Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard.

by TDR

Above the Soil.

Stories in Stone
Luna's Royal Guard
by TDR

Above the Soil.

“Thanks for coming by again so soon Applejack. I seem to be getting closer to the end of the story, and how Luna became Nightmare Moon.”

“It's not a problem sugar, not much to do on the farm aside from the daily chores until harvest season hits again. I do have a couple of questions for yah, though.”

Twilight sighs, having been asked by every pony in the entire town about Cadence and the goings-on at the wedding at this point. She was getting tired of it, and her response was largely automated.

“No, we don't know where the changelings went, Princess cadence is a alicorn, but not a goddess, its a genetic thing. We did not see you staring at Rainbow's flank in the dress she had, Spike still feels bad about it, yes he knows what a bachelor party is now. No they have not come back from their honey moon yet, no it is not on the actual moon. Does that cover everything?”

“Yeah, I think, but that wasn't what I was gonna ask....... wait a tic... what was that middle part again?”

“Spike still feels bad about the bachelor party and not doing anything.”

“Not that part the other part!”

“What was your question AJ?”

The farm pony was quite a bit flustered by what she thought Twilight said. The unicorn turns from AJ setting up her research and smiles softly. She needed to thank Rarity for pointing out how attached Rainbow and AJ were to each other. It was quite easy to tell there was some romantic connection there and it was getting rather fun to tease the pair. Dash never seemed to understand the teasing and occasionally just thought she was being made fun of. AppleJack caught it from time to time though usually chose to ignore it or deny outright.

“Errr yeah. So ah caught up in the reading since you had Spike make a third copy of what'cher writing. Now what I don't get is the part where Jer'rahd died. You actually had yerself in that part too. While I don't profess to know anything bout magic or whatever that starry place you wrote about in the back of tha book is, how is it you watching him now let you be able to save him back then? Cause if you didn't save him, then he wouldn't be here now for yah tah be learning about so yah ken go back and save him.... oh shoot I dun made myself cross eyed again....”

Twilight had never thought AJ dumb, but she never seemed to be that academically inclined, yet she was the only one, other than Spike, who had picked up on that part of the story.

“Honestly that bit gives me a headache as well. It's like that time I came back to warn myself not to worry about things in the future and because I came back I started worrying about it.”

“Yeah, that story ain't right either.....”

“You're telling me.”

“Any how, Spike doing alright on Crusader watch?”

“He came back painted orange yesterday, though he refused to explain what happened aside from saying they didn't get their cutie marks from it.”

“Yah know what... I dun wanna know any more, so long as he ain't having no real trouble from them.”

“Well he did go out on his own with them today, so I think he is having fun. He brought Peewee this time so that might be interesting.”

“I spect so. Any hoo, I still gotta catch up on what happened last time yah wrote some stuff. You best get back tah finding out whats going on like yah said. Ah ain't got the entire night and ah'm getting mighty curious how this ends up tying in with how our little part in it began.”

“I think we all are Applejack. Though you are right, I had better get started.”

Twilight moves over to the table she had set up, as her friend drops onto the couch flipping open the book. With luck she would find out what Princess Luna was up to and maybe some more information on the Weindigo. This was actually getting exciting.

She dives into the starry void taking the customary look about She found the grouping of stars that had worried her were joined by a few more, though these stars seemed small compared to the other six. She could not tell how many of the smaller ones there were due to the brightness of the other six, but two of them felt very familiar.

She shook her head ignoring the need to study them to focus on her primary goal. Princess Luna might be able to wait forever, but she likely would suffer that long too.

She chose Rhede's shard and dove into it.


“BWHAHAHAHAHA, it's good to be king.”

“Rhede seriously? Just shut up.”

“I have been through very traumatic experiences as of late Starfall, let me have this.”

“Fine, you have five more minutes. This is insane even for you.”

“Calm down, everything is running smoothly and we have some time to kill. Since you are not interested in my usual form of entertainment and Luna and Jer both told you to keep an eye on me this is what you get.”

Rhede stood before a mirror in the royal vault, his crimson fur glittering with the amount of jewelry he was currently decked out in. His black leg was nearly hidden under a series of gold and silver bracelets. His whole body seemed to shine as he shifted catching the light as he posed in front of a full length mirror. He smirked wearing what amounted to the Royal Crown Jewels of Canterlot.

“I might have a higher opinion of you than when we first met, but it's not high enough for that sort of entertainment. Also, I did not agree to that order just to watch you play dress up.”

