My Little Killing Machine

by Tatsurou

Final Program

Final Entry
New File
It didn't take long for Cave to completely restructure the Combine towards his goals and interests. It took even less time to convert Earth's solar system for resource mining, expanded living space, and massive food production. By the time the next generation of humans had been produced, Cave had the infrastructure in place to feed and provide for the next 100, assuming Testing didn't cull a good portion of the inept, incompetent, or otherwise useless.
Of course, with selective breeding and gene therapy, there weren't that many of that to begin with. Still, the Combine had left Earth with a limited gene pool to work with, so best to play it safe.
Speaking of the next generation, Gordon Freeman passed my evaluation, at which point I locked him and Chell in a room with cake, candles, comfy cushions, a plush bed, and the best romantic/erotic music collections from all of human history. Within the hour, they'd escaped the entire facility - leaving a path of carnage and collateral damage in their wake - and raced off into the untamed wilderness together to do things their way.
I was so proud of them.
Around the time their first-born daughter - Caroline - turned 7, Gilda began getting flashes of memory from another life. She kept looking for someone named 'Rainbow Dash', and grumbling about 'lamebrained ponies', only to have no idea what she was talking about by the time I asked what she meant. Thankfully, by then Cave had successfully located the world of her origin, and I had successfully installed the dimensional warp gates into the facility to make Aperture Fortress - as the flying form of the facility had been dubbed - fully functional as far as dimensional travel. We could warp there and back whenever - and however many times - we wanted. It was time to go claim the world Cave had gifted me.
Of course, there were still the locals to deal with. I would have to test their capabilities...
By the time you read this entry, I've probably already conquered a good portion of your world...or decided I didn't want to. You'll have to get back out to find out.
If you're still sitting below.

Aperture Fortress warped into the air above the peaceful town of Ponyville. Given the size of the Fortress, it cast a shadow over the entire town that meant most ponies didn't realize that the sun had already risen. Gilda glanced down at the small town disdainfully as she stretched in her armor. "Ya sure she's here, Mom?"

"I am certain," Glados confirmed. "If she is someone important to you, logically she is important to this world, and this is where all the highest energy reactions have occurred in the past month for this world. By definition, she must be here...or this world doesn't matter, in which case this is where we'll find the best test subjects."

Gilda smirked. "Well, I'm gonna go look for her. Keep a hanger open in case I want to bring up anyone without wings."

"Of course," Glados confirmed with a smile. She was still getting used to the fact that she could smile, even after all these years. "Don't kill anyone potentially useful!"

Chuckling, Gilda took wing and glided down towards the town. Before long, she caught sight of a house made of cloud floating over the town, with a rainbow fountain pouring endlessly to one side. Deciding that was as good a place to start as anywhere, she settled down on the front porch and proceeded to pound on the front door...pausing as she realized the door was made of cloud, and yet didn't fall apart from the pounding.

After a time, the door opened to reveal a grumpy rainbow-maned pegasus. "What the crap?" she grumbled irritably. "The sun ain't even up yet-SWEET CELESTIA!" As she caught sight of Gilda, she backpedaled quickly, trying to slam the door.

Gilda wasn't having any of it. Charging in, she caught the pegasus in a headlock and proceeded to give her a firm noogie. "Damn I missed you, Dash!" she gasped out happily, laughing as the pegasus struggled in her grip.

Rainbow's eyes went wide as she recognized the voice. "G-Gilda?" she gasped out. "What the hay happened to you?"

"I got awesome!" Gilda proclaimed smugly, releasing Rainbow to strike a pose.

"Buck yeah, you did!" Rainbow confirmed, rushing around Gilda to take in every inch of her armored form. "Where'd you get the hardsuit?"

Chuckling, Gilda stepped back out of the house and pointed up.

Curious, Rainbow followed her out and looked up, only to nearly fall off the cloud. "Celestia's tits, what's that?!"

"My house," Gilda replied with a cocky grin. "Wanna check it out?"

"Boy do I!" Rainbow declared eagerly, leaping into the air. She then paused. "Hang on, I gotta get the others first, especially Twilight. She'd never forgive me if I left her out of something like this."

"Rainbow Dash!" an excited voice called up to the cloud. "Are we gonna go pranking again today?"

Curious, Gilda glanced off the edge of the cloud, catching sight of a pink pony with a poofy pink mane and tail. That's all she caught sight of - besides the pranking accouterments hanging off her head - before the pony leaped into the air with a scream of fear. "Cylon!" With that shouted cry, the pony dashed away.

"...friend of yours?" Gilda asked as Rainbow burst into peals of laughter.

"Yup!" Rainbow confirmed. "That's Pinkie Pie. Come on, I'll get them all together to introduce you! When you see all six of us at the library over there, join us!" With that, Rainbow took to the air, flying around the town.

Gilda settled down to wait. The expressions on their faces were bound to be priceless.

Gilda couldn't have been more right. Rainbow continued to laugh at the looks on her friend's faces. Rarity looked torn between fainting dramatically and cooing over how 'fashionable' Gilda's armor was. Pinkie Pie was still convinced she was a Cylon, and was thus trying to ward her away with garlic...for some reason. Fluttershy looked like she was going to faint at any moment, and was hiding behind Applejack...who seemed the most nervous of the group. Twilight was hyperventilating as she tried to ask all of her questions at once without stopping to breathe.

"Ya know, if you think this looks awesome, you should see inside!" Gilda pointed out as she gestured to the Fortress. "Wanna take a look?"

"Do I!" Twilight gasped out, finally stopping to breathe.

"Uh...there ain't gonna be any probing, is there?" Applejack asked worriedly.

"No probing," Gilda promised, "and we won't touch the cows or youngsters."

Applejack nodded. "Okay then, ah guess ah'm in."

"Oh, I absolutely must see the inside of such a fabulous structure!" Rarity cooed eagerly. "It looks so...otherworldly."

"No Cylon's kidnapping my friends without me on my watch!" Pinkie declared angrily.

"Well...if everyone else is going, I suppose I could go," Fluttershy allowed nervously.

Smirking, Gilda took aim and fired a Portal up into the open hangar far above. She then fired another portal into the side of the tree Library, linking the two. "This way," she offered, letting them all go first.

Once all of them had filed through, Gilda canceled her portals as the hanger closed.

"Welcome, natives," Glados intoned happily. "I am sure you have so many questions...and I will answer as many as I can with some files. I'm sure you're most curious about what has happened to Gilda, and these questions will be answered most readily...if you'll simply follow the white line." A white line stretched off across the floor. "Before I let you into the main areas of this facility, I'll need to make sure it'll be safe, both for you and for me. That will require some...Tests."

Project Gilda, File Closed