Tales of the Battle Foals

by Sirdubya

Fourth Tenet

“Why is Crazylocks sedated?” Greensprout asked.

“I started an experimental treatment that would test her cognition, but arising circumstances offered us tad more insight via her having a psychotic episode.” Quantum Tech explained.

“And just what were these ‘circumstances’?” Greensprout asked firmly. She wasn’t too happy about them so readily resorting to forcing Crazylocks to sleep.

“Remember when you tried to heal her with your Gaia Root, and she started crying for her grandpa not to do something?” Spiral Galaxy asked. Greensprout nodded. “Well, we asked her who her grandpa was, and that’s when she started freaking out.”

“Oh dear…” Greensprout said. “What all did she do?”

“She was shouting nonsense. I think she even said something in Zebota’s language.” Fire Fight said.

Zebota nodded. “She did. She said something about marrying a tree on top of a volcano.”

“Ya know, come to think of, she kinda started talkin’ hood like I do and talkin’ southern like Kickback.” Turf War said.

“Well, Ah reckon that’s cuz she’s gotten used to us by now.” Kickback said.

It was at that statement that Quantum gasped from having an epiphany. “Could that mean…..Was the nature of her episode not as random as we might have imagined?”

“What do you mean?” Fire Fight asked.

“What I mean is that she’d rather remember us than her grandfather, hence the content of her babbling. She wants only fond memories with her friends rather than memories of the torment she suffered.” Quantum conjectured.

Everypony glanced down at the slumbering loon. Was Quantum Tech right? Was Crazylocks expressing her true feelings the only way she could? Was she really as insane as they all thought? “So in a manner of speaking, she’s not even insane at all?” Air Slash inquired.

“Oh no, darling. Even without her extreme method of memory repression, her tampered genetics has flung her body into chaos, and her brain is having difficulty adjusting. But that alone shouldn’t cause any major side effects given the fact that she has attained a degree of control over it, so mental therapy would be her best treatment.” Quantum explained.

Fire Fight’s own sorrow turned into determination as he came to a conclusion of his own. “She’s afraid.” He muttered. “Greensprout, you were right. When we first let Crazylocks come with us, I said that we’d treat her with absolute care, but we failed, and only now do we know just how much she knows she’s suffering. Even if she can’t always take priority, I think we can all agree that we need to give her the attention she needs when we have a moment.”

“Word, homie. I think we just never really knew how to treat her, know how I mean?” Turf War said.

“Now don’t feel too bad, sheriff. Not like we really knew what we could do fer her in the beginnin’. Besides, if she wants to remember us, then doesn’t rightly say somethin’ ‘bout how much she cherishes her time spent ‘ere already?” Kickback said.

Letting those words sink in lifted the foals’ spirits. Even if they hadn’t been as kind as they could probably have been to Crazylocks, it was now clear that she was content to actually have the closest thing to a loving family she’s had in years. “There is much truth in your words, Kickback. Let us continue to nurture her.” Greensprout said. They all nodded in confident agreement.


Shadow Shroud silently leapt between trees and bushes as she scouted the immediate vicinity. The prospect of having former acquaintances of Fire Fight’s looming about may have made the young Shadewalker feel a bit too cautious, but one of her masters once told her that caution heightens focus, which she needed a lot of right now.

So far, nothing. Using her honed senses, the only thing that seemed unusual was the little nip in the air she suddenly felt. No tracks had been made that shouldn’t have been there, no sets of watching eyes, nothing that put her on edge. So after a short while of scanning the area, she decided to start making her way back……..except that she had one more little thing to do.

Shadow Shroud leapt down to a small space between a few trees and patiently sat herself down. So ominous was her presence in that one space that even the birds stopped chirping out of a sheer feeling of tension. The only sound that echoed a few moments later was the sound of a few sticks being quietly stepped on! Despite the danger she could have been in, Shadow Shroud didn’t even flinch. In fact, she creased a devious smile and let out a small giggle. “So you finally get sent out into the wild with the rest of us beasts, and this is how you try to introduce yourself. A little sad, really.”

The footsteps became more obvious, and bush beside her began rustling. From it emerged a stallion completely clothed in a black cloth that seemed to be made of midnight itself. “What’s wrong with terrorizing your prey before the fatal strike?” he asked. The two stared each other down for a moment before removing their masks. The stallion’s coat was the color of burnt charcoal, his mane was navy-blue and his eyes were a dark magenta. He looked to be about in his early twenties.

“Dark Veil, if I recall?” Shroud said.

Dark Veil creased a slightly amused smile. “So here she is. The Masters’ prodigy herself- The ‘legendary’ Shadow Shroud. Didn’t think I’d ever have the fortune of actually meeting you.”

“As I recall, you seldom were the apple of fortune’s eye when it came to training. Don’t be discouraged though. Most fledglings don’t leave the nest until their roughly nineteen. You’re just a few years behind.” Shroud said.

Dark Veil chuckled. “And then there’s you.” He then handed her a kunai that had a coded message written meticulously in its handle. “I believe this is yours.”

Shroud took back her dagger. “Nice to be close to home in a long time. How are things there?”

