//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Tales of Foxtor // by Foxtorwho //------------------------------// Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria… well it is a magical place, but it isn't always sunshine and rainbows. My life is a testament to that, but I suppose the easiest way to tell my story, would be to take you to the first time I told it to anyone..... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke to the sound of a distant rooster crowing to greet the morning. Looking around the old stone house I reveled in the cozy feeling exuded by the worn stone. Maybe it had something to do with all the clutter accumulated from years gone by scattered about, or the tapestries of factions from bygone ages hanging from wall sconces, colors still shining brightly in the early morning sun, or even the multitude of bookshelves filled with old scrolls, tomes and books. Sitting up with a stretch, I dropped down to the floor, my hooves making a light clop sound. I turned to the mirror and gazed at the image of a light grey and orange fox pony, I ran a hoof through my shaggy mane and smiled a bit. Today will be a good day I thought to myself as I turned towards the center of the room. Surveying the mess that had taken up nearly all of my available space, old blades, small tinkering projects, and other miscellaneous items, I reached out through my magic to grab the poker and stoke the fire a bit before making my way outside. The sun was just coming up over the horizon, lighting up the fall colors of the trees in the orchard of Sweet Apple Acres. I’d built my home on the edge of the orchard, the front facing the mountainside with Canterlot sharply outlined by the rising sun. I trotted softly over to the stream running alongside my home and splashed some of the cold water on my face with a hoof. I glanced around, years of adventuring gave me a suspicious nature that was hard to put aside, even in this idillic setting. I galloped through the trees toward the farmhouse, hoping to catch Applejack before she headed to town for The Running of the Leaves today. ------- Upon my arrival at the farmhouse I placed my hooves on the bottom half of the door, “Hey AJ, you home?!” I shouted, getting a prompt 'Anope' from Big Mac, looking a bit annoyed at my volume for the time of morning it was. I put on a devilish grin, feeling no remorse for it as Applebloom walked in, still blinking the sleep out of her eyes. “Ya just missed her, if ya leave now ya might catch her” she said as she looked for something to eat. I nodded and kicked away from the door, breaking into a gallop toward the road for Ponyville. ------- After a few minutes I caught up with her “Hey AJ! Want to race to town as a warmup?” I asked with a smug smile. She looked at me and slowly smiled “Is that even a question?” she said as she took off with a short “YEEHAAW!”. I laughed and took off after her, catching up in seconds. After a few minutes Ponyville came into view and I gave her a glance before I stopped holding back and I pulled way ahead of her. I arrived far ahead of her and waited by the bridge for her to get there. “How’re you so fast?” she asked, out of breath. I just shrugged, “Probably the fox in me” I said as I started into town, headed towards the restaurant for some food. “See you later” I said, getting a tired wave from her in return. Most of Ponyville seemed to still be asleep. I sat at a table outside the restaurant and looked around, waiting to be served. Sometimes I was surprised by how much the town had grown over the years. I ordered a muffin from the waiter and ate quietly some of the more recent changes. When I finished I made my way to The Running of the Leaves starting location at the edge of Ponyville. By the time I arrived, most of town was there. I started tostretch, and out of the corner of my eye I noticed a familiar white pony with a purple mane approaching me. “Foxtor, even though these robes are dreadfully out of style, I managed to finish fixing them for you”, her tone a little disgusted even as she floated them over to me. As they floated before me, suspended in my magic, I looked them over with a smile. They were a dark navy color with fur lining the hood, constructed of heavier material: winter robes. They had obviously been patched and restitched multiple times over the years. I smiled at Rarity “you know me Rarity, function over fashion, though if you ever wanted to design me something more modern I wouldn't protest” i said as i put them on and got into a fighting stance, checking my range of motion. She seemed to perk up at this “I’d love to”, her tone now polite. I relaxed my stance “ how much do I owe you?”. She shook her head “If you promise to let me make you something more stylish then this is on me” she said, batting her eyelashes. I laughed a little, immune to her charms “if you really want to make them that bad then yes, I promise”. She smiled “Good!, come by my shop tomorrow so I can measure you out then” she said, walking away before I could protest, I sighed a little and went to the starting line. ------- After the running I made my way home, taking the scenic route. I soon saw my house in the distance, The looming stone structure standing tall next to the apple trees. One side of it was covered in vines, but beneath the vines the stone was smooth like glass, as if a great blast of heat had melted the surface of the stone. There was a short stone wall around the yard, a small blacksmiths workshop was in one corner, the forge dark and cold as I hadn't had any need of it lately. Across from the forge there was a half dozen pony shaped target dummies and a pile of firewood stacked next to them. As I drew closer I noticed my door was open. Immediately I went on guard. Silently approaching, I grabbed a handmade dagger from the forge. Peaking cautiously through the door, I saw a fire burning in the fireplace and three familiar fillies sitting around it looking through a stack of journals. I slung the dagger, embedding it into the mantle, “You three! What do you think you're doing?!”. They all jumped and one of the journals flew towards the fire, Catching it in a web of power, I placed the journal gently back on the stack. I walked closer and looked down at the three miscreants, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. “You two I can understand” I exclaimed, pointing at Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo with my hoof, “but I know you know better Apple Bloom. Snooping through my things! How could you?” I scolded. Apple Bloom looked at the floor “Ah’m sorry uncle Fox” she said before she was interrupted by Sweetie Belle. “It wasn't her idea, it was mine!” I glared down at Sweetie Bell, the force of my stark green gaze compelling her to avert her eyes. Scootaloo piped up “did you really do all the things in these journals?” she asked, pointing at the stack of journals. My glare softened a bit “Yeah I did.” The room grew quiet for a moment as memories flooded through me. All three of them continued to stare at me. “Uncle Fox, could we please read more? There's so many neat adventures in there” Apple Bloom said. I thought for a moment before floating the stack of journals back to their proper shelf with a smile. “No” I said waiting gleefully for their shreiks of outrage. They didn't come. Instead, all three fillies hung their heads as one and began walking sadly to the door of my house. “Where do you all think you’re going?” I asked, a mischevious smile creasing my face. They all turned their heads toward me looking confused. “ We're gonna go home” Applebloom said. I cocked my head to the side for a moment. “ Oh. Well I figured you’d want to hear the stories straight from me, but if you want to go home, that's fine” I said, putting the hood of my robes down and turning away from them. They all perked up and started to whine and protest. I chuckled a little “ I thought so.” I sat down in one of the chairs in front of the fire. They all trotted over and laid down on the rug in front of me. I put a hoof up to my chin “ now...where to begin... ah, my story begins a little over a thousand years ago,” I started before Scootaloo suddenly interrupted my words. “How can your story start a thousand years ago? You're not a princess so you couldn't be that old..” she trailed off as she noticed me raising an eyebrow at her. “Do you want to hear this or not?” I said, the other two gave Scootaloo a nudge and she grew quiet. “Alright. So, over a thousand years ago...”