//------------------------------// // Trials and Tribulation // Story: The Lady and Her Maid // by Jest //------------------------------//         Now dizzy from the assault of memories Pinkie placed a weary hoof against her head. The other still wrapped around the crying mare. The unicorn didn't seem to notice a difference in her confidant and continued to cry into the earth pony’s shoulder. Pinkie blinked hard several times trying to refocus her mind on the here and now but the same illness her granny Pie had seemed to run in the family and her memory wandered away with her senses one last time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------         Pinkie waited anxiously by the door, dancing from hoof to hoof nervously as she awaited the sound of hoofsteps up the driveway. She sighed and cast a gloomy eye about the hall. She had a small plate with two perfectly sliced cucumber sandwiches - with extra mayo of course -. A small glass of cider that used to have several ice cubes in it and last but not least a bottle of cherry brandy the lady had recently taken a liking to hidden beneath the cart in case the ride back to ponyville from canterlot wasn't very nice. The lady was prone to bad moods whenever she had to travel and Pinkie was ready for anything!         The silent and empty house sat motionless as always, seemingly mocking Pinkie’s enthusiasm with it's indifference. Pinkie pouted, what was keeping the lady? She had never been back this late from her appointments before. Speaking of those appointments… what were they about anyway? The lady had mentioned it was for her chronic weakness but Pinkie had personally seen her stay up all night and sew an entire pageants worth of dresses in a night. After hearing the pleading of a distressed local teacher who had her last dressmaker cancel out of the blue. Even that trying night spent frantically making more dresses than Pinkie had ever owned hardly seemed to slow the unicorn, indeed it even seemed to embolden her for a few days after the fact.         She had dashed about the house like a mare possessed, scribbling new ideas and traveling to ponyville proper in order to acquire new fabric. It wasn't until a week later when she attended one of her ‘appointments’ did the frantic mood seemed to die. And die it did, Pinkie’s pout turned to a frown. She remembered those days when she got back, she became harsh and distant for nearly a month after the last one…         Shaking her head violently Pinkie stirred from her reverie. Rarity was counting on her this time! She would cheer her up for sure! She even had Rarity’s very favorite cake stashed up stairs in case she came back in a super duper bad mood. With a smile now back on the maid’s face she stood stock still, staring at the door and contemplating whether or not she should open it and take a peek down the long driveway, despite the fact it was late evening and she wouldn't be able to see anything anyhow.         Maybe she should get a candle, or one of those new fangled enchanted ones the lady had purchased in case of emergancy… Her thoughts were jarred from her mind the moment she heard steps approach the door rapidly only for a weight to suddenly settle against the door and faint panting heard through the mahogany.         Pinkie cocked her head slightly as she listened, for some reason not the least bit on guard. The steps hadn't sounded like the lady, but the panting seemed to be from a mare at least. Pinkie’s gut told her it was the lady but her mind wasn't sure, ultimately she trusted the thing that had gotten her out of more jams then the other one and went with her gut.         “My lady?” Pinkie pulled open the door a crack, not bothering with the chain lock.         A harsh sniff and a deep breath came from the other side of the other double door. A second later Rarity cleared her throat. “Yes darling, now would you please let me in? My hooves are killing me.”         With a light pull, the well oiled doors both opened to reveal a very haggard Rarity clad only a traveling cloak and lightly worn hiking boots. Her mane was a mess, looking as if someone purposefully messed it up or the wind took a liking to it. Her makeup she refused to go anywhere without was curiously absent and what was most striking to Pinkie was the fact that she didn't see a carriage or any of Rarity’s bags. The entire thing rubbed Pinkie the wrong way and she was pretty darn sure something had gone terribly wrong, but what? The maid gulped and moved out of the way of the door and allowing Rarity entrance to the house. The unicorn crossed the threshold and took a deep sigh of relief, clearly enjoying the fact she was home. However as she moved to toss aside her boots Pinkie was finally able to get a clear glimpse under the traveling cloak and what she saw made her bite her lip nervously. Thankfully her hair was already straight from all the worrying she had been doing or else Rarity would have known something was wrong. Rarity tugged weakly at one of her boots with her magic, revealing a leg lined in light bruises. Pinkie felt like she should help but she couldn't move. Finally removing the annoyingly clingy boot, she began tugging at another, revealing another leg marred with bruises. Pinkie gulped and shook her head, forcing some sense back in the worry filled mind of hers.         “Do you need help mistress Rarity?”         “Please.” Rarity replied curtly.         Pinkie nodded and moved to pull the offending boot off. With one hard pull it came off and nearly sent Pinkie rolling down the hall. Thankfully the last two came off easier meaning the mares didn't have to wrestle anymore footwear.         Rarity turned and slowly began to walk to the stairs without a word. Pinkie gathered her wits and grabbed the cup and plate.         “Would you like a sandwich? It's got extra mayo!” Pinkie tried to throw as much enthusiasm into her voice as she could, however it hardly seemed to budge the other mare from her deep reverie.         “No thank you dear.”         “I also got you some ice cold ciderrrr!” Pinkie waved the cup in front of Rarity’s face dramatically.         Though her nostrils flared, indicating she had at least taken a sniff, she didn't seem to notice. “No.”         Pinkie was taken aback she wasn't sure the last time Rarity had talked to her like that, she was always so kind! Momentarily struck by the realization, Pinkie stood and watched as Rarity began walking up the stairs, each movement seemingly drawing another wince of pain.         Thinking quickly, Pinkie dashed off to the kitchen and stowed the sandwich and cider in the fridge before dashing back out into the hall and up the stairs. Where Rarity had finally crested the last step and began to walk towards her room at the end of the hall overlooking the courtyard.         This called for the big guns! Pinkie dashed off to the room next to Rarity’s that used to be Sweetie belle’s there next to the door Pinkie had placed a small fridge with all the lady’s favorites just in case of emergency, which this definitely was!         Grabbing the eclair Pinkie dashed out into the hallway just in time to see the lady toss her cloak aside and reveal a body as bruised as her legs. Panic crossed Pinkie’s mind and she was pretty sure her legs had suddenly been turned into jello. The clatter of cutlery made Rarity’s ears shoot up on her head but she didn't even slow her slow trudge towards her bed or look to the source of the clatter. Pinkie hardly noticed either, the eclair and plate slipping from her shocked grip. The plate was in a million pieces but thankfully the eclair seemed to have stayed on the largest peice and didn't touch the ground.         In a panic Pinkie pushed all the glass towards the wall and picked up the eclair on it's now much smaller plate. Looking around nervously, Pinkie wondered what exactly she was supposed to do now. The lady was hurt, her surprise almost ruined, should she get medical attention? Call the sheriff? Ask the lady?         She dashed back and forth, panic overriding her better judgement. Somewhere along the lines she stepped on the glass she had specifically moved out of the way so just such a thing wouldn't happen, but this she hardly noticed as there was worse things going on then just a little scratch.         Making up her mind Pinke dashed down the stairs and found a new plate, setting the eclair beside a fresh pair of utensils Pinkie ran up the stairs and placed it on a nearby end table then dashed off to the servant’s bathroom. She found the first aid box quickly and tucked it under one leg, running as best as she could back to Rarity on the other three. Rarity’s door was open just a crack, a fact Pinkie was immensely glad for as that meant she was allowed to walk in without permission. She was going to walk in anyway but she would hate to have to disobey the lady. She glanced around briefly before setting hoof inside, a sense of something being off crawling up her spine. She looked over her shoulder to see the path she took downstairs painted out in drops of blood going down and up the stairs, originating from the broken glass plate. Pinkie would have face hooved but she had no time, the lady needed her more than Pinkie needed a little blood.         