//------------------------------// // How It All Started // Story: Strawtopia // by GildaTheGriffon //------------------------------// It all started before I was born. Before I earned my scar on my face and before I sucked the first milk from my mother and before I ever first cried. Don't ever think ponies existed happily ever after in cartoons, cooking each other cakes and facing happy endings each and every day. Those are just stupid soap operas. The story that I am going to tell you is the reality, what happened, the sacrifice and truth. Some tell that it all started with the celebration of the marriage. The king of the pegasus island was marrying to the unicorn kingdom's princess. Carissa, the unicorn princess was pregnant from the king of the pegasus island Fanique, with just one accident and this accident caused them this marriage. She was in the carriage with her wedding dress while the baby was about the come. The baby didn't only prevented the marriage but also separated and caused a whole problem in all over the Strawtopia. Carissa was screaming so bad. "This is so hard! Argh!" she was having a pain and indeed she was referring every struggle she was facing to her words. With the pain tears dropping from her eyes she was getting carried to the castle hospital. However, the carriage was blocked by a couple of bandits. Carissa started to give her birth with the help of her bridesmaid in the carriage. "Manela, take my baby. They found us."A large couple of bandits shot the carriage riders and the poor unicorn fainted after giving birth. Manela, the bridesmaid teleported away from the carriage and ran back to the main castle to keep the baby safe. Carissa opened her eyes. "Who are you? What do you want?". She was still in the carriage and they were looking at her. A couple of bird-headed lions laughed. One of the leaders came closer. "You have never seen us, dear?". They were mocking and laughing more. "We came as the order of the queen of the earth pony land. We are the griffons. We have been hired by her to kill you indeed." he continued. Carissa closed her eyes and a tear dropped. "Has she given the birth yet master?" one of the griffins asked the bandit leader. "I don't think so, look at her face, she looks miserable.". the leader continued. Carissa had to lie and act in all that pain. "No, please don't hurt us. We don't dese-". BANG! Carissa was laying on the carriage floor with a hole in her forehead bleeding and without knowing the gender of her own baby she died. They thought they took care of the baby and the mother. They were about to leave when the king and the army came with the swords and shields and surrounded them. "I must admit... I never wanted that baby." the king said. "However, who do you think you are? How can you come to the kingdom of mine and cause terror?" he continued. The griffins kneeled down and were surrounded by pegasus guards pointing the sharp part of the spears at them. "How can you kill someone from royalty?" the king asked. The king was cut by the very loud laugh of the griffins. "Who are you? What are you?" the king shouted and interrupted the laugh with his rage. "My name is Lakamba, my king and we are griffins. Forgive my friends' pitiful laugh." the leader of the bandit answered with a little sarcastic voice. "Griffins? I have never seen them before, I thought they were a myth! What do you think you are doing? You all will die today. Take them to dungeons!" the king yelled. "I am afraid, my king, you don't know us very well." one of the other griffins prevented the act of the guards that they were about to make. They looked at each other and opened their wings and raised themselves. "We can fly..." he continued. "Look, Fanique. We don't want any trouble. Especially from royalty. That is why..." Lakamba made a huge spin and threw his sharp spear on one of the guard's face. "You wouldn't want to mess with us.". he continued. "We did what we must. We are bandits, ponies hire us, we do." "How do you know my name and how can you kill one of my stallions? This is war! The war between us and griffons! Who hired you?" King Fanique asked. One of the griffins said, "We only tell it to people who we kill...". Lakamba came front and patted the griffon's head who spoke. "We can tell you because I assure you, no one can start up a war to griffons. You will die today and us..." Lakamba giggled. "We assure you, each royalty blood of yours will be poured to our tub to make us fresh and more powerful.". He took out of his leg and pointed his eagle feet to the ponies. At the same time, "Attack!" word was shouted by the king of the pegasus land. Royal guards were trying their best to take over Lakamba and the bandits, however, they trained well and they were creating some trouble in the war. However there were just six of the griffons, and they lost four of their members. It was just Lakamba and the griffon he patted left. They achieved to kill twenty but there were eight more guards to reach the king. They were trying their best and soon, the other griffon who achieved to take out three of them died. Lakamba was feeling so close to him, he was like his little brother. After some time it was just Fanique and his three guards left. He laughed with the effect of madness and fear. "Come! Come to me! Kill me! Dare to do that beak head!" he shouted. Lakamba got mad and he struck at the three guards. He was injured but he was good enough to take down another enemy. He choked other guard and turned back to the last two. He grabbed the dead guard's spear and continued on fighting. Meanwhile, Manela was running. She was trying her best to keep