shield punches. His heightened senses then let him spot another one lunging at him with a crude shank, and he whipped his shield around just in time to bash him. “B****! GET DA F*** OFF ME!!” Once the cave pony was staggered, Turf War slammed his hammer into him. The tremor-inducing impact sent the twisted stallion flying into a wall, but this one didn’t get up. Before Turf War could react, another cave pony managed to stab him in the left shoulder with her own broken dagger. “AH, HELL!!!” He could only turn for a shield punch to fend her off, but his crippled strength allowed for only so great a blow. “Turf War!” Greensprout shouted. She acted quickly and latched her healing beam onto him, closing his wound and restoring his strength. Turf War quickly finished off his attacker with a staggering knee jab and his axe to her head. “Good lookin’ out, homegirl!” Turf War shouted. Greensprout nodded. She glanced around to monitor the others and saw Fire Fight and Spiral Galaxy being overrun. “WISH ON THIS!!” Spiral managed to fire a barrage of small generated meteors at a small horde of the cave ponies that was charging her and Fire Fight. A few of them were hit directly, but those that weren’t were blown off balance by the subsequent impacts and left as sitting ducks for one hot beatdown. “HYAAAAAA!” Fire Fight let himself be engulfed in an inferno as he ran up to the one in front and flipped kicked it upward, following up with a blast of fire that seared the cave pony into submission. He then flame-jumped forward into a punch right into the muzzle of a staggering cave pony, knocking the pony back a good few feet. Fire Fight lashed out with a few spinning jump kicks followed by a downward axe kick that finished off his foe. Another cave pony lunged towards him with a downward swing of her chipped sword, but Fire Fight swatted the blade away and followed through with a searing hot uppercut, and managed to follow through by wrapping his hoof around her neck. He flipped her over him and slammed her into the ground hard. Before she recover and react, Fire Fight flipped away from her and finished her off with a powerful side kick to the temple. As quickly as the other one appeared, the rest of the horde focused their attention on Fire Fight and dog piled him. They began viciously wailing on him and Fire Fight charged his magic. It was a good thing his armor was both hot and sturdy. Once he was charged, he released an explosion that blew his attackers off of him. Spiral Galaxy used her gravity powers to lift the vulnerable horde upward and crushed them by causing gravitic implosions around their bodies. Such intense focus caused her a headache. “Nrgh!” Fire Fight wasn’t faring much better as he had sustained quite a few nasty cuts and bruises from the ambush he endured. Greensprout immediately went to work on Fire Fight. “Let your strength return, brother!” It took mere seconds for Fire Fight’s body to be mended and not a moment too soon. Another cave was about to pounce onto him, but he blasted him with fire and knocked him up into the air with a flip kick. Greensprout then waved her staff at Spiral Galaxy. “Do not falter either, sister!” All it took was a small pulse of pure vital energy for Spiral’s headache to completely subside. She quickly followed through with a bolt of star energy to the airborne stallion that finished him off. “You’re amazing, Greensprout!” Spiral cheered. “Yeah, really!” Fire Fight affirmed. Greensprout simply nodded and went back to monitoring the battlefield. Shadow Shroud and Kickback were at odds with a horde of their own, but weren’t having too much trouble. “YEEEE-HAAAAAW!!!” Kickback quickly landed a number of fatal headshots if he didn’t land staggering knee shots. What cave ponies he managed to cripple Shadow Shroud quickly finished off by lacerating them with her kamas. She’d vanish in a puff of smoke just before being struck and pop up from behind her target and finish them from there. “Pathetic…” She quickly ate her words when a cave pony managed to throw a sharp rock into her eye with deadly accuracy. “AAAAIIIIEEEEE!!!” She clutched her eye as she furiously glared at her attacker who was now charging her. “MS. SHADOW SHROUD!!” Kickback quickly drew his guns and shot out the twisted stallion’s knees, knocking him to the ground. He then drew his whip and coiled it around the stallions neck and pulled him towards him, following with a headshot. “Do not let this hinder you!” Greensprout shouted as she latched her healing beam onto Shadow Shroud. Even a damaged eye could be fully restored by the Gaia Root, and Shadow Shroud was able to see clearly once more. “You have my thanks!” Shroud said. Greensprout nodded. A cave pony made a gurgling scream at Crazylocks as she approached her. “GRAAARARARAAAHHH, yourself! But that’s not really how you should hello to somepony.” Crazylocks said. She quickly bid her own greeting by lashing out at the feral mare with her pigtails, cackling manically. She spun around once, allowing both of her pigtails to bludgeon the feral mare’s face and then grabbed by the hooves and started repeatedly slamming her into the ground. “MAKING NEW FRIENDS IS FUUUUUN” She finished her beatdown and her foe by body slamming onto her head and hugging it with crushing force. “THIS IS MY FAVORITE BEDTIME STORY!!!” She then quickly noticed that a horde of the cave ponies had her surrounded and ready to dog pile her. Just as they pounced, Crazylocks sprouted her horn and caught them with her magic. She spun them around in the air violently. “ROUND AND ROUND AND ROUND YOU GO!!! WHEN YOU WILL DIE, SOON YOU WILL KNOW!!!” She flung them towards Shrapnel. “Here, boy!” Shrapnel wasted no time going wild on the helpless horde. He caught one in his mouth and clamped down so hard that her body was split in two. Another larger horde came to aid the one that was staggering to their hooves, but they were no match for the wooden titan. He tossed and flailed them around like chew toys as they tried to rattle him, but even gashes made in his hide barely made him flinch. He let out a guttural roar that made the cave ponies take a hint and scurry away before they were mauled. Even if his wounds didn’t bother him, Greensprout’s kind heart extended to the wooden sentinel. “Be healed, beast of the wild.” Her staff mended the gashes left in his wooden hide. He grunted softly. “’Remain ever merciful, child.’…is what he says.” Crazylocks said. Greensprout nodded. Just as she looked away, she noticed the last remaining horde headed right for her. “” She braced herself. “GREENSPROUT!!” Air Slash launched two sword beams at the ones in front as he soared towards them. They hit just before they could reach Greensprout, and the two targets fell to the ground in a heap. “BACK, YOU WRETCHES!” Air Slash wildly but expertly swung his swords at the feral ponies. Though he was nimble enough to parry and counter, he couldn’t block every blow and sustained many nasty wounds before only one was left. He collapsed to the ground exhausted. “Air Slash!” Greensprout shouted. The last cave pony was about to finish him when he very stubbornly raised his sword to block his opponent’s. “Nrgh!....RGH! rrrrrrrRRRRRAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” Air Slash struggled with all of his might against his foe and looked like he could pass out at any moment. “Don’t lose your strength!” Greensprout said as she quickly latched her healing beam onto Air Slash. With his stamina returning and his wounds closing, Air Slash mustered the power to push back his struggling foe. “HHHRRRRAAHHHH!!!” He completed his parry and slit his opponent’s throat. He sheathed his swords as the feral pony gurgled its last breath. “Attack the innocent, and you shall know my wrath.”