//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: A Final Decision // Story: My Secret Daughter // by deadpansnarker //------------------------------// Filthy Rich held onto Starlight for quite some time, ably assisted by a comforting Twilight and Applejack (who'd suddenly joined the fray) either side of him. The unicorn herself didn't say a word as she automatically began patting the sobbing stallion on the back, her face remaining as inscrutable and thoughtful as usual. As for the other mares present, Rainbow Dash was clamouring to get out, as big emotional moments weren't really her kinda thing. Rarity wanted to go and open up her boutique for the latter part of the afternoon, but didn't want to be rude. Fluttershy had managed to crawl out from underneath the settee, and wondered if her pets were going to be alright. Pinkie Pie felt in desperate need of cheering everypony up, but even somepony as occasionally dense as her could see this was an inappropriate time for her usual brand of wacky slapstick. ...Then, we come to Spoiled. The uppity mare couldn't seem to decide whether to make a strategic bolt for it to avoid any possible repercussions, or continue to try and talk to Filthy in order to dig herself out of the deep hole she now found herself in. In the event, she couldn't pick either option, and so just stood in the middle of the room, resembling a statuesque Discord before his accidental release by a bunch of quarreling elementary students. Finally there was Spike, who had his own problems... most of them revolving around his favourite princess, or 'best friend' as he preferred to call her. Twilight had quite a packed itinerary for the rest of the day after the spa session, and as her 'No 1 assistant' it was up to him to make sure that she wasn't tardy in her many duties. Sadly, because of her extended stay down at Rich Mansion, some of these events would have to be cancelled altogether, like baking Breezie Cakes for the orphans, or collecting the forms for the town-wide Census from Mayor Mare's office. Protecting a fresh delivery of emeralds and rubies from down below underground, though... that was something he was sure that she wouldn't want to miss out on, and it was instantly upgraded to being next on the agenda. As impartial and unbiased as ever, our Spike. Diamond Tiara was still mercifully out of the room, Feather Duster having been given strict instructions to steer the pink filly well clear of the vicinity until the older ponies had finished their strenuous debate. Who knows how much the impact of discovering that most of her life was built on a lie would affect her, that her real parents weren't the wealthiest couple in Ponyville at all but instead an unimportant stallion from a nondescript village and a former wannabe dictator who'd almost destroyed the world out of pure spite. Quite a stepdown from her current status, from most pony's perspective. Alas, now that the secret was out there was no way of shoving it back into the bottle, so the participants were all just going to have to deal with the messy aftermath together, come what may. The situation being on a knife-edge as it was, it was hardly surprising nopony wanted to raise their voice to punctuate the tense atmosphere. Eventually though, what with being the de-facto leader of the little band of unexpected visitors who'd sown such seeds of disruption in the formerly quiet mansion, Twilight felt obligated to speak up. After all, as much as she enjoyed her old career as a book lender, it wasn't really appropriate to cultivate an atmosphere similar to that of a library when so much needed to be discussed. So, she dared open her mouth, and ask the first question that came into her head to a still sniveling Filthy Rich. "How did you know she was telling the truth so quickly, if you don't mind telling me?" This query was in reference to her student Starlight, and the unicorn afforded her a quick glance of irritation as if her trustworthiness was once more in doubt. That wasn't Twilight's intention at all, though: She was just genuinely surprised at the speed in which the tycoon had dismissed his wife of many years and had accepted the word of a total stranger right off the bat. Filthy wiped his bloodshot eyes slightly and attempted to reply in his usual gruff manner, but his crackly voice couldn't hide the tremor caused by the startling revelations he'd heard that day. "J-Just small things, really. N-Nothing really added up at the time... the speed of her pregnancy, no visible bump for months beforehoof, the fact that nopony even saw her give birth, her fake 'surprise' afterwards at being a mother, her apparent disconnect with our daughter which has continued over the years... I could go on. I-It was all a lie, a ruse to keep me in her good graces while she spent all of my hard-earned money. H-How could anypony b-be so..." There was no point in expecting any genuine remorse from Spoiled obviously, who continued to huff like a sullen teenager with her back turned to the large group. Upon hearing Filthy's 'childish' tirade though, she couldn't help but feel a wave of paranoia begin to overtake her. Since when have I been relegated to 'her'?! He didn't even call me by my first name, the cheek of it! Damn that interfering mare... isn't it enough that I gave her little brat a home out of the goodness of my heart? How dare she bust in now, insult me to my face and break up the perfect little life I've built here. I'm going to have to think fast, or everything I've ever worked for could be in jeopardy... In the meantime, Twilight was ready to speak once more. "If you don't mind me saying so Mr Rich, those aren't really 'small' things. I hasten to ask this at such a delicate time, but you're an intelligent businesspony... how did you not see that things weren't right when Spoiled came to you with the sudden news? