//------------------------------// // Respite in Gardenia // Story: Tales of the Battle Foals // by Sirdubya //------------------------------// Within Ghastly Gorge… The Battle Foals and Greensprout had finally emerged from the cave from behind the waterfall. The walk out was a little difficult given the earlier events, especially for Greensprout. Despite the consolation she received, the thought of finally discovering her origins under such dark circumstances weighed on her heart, and the foals could tell. Air Slash walked beside her, checking on her from time to time as they made their way out of the cave. Quantum kept the journal for them along with the resin samples. “Wow. It’s getting late.” Fire Fight said, noticing that the sun was just about ready to set. “We were down there for quite a long time, Fire Fight.” Shadow Shroud said. “Yeah, but I just hope Meadow and all those monks aren’t too worried.” Fire Fight said. “D’hen why da hell we just chattin’ he’e? Let’s go, y’all!” Turf War said. Shrapnel let the foals climb onto his back and jumped them to the other side of the river while Spiral Galaxy and Fire Fight helped Quantum Tech magically levitate her mech over there before continuing. Quantum suddenly thought of something. “Kickback, I little surprised that you didn’t try to use one of those energy blasters in place of your guns.” “Ah actually did try, Ms. Quantum Tech, but Ah couldn’t get the cotton-pickin’ thing to work. Try as Ah might’ve, the li’l varmint just wouldn’t say anything. Shy feller, that one.” Kickback said. “Hmm….interesting.” Quantum said. “The Fallen that were carrying them were few and far between and garbed more glamorously than the rest. I wonder if…..perhaps they were some form of soldier or otherwise official that the blasters were each assigned to? Probably locked to their users somehow if that’s case.” “Ah’m not too worried about that. Sound n’ Fury are the only guns Ah’ll ever need.” Kickback said. Quantum giggled. “Of course they are, you brave, handsome knight.” She cooed. Kickback sighed heavily and rolled his eyes. When he looked away, Quantum quietly blew him a kiss. “Greensprout, I hope you wouldn’t mind allowing me to examine your Gaia Root once we reach Gardenia.” Quantum said. Greensprout slowly turned her head to Quantum. She smiled, but today’s events had taken their toll on her. “Of course not…” Quantum frowned at her with worry. “You had a rough day today, Greensprout. Rest when we return.” Air Slash said. Greensprout looked at him with a slightly stronger smile. “Thank you…” Air Slash could only give her an encouraging smile as he remained at her side. He knew that she was no warrior like he was, so he had to keep his pride on a leash when speaking to her, especially now. Air Slash felt a little nudge on his shoulder. He looked over to see Spiral Galaxy nod and wink at him. “You’re doing good!” she quietly mouthed. Air Slash blushed a little upon reading her lips. ***** The foals at last returned to Gardenia, and the sun had just about set. The golden rays of dying light coated the humble abbey in a dull shimmer. Kickback, Quantum Tech and Zebota found themselves pleased at what a peaceful-looking place this was. “Abbot Meadow?” Greensprout called out. “We’re home!” Strangely enough, nopony seemed to be outside. Sure it was evening, but it not quite that late. “Huh…The builders don’t normally stop this early.” Shrapnel briefly sat down to scratch an itch, and Zebota immediately saw what was wrong. “Do not worry, my fair ponyfolk! Shrapnel is a tame beast!” he called out. A couple minutes passed accompanied by silence, but was broken when the good abbot slowly walked out of his abode and began carefully approaching the foals, keeping his eyes in the wooden titan. “Don’t worry, abbot. Shrapnel is a gentle creature. Zebota is his master.” Shrapnel loudly grunted as if to greet the elderly stallion. “He says ‘I come in peace, little horse’.” Crazylocks blurted. Shrapnel then yawned. Seeing that he was not an immediate threat, the abbot eased up. “I-I see. Forgive me. I don’t believe you mentioned anything about a timberwolf.” “Yeah….our bad, mah boy.” Turf War said. The abbot cleared his throat. “Come out from your hiding spots, my friends. We are in no danger.” He called out. A brief moment after he did, the rest of the monks walked out of