//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: Is He Really A Savage? // by fluttercordlover232 //------------------------------// It had been a long and exhausting day for Fluttershy. Her body began to ache and feel stiff due to all the stitches she had. She remembered the doctor specifically told her to rest for the remainder of the day, as the anesthetic would soon wear off and that it would be more comfortable for her if she didn't walk around so much. After everything that has happened though, she couldn't get her body or her mind to stay still. At this point, it was almost midnight and there was still no sign of Discord. By now, the storm seemed to be slowing down and the sound of the rain pittar-pattering against the window lulled her to sleep, like a soft gentle lullaby. Fluttershy couldn't stay awake any longer, as she headed up to her room, she silently prayed to Celestia from the bottom of her heart that she would wake up in the morning with her husband beside her once again... Fluttershy woke up with a start as a loud clap of thunder split the sky. She buried herself underneath the covers as another loud clap followed suit. It seemed the storm had come back, as the rain drummed against the windows and the roof harder than before. The wind was blowing so hard that Fluttershy could practically feel the trees outside being pushed and bent by the wind, threatening to fall. Hoping for comfort, she instinctively reached for Discord...only to have her hooves meet with empty air... She switched on the lamp on her nightstand and looked over to Discord's side of the bed. There was nothing there. Nothing. No wrinkled sheets or impressions in the mattress to indicate that a body had been there. Fluttershy looked at the little clock on her nightstand, it was well past three a.m. Maybe he's downstairs and just hasn't come to bed. Fluttershy tried to convince herself, but she already knew there was no point. "Discord? Discord? Are you down here?" But the only reply she received was her own echo that bounced off the long empty walls of the castle. After searching every room in the castle, Fluttershy let out a defeated sigh. "If he won't come to me, than I'll just go to him!" She stomped her hoof down. She knew exactly how to find him... "Hold yer horses ah'm comin!" Applejack shouted over the storm as the banging on the door persisted. She swung the door open against the raging wind to find Fluttershy standing there, whose mane was plastered against her body and she was trembling slightly. She held out a pair of soaking wet white bunny slippers. "Fluttershy? What in tarnation are ya doin here at this time of night?! Not ta mention this storm!" Applejack said as she pulled her inside the barn. Once Fluttershy was all the way inside she slammed the door closed against the driving wind and rain. "Hoo-wee! It's rainin' harder than a cow peen' on a flat rock out there!" Applejack turned to look at her. "Let's get ya warmed up an' dried off first an' then ya can tell me what's goin' on." Applejack said gently. "Discord hasn't come home yet, Applejack! I'm really worried! I want Winona to get his scent from these slippers and follow it. I'm hoping she'll lead us right to him." Fluttershy continued to hold out the bunny slippers, which Applejack recognized as his "Angel Bunny" slippers that Discord wore when he stayed at Fluttershy's cottage for the first time. When he was in the process of becoming reformed. Applejack sighed "Alright...but yer' stayin' here where it's safe an' dry. Ah'll go with Winona an' come back for ya if we find anythin'...." "NO!" Fluttershy said firmly. "I am going!" "But Fluttershy...It is dangerous out there with this here storm! And yer' in no condition ta... "I don't care! I am going with or without you!" Fluttershy glared at Applejack. Applejack sighed again. "Alright...but ya' have to stay by me." "Great! Thank you Applejack! Thank you!" Fluttershy cried joyfully. "Winona, come!" Applejack said loudly, but not loud enough to wake the rest of the Apple family. Winona came running up to Applejack, her tail wagging to-and-fro frantically. She sat in front of Applejack and looked up at her expectantly. Her mouth was turned in way that looked almost like a smile. Applejack chuckled at the enthusiasm the energetic little dog held. She nodded over to Fluttershy to come stand beside her. "Alright Winona; sniff." Applejack commanded. Fluttershy held out the soggy slippers to the dog as Winona sniffed every inch of them. "Now go find him, girl!" Applejack opened the door and Winona immediately ran out into the stormy night. It had only been about ten minutes when Winona led them into the Everfree Forest. Her nose still glued to the ground as she continued to follow the trail that only she knew. Applejack glanced worriedly over at Fluttershy, who walked with her head down to keep the driving rain out of her eyes. "Ya okay sugercube?" Applejack asked as softly as she could through the storm overhead. Lightning flashed overhead and thunder rolled across the sky at that moment. Fluttershy didn't answer her as she continued to trudge through the storm. Applejack had no idea if she was deliberately ignoring her or if she simply couldn't hear her. A triumphant bark sounded in the woods ahead of them. Both Fluttershy and Applejack looked at each other at that instant. "She found him!" Applejack shouted. As fast as their four legs could carry them, they bolted in the direction Winona's bark came from.