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, this is purely for my own curiosity." "I suppose I was blinded at having a foal, an heir, something that would love me for who I was rather than my income..." Now that the barriers of trust had been well and truly shattered between him and his wife, Filthy saw no point in holding back his true feelings any longer. " I wanted, nay needed so much for it to be true, that every time a little doubt came into my head, I simply dismissed it as the anxiety of being a new father. Y-You can convince yourself of anything if you try hard enough, a-and your life is so starved of love and affection it's a struggle sometimes to get up in the morning. I-I have to wear a beaming smile all day at work for the customers, it's amazing none of them over the years have called me out on how fake it m-must b-be..." Every single pony (and dragon) present winced a little upon hearing the precarious state of the Rich's marriage, and the only conclusion that could be drawn was the thin glue holding it together was a certain absent pink filly. Now that her heritage was under serious examination, their uneasy union was arguably under threat of becoming unstuck more than ever before, and all in front of a live audience too. Pinkie Pie began to seriously miss the popcorn that Applejack had confiscated from her earlier, as she hadn't been this entertained by a show since Hinny Of The Hills back in Manehattan. Also paralleling that experience, the grumpy Spoiled in front of a thoughtful Rarity began to resemble a Miss Suri Polomare, and not just in colouring, either. Coco Pommel had told the fashionista about how the thieving designer had sulked after she'd quit, and after comparing Spoiled's affable demeanor together with her nasty personality once the facade had cracked, it made the similarities between the pair impossible to ignore. Imagine, in the same way Diamond Tiara might be Starlight's secret daughter, the two of them might be long-lost sisters... she speculated, a sudden shiver running down her spine. Gosh, Equestria might just collapse under all the self-entitledness and malevolence. Please let it not be so... Attempting to avoid a potential domestic, Twilight once again tried to move the conversation onto more familiar terrain. "I-I see. Well, sorry to be the bearer of such bad news. But facts are facts, and now you seem to have accepted that your daughter, even though I'm sure you've done a wonderful job of raising her, was obtained using less-than-legal means, we have to decide where to proceed from here. I'm not sure we're going to able to sort everything out in one day, but for now if we can just talk like normal, rational ponies I'm positive we can make some progres..." "Speaking of 'how she was raised', the first thing I'd like to know is what I've missed of her life up until now." Starlight had been quiet for a while, but finally found her voice again in her eagerness to discover a little about her filly's past. "If it's okay, could you please fill me in on all the precious moments, and other stuff such as her likes and dislikes, what she wants to be when she grows up..." This question was directed at Filthy Rich, but before he could so much as move his jaw an unwanted interruption arrived in the form of his wife, who attempted to bring back their old system of 'doing things' by speaking for both of them. "Oh, I can tell you all about that myself, dear. You'd be so proud of the job I did with your discarded offspring that after I regale you with the intimate details, you'll be on your knees begging me for forgiveness for treating me so harshly upon your arrival here! I'll have you know that my child is going to grow up to be a true leader, a mistress of all she surveys, a idolised inspiration to every single pony who flocks to bow under her command! Of course, there have been a few bumps in the road along the way, mostly perpetuated by three of her lesser classmates who've tried to stymie her ambition at every turn, and impose their own worthless brand of 'friendship' onto her undeveloped psyche. But we persevere together as a family, and even though we're going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment due to their meddling, I'm sure we'll overcome it together, and we'll have her back on the fast train to success in no time at all!" Even though all those present were shocked at Spoiled's unrequested reintroduction to the conversation, and Filthy seemed on the verge of blowing his top once more, Starlight seemed unusually unphased. "Tell me more, please. This should be absolutely fascinating." was her simple, deadpan reply, and she began to observe Spoiled's speech and mannerisms like a hawk. A bit taken aback at Starlight's hitherto unseen interest in her 'unique' parenting, Spoiled began to think maybe she'd misjudged this bothersome upstart. "Gladly..." she grinned feverishly, before attempting to express just what made her the best caretaker of a future toast of society. .................................................................................................................. As Spoiled finished her convoluted account of how she'd been such a 'perfect' mother to little Diamond Tiara since her sort-of adoption over the last decade, the reaction was not quite what she anticipated. Thinking she was going to greeted by unabashed praise of how her brilliant uncompromising discipline had resulted in the inception of a tough, self-confident filly who would rule over all, she was instead being given unwholesome looks which