Spike Pie

by Silver Butcher

How to Speak Rock

Spike was confused. Maud was talking to somepony, but only she could hear that somepony. At first, he thought it was a joke but soon found out that Maud had the amazing ability to speak rock. Spike thought it was awesome though he had no idea how to do it himself. He tried listening to them fruitlessly. Finally, he decided the best way to learn was to ask the professional herself. After working up the nerve, he knocked on Maud's door.

"Yes," Maud answered in her usual monotone.

"Maud, I...I have a question."

"Come in Spike," She offered flatly. Spike opened the door with Maud looking at him from her bed with seemingly uninterested eyes. "How can I help?"

"Um...I...I wanted to ask how..to..um speak rock." Spike could tell Maud was surprised. Her face hadn't changed, but he knew she was surprised.

"Well," she said as she motioned for Spike to come to the bed. "To speak rock, you must understand what it means to be a rock. You must understand what a rock goes through, what it's like to be one with the earth." Maud stood up, "Follow me." Without a further word, she walked out the door. Spike spun into a little tornado, jumped, having somehow gotten balloons during the process, and floated after Maud. He had finally learned how to fly, though he still had to be with someone or he'd have to get roped to Limestone again. Maud took Spike to the quarry.

"This is a home for many rocks," she started. "Each one is different, each has a story, and each has a unique personality. There are thousands of rocks, but it's next to impossible to find two rocks that look, act, and are the same." Maud looked back at Spike to make sure he was still listening. He was staring at her in amazement. She continued, "You don't speak rock. No, you have to understand the rock, learn to understand their struggles and their strife. It's a universal language. If you can learn to speak rock, you can learn to speak to anything, from the clouds to the animals. All you have to do is listen. Are you ready to learn?"

"Yes," Spike said breathlessly.

"Then let's begin." Nopony saw Maud or Spike for three days and three nights. On the fourth morning, they emerged from the quarry.

"Oh thank Celestia," Cloudy exclaimed in relief. Then said angrily "Where. Have. You. Been?!"

Spike and Maud looked at each other and, in a unison monotone, muttered, "Learning."