Quickly, she grabbed a dish towel she had forgotten about over her shoulder and wrapped it around her hoof and tied it in a tight knot. Once secure in the knowledge that she wouldn't bleed all over at least one part of the house Pinkie pushed open the door. Rarity lay face down in bed, her limbs splayed in all directions, her mane and tail in an equal state of disarray.         Pinkie’s frown deepened when the lady didn't address her coming in, unsure if she was welcome or not. Straightening her jaw Pinkie placed the plate near the bed on an end table, clearly the lady wasn't up to eating right now, or much of anything for that matter. Tossing the hair from her eyes Pinkie quickly walked over to Rarity and in a timid voice asked.         “Mistress Rarity? Are you alright? I made your favorite eclair. Would you like some brandy or hard cider?”         Utter silence, other than the sound of Rarity’s faint breathing through the pillow she had smooshed against her face. Pinkie fidgeted nervously, her ears pinning themselves to the back of her head. “R-rarity?” Pinkie was hardly aware of the fact that tears brimmed at the edge of her vision, her eyes firmly set on the dejected unicorn.         “Close the drapes.” Said Rarity muffled as it was by the pillow.         Pinkie nodded and quickly ran about, closing all the drapes and firmly latching all the windows. Once done she returned to the lady’s side and stared intently at the back of her head.         “What happened?” Pinkie reached out her good forehoof and was about to prod the unicorn when she spoke.         “Please tuck me into bed.”         Pinkie obeyed instantly, casting the blanket aside and pulling Rarity off the other half of the covers. Once on her side Rarity slid like dead weight until Pinkie tucked a pillow under her head and threw the blanket over her bruised body. Rarity tossed a pillow over her face, clearly not wanting to be seen in such a state.         The maid waited, and waited, and waited. Hoping that Rarity would say something, anything at all but still she lay there. “Please lady Rarity, tell me what happened.”         The lady didn't move, she just lay there, breathing slowly. “Please talk to me.” Still nothing.         “Sh-should I get the sherif?”         Rarity snorted, as if the suggestion amused her. “Don't bother, I brought this on myself.”         “Don't say that Mistress, you don't deserve any of this your the most generous pony I know!”         Rarity mumbled something into her pillow before tossing it aside with a sigh. “They had to try something drastic for my illness. My weakness was becoming too strong and I needed to try anything.” Rarity sighed again, this time deeper, and filled with regret. “Even then it still failed.”         Pinkie flopped onto the bed, shuffling closer to Rarity she saw reluctance in the other mare’s eyes but she soldiered on, a big smile on her face. Noticing her advances hadn't been shut down Pinkie reached out an injured hoof, intent on drawing the lady into a comforting hug. The faint reluctance seen in the other mare’s eyes suddenly turned into a grimace of disgust and she slapped the hoof away from her.         The maid recoiled in horror and pain, accidently falling off the side of the bed and scrambling to stand back up right. Startled and confused Pinkie looked over at the other mare who had already stuffed her face back into the pillow, unwilling to look the maid in the eye.         “Whats wrong, I can go put a bandage on if that would help.”         Muffled crying could be heard from under the pillows, “Just go, I’m disgusting.”         Pinkie cringed but reached out to the mare. “Of course you aren't my lady, now why don't we-”         “Leave me alone!” The force of the shout knocked Pinkie back,her hoof re oiling.         “Fine then! I was just trying to be nice.” Oh stars above why did she say that? Pinkie’s mind reeled at the words that came out of her mouth and in a panic she ran for the door and slammed it shut behind her.         Once on the other side she slumped to the ground, tears falling from her eyes. On the other side of the door, still lying in bed, Rarity pulled herself into a tight ball and wept openly. Tears falling down her face as her body curled tighter. Holding herself with both hooves as if any second she might fall apart at the seams. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------         A pair of hooves clapped in front of Pinkie’s unresponsive face. A second later the pink mare seemed to wake up from whatever daze she was in and looked over at the owner of the pair of hooves that had woken her.         “Oh sorry about that Rarity, what were you saying? Something about… a thing?” Pinkie grinned sheepishly and looked away.         Rarity just rolled her eyes at the distracted mare. “I was trying to apologize about all my complaining before you seemed to drift off.”         