Rainbows of the Sun

by IBlitz2000

Chapter 4

Earth, Team Rainbow HQ

It had been an hour since the accident in the testing chamber. The chamber had been sealed off from anybody in the building until further notice. Ever since then, all the operators in the compound had been talking about the portal. Thatcher and the director had been debating for a long time, whether to destroy the portal, or to keep it for later research after what Thatcher had told the director what he witnessed. The director was a middle-aged man with Black and grey hair. He wore a black suit and glasses. The man rarely smiled and being stoic was his usual look on his face.

Jäger was feeling slightly ill, which was the first sign of side effects from the portal, but it wasn’t harmful. Jäger managed to get back on his feet after treatments that were given by Doc. However, he was still suffering from a throbbing headache, but it won’t disrupt Jäger’s thoughts and focus in what was about to happen in the main room.

The director called all the operators in team rainbow to discuss the incident that took place earlier. Thatcher had briefed some of the operators, who were returning back from their missions, of what had happened in HQ earlier.

In the main room, the director, Thatcher and most of the operators in Rainbow were present. The operators who came back from their missions were Hibana, who was Japanese and she was a part of the Japanese counter-terrorism unit, SAT or Special Assault Team; Montagne, who was a part of the GIGN and Fuze, who was a Spetsnaz and one of the most destructive operators in Rainbow, due to his cluster charges that he used to decimate defence groups of the White Masks.

Thatcher was the first one to speak and he did not look happy.

“Alright, first off, someone has some explaining to do…” He looked at Jäger with a glare through his gas mask. Everybody looked at Jäger with ‘question mark’ looks.

“What did he do?” Castle asked.

“Something that… he was curious about.” Thatcher answered enigmatically while the Director kept a calm, but stern look as what a father would do when his son did something he was not supposed to do.

Jäger spoke in his own defense.

“Forgive me, sir. I didn’t know what I was thinking-“

“What were you thinking?!” Thatcher shouted at him, cutting Jäger’s sentence midway.

“I gave you an order and you disobeyed. I expected more from you, soldier.” Thatcher said coldly, which could intimidate, even a hardened-soul Navy SEAL, like Blackbeard.

“Please sir! Hear me out!” Jäger shouted.

“And we’re listening.” Pulse said matter-of-factly.

“Back there, that wasn’t me. I would never disobey an order, unless if it’s necessary…” Jäger said.

Before Thatcher could retort to that statement, Blitz backed his teammate.

“I’m with Jäger on this one.” Blitz said.

“What happened back there?” the director asked with a hint curiosity in his tone.

“It all started like this…” Jäger began.


Jäger was walking through the corridors of the compound and was about to join the others for sparing.

“I want full progress on the situation at hand.” A stern female voice spoke. It slightly startled Jäger, but he responded anyway.

“Yes ma-“ Jäger stopped after he turned around, where he heard that voice.

He was surprised and confused, that nobody was present, when he heard the voice. Jäger then called out whoever made that order.

“Hello? Is anybody there?” Jäger called as he head towards the direction where he heard it when another voice spoke up. This second voice this time sounded more masculine than the first.

“Negotiations are not working. We need to change our methods.”

Now Jäger was starting to get irritated but curious at the same time.

“All right, who’s there? This is not funny, come out and show yourself.” Jäger said sternly to whoever he thought was messing with him.
Nobody responded to his command.

“Am I going insane? What’s going here?” Jäger thought. Then he heard the same masculine voice.

“We have to attack.”

“What the-“Jäger was shocked and pissed at the same time and pulled his pistol out and flip safety off.

“Alright, come out!” Jäger shouted furiously and quickly headed towards the testing chamber with cautious steps.
When he went inside it, he was shocked at what he was seeing.

There was a small but bright light in the middle of the arch-like shape machine. This sight made Jäger more cautious and put up his weapon, in the case of something were to pop right out of the strange machine.

Suddenly, disembodied voices found its way into Jäger’s mind and he cried out in pain as the voices spoke in various tones. Then the spot of light in the middle of the machine became larger and brighter every split second and the next thing Jäger thought, before falling unconscious.


Present time…

“And that, my friends is what happened…” Jäger finishes.

The main room was silent after Jäger had told his perspective of the accident. The other operators have blank or surprised expressions and so as Thatcher and the director. Jäger was feeling nervous at how they would react to such an out of this world and ridiculous tale.

The director was the first one to speak first.

“If what you say is true, then we have a big problem that will jeopardise our safety.”

The director turned to everyone, including Thatcher.

“You are dismissed.”

The operators walked away from the main room and back to their own quarters. The director signalled Jäger to come with him. Jäger complied and joined the director to a journey to the Director’s room. While everyone talked about the tale, Jäger had just told them. It may seem ridiculous, but seeing that the director believed Jäger’s story, they have a big problem that will send things into chaos, if not contained.

Meanwhile, in the testing chamber, the portal suddenly powered itself; the same small bright light that Jäger had witnessed appeared at the center of the portal. The portal also emitted a bright and mysterious purple aura. The light then widened itself to take the shape of an arch-shaped doorway…