Tales from the Griffon Kingdoms

by Don_Griffon

The Execution of Lord Hergen

High Prince Gregor was a simple griffon. Simple and to the point. That's not to say that he lacked wits, he just didn't see much point in making a conversation exceedingly flowery just to please some noble type. As first born son of High King Sedgor, Gregor felt obligated to do his part in keeping the nation together. Part of the duty he burdens himself with is punishing arrogant Lords or Ladys that think they can get away with betraying their kinsmen. Other times he acts as a Captain in the Gryphus Royal Guards and does whatever is asked by the High King, as of late that mainly meant expanding their nation westward, toward the ocean trapped behind a leyline. He never complained of his duties, even if it was something cruel or distasteful. He'd carry a mountain on his back if it meant his people could be safe and prosperous. Though sometimes he'd wish he could have been born into a simple life as a peasant, he would have been happy to have left all the political nonsense and battle behind. But that'd never be, he was High Prince of Gryphus and bore his duties with dignity and honor, no matter what. Speaking of duties this day Gregor found himself flying to Talos, the city of Enchantments in Griffon Lands, the Lord there has been found guilty of treason by selling what was an enchantment that only Griffon's knew how to make to some competitor business in that filthy boom town they call Caldroon. Treason was to be met with death, no exceptions. So the sleek dart of a Griffon flew, clad in full battle regalia, to execute a traitorous lord. Wings tipped with brown, his sleek dark blue fur would have blurred against the cloudless sky at the pace he was flying, his whip-like tail flowing behind him. Flying always brought peace to his mind, almost as if he could forget his duties for a time as he worked his muscles and felt the sun on his back. Unfortunately for him though he was closing in on Talos Castle, Lord Hergen would be alerted to his arrival before he'd able to get to the throne room. He idly wondered if the cur would flee like the coward he was or if he'd stay and grovel on his belly like the Diamond Dog filth. As Gregor landed outside the main gate the soldiers saluted and wordlessly let him in, not ones to question the High Prince when hes on Royal business. The sleek prince's heavy armor clanked loudly as he stalked the halls leading to the throne room, servants scattered and darted away at his expression. Soon Gregor stood before the throne, before Lord Hergen. Looks like the dog didn't flee after all.

"My, whatever did I do to have the honorable pleasure of having the High Prince visit my Castle?" Lord Hergen asked in a forced humble tone.

Gregor drew his sword, so well oiled it didn't make any noise, and pointed it at the Lord. "Don't talk to me about honor, you filth. By order of His Majesty Sedgor, High King of Gryphus, and Lord of the Winds you are sentenced to death."

Hergen gasped, his eyes widening in shock as he quickly looked about. "Guards! Guards! Seize this man! Hes deranged and has no clue what hes talking about!" The guard griffons hesitated for a moment then instead of apprehending the High Prince they left the room, barring all the doors behind them. Hergen gulped and scrambled for one of the wall mounted ornamental swords.

"Do not make this any harder on yourself, don't shame your House any more than you have already." Gregor walked slowly toward the panicking Lord. "Stand down and try to retain some honor, dog.

Hergen clumsily dropped the sword and slunk low to his belly. "Pl-please! This is a misunderstanding! I didn't do ANYTHING wrong!" He wrung his claws out in front of him pleadingly.

Gregor spat on his face. "You're worse than a dog. You're a worm, a sniveling, pathetic worm and your traitorous hide will be flown on the ramparts so the whole city can know of your treachery!"

The Lord whimpered and scrambled back to the sword he had dropped, trying to quickly bring it up in a vain attempt to defend himself against a blademaster. The High Prince performed Plucking the Low-Hanging Apple, decapitating the worm with little effort and sheathing his blade with Folding the Fan.

"Guards!" The Blademaster roared, causing all the guards to quickly re-enter the room and see what happened. Some grimaced at the site of their dead Liege, others spat and muttered curses on his House. "I want his body mounted on the Castle walls, put his head on a pike outside the main gate. I want every living soul in Talos to know of their lord's treachery before night falls. As of now I'll be in charge of Talos until the Royal Court can decide on a new House to take House Hergen's place."

The guards bowed and did as he asked, Gregor escorted himself to the lord's room, calling servants to rouse his family and inform them of his demise and their eviction and removing most of the Hergen's furniture from his room. The Prince examined all of Hergen's documents before burning them. As it was, Gregor was disgusted with the immoral dealings Hergen was capable of, but the amount he discovered here far outnumbered anything he originally thought. Gregor would never be able to understand how some Nobles could just abuse the trust of their people so. It was sickening. Suddenly he started coughing violently, his whole body racking for a few minutes as he coughed up globules of blood. With a grimace he moved to seat himself at Hergen's desk. His condition was worsening, it was quite fortunate that he didn't have that episode while killing Hergen, the worm might have been able to hold his arms still for a second and run him through. Gregor roared in frustration, slamming his gauntleted claws on the desk, startling a servant who was carrying some books out. He silently wished that his condition could be cured or that the doctors could even identify what it was. No manner of Healing or medicine have been able to help him, even the Royal Physicians were stumped at his affliction. Bah, he wouldn't let it get to him. He had to keep strong, just long enough for Annor to get back. Just long enough to keep the Land from tearing itself apart before the Throne of Winds could be passed on to a rightful Heir. He'd see that his homeland would stay strong long enough for Annor to be crowned High King, for he knew that he'd never be able to hold the position at least not with his condition persisting. Gregor knew it'd be the death of him but he'd make sure the Kingdom would be sound and whole for his brother. Even if he had to put a mountain on his back and carry it through a leyline. He'd endure long enough to pass his duty on to someone he knew would be capable. If only his foolish brother hadn't insisted on going to Caldroon. Annor should be here to continue his study of Court Politics and Diplomacy! The sleek griffon sighed inwardly, almost seeming to wilt over the desk. Sometimes he just wanted to leave and let everything go. Live the rest of his days on a lonely mountain, keeping watch over a small flock and farm. No, his sense of duty would never allow him. He'd bare this burden till his death and he'd do so with honor and dignity! Gregor raised from the desk and decided to go for a quick fly, just to clear his head.

Just to clear his head.