The pink maned maid scratched her head awkwardly. “Sorry about that my lady, absentmindedness-”         “-runs in the family. Yes darling i've heard that a million times already you need to stop apologizing about that. I find that particular quirk of yours rather cute.” A faint blush briefly touched the lady’s lips before disappearing, which only made Pinkie’s smile widen.         “Anyway darling what I was trying to say was I’m sorry about the nature of my complaining I know you umm. Well you know.” This time it was Rarity’s turn to look away awkwardly, unsure of what to say.         Pinkie just cocked her head quizzically. “I'm not sure I know what your talking about, unless your talking about making more eclairs, because I could go for like seven right about now.”         Rarity was pretty sure if she rolled her eyes anymore they would fall out of her head. “No Pinkie, I was being serious I feel dreadful.”         The maid just cocked her head and looked confused. Rarity quickly moved to take Pinkie’s forehoof in both of hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I feel terrible complaining about all these things, I know about you and Rainbow Dash and I want you to know i'm sorry about complaining about all this. I know it must be a sensitive topic for you.”         Something seemed to break for a moment within Pinkie and her hair fell straight, her eyes distant and in distant tone she said. “She wanted to be a wonderbolt.”         Rarity’s heart broke a little and she quickly pulled the other mare against her, holding her head against her own shoulder and gently running a hoof down her back. To which Pinkie offered no resistance.         “I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to bring her up like that I just wanted you to know what I was… Oh stars above damn my bumbling mouth.” Rarity decided that she should just shut up already and do what she could to comfort one of the few true friends she had.         Pinkie was gone, lost in another haze of memories as they sprang back up suddenly due to the mention of her deceased wife. Images of the brief but best years of Pinkie Pie’s life flashed before her eyes. Living in Ponyville with her wife, then in Canterlot then finally at her hospital bed. Then finally a thankfully brief image of her grave and then nothing. When the haze of memories lifted and she blinked the tears from her eyes she was startled to hear Rarity crying as well. Quickly, Pinkie reached out and hugged the crying mare and took a turn rubbing somepony’s back and patiently waiting for the moment to pass. Suddenly Rarity realized she was making a scene and stifled her tears. “I-I’m so sorry darling I didn't mean to cry like that but seeing you so… I just couldn't.” A gentle hoof pushed Pinkie far enough away to look the other mare in the eyes. Pinkie just smiled gently and reached up and wiped away the last of Rarity’s tears. “It's okay my lady. I've had a long time to deal with it. How long did you know though? You never said anything…” Rarity sniffed and grabbed a handkerchief with her magic, cleaning away her tears and snot as daintily as possible. “Oh i've always known darling I just didn't think it was my place to mention it. I admit I felt a little ashamed for digging as hard as I did but mother and father refused to tell me why they weren't going to hire you and I had to know.” Disbelief, confusion and elation passed through Pinkie’s facial features so quickly Rarity wasn't quite sure what to do or what to say. Pinkie however had moved right on from elation to appreciation. “So it was you who got me hired! I always wondered how managed to get this job despite those old fuddy duddys disliking me.” Rarity couldn't help but giggle at referencing her parents in such an undignified manner but quickly caught herself. “Oh that's not very nice.” Pinkie just snorted dismissively. “Well it's true, they are a bunch of meanie heads.” The lady was much quicker in catching her giggle this time. Though she wanted to disagree with Pinkie she had to reluctantly admit that she was right on both accounts. “That may be darling but it's not how you should put it. Say something like.” Rarity tapped her chin in thought before her eyes lit up. “You should say they are. Reserved, or morose, or serious individuals.” “Or a meanie pants, fuddy duddy ruder mc ruderson.” Pinkie crossed her forehooves and blew a raspberry. “Or that I suppose. There is a nice way of saying everything my dear Pinkie, even rude things.” “Really? How would you call someone ugly to their face?” Pinkie grinned, eager to see Rarity squirm. Rarity just smirked. “You could say their sense of style was quite eclectic. Or if it's a she say something like. You