//------------------------------// // Affecting A Mother // Story: Affecting A Mother // by CAPTAIN YOSHI HD //------------------------------// Button Mash's mother came into the house with shaky hooves as she was having an awful day outside the house. "Oh, man, I never should've gone out there without having coffee, I was having a hard time seeing things.", she said. She was being chased by an aggressive dog, a fallen tree nearly crushed her, she fell in muddy rain water, she got sour milk dumped on her, and she was being chased by bees. She walked over to the table and sat down. Button came out and saw the look on his mother's face. "Mom, are you ok?", he asked. "You look awful. Did a bunch of squirrels attack you?" His mother looked at him with her eyes all droopy. She rubbed her eyes. "Not really, Button.", she said. "I had a hard time seeing things in my path. I got attacked by an aggressive dog, a tree nearly killed me, I fell in mud, sour milk got dumped on me, and I was being chased by bees. It was awful, Button." "I'm sorry to hear that, Mom.", Button said. "I guess you've been going through a lot of stuff throughout the morning. I wish I could comfort you, but I don't even know what to do. Do you need some cheering up or something?" Button's mom perked her head up and gave the little colt a smile. "That would be wonderful of you, Sweetie.", she said. "I guess I could use a little cheering up from a sweet little pony like you. What exactly can you do?" "I give happiness to you by nose booping, hoof massaging, belly tickling, ear scratching, mane stroking, chin stroking, and of course... belly rubbing.", Button said as his face turned bright red as he became embarrassed, making his mom chuckle. "Oh, Button, Darling.", his mom said, patting Button on the head. "You know how much I love you when you say such adorable little things. Red on your face is a good look for you." She patted her son on the head. "Well, you're adorable yourself.", Button said, pooping his mother in the nose. "Boop." "Lets go to my bedroom.", Button's mom said. The two head into the bedroom. Button's mom got on the bed and laid down on her back with her head against the pillow. "So, Mom, what do you want next?", Button asked. "You want tickles?" "Yes.", Button's mom said, blushing. "When I get tickled hard, my belly bounces." "Then, I shall tickle you hard as possible.", Button said. He put his hooves to his mother's belly and began to tickle her gently then faster. Her mother laughing in hysterics, flailing her arms and kicking her legs against the sheets of the bed. "Hahahahahahahaha! Button! Oh no!", she screamed. Tears began rolling down her face as she laughed. Button finally stopped to watch his mother's belly bouncing. She caught her breath while it happened. Button walked over to her hooves and began to rub the left one. "Her comes the rubbing.", he sang sweetly. Button's mom put a hoof to her head and sighed as she relaxed by Button's massaging skills. "Ahh, keep it going, Button.", she said. Button stopped with the left hoof and began rubbing the right one. She rubbed the hoof for a few more moments and lifted his mother's back off the bed. "You want chin stroking?", he asked. "Yes I do.", His mother said, lifting her chin up to give Button's hoof some space for the stroking. Button put a hoof to her chin and began to stroke. His mother stuck her tongue and started panting like a dog, she tilted her head back too far and fell back on her back. Button thought in his head: okay, looks like I'm done with the chin stroking. He walked over to his mother's head and began scratching both of her ears. At that moment, her mother was still panting. "Okay, there's only two more things I need to do.", Button said. "You want belly rubbing now?" His mother nodded her head in excitement. She spread her hooves out in the space, making sure her belly is clear. "I like it when you keep your belly clear.", Button cooed. He put a hoof to her belly and stroked it up and down, to her chest and to her flanks. His mother nearly closing her eyes as she relaxed while her stomach was being rubbed by the young colt. "Up and down and up and down my hoof goes.", he sang sweetly. He saw his mother's top eyelid nearly being attached to the lower eyelid. "Aw, is my sweet little mother get sleepy? You like how I rub your belly, do you?" His mother couldn't keep her eyes open any longer, so she finally closed them and drifted off to sleep. Button stopped and listened to her mom snoring with her belly rising and falling within her breath. Button couldn't do nothing else, but give her a couple pats on the belly. His mom's lips curling into smile as she made a nice peaceful 'hmm'. Button had to do one last thing before his affecting thing was all over, he went over to her head and stroked her mane a few times. After that, he pulled the covers from under her, and put them over her body to keep her warm while she sleeps. He leaves the room to give her some quiet time. It's been thirty minutes since Button's mom's been sleeping. She came out of her bedroom with a huge smile on her face. "How are you feeling, mom?", Button asked. "I feel fantastic, and it's all thanks to you, Button.", the mother said happily. "I'm just glad you enjoyed all that.", Button said. "Otherwise, your day wouldn't better at all."