Tales from the Griffon Kingdoms

by Don_Griffon

The Passing of the Lord of Winds

Gregor stood up on the walls of Talos Castle, silently watching over the surrounding city as night settles in. It had been three days since Lord Hergen was executed, two days since his mate and fledgelings were also executed as they refused to leave. House Hergen would be a much lesser house now, never again will it hold power over Talos. With a sigh the High Prince made his way back to his room. It had only been a few days but he was tired of a Lord's life, his affliction not helping his opinion any. Fortunately he hasn't had an episode while in public or flying, either of those could be quite dangerous for him. It seemed slightly odd that his father hasn't raised anyone to rule Talos yet, but Gregor was sure the old bird knew what he was doing. Before long the High Prince was in his room and preparing to bed down. His rest was delayed, however, as a servant rapidly knocked on his door, not entering until called for. "My lord, a messenger bearing the King's seal is here. He urgently requests your presence but I thought you may be asleep so I had him wait in the throne room until I could check on you..." The servant seemed quite flustered, probably out of bed himself seeing how he was dressed. "Ah, a Lord can't know a moments rest even in a time of peace. Fine, tell him I'll be out to meet him shortly." The servant bowed and quickly made his way out. Gregor grumbled grouchily as he took the time to belt on his sword and put on his armor, whoever it was could wait until he was ready. When Gregor made his apparence in the throne room he was surprised to be met by his old teacher, the King's Shadow, Falion. The griffon was rather small, but quite sturdy as years of sparring with the bird taught him. His grey fur and mottled feathers gave him an owlish apperence, which was heightened by his round, yellow eyes. "Falion? What are you doing here? You're the last person I would have thought Father would pick to rule Talos. What goes on?"

Falion was startled by Gregor's appearence, which seemed quite odd, something must really be eating him up. He takes a second to recompose himself and bows. "I wasn't sent here to take Talos's throne, I was sent here to collect you. Before you go wasting my time with your pointless questions it is because Sedgor is dying."

The High Prince stared disbelivingly at his old teacher. "What...? That can't be, that bird is still as fierce as a group of minotaurs!" The statement almost sounded like he was convincing himself.

"We have no time for this! Just come on!" The smaller griffon barks and began walking away at a fast pace. Gregor cursed and ran to catch up to him, together they left Talos Castle and flew torward Gryphus.

Gregor's dark blue fur was a blur against the clear night sky, the moon only a gibbous shed just enough light for them to see. The long flight would last until the wee hours of the morning just before dawn. Gregor felt a chill in him, not sure if it was the night air or the gravity of the situation. He hoped it was the night air. When they finally landed on Palace grounds, the guards almost looked surprised to see them though they didn't hesitate on letting them in with how hurried they looked. It was a tiring night's flight considering they were in full gear, must have been doubly tiresome for Falion but he didn't let it show as he nearly ran through the Palace halls forcing Gregor to hurry. In short order the owlish griffon barged into the High King's room with the High Prince in tow. "Sedgor! As you have requested I have brought young Gregor!" Falion rushed Gregor to his Father's bedside. Sedgor was normally a fierce sight to behold, he was a large, powerful griffon with dark feathers and fur. In fact more than once it has been commented that he looked like a giant raven. Except for the burning red that accentuates his majestic crest. But this time the griffon seemed a bit smaller, his crest a bit duller, and his voice a bit weaker. "About damn time....I can't even die without having to wait up for some one, phaw!" He coughs violently. "Gah! This body refuses to cooperate with me...Gregor, come closer so I can see your face." He complied, not one to refuse his father no matter the occasion. "Eh...You don't look ready yet." The High King states tiredly. "But you'll have to be. For this Kingdom, for these people. It wouldn't have been as imperative for you to be here if your Wind be damned sister was here or your disappointment of a brother." He breaks into another coughing fit, spitting to the side before contiuning. "I want you to know that I've always been proud of you Gregor, I know that you detest the life of a Lord but it's your duty to bare since we can't count on my other fledglings." The grizzled old griffon scowls at this. "I'll not lie to you, it's a heavy burden to bare. As heavy as a mountain, but it is worth bareing. To see your people prosper, to see them rejoice. The first time you see a crowd cheer at what you've done will be enough of a reassurance to make you see I speak true." Sedgor's eyes grow a tad hazy. "If only I could have raised you all better after your Mother died, maybe then Nailah and Annor would have been here...That is the only regret I have as I leave this world, Gregor. I was to busy being a ruler instead of a father, I feel I failed all of you in that regard." This somewhat shocked Gregor to hear, but he kept quiet and nodded in acknowledgement to his words.

"Do not worry, Father. I'll take good care of your people after you leave. I swear that I will be a ruler you can be proud of!" The Heir Apparent lied despite how much it pained him to. He knew he'd never live that long but he would bare this burden until Annor came back. He had to.

"I was never worried about it, you're the only one I'm not worried about! It's your foolish siblings that I'm worried about! Bah, there is nothing that can be done about it. I failed and that is that." The King says plainly. "For the one thing that I leave behind, you're pretty good Gregor. Don't let Court life and politics get to you, never let any of those popinjays think they can control you. If you can do that I'm sure you'll have the wisdom to be a great ruler someday." Another violent fit of coughing takes Sedgor, this one quite worse than the rest. "I guess I don't have much longer...Take care of your brother and sister, Gregor, take care of them like I never could..." He scowls. "Phaw! Look at me being so sentimental...Falion, take Gregor out of here. I want to be alone while I pass." The gray griffon bows and leads Gregor out. Sedgor let out a tired sigh, almost letting out the last of his life. "My dear Vivaldi...I'm sorry I didn't do a good job raising them but...I did the best I could. It was hard without you, I never realized how much I relied upon you until you were gone. If only I could go back and do something more..." He turns his head to look out a nearby window. "Sunrise...You died when the sun rose, didn't you Vivaldi? I'm sorry I kept you waiting so long but I had a duty to my people." He coughs weakly. "Ah, not much longer dear and I'll be right with you, ha ha ha...." Sedgor smiled as he closed his eyes for the last time. A strong wind blew with his passing, like his spirit finally leaving to rejoin with his mate.

Just outside the door Gregor sat on the ground, crying as Falion gently held him, patting his back. "It's okay, just let it all out..."

That day the entirty of Gryphus mourned, messengers were sent to inform every city, town, and hamlet that the Lord of Winds has passed and that the coronation for the Heir Apparent, High Prince Gregor would be in fourteen days.