alternated between total exasperation and true horror. Even Filthy hadn't known the true extent of what his wife had gotten up to during his numerous work-related absences, his tearful, angry mood before replaced by one of utter shame. Everypony now was fully engaged in the ongoing discussion, even those who'd previously wanted to go home before out of sheer boredom. This was shown by each listener speaking in turn, all having something to say about Spoiled's parenting methods and the misery Diamond Tiara had wrought on Ponyville as a result of following her depraved teachings. "You encouraged her to spend her entire cute cenera mocking other ponies without special symbols?! No wonder I had to give her a lecture on the true meaning of cutie marks, and she spent the rest of the day on the stairs looking miserable afterwards!" Twilight shook her head at what she'd heard the pink filly was being taught at home. "...And now we know why all those little ponies turned up on our doorstep at Twilight Time, forcing me to make all of those nachos that we just threw away in the end! I had tired claws for weeks afterwards, and it was all your fault!" Spike had felt previously he could befriend anypony, but one such as Spoiled began to make him doubt the veracity of that claim. "What about my poor little Sweetie Belle? Being made to feel like a pariah after that awful newspaper full of untrue stories was published. You... you..." Having heard that Mrs Rich had not only condoned Diamond's errant behaviour but was complicit in it, it was all the usually unfailingly polite Rarity could do to keep a civil tongue in her head. "Don't forget Scootaloo, who felt as worthless as dirt the day of the big try-outs because of this thing's teaching about 'disabled' ponies being a drain on the system. Why, I oughta..." While Rarity was trying to stop herself from merely saying harsh words, Rainbow Dash was chewing at the bit to pop Spoiled right on her curved schnoz. "What you did wasn't very nice..." "I almost wish I hadn't organised her cenera party for you now. Almost, because everypony else had so much fun." Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were also complaining, although perhaps to a lesser extent than the individual accounts their friends were describing. "So that's why Babs turned on her cousin so quickly... Diamond was misusing her talent to coax her into being a bully, too." The final words went to Applejack, and hearing about Spoiled's antics was an eye-opening experience for the farm mare, but not in a good way. " Not to mention how rude she was about Granny Smith, and how much she tried to embarrass Apple Bloom in class! Why did you let this happen, Filthy? You run your business like a tight ship, how could you let things get so bad at home?" The tycoon was struggling to answer that question for himself, his face having already descended into a kaleidoscope of emotions nopony could read. Regardless, it rendered him unable to speak, so his wife took the initiative to rush in and 'defend' him. Lucky guy. "How dare you speak to my betrothed like that!!" Spoiled huffed arrogantly, not wanting to pass up the opportunity to get back into his good graces. "You're just jealous that the entire revenue of the worthless Apple clan can be measured in smelly untamed animals and moldy old apples, whereas we have a fabulous house, glamourous outfits and enough money to fill our outdoor swimming pool ten times over! It's such a pity that serfs like you could never appreciate the value of being upper-class, and instead choose to marinate in your own jealousy. Oh well, at least after explaining everything I hope you all understand now why removing my Diamond from her clearly inadequate care at birth was the best thing that could have happened to that fortunate foal. She has all she could possibly need, I'm raising her in my perfect image and she stands to inherit one of the most successful companies in the world now. She couldn't have wished for anything better, than falling into our loving hooves after her less-than-ideal start in life, I'm sure you agree, dear." Spoiled was now talking to Starlight, who'd been sitting stock-still for quite a while now, in direct contrast to before when she'd lost her rag at the slightest provocation. As it was, she'd simply listened unblinkingly to Spoiled's lengthy testimony with keen interest, and hadn't even bat an eyelid at her friends less-than-pleased responses to it. Now that she was being addressed directly though, she slowly ascended from her chair and trotted over to the giant ornate clock, her back turned to everypony else the way Spoiled's had been during her brief strop earlier. "W-Well, dear? Have you nothing to say for yourself?" Despite her exterior bravado, Spoiled was beginning to get a little jittery at the perpetual silence, and the other ponies present were also starting to feel tense at what the pensive unicorn's next few words would be. Eventually, a few moments later which felt like an eternity, Starlight turned to face her captive audience to utter six simple words that were about to have a profound affect on everypony there's lives from now on: "I want my daughter back. Now." Immediately thinking this was a bad joke, Spoiled Rich ignored the slumped form of her husband in front of her to address the only pony there who could get things done. "S-She's kidding right? T-There's no way she could possibly ask for that... a-after so long..." this was accompanied by a nervous chuckle. Not really wanting to even acknowledge the questioner but having little option but to respond, Twilight replied in a tone which only be described as that of the utmost seriousness. "Actually, Mrs Rich, she can."