//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: And Then Pinky Wanted to have Fun, but Fluttershy has a Good Excuse. // Story: "And Then Rainbow Dash Was a Colt," and Ten Other Really Awkward Stories // by Piquo Pie //------------------------------// "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! I can't WAIT to see it." Rainbow said, hugging Rarity with a special kind of vigor. "Calm down darling, calm down." Said Rarity pushing Dash off of her. "If you don't get off thenI can't present it to you properly. You're like a dog, and my outfit, your bone." Rarity said as she finally managed to get the excited stallion off her leg. "Here you go, one Charger hoofball team, and Wonderbolt inspired weight training suit." "Thankyouthankyou thank- you?" Rainbow cocked his head. "Weight suit? As in, there are weights in the suit?" Rarity stepped back, as if offended. "Why, yes. A weight suit, didn't AJ tell you? She thought a weight suit would suitably account for your change in appearance. It would also help you train, keep your strength up as it were. I would imagine it would even help you understand the differences in flying styles between stallions and a mares." "Rarity," Dash poignantly pointed at the pitiless purple-maned pony, "do I need to give you the birds and the bees talk like I gave Applejack?" "I think the question here dearie is: Do I, need to give you the birds and the bee's talk? Because I am fairly certain you have no idea what you're talking about." Rainbow blushed. "Hey, I've been reading up on things, biolgomy, and scientography, and stuff from some books Twilight found at the library. Besides, did you take into account the weight distribution in flight? Cause if it's done wrong. it would do the exact opposite of training, I might even get hurt or hurt somepony else." Rarity harrumphed. "It took me quite a bit of study, and several attempts, but it should fit the bill just fine dear. You need to learn to trust me; as I do know what I'm doing. I also shaped the weights to mimic extra muscle because frankly darling, a weight suit was never a look that was in in any season." Dash sighed, "I know I should trust you. It's just-." The cyan pegasus sighed. "I've been here for days unable to fly. If I end up in the hospital again, well, let's just say I already read the Daring Doo books twice." "I know this has been stressful darling, but worry not for you will be able to fly free momentarily." said Rarity before revealing the flight suit with a flick of magic and perhaps a little too much sparkling dust. "Wow!" Squealed Rainbow. "Rarity, this is undoubtedly one of the most awesome outfits you have ever made." "Really?" said Rarity, eying the uniform as if she had never seen it before. "I mean, I know I did a good job on it, but it is kind of a standard uniform, with a bit of extra venting of course. And it has personality but not..." Rarity interrupted herself to look for the source of some snapping sound from deeper in the orchard. "It's, awesome!" yelled Dash, startling Rarity with his flaring wings. "I've never seen you make anything so cool before. I, just... thank you!" Rainbow grabbed Rarity and pulled her into a bear-crushing flutterhug before kissing her quickly on the cheeks, smiling his best pinkiesmile the whole time. Before Rarity could slap Dash, Rainbow dashed for the barn to try his new suit on. "I'm-- just going to walk away." Said Applejack from the bushes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dash darted through the dense clouds. The evaporating condensation adhering to his rapidly flexing muscles kept them cool like a heat sink. They had to work extra hard because this suit must weigh at least 50 pounds thought Rainbow, straining to gain speed. Once Dash felt he was going fast and high enough he tried a simple aileron roll. As Rainbow began rotating in the air, he had to struggle to fly straight. The weight from the suit was balanced enough that it did not cause him to careen sideways, but his damndable square head was throwing him off. All right Rainbow Dash, you can do this. Maybe pull my wings back a bit to counter balance. Pulling back, like I should have done with Rarity. Darn, I can't believe I kissed her! Guess I should apologizelater. Now let's see if I can master this aileron turn. Dash accelerated. Pulling against the extra weight in his suit Rainbow managed to reach his target speed as he burst through a pleasantly cooling cloud. An aileron roll was very straight forward; rotate your body in a spin while going straight. It was a basic maneuver, so basic pegusus ponies would often do it by accident when learning to fly. It was also a great way to test any changes in aerodynamics. If a pegasus had a new uniform, mane cut, or in Dash's case, face, then an aileron roll would cause the pony to be pulled off course. Rainbow positioned his wings to angle back and let his rear hooves out a few centimeters to balance the drag and weight differential of his face. Unfortunately with his wings hanging farther back, he had slightly less 'umph' in his wing beats. Without it, Dash was forced to overcompensate with extra frustrating beats. When it came time to turn to avoid a mountain Rainbow was going too fast and weighed too much to smoothly angle out of the