their house, calmly eyeing Shrapnel. Some were still shaking a bit, but decided to trust their abbot. Shrapnel lowered his head down to Meadow and gently nuzzled him. Meadow chuckled. “What a fine specimen you are.” He said as he stroked Shrapnel’s jaw. This put the rest of the abbey at ease, and they went to greet the foals. “Goodness! Where have you all been? We were getting worried!” Greensprout held her head down. “We’re sorry, abbot. We went through a lot more than we’d anticipated…” “Yes….especially her.” Air Slash said. “What do you mean?” Meadow asked. Fire Fight explained the whole ordeal that occurred with the Fallen and the lost underground city, and finished by telling him about how they found her parents, leaving out the detail of her little rampage. Needless to say, Meadow was nothing short of shocked. “YOU FOUND YOUR PARENTS!?” he exclaimed. He then cleared his throat. “Forgive my outburst, Greensprout, but…..truly!?” Greensprout sighed heavily as Quantum exited her mech suit and walked up to Meadow. She handed him the journal. “I believe this will explain just about everything.” Meadow took the journal from Quantum and skimmed through it. When he got to the last few pages, he felt his aging heart sink. “Greensprout…..I’m so sorry, child.” He pulled her in to hug her. Greensprout lightly sobbed as her adopted grandfather embraced her. The surrounding monks gave their condolences as well. “…Abbot……I…..I’m sorry too….” Greensprout said. She broke off and looked into his eyes with guilty sorrow in hers. “I…..weaponized the Gaia Root…..” Upon hearing this, Air Slash immediately stepped in. “She did nothing wrong!” he declared. Greensprout looked up at him surprised. “Now, now.” Meadow said as he waved his hoof at Air Slash. He then looked at Greensprout. “What do you mean you ‘weaponized’ it?” he asked her calmly. Before Greensprout could say anything, Air Slash firmly but gently touched her shoulder. “I’ll explain.” He said. Greensprout eyed him for a brief moment in surprise, but nodded. Air Slash explained to Meadow how they found Greensprout’s deceased parents and let her see them. He then got to the part where they encountered the last horde of Fallen, but spoke highly of her on her rampage despite how dark things got. “Her emotions ran high, and she acted on them. It is not unreasonable why they would given the circumstances. If anypony is truly at fault, it’s us. We subjected her to something that we probably shouldn’t have, but she deserved to know the truth. She should not feel any guilt.” Greensprout held her hoof over her heart as she gazed at her sword-wielding friend. “Air Slash….” She muttered. Abbot Meadow’s calm, elderly eyes gazed upon the young samurai and Greensprout. Much to their surprise, he creased a gentle smile. “None of you are truly at fault.” He said. “It could not have been helped. Emotions are merely a natural part of us all.” He gently put his hoof on Greensprout’s shoulder. “But you mustn’t let them overtake your common sense.” Greensprout sighed. “Yes, abbot…” she muttered. “Though, I have learned to let this pain be an experience rather than a scar.” Her tone became a little more confident. Meadow chuckled. “Indeed. Experience is how we truly grow as living things.” He then looked at her mystical staff curiously. “Though, it surprises me that the Gaia Root could be manipulated in such a manner.” “I plan to discern whatever secrets it holds from us. Greensprout has given me her permission, but would you kindly allow me to observe this artifact more closely for the sake of research?” Quantum Tech asked. “So long as you promise not to take it apart, I see no harm. Your friends have told me that you’re quite the intelligent one if your machine there is of any indication.” Meadow replied. “Oh, pfft! You’re all too kind. But worry not. I need only examine it with a few instruments. I wouldn’t dare damage such an incredible item.” Quantum said. “I will help you.” Zebota said. “I sense that this Gaia Root is rich with natural energy, but it seems that I must commune with it in order to understand it.” “I’d very much appreciate that, Zebota. I’m quite curious to hear what you’d have to say.” Quantum said. “What ‘bout dat resin, homegirl?” Turf War asked. “Not to worry. I have some analytical tests being ran on the samples I’ve gathered as we speak. I should