have your father’s eyes.” Pinkie scrunched her muzzle up. “Oh that is rude.” The elegant lady who would never say such rude things in a million years simply shrugged. “Anyway, before we get off topic again. I just want to say thank you Pinkie, for everything you do around here.” Pinkie wasn't quite sure what she was being thanked over but she grinned from ear to ear anyway. Though Rarity rarely dispensed compliments she never skimped and always put her heart into every kind word she said. There was no half hearted thanks from Pinkie’s magnanimous employer. However something itched at the back of Pinkie’s mind, something was left unsaid in Rarity’s words and Pinkie couldn't help but want to figure it out. “What exactly do you mean Rarity? Cooking and cleaning for just you isn't exactly hard ya know. You hardly eat enough as is.” Pinkie pouted and poked the unicorn in the belly. “Hey! I have a figure to watch you know.” “And if you don't eat more it's gonna be a stick figure.” Pinkie replied quickly. A snort and a giggle broke Rarity’s facade of annoyance she had put on and she couldn't help but laugh at the joke. Her maid always had a way to turn everything into a joke. Pinkie herself just grinned, happy to have made Rarity smile. Smothering the last of her laugh with a hoof Rarity quickly composed herself. “When I say everything you do I mean all of it. After Sweetie and my parents left.” Rarity’s voice quivered but she pushed Pinkie’s hooves away before they drew her into yet another hug. “You have been the best maid, no. Friend. That i've ever had and I want us to be way less formal.” Pinkie cocked her head in the other direction. “But we are already super not formal if we got any less formal I’m not sure if there would be anything to do around here.” Rarity smiled gently. “Well first you should ditch the uniform.” Pinkie quickly clutched the fabric and pushed herself back on the bed a few hooves. “That is if you want to of course.” Rarity added. “I don't know Rarity, it's just… I've been wearing it everyday for like almost 20 years, it would feel weird.” Pinkie pawed nervously at her uniform. “Well you don't have to if you don't want to dear I just thought you might-” “Woohoo naked time!” Pinkie Pie yelled as she suddenly threw off her uniform, hat and all in one motion. Rarity’s hoof she had reached out with to comfort her maid with fell and she quickly pushed herself back from the now naked maid, a blush quickly spreading across her face. Suddenly quite aware of how close they had been the moment before Pinkie decided to throw off her uniform. “Pi-pinkie pie! Why did you-” Rarity had to stop herself and giggle. Of course she would have done something like that. “Nevermind. Now unless out in public please just call me Rarity.” Pinkie saluted enthusiastically. “Okay dokey lokey!” “Not lokey, Rarity. Oh.” Rarity giggled.         Pinkie’s enthusiasm was infectious and Rarity couldn't help herself but to laugh again. She clasped the maid-no, friend. Around the shoulder and pulled her a little closer. They shared a smile however Pinkie’s lips quivered slightly and although Rarity was tempted to roll her eyes again she could tell that Pinkie wanted to ask something.         “Go on dear, I want us to speak freely from now on.” Rarity’s gentle and kind smile did wonders to make Pinkie’s mind become more at ease and after a moment she let out a breath of air and sighed.         Pinkie gently punched Rarity’s shoulder. “Hey thats not nice to read my thoughts like that. Are you using your unicorn powers on my brain?” Pinkie’s eyes narrowed to slits but her huge smile remained plastered to her face making Rarity chuckle.         “No, you just have a terrible poker face daring. Now out with it. I want us to be friends.” A flash of indecision passed through Rarity’s mind and for a second she panicked and added. “If you want to of course.”         Pinkie just rolled her eyes. “Of course I wanna act like your friend silly! It's just gonna take some getting used to is all. As for my brain thoughts you were reading, I was just curious why you have not, ya know. Got a girlfriend or maybe even married some mare that caught your eye.” Pinkie threw her an exaggerated wink to accentuate her point.         “I… well you see darling I just. Well the thing is.” Rarity pushed Pinkie back in order to properly look her in the eye. “It's not proper darling.” She said without an ounce of meaning behind it.         Pinkie continued undeterred. “Nopony would even have to know! I can keep a secret and other then Applejack nopony even comes around the mansion anymore.”         