//------------------------------// // On Thin Ice // Story: Against the Shadows // by DazzleMLP84 //------------------------------// “Look, dad! I’m serious! It was 75 degrees outside this morning I had no idea that it was going to snow. If I knew that it was going to snow I would’ve worn winter clothes.” Adagio yelled. “That’s besides the point. You know I don’t want anything else to happen to you, after the incident.” Her father responded. “Dad, I was twelve years old, and I told you a million times she attacked me!” “Really, Adagio? You told us last year that she gave you the pendant and you put it on.” Sunset pointed out. “I didn’t exactly remember how the incident happened, when I told you and the others that.” “Okay, that makes sense.” “Also, I’m eighteen now. I can watch out for myself way better. Plus I have Flame, Sunset, Twilight, and all my other friends as well.” “Look, I just want my little girl to be safe. Is there anything wrong with that?” “No, but you are way too obsessive and I’m not a little girl anymore.” Monet was about to speak, as the doorbell rang. “Wow, I wonder who that could be? I should get the door.” Adagio announced sarcastically as she reached for the door to find Flame standing at the door. “Hello, Monet. I heard you and Adagio are at it again.” “Flame, she called you didn’t she.” “No, Sunset did it this time. Anyways I think you guys need some space so I’m going to hang out with Adagio in town. Have a good night.” Flame announced as Adagio and him left the door into the front porch covered in snow. “Thanks for bailing me out of that. He annoys me so much.” “I know, Adagio. We were friends since we were eight and nine. I’m one the few people who know you well enough to tell you’re annoyed by him.” “And there he goes at it again with his ranting. I feel bad we left Sunset and Twilight in there.” Adagio added as she looked through the frost covered windows. “They get out of there after five minutes of his ranting. So Cake’s Cafe or do you want to go somewhere else?” “Cake’s Cafe is fine.” “Okay, let’s go.” ________________________ “Curse Allegro and this stupid snow! Forget Allegro, curse my mom! I could be at my dad’s house right now watching TV. Do I get to? No, I have to finish my mom’s stupid work and turn Allegro into a siren. And now it just so happens to snow in May which makes this worse. What’s next world?!” Mezzo yelled as she slipped on the ice in shock to another burst of light next to her. “Mezzo, I know you didn’t do it yet. Remember what I said if you didn’t do it?” Ruby ranted. “I’m trying, but she has a group friends with her.” “Adagio had friends with her, and I took her down.” “Yes, but she is super agile and fast. Not to mention she blasted me in the face with her wand.” “Stop, complaining and go after her! We only have two days left!” “Make me!” “Fine.” Ruby responded as she grabbed Mezzo’s arm. _________________________ “Allegro! Are you okay? You have been in here for a hour.” Summer asked in the girl’s restroom at the Cake’s cafe. “No, I’m not. I have the worst headache, I’m in pain, my wand is still glowing blue, and I’m stressed!” Allegro responded splashing water on her face. “Allegro, you need to calm down. Everything is getting to you.” “Summer leave me alone!” “No. I’m your friend, and I will be here for you just like you are always for Twyla and I.” “Summer, I said back off!” Allegro screamed at her friend as her eyes started to glow red. “Okay, we’ll be at the hotel if you need us. Don’t get caught.” Summer said as she left the room. Allegro continued to splash water on her face as the red faded away. “What’s wrong with me? I’m not a monster, I will never be a monster. So stop trying!” Allegro said to herself sounding stressed and determined. She splashed her face again only to find small amounts of ice in the water. Before she could say anything she heard someone opening the door, she quickly ran into one of the stalls. Shortly after that seven familiar girls entered the room as they seemed to want to talk in private. “Do any of you all, know what the hey going on with Twilight, Sunset, and Adagio?” “Applejack? If that’s her then the others must be ... “ Allegro thought as she was interrupted. “Actually, Applejack I have no idea what’s up with my adoptive older sister. And I’m not the person to ask, as she lives with her parents not with me and Sonata.” Aria said in response. “Look, I just wanted to ask as all three of them seem to be acting weird.” “Acting weird?” Allegro thought. “I didn’t see anything clearly off about them.” Rainbow Dash replied. “Well Rainbow, Adagio hasn’t been making eye contact with almost everyone.” Rarity protested. “No, that’s normal. Adagio does that all the time around her dad.” Sonata responded. “Sonata Darling. Adagio doesn’t have great relationship with her dad. Adagio is now doing it to people who are friends of hers. Aria is it normal for her not to make eye contact?” “It depends on who, and her mood at the time. When she’s either angry, frustrated, confused, tired, worried or sad it is common for her to do that. Honestly, I think she is worried about something and she is hiding it, as she seems to perfectly happy around Flame instead of looking worried.” “Worried? Is she worried about me? Does she know that Ruby is after me? I miss her. I want mom and dad. I want to go home.” Allegro thought to herself as she actually started cry as sat on the floor. Fluttershy noticed the crying from the 2nd stall from the door as she tried to get the attention of the others. “Um, I think we aren’t alone, and she sounds sad. Maybe we should cheer her up.” “You are right darling. She sounds like she needs it.” “I’ll help. Making people smile is my speciality.” Pinkie added. “Don’t scare the poor kid. Maybe she wants to be left alone.” Rainbow protested. “Um, I’m sorry to interrupt your sadness, but are you okay?” Fluttershy asked. “I’m fine, please just leave me alone.” Allegro responded as she still had tears in her eyes. “Are you sure darling? Maybe you should come out here and talk about your issues. We are really good making others feel better.” Rarity asked. “I don’t want to talk about my issues. Every time I talk about them to anyone, it never helps. It may work for a second, but it never lasts.” “I don’t suppose those people who you tell are your parents?” Applejack asked. “No, I’m too scared to tell them. And for your information, maybe you shouldn’t be snooping in other people’s business. I said leave me alone, so I want you to leave me alone!!” Allegro said as she went from sad to mad in what felt like a heartbeat, returning with the anger was the glowing red eyes. “No, not again!” Allegro thought as they went back to her normal eye color. “Okay, kid. Chill out, we’re leaving.” Aria responded to Allegro’s outburst as she and the others left the bathroom. As soon as she heard the door shut, she ran out the stall and looked at the mirror to notice her tired irritated eyes and tears still falling down her cheeks. “Maybe I should head back to the hotel. One more day, Alle. You can handle one more day.” Allegro said to herself as she put up her hood and left the bathroom.