the baby safe but when she reached the castle it was too late. The garden, where the marriage was about to happen, has been attacked by the earth ponies. Unicorns and pegasus ponies were trying to defend themselves however earth ponies, although they couldn't fly or cast magic, they were able to use good engines and weapons. Mandela should have hidden the baby, however, the baby in the sheets was crying so it was causing attraction. Two earth ponies came by and stopped the unicorn. "Where do you think you are going, lady?" one of them asked. "My baby is crying..." Manela immediately answered. She didn't want any attraction, all her duty was to protect the baby. "I don't want any danger or trouble." she continued. "We would help you." the other said. "But why would we? Your people provided nothing but sorrow and sadness to our Earth queen. You deserve to die and you already stepped into trouble, love." the earth stallion continued. When they were about to jump over her to kill, she cast a quick thunder magic on them and rushed to the dungeons by passing the gates. Lakamba threw one of the spears to the eyeball of one of the guards and cut the throat of the others while he got attacked by a sharp silver spear from his back from the pegasus king Fanique. "You lost... What are your last words?" he asked. Griffon looked up to the sky and made a strong dash and came back and jumped at the king. "Today, we will see whose blood will fill the moon," Lakamba shouted. With his sharp claws, he raised his hand and he attempted to cut king's neck however with a sudden shout of "Enough!" he stopped and looked at the source of the voice while standing on Fanique's body. "I said enough! This took more than I expected. I thought your prince could have given us his best army, however, he was terribly wrong. I didn't hire you for this!" the source shouted. It was the queen. The queen of the land of the earth ponies. Lakamba made one last kick on king Fanique's face and left his body. Lakamba walked toward the queen with an angry and sarcastic mood. "So, you didn't want me to kill the king?" he asked. "I never wanted you to do that! All you needed to handle was that mare and you already took a lot of time to take care of that. " the queen said and looked at the two mare nurses she brought and pointed them the carriage. The earth nurse ponies went there to check the mother if she and the baby are dead. Lakamba rolled his eyes. "Peyrosa... What a wonderful surprise." Fanique said. "Fanique, I see you are still in the mood for discussion," Peyrosa said. "You killed her. You killed her because you were jealous. I broke up with you because I wanted her. You are the mare who loses for her bad intentions and habits." Fanique continued. "Let me say you one word, you will lose Peyrosa. The earth ponies are nothing but powerless walkers. They have no magic and no wings. They are not resistible to mother nature at all. Now, you and your pathetic army, get the hay out of my kingdom, now!" he continues. Peyrosa walked closer to Fanique who was laying on the floor. "You are the stallion, who cheated on me and now you are underestimating my and my races' powers. I shouldn't have stopped that griffon. He should have killed you." she continued. "You can never kill me!" Fanique shouted. "Because you are still in love with me. But let me tell you one thing dear, you and I will never work. We will never be together. I will never love you as the same way I loved Carissa." he said and with a sudden shout from Peyrosa, she took out of her sword and cut the head of the king. "Oh, I already know that honey..." she said and looked at the dead body of the king of the pegasus tribe. "My queen!" one of the nurses came out. "I think, I have some bad news for you." she continued. "Bad news?" Peyrosa turned back and put her hoof to the neck of the nurse. "Speak! Now!" she continues. The nurse was trembling while she was speaking. "The baby... The baby is alive... The mare bore the child before she died." she said. The queen smiled. She looked to the carriage and laughed. "Tha baby? Alive?" she started to laugh like a crazy pony. She showed up her sword again and killed the nurse. The other nurse left the carriage and with a little panicked she went back to the army. The queen turned back. "What the heck are you waiting for? Go! Go find that little witch!" she shouted and the army aimed to go back to the castle. Manela achieved to go to the dungeons and met with the guards. They realized the bridesmaid and they brought her to the territory. The other people who were hiding looked at the baby and her. The baby was hungry, luckily Manela had some juice from the cherries she collected today. "That stupid baby and this marriage brought this war. Unicorns created this all over to our lands!" one of the pegasus villagers shouted and the others agreed. "All of the unicorns must be killed." he continued and the other pegasus ponies agreed and cheered with him. However, there were unicorn villagers to who attended the wedding. They were also blaming the pegasus ponies and the king causing the problem to them. The war was about to happen, between earth, pegasus and unicorn ponies. Pegasus ponies had wings, unicorn ponies had magic and the earth ponies had engines and griffins. The war was about to happen. Manela uncovered the sheet of the unicorn baby to feed. It was a stallion. However, there was something more surprising about it. The stallion had... Wings. He was a pegacorn. (PS: To see the characters' physical appearance, you can check my profile page... They are on the left corner on my profile page when you scroll down.)