have some desirably accurate result by morning.” Quantum said. “Oh! This will give me a chance to more closely observe how Zebota connects with these ‘spirits’ of his!” “Pfft! Quantum Tech, you just want to study everything, don’t you?” Spiral Galaxy said. “Well, I don’t see the problem with that, darling.” Quantum sassed. “Just don’t y’all be startin’ to study us too closely. Hehe!” Turf War sneered. Quantum quickly turned to and glared at him. “TURF WAR!” she exclaimed. Turf War threw his hooves up. “Dang, my bad! Just sayin’!” “ Anyway….Speaking of morning, would you let us stay the night before we set out in the morning?” Shadow Shroud asked. Meadow chuckled. “Of course we will. You all have been through a great deal and should get some rest. We’re about to prepare dinner, and I’m sure you’re all starving after your unexpected adventure.” “Absolutely! Do you need help in the kitchen? I’m a pretty good cook.” Fire Fight said. “Fire Fight, you heard what he said. Let’s take a breather for once in our lives.” Shroud said. “BREATHER FEVER! BREATHER FEVER! BREATHER FEVER! BREA-” Crazylocks was knocked out by Shadow Shroud before she woke everypony up before they even fell asleep. “You especially…” Shroud growled. Spiral sighed. “We better share a room with her.” she said. Shroud nodded. “Yes. I suppose you could use the rooms we kept you in when you found you floating down the river.” Meadow said. “Thank you, Abbot Meadow.” Fire Fight said. They all thanked him before retiring to their rooms. Shroud and Spiral shared a room with Crazylocks to make sure she didn’t randomly go berserk or anything, Kickback shared a room with Turf War, Fire Fight roomed with Air Slash and Zebota stayed outside with Shrapnel since he wouldn’t fit in any of the small abodes; the two went hunting so that Shrapnel could have a some fresh meat and managed to catch a couple deer for him to chow on before returning. Greensprout let Quantum stay in her room so that she could get to work on studying the Gaia Root before hitting the hay. Zebota came by when he got back from hunting. The bell for dinner rang, and the foals gathered with the other monks to feast. Their meal was a stew consisting of fresh fruit, grilled mushrooms and wheat noodle, nothing too different than what they were used to Fire Fight cooking for them. However, they each were served what appeared to be some kind of tea. “What’s this ‘ere now?” Kickback inquired. “Oh, that’s just some medicinal water I brewed from some of the vitablossoms and a little echinacea.” Greensprout explained. “I think you’ll like it. It’s very good for your immune system.” “I imagine so with what a miracle worker a vitablossom can be.” Shroud said before taking a sip. “Hmm! A little bitter, but definitely satisfying.” “Greensprout likes to experiment with the surrounding flora and make all kinds of herbal medicines for us. It has been a saving grace for us on a few occasions.” Meadow said. “You’re an herbalist?” Quantum asked. Greensprout nodded. “I suppose you could say that. I’d be happy to show you some notes I’ve taken later on if you’d like.” “Absolutely! Although, I’d like to focus on the Gaia Root for now.” Quantum said. “And those resin tests should be done by the time we wake up tomorrow.” “It is good to see another who is so respectful of nature.” Zebota said. Shrapnel grunted in agreement. “Oh, yes. It must be fascinating being able to commune with Mother Nature herself.” Greensprout said. “Aren’t you glad he’s not going crazy with it? I mean, he has a pet timberwolf for crying out loud.” Fire Fight said. “He is not my pet, Fire Fight. He is my friend.” Zebota said. Shrapnel suddenly sniffing at the leftover stew curiously, and Zebota clutched his brooch as it began to glow. “Shrapnel, no! Get away from that!” Shrapnel’s eyes glowed as he lifted his head away from the food and yawned. Turf War smirked. “Sure, dog.” As they finished their meal and went back to their rooms, Greensprout pulled out the photo from her father’s journal and looked at it. Thinking about what they must have endured just for the sake of research and ultimately allowing her to live made her heart ache with both sorrow and gratitude alike, and seeing what the Battle Foals did for her down in those caverns made her realize just how much could be accomplished when you knew you had a purpose…