Dark Histories

by Crystal Moon

Chapter 1; Discovering the past

Twilight smiled. "There!" She announced. Twilight Sparkle had been working on her own book and had just finished writing it. She bonded the pages together. "Spike!" Twilight called.
"What?!" He grumbled. Spike saw the book and knew she would tell him to send it to Princess Celestia. Spike took the new book from her and sent it to Celestia using his dragon fire. Twilight smiled. All of a sudden, Rainbow Dash and Applejack bust in. Applejack looked worried, as Rainbow Dash felt.
"Twi' ya gotta help us!" Applejack panted.

Twilight looked worried. "What happened?!" She burst out, worried. Applejack looked reluctant to say anything. Rainbow Dash took in a deep breath.
"Applejack had a strange dream. I woke up and went to see her. She wasn't in her bed. I looked for Applejack and found her in the barn. She was sleepwalking. Applejack had a sword in her hoof. She was speaking gibberish while surrounding by a circle of carving knives, all faced towards the centre." Rainbow Dash panted. Twilight widened her eyes. She glanced over at Applejack for an explanation but saw no emotion on the orange earth pony's face. Applejack seemed to be staring off into nothing. Her eyes were glazed over and Aj was muttering something.
"Yes mother. I will do it if you want." Applejack murmured.

Twilight stared at her friend in shock. Applejack sounded like she was planning a murder! Applejack looked up sharply. Her eyes were not their normal soft green, but a cold hard blue instead. Applejack stormed into the kitchen of Twilights castle and came out with a carving knife and a razor in her hooves. Rainbow Dash flew up into the air in shock. Applejack tried to leap after Rainbow Dash but stumbled and the razor dug into Aj's left eye. Applejack stood up and ignored the pain in her eye. Twilight tried to help her crazed friend but failed. Applejack dug the carving knife into Twilight's front leg.

Twilight shrieked in pain and horror. Rainbow fainted and Applejack tried to drive the knife into Rainbow's chest but Twilight used her magic to rip the bloody carving knife from Applejack's hoof. Applejack let out a curse of rage.
"Why didn't I think of that earlier?" As muttered. Twilight watched in shock as Applejack's hooves started to glow red with a strange auror around her hooves. Applejack stole the knife from Twilight's magical grasp and drove the knife into Rainbow's chest. Rainbow woke up and coughed up a little bit of blood. Twilight cried out in horror.

Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy were trotting by to Suger Cube Corner, when they heard the splatter of blood and Twilight's shriek of horror, the three burst in. They saw Applejack with a crazed look in her strange Icy blue eyes, a bloody knife, a razor stuck in her eye and Rainbow's dying body. Rarity let out a shriek of horror, fainting on the spot. Pinkie widened her eyes she ran over to Dash and started sobbing loudly. Fluttershy was strangely calm and just stood there surveying the scene.

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes slightly and smiled. There was a ragged slash where the carving knife had pierced Rainbow Dash's chest. Twilight stepped forward meekly and examined the wound. There was a deep, gash. Twilight saw that if Dash died, it would be of blood loss, not because of the heart. The knife hadn't punctured Rainbow Dash's heart. Twilight breathed a short sigh of relief. Pinkie looked a Twilight funny. Applejack sat in the corner of the room breathing heavily. Twilight picked Applejack up in her magic and locked Applejack in the basement of Twilight's Castle.

Fluttershy started to patch Rainbow up. Fluttershy washed the cut and put some ice and bandages on the wound. Rainbow let out a sigh of relief and fell into a relaxing sleep.

Down in the basement, Applejack started to try and attack Twilight. Twilight ended up having to use a spell to get Am back to normal, as well as making her sleep. Twilight breathed freely. She hadn't done that since Rainbow Dash's near death. Then she realised something strange; Fluttershy hadn't freaked out at the blood and Applejack's actions.