way. His wings flared sharply, desperately trying to compensate in time. Closer and closer Dash came to the mountain. Every tenth of a second seemed like a frozen frame in a painfully bad movie. Rainbow couldn't look away, and he couldn't forget the size of roughen boulders veering toward her. With a mighty pang, Dash used his hooves to glance off a boulder, throwing him into a wild spin that arced Rainbow just over the lip of the snow-capped mountain. Dash had just enough time to shout a warning as he collided with a raincloud, sending jagged arcs of energy in every direction. As he flew backwards threw the air, just as Rainbow noticed a grey and blond form in front of him. Both forms hurtled smoking into the embankment on the far side of a hill. The two rag dolls tumbled together in a cloud of choking dust. When the dust settled, and Dash cleared the blond hair out of his face, he looked right into the eye of a smoking hot mare. "Oh, hay ditzy." "Muff... muff... muff-in?" moaned the mare. "Oh, hehe, sorry Derpy." "Is okay. Thanks for breaking my fall Blitz." Smiled Derpy flaring her wings. "Blitz?" Rainbow cocked his head. Derpy looked at Dash before smiling happily and jumping to a hover. "I mean sorry Rainbow, have a good day, I need to go finish my weather practice." "Um, all right see ya Derpster." waved Dash. Derpy waved back, before taking off in the direction of Ponyville. Why is she going to Ponyville for weather practice. Gah, I better make sure she doesn't break anything again. Rainbow extended his wings. "Ow!" darn wing must'a gotten tweaked. Dash sighed before trotting off to Ponyville. ------------------ Rainbow had slowed to a walk, and was still sweating. Guess I'll stop by and see if Rarity can put some more venting into the suit. I was fine flying, but stallion oh stallion is this walking HOT in this suit! Dash nodded to a few mares that walked by, waggling their... Darnit Rainbow Dash, get your mind out of the gutter! Dash bent his head between his legs to berate his innate endowment with estranged whispers. "I blame you for this." "Hey Dashie, who ya talking to?" said Pinkie's head from underneath Rainbow's rainbow tail. "Gah! Pinkie don't sneak up on me like that. You'll give a mare a hard attack." "Sorry Double D, I wouldn't want to give your hard on an attack." said Pinkie smiling absentmindedly. "I think you mean hard attack." said Dash passively, beginning to walk to Rarity's boutique. "Oh, you mean heart-attack, sorry sometimes I can't hear ponies when they are talking away from me. Which is like totally annoying because then I miss what they say and make awkward jokes about you now being a..." Pinky stopped bouncing midair, slowly lowering to the ground with a mischievous grin on her blushing face. "Sayyy, Dashie?" Pinkie asked, as she began to stalk her prey, "When did you become a," Pinky leaned in, "well-endowed performer?" "Um, since I performed my first Sonic Rainbow? Remember?" Rainbow answered. "No." wined Pinkie. "I mean since when have you had a carrot?" "Um, yesterday afternoon for a snack. I actually had two if it mattered. AJ had some nice fresh ones?" Pinkie's head perked up. "What were you doing at AJ's?" "Oh, uh," Dash stalled, "I, haven't been feeling well, and wanted to stay in AJ's barn until I, uh, felt better." Pinkie snickered. Rainbow, missing Pinkie's amusement, continued. "AJ is really generous, letting me inta her barn and all." The pink snicker turned to snorting. "But I'm feeling better so I'll probably head back home tonight." "So," Pinkie managed to say between snorts, "you, you're saying that, you're through with, with AJ?" "Yeah. I kinda have this thing against sleeping in the same place twice." Dash confessed, finally noticing the strange sounds coming from his prankiest of friends. "It's kind of a wander lust thing." At this Pinkie broke out in ruckus laughter. "Oh, Dashie... you're killing me." "Well," thought Rainbow confusedly out loud, "at least I'm glad you're enjoying it?" Pinkie fell over gasping for breath. "Well then, I'm off to Rarity's, I guess. See ya Pinkster." "WAIT!" yelled Pinkie completely serious. "First AJ's, then Rarity's?" Dash turned to Pinkie "Yeah, this weight suit gets me really hot." "Not the only one." quipped Pinkie quietly. Rainbow turned to Pinkie, "What was that?" "Nothing nothing," Pinkie smiled brazenly, "Just that I think that outfit makes you look pretty, awesome." Pinkie turned, smiling suavely. "Pinkie Pie you are so... awkward. I have no idea what you're talking about." "I think your suit makes you look-" Pinkie stepped in front of Dash, putting on her best sultry look, "-cool, hot, cot, hol, hoct. You know what I mean." said Pinkie, grinning hungrily. Dash looked blankly at Pinkie before cracking into a cocky grin. "Wow Pinkie, I knew you were a good prankster, but you really had me going there. I mean coming up with something like that on the spot is really pro; and the execution, flawless." Rainbow chuckled alongside the sound of deflating hair. Pinkamena's smile strained. "I, I'm being serious Dashie, I think you make a cute stallion. I just want to spend some time with you. I mean you were awesome before, but now. Let's just say the word wowzerzez was invented for a reason. By me, right now in fact!" Rainbow