Rarity was about to say some lame half hearted excuse but before she could give it voice Pinkie gasped and grabbed Rarity by the shoulders. “Then you can finally go to the grand galloping gala with the pony of your dreams just like you always wanted to!”         This time it was Rarity’s turn to gasp dramatically. “How did you know about that?”         “Pfft, you have been talking about going to that silly dance for like a forever Rarity. I have ears ya know.” Pinkie wiggled said ears for emphasis.         “I… can't Pinkie. Please understand, my parents would be there and I don't know if I could face them.”         Pinkie’s face hardened and she grabbed Rarity by the shoulders and forced their eyes to meet. “Is that really why you don't want to go to that silly frou frou dance?”         “I well. No, but you see darling I-”         “No butts!” The sudden intensity from the pink mare startled Rarity and she shut her mouth firmly. “Tell your friend Pinkie the real reason why.”         For a second Rarity considered giving another excuse but she wouldn't want to disappoint her friend right? With a sigh Rarity began her tale. “As you know it's always been my dream to go to the gala but one cannot go to such a lavish event alone.” Pinkie didn't seem to agree but she stayed silent. “The scandal of showing up alone would be… well.” Rarity cleared her throat, Pinkie’s intense gaze stopping her from making any more excuses. “I always dreamt of going there with some dashing stallion.”         “So just go with a dashing mare. Girls make good dance partners too ya know.” Pinkie added a wink and a nudge just to make sure Rarity got her double meaning.         “Yes well. I suppose that's one part of the dream I should get over isnt it? The more important part was in that dream I was always young and beautiful. Now I am an old hag living alone with nopony for company but my dear friend Pinkie.” Though the addition of calling her a friend made Pinkie smile it was a pained, wistful one.         “But your still beautiful Rarity.” A pink hoof slowly moved a stray strand of hair from Rarity’s face. “Your the most beautiful mare I know.”         Both mare’s blushed and a tiny voice in Rarity’s head told her to kiss Pinkie. Which only made her blush harder and panic. “No you can't have a raise.”         “I didn't mean… Oooooh! Good one Rares!” Pinkie giggled and let Rarity go. Allowing Rarity to wipe the blush from her face without Pinkie noticing. Rarity silently glad that little voice disappeared the moment she moved farther away from the bouncy maid.         “I was being serious you know. You are beautiful and kind and you should totally take some mare to that gala thing with you.” Pinkie grinned, hoping her confidence would be as contagious as her giggles.         Rarity however just sighed and stood up. Now with her hooves on the cold floor she walked over to the window and looked out at the faintly illuminated yard and the darkness beyond. “It's not that simple Pinkie. I had gotten over never seeing my parents again, or-” She placed a hoof against her chest to slow her beating heart. “Sister again. But I had hope the treatments would work and I could finally live out at least some of my dream. But that doesn't matter anymore.” She looked down at the impeccably clean window sill. “I am an old mare now Pinkie. No mare would want to go to the gala and risk the embarrassment that those nobles would bring on them. I am not even sure I am strong enough to do that.”         Pinkie hopped off the bed and trotted over beside Rarity and joined her in looking out the window. “It's a beautiful night isn't it?”         “Yes I suppose it is.”         They stood shoulder to shoulder looking out the window for several more tense seconds before a brilliant idea bloomed in Pinkie’s mind. “So what your saying is; if you found somepony that would go to the gala with you and you looked younger you would go?”         “Well theoretically yes-”         “Perfect!”         Before Rarity knew what was going on she found herself nearly muzzle to muzzle with a positively vibrating Pinkie Pie. “Then all we gotta do is find you a date, magic you young and boom dream fulfilled!”         “Now wait just a- waa” Rarity suddenly found herself standing on her back hooves, Pinkie holding her upright and supporting her waist perfectly.         “Ooooh I can hardly wait! There is gonna be cake and dancing and music and so many ponies but that won't matter because i'm gonna find you the best date around so you can live your dream Rarity!” Pinkie’s bubbling enthusiasm could hardly be contained and Rarity suddenly found herself waltzing with the pink mare.         “Well hold on now darling it can't just be anypony. She has to be around my age.”         