//------------------------------// // chapter 4 // Story: Of a strange phonomena // by Dragonrose Lovesong //------------------------------// The day had come for their visit. Cool and calm as were most days in Ponyville, but something was off. "Oh where is she?" Rarity huffs in frustration. The she in question comes hopping by not too long afterwards wearing a saddlebag. "There you are, Twilight's been a wreak over this schedule of hers." Rarity says pointing to Fluttershy trying to calm Twilight, who was over - revising her schedule and itinerary for the day. "Whoopsies, sorry Twilight I got really busy." Pinkie apologies. "What's with the bag Sugarcube? Twi said it should only be for today." Applejack questions. "I heard that Donut Joe has a new flavour donut and I wanted to bring some back as souvenirs for the Cake twins." She explains with a large grin. "Whatever the train ' s boarding." Rainbow Dash says flying into the open train car, followed soon after by the rest of the girls. They all settle into the compartment and start talking about what they've all been up to since they last met up. Pinkie Pie realizes that the hair on her tail keeps standing on edge, but she ignores this. This happens sometimes when I hang out with Dashie n-n-nothing off. She just can't shake the ominous feeling. Even though she's come to associate it with going near Rainbow when she was alone, it didn't usually linger this much. As the conversation continues they reach their stop and head to the castle. doki*doki*dokidoki*doki*doki The mane 6 (plus Spike) took the scenic route to the castle since they knew they'd be arriving early. After about half an hour they make it to the castle. "Weird. Where are all the guards?" Spike asks getting unto Twilight's back. "They must be inside, but that's usually only reserved for when there's an emergency." After listening to her own words, Twilight's eye twitches and she starts a gallop to the entrance. She is stopped by Applejack who runs in front of her. "Whoa there, Sugarcube. Maybe the princess has them meeting these ponies she called us to meet or something." She attempts to calm her down. "Yeah, it's not like there's a world - ending crisis every other week." Rainbow says floating on her back. Twilight's eye twitches. "Not helping Sugarcube." "Oooohh maybe it's a surprise party and we're the one's being surprised and like all the guards are in on it and want to see our faces when they all jump out and yell SURPRISE! But they didn't remember they need to be out here so that we won't know the secret and ..." whatever Pinkie was going to add got lost in the hoof currently shoved into her mouth curtsey of Fluttershy. "Thank you, darling I don't know how much longer she would have gone on for." Rarity says dramatically fanning herself with the extravagant feather fan she had decided to take along. "Heh, we ain't gonna find out standing here. Besides it's not like we haven't saved the world before." Rainbow comments with her ego puffed out as far as her chest. This caused more than a few groans. "I guess if everyone's fine I could calm down. A little." Twilight adds. "Wonder how long that'll last." Spike mumbles under his breath. "Spike." Twilight huffs. "What?" He answers annoyed. "We'll it's sort of true." Fluttershy says pawing at the ground and avoiding eye contact. Twilight sighs, "Fine, let's go girls." After this the all trot on into the castle.