smiled, "Thanks Pinkie, you always know how to put a smile on my face." Dash turned to go around Pinkie but was stopped by a bright pink hoof. "But Dashie," said Pinkie, now smiling honestly, "think of the fun we could have together. Of all the ponies I know, you Dashie, and I have the most fun together. Rarity's certainly not going to be as much fun." "Pinkie," said Rainbow nervously, "stop it. You're scaring me. I'm flattered, really. But you're taking it too far." "Dashie, Dashie, Dashie, Dashie... I don't think I've taken it far enough." Smiled Pinkie. Dash began to back up, looking around for escape. "But, if you want me to stop you could always make me." Pinkie said, sauntering up next to dash, shoulders touching. "Or, you could try to run away. I do like a good chase and you are the best chase, Dashie. Tehe." giggled Pinkie. "Is there a third option?" Asked Rainbow tentatively. The Party pony rolled her eyes playfully. "Hm, nope. None that I can come up with." Dash thought quickly. "Well, I, um, hurt, my wing. Earlier today. So, can I at least get a head start?" "Surely whirley birdy early birdie whirly Shirley. How's a minute sound?" Said the bouncing pink pony. Rainbow though quickly. One minute, I could go to Rarity's, Twilight's, Sugar cube corner, won't make it to AJ's, can't fly home. Hm, maybe if I went fast enough I could make it to Fluttershy's, It would take a little bit longer than a minute, but not even Pinkie could catch me instantly, I hope. Pinkie might not even look for me at Fluttershy's, and I could totally convince her to hide me. We've known each other since, like, forev... "Now that you know where you want to hide, I'll start counting. It'll be hide and seek tag! Oh won't this be fun!" exclaimed the party pony loudly before yelling, "60!" And sticking her bright head in the ground. "59, 58." came the muddled counting. How did she know I was done? "57, 56..." "Oh trots!" Yelled Dash streaking away toward his oldest friend's house. The weight suit was sweaty, a little restrictive in movement, and the weight caused Rainbow to slide and tumble into a few ponies. By the time Dash reached the house he was barely able to knock. "Oh no!" cried Fluttershy as loud as she possibly could. The moderate noise rousing Rainbow. "Flu-Fluter-Flutter-shy," gasped Rainbow, "hide-me, from P-P" Fluttershy panicked trying to find the source of danger, "Hide you from what Dash, panthers? Pelican's? Polar bears? Potto? Porcupine? Puma? Przewalski's Wild horses? Dash stammered, "P-Pi-Pinkie." Fluttershy let out her withheld breath. "Oh thank goodness, I was worried we were in danger." "I, am. Save me, Flutter-shy, you're my only hope." Rainbow pleaded, holding his hoof out to the kindest pony hhe had ever known. "I don't know, I really don't want to get in the middle of something." As a single tear rolled down Dash's square face, pleaded silently for salvation. "I can't." A second tear rolled down the other side, of Rainbows square face. "I, I, don't like pressure." Dash conceded, he wasn't going to put Fluttershy in a compromising position unless the fate of Equestria was on the line. "I knew you would never force Fluttershy to hide." said the pink pony leaning on Fluttershy, eating an apple. "Pinkie, ohmygosh you startled me. Um, if you don't mind me asking, why are you chasing Rainbow Dash to the point of utter exhaustion?" "Well to be fair I didn't know he would be that exhausted. I don't even think it would be fun if I caught her." "But you did catch... him?" said Fluttershy sensibly. "I don't think you understand Fluttershy. I had to catch him, and I can't catch him if he's on the ground. That would require me to, like, break physics or something. And I don't like breaking things because then I have to replace them. And that, is money that could very well have been spent on party supplies." "You know," said Rainbow, "she does have a point." "Um... okay?" answered the shy pegusus with a blush. "Anyway, um, I think Rainbow should come inside and relax, I'll take good care of, him, Pinkie I promise." "Okie Donkie Loki." Smiled the party pony. "But I'll get you next time Rainbow, Next Time!" Fluttershy carefully closed the door on the pink pony petting her pet gator. "Well." said Dash taking off his weight suit. "That was a good save Shy. I owe you but, um. Could I owe you two and take a cold, cold shower?" Fluttershy looked at the stallion before her. In her Home! She admitted the suit added the look of a lot of chiseled muscle, but to see a all natural male Rainbow in front of her was a bit startling to say the least. "Um, Rainbow Dash?" "Yeah?" "Did Rarity make you that outfit?" "Yeah?" "Well, you might want to, um, have her redesign it so as not to look, so, um... fetching. Unless you were going for the look of an amazingly toned stallion of course." "Oh, so that's why all the mares are looking at me with googlie eyes." thought Dash out loud. "To be honest I don't really mind the attention but I'll see what Rarity thinks while I get a couple more vents added. Maybe tone down the weight a bit." "Oh, okay. Hey, um Rainbow?" "Yeah?" "How did you, um, get turned into a stallion, If I might ask?" "That, Fluttershy, is the big question on everypony's mind." "Ohh, um, sorry," "It's okay Fluttershy." "Sorry."