“Same as it’s always been and probably ever will be.” Dark Veil said dutifully. “Though it looks somepony might have gotten a little overconfident somewhere along the way if the recent headlines are to be believed.”

Shroud rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. Give it at least a week, and I promise you that Equestria will have forgotten my face like they never saw it. Besides, it’s nowhere near the first that even an elite member of our clan has raised suspicion. Ponies aren’t completely stupid, you know. And I certainly haven’t broken any of our tenets.”

Dark Veil narrowed his eyes. “Maybe so, but don’t forget that any carelessness from any us could spell doom for those tenets. You of all Shadewalkers should know that! Who are those other foals anyway, and why does one of them look like a damn Bladerunner?”

“My business is my own just yours is yours unless an agreed collaboration is arranged- fourth tenet, rookie. Now regarding why I’ve called you here, I trust you’ve been observing this… ‘quaint’ little town for some time?” Shroud said.

Dark Veil rolled his eyes. “Arrogant little….” He muttered to himself. “Yeah. I’ve been here for roughly three months now, but nothing’s really happened. What about it?”

“Do you know anything about a filly named ‘Bullseye’?” Shroud asked.

“You mean that archer prodigy? Not in particular. Why?” Dark Veil inquired.

“A little bird told me that there’s something about her that may warrant some attention.” Shroud answered.

Dark Veil sighed. “Well…..I can’t deny your ability if the stories passed around the stronghold are to believed.”

“Depends on who tells ‘em.” Shroud said.

“Whatever. So, what about this ‘Bullseye’?” Dark Veil asked.

“Do you happen to know where she lives?”

Dark Veil nodded. “Yeah. Little house just on the edge of these woods. Whoever else lives doesn’t take very could care of their shrubbery. Really kinda stands out from the rest of the houses around it.”

Putting two and two together, Shadow Shroud realized that it was the house that the house described to her was the same one that she used as a sneaking point between the White Tail Woods and Trifectown. “Hmm….Understood. Do you happen to know anything else about her that may not be readily obvious?”

“Nothing for sure, but if you’re really so fascinated by her…” Dark Veil reached into his cloak and pulled out a small, black diamond and handed it to her. “This might prove to be of some use.”

Shroud took the diamond. It’s dark form made the shadows of the forest shimmer off of its mysterious luster. “A Shadow Eye? Really? The Masters don’t just hand these out like candy, you know.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve got a couple spares. I guess they mean for me to be more of a scout than anything else right now.” Dark Veil said.

“And you’re just handing this one to me?” Shroud asked.

Dark Veil chuckled. “Fourth tenet, rookie.”

Shroud creased a devious smile and stored the diamond in her cloak. “If you ever happen to get homesick, give everypony my regards. I miss them oh so dearly.” She said.

Dark Veil nodded. “If I care too.” He joked. “Walk with the shadows, sister.” He said as he put his mask back on.

Shroud put her own mask back. “Walk with the shadows, brother.” Dark Veil disappeared back into the dark of the forest beyond as quickly as Shadow Shroud could, but wasn’t quite so silent as a great numbers of leaves could be heard crinkling behind the trees, giving Shroud a good chuckle.

With that, she began making her way back to her comrades. About halfway, she stopped and pulled out the Shadow Eye. Her amused smile slowly disappeared as the glint of her amethyst eyes looked back at her. “Tch. ‘Prodigy’…..”


Shadow Shroud emerged from a bush and back into the clearing that she and the others occupied. She could see Fire Fight and Turf War putting a campfire together, Spiral Galaxy calmly watching Crazylocks as she shook her pigtails around like maracas, Air Slash talking to Greensprout and Kickback trying to stop Quantum Tech from jumping on him. Zebota and Shrapnel must have been out hunting.

“Hey, Shroud! You took a while.” Fire Fight said.

Shroud trotted up to the two of them. “Forgive me. Perhaps I was being a little too cautious.”

“It’s all good! Not like we ain’t in a li’l s*** right now.” Turf War said. “Homie ‘bout to whip up some lunch, so I hope y’all whipped up an appetite, and I ain’t talkin’ ‘bout Kickback’s whip. Heh!”

Fire Fight chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Nice, dude.” When he looked back at Shroud, she was staring back out into the forest seemingly lost in thought. Something about the way her eyes gazed into woods seemed rather….solemn. “You okay, Shroud?”

“Hmm? Oh! Yes. Sorry. I think everypony’s a little on edge given the circumstances."

“You ain’t lyin’.” Turf War commented.

“Right. Well anyway, once night falls, I'll set out. I think I know where to go.” Shroud said.

Fire Fight and Turf War were a little surprised to see her suddenly know something that she probably shouldn’t have, but then again, this was Shadow Shroud. Anything was possible. “Ok, great! I’ll make your favorite fruit stew. How about that?” Fire Fight said.

Shroud giggled. “Finally, a little reward for all my hard work.” She teased.

“Not like you haven’t earned it.” Fire Fight said.

As Fire Fight went to work cooking up a hearty meal for his friends, Shadow Shroud looked around at all of them. They were quirky, silly and sometimes a little ridiculous, but seeing them happy and alive brought a smile to the little ninja’s face.