Forty seven year old Pinkie grinned and spun the forty eight year old Rarity in a circle before catching her perfectly. “Around our age, got it.”         “And she has to like me for me, I don't want some gold digger like that last jerk.”         Pinkie tightened her grip on Rarity’s hip and grinned almost literally from ear to ear. “No jerk faces, got it. Anything else, oh generous and benevolent lady Rarity?”         “Oh stop it you charmer you.” Rarity giggled and placed a hoof on Pinkie’s chest.         Both mare’s hearts were sent aflutter at that comment and Pinkie very nearly dropped Rarity. Tightening her grip Pinkie continued her dance, leading Rarity into a small spin that led them both to falling back onto the bed giggling.         Rarity recovered from their giggling first and put her hoof over Pinkie’s. “That's all i’ve wanted out of a… partner.” Evidently still not quite comfortable with herself but she shook that nervousness and uncertainty away and looked into Pinkie’s eyes. She had realized that she had pretty much described Pinkie to a T without trying when she was drawing up her list of what she wanted and now that the idea was in her head she had to admit it did sounds pretty good. Pinkie was honest, loyal, fun, not a gold digger, liked her for her and oh my she was blushing wasn't she?         Pinkie’s grin grew and grew as the blush on Rarity’s face became more and more intense. The perceptive mare was more then able to figure out the subtext as to what was going on though an unusual bout of indecision stopped her from saying what her heart wanted her to say. She did like Rarity and she wanted to ask her, and clearly at least part of Rarity wanted that as well but what if that ruined their friendship? Or…. No. Pinkie shook her head adamantly. No regrets. She thought grimly.         With a deep breath Pinkie’s smile fell away and she looked back into Rarity’s curious eyes with resolve, which melted pretty much all of the determination she had. Her eyes were so beautiful, and despite her age they were still so innocent. “I umm, well oh geeze.” Pinkie stopped herself and put a hoof to her chest and breathed deeply, Rarity cocked her head but said nothing, waiting for Pinkie. “Would you want to go to the gala with me?” She spat out, before her confidence wavered again.         Time seemed to stretch on infinitely as Pinkie waited for Rarity’s response, all the grim possible scenarios ran through her mind at a breakneck pace. Then all at once time became normal and the indecision Pinkie had seen on Rarity’s face vanished, replaced by a huge smile.         “Yes, yes, yes a million times, yes!” Rarity answered with jubilation, pulling Pinkie into a bone crushing hug. Suddenly Rarity stopped trying to squeeze Pinkie’s organs out and faced her again, this time with a hint of nervousness on her face. “But there is so much we have to plan, the gala is in only two weeks!”         Rarity got up and started pacing, listing off things that needed to get done all the while her voice was becoming more and more crazed. “We need to tell the gardener, and find someone to take care of Opal, and I need to make dresses for both of us and hire a coach and and-”         Pinkie jumped off the bed and wrapped a hoof around Rarity’s shoulders. “Woow there silly filly, let's chill out. We can make a list and stuff but we can't start on anything tonight it's already late o clock.”         Pinkie giggled at her own little joke but Rarity didn't seem to notice as she was busy chewing on her hoof. “Oh but Pinkie my dear we absolutely have to start tonight or there won't be enough time!”         Pinkie found herself suddenly leaning on nothing as Rarity had vanished from beside her and was running to the door. “Bwah, wait hold on there Rarity.”         “No time darling I absolutely must start on the dresses tonight!” Rarity stopped at the door and looked back at Pinkie, a crazed look on her face. Then just like that she was gone, her hooves echoing down the hall towards her sewing room.         The maid looked from the door to where Rarity had stood only a moment before then back to the door. “What just happened?”         With a shrug Pinkie walked back over to the bedside and tossed the last of Rarity’s eclair into her mouth and moved to follow after Rarity, an idea suddenly occurring to her. I don't like dresses. Picking up the pace Pinkie broke into a trot, yelling after Rarity. “I don't like dresses! Make me a suit!”         The door to the bedroom swung closed after the maid left, leaving the room empty but for once in a long time the house no longer felt empty. It may not be the start of the story book romance Rarity had dreamed of, or the passionate tale Pinkie wanted but both had to admit that the sudden change of events felt, perfect.