
by JesterOfDestiny

Chapter 4 - Another Failed Session

Pinkie was back at Suguarcube Corner. She seemed to have gotten over morning’s scare already. She just sold an impressive looking cake to somepony, with as much cheer as ever. As the pony left, Twilight entered through the door.

“Hey, Twilight, how’s it going?” Pinkie greeted her.

“I just heard about your phobia treatment with Fluttershy.” She answered. “How did it go?”

“Oh, that...” Pinkie lost her cheer, because she remembered that failed attempt. “It didn’t go as well as Fluttershy planned it.”

“Let me guess, you ran away before it even began.”

“Nope!” Pinkie said proudly. “I ran away, before Fluttershy even got there.”

“Well, I might know how to cure you!”

“You do?”

“Just look at this spider.” Twilight said, as she levitated Fluttershy into Pinkie’s view.

Pinkie screamed and lunged back. “It’s the same huge spider!”

“Well, then you should have no problem...” Twilight attempted to say something, but was rudely interrupted by a cupcake flying her way.

“Get it away! Kill it!” Pinkie screamed.

“Calm down Pinkie!” Twilight’s pitiful attempt at calming her down only made Pinkie throw a few more cupcakes at her. Twilight was trying to keep Fluttershy out of harm’s way. “Pinkie, just stop for a single minute and...” She couldn’t finish, because a cake hit her square in the face, which made her drop Fluttershy on the floor, who then ran away.

That scared Pinkie even more. “Where did it go?!” She said. “Where did it go?!” She said even louder. “It could be anywhere right now!”

Twilight wiped the splattered cake off her face and yelled: “For the love Celestia, Pinkie, stop freaking out!”

But Pinkie didn’t stop freaking out. She screamed and ran out the door, right past Discord, who was waiting by the door.

“Nice going Twilight.” Discord remarked as she walked out the door.

“Shut up and help me catch Pinkie!” Said Twilight and ran into the dust cloud Pinkie left. Discord rolled his eyes and teleported away.

Pinkie was running around, warning every pony she met about the enormous spider that “attacked” her. They all looked concerned, but also somewhat confused. Especially when they saw Twilight running after her. Eventually, Discord appeared in front of Pinkie and caught her with a butterfly net. She seemed to have calmed down somewhat, but she was still breathing heavily.

Twilight caught up with them. “Good, now get Fluttershy.” She said.

“I thought you had her!” Discord responded.

“Giant spider!” A scream was heard down the street. There was Fluttershy, who was attempting to catch up with them, and two other ponies. One of them was standing on top of a barrel, while the other swatting at Fluttershy with a rolled up newspaper. Then a unicorn stepped in and calmly put a bucket over the “giant spider”.

Discord teleported next to them. “Ah, there she is!” He exclaimed, as the ponies around looked at him in confusion. But Pinkie was suddenly there, wielding her flamethrower again. Twilight reacted in time and a purple flash appeared under the bucket, just before Pinkie could unleash her flaming fury. The flame stopped and all the ponies there, plus Discord, were covered in black ash. The bucket was gone completely.

“Pinkie, you maniac!” Discord screamed. “That was Fluttershy!”

“Fluttershy?” Pinkie got confused.

Discord was ready to continue, but Twilight grabbed him by the beard and pulled him away. “Don’t worry Discord.” She said. “She’s fine.”

“Didn’t you see what just happened?”

“I teleported her away.”

Discord calmed down slightly. “Okay, where?”

Twilight paused for a moment. “I don’t know.” She said with shrug.

Discord could only respond with a facepalm.

“Is everything alright?” Asked Pinkie.

“No!” Discord yelled at her, then snapped his fingers and teleported away, taking Twilight with him. The ponies around could only shrug and be both confused and concerned.