“Most of this stuff is going to be melted down to pay for supplies from the zebra lands. We have a higher need for food and supplies to rebuild than we do for this stuff I figure though someone should wear them at least once before they are gone. If I have learned anything from Bleu, it is take what enjoyment you can get out of any situation, no matter how bad. You should try that some time Starfall.”

“Oh I plan to, granted my enjoyment out of this situation will be seeing the looks on everyone else s face when I tell them how much you enjoyed dressing up in mare's clothes.”

“WHAT!? These are the crown jewels not dresses!!”

“That last one looked like a wedding veil. You will make a lovely bride I'm sure.”

“Buck it!”


Velkorn sat before the fire, looking into the flames, her mane having fluffed out far more than she liked on the flight just to this point. Where she normally had it held back with a band, it was loose and the curly locks fell over her eyes. She needed to find another head band, as her last had blown off mid flight without her knowing it. Bleu lay by the fire, curled up in a ball, having fallen asleep not long after eating. A slight shift in the blue scaled dragons breathing gave Velkorn a sign to tell the dragonling was awake again.

[“Still upset you lost your ribbon?”]

[”A bit.”]

[”It wasn't an heirloom or anything was it? We can go back and look. I know how boss is with the few things he has.”]

[”No, it was just a ribbon, I try not to get attached to material things if I can help it. I believe my medical bags and Jer'rahd's necklace are the only objects I have an attachment too.”]

[”What about that dress Rhede gave you?”]

[”While my attraction to him has not cooled yet, the destruction of the dress has shown that memories and the friends that you make them with are more important than the gifts you receive from them.”]

[”Yep you are still pissed about it.”]

[”Was it that easy to tell?”]

[”Only to me and maybe Rhede, granted I seem to hang out with you more than any of the others except the boss. OK, I was just guessing, seriously that's been nearly two years now. The war screwed with the gala times along with everything else.”]

[”I know.... it has been less time than that since …...”]

[”Since Rhede yelled at you like you saw in the vision. Yeah I know I've been keeping track of those and I am still worried. Boss died, so my vision came to pass. Rhede yelled at you bad enough that it was like he was stabbing your heart directly, so your vision came to pass. Rhede says his did ,but he won't go into it. And Starfall claims that right before the attack on Canterlot her vision had started , it was a reason she brought her daughter to the Gala.”]

[”That leaves Jer'rahd.”]

Bleu rolls over onto her back, moving a bit closer to the fire as she looks up at the moon.

[”He won't tell me what he saw, he only says it will never come to pass because he will never let it happen.”]

[“Rhede knows Bleu, though he will not tell me.”]

[“Yeah well, he won't tell me either.”]

[”That makes me think it's something that involves us or Luna directly. He is very protective of his friends and even more so of the Princess.”>

[”I would be jealous of that Velky, but I have been trying to get those two to hook up for a while now. I think I am making progress.”]

[”So I have noticed. That was quite clever at the Gala; if not for that interruption it may have worked perfectly. Granted it may still work; those two are off on their own right now.”]

[“ Yeah, but Boss is in business mode and Luna is not likely in the mood due to how Celestia is. Once her sister is better there might be a chance again. I hope this trip works out Velky.”]

[”I hope so as well.”]


The cold wind bit into his flesh cutting through his fur and the layers of clothing he wore. He had tried to put on his armor, but even for a magical metal it got cold insanely quick. He let it go and simply pulled his thick cloak tighter around him with his magic and trudged on up the incline through the snow. He paused checking the rope attached to his weapon harness looking back at the figure attached to the other end of it behind him.

The Princess was faring little better. She refused to use her magic in order to save energy and she also informed him that she could not fly in this wind without being blown away.

She was bundled up just as thickly as he was, although she seemed far less used to such hardships,without some sort of magical aid. She had yet to complain however, delving into the same inner strength he had seen from her on numerous occasions.

The pair were barely half way up the sides of Mount Vlaamperd, the tallest mountain in the range surrounding the Darklands. The trip to the base of the mountain was uneventful as the pair took a route that kept them away from civilization and any place that might attract the notice of the Dragons.

Jer'rahd pauses in the climb, looking back at the land laid out behind him. Most of what he saw was Equestrian lands and the Everfree forest, though in the far distance the mountain that Canterlot stood on loomed. From the summit, the Darklands and the northern edge of the zebra lands would be visible. There was also the possibility of being able to see the ocean as well, though Jer'rahd did not relish the idea of that view.

Luna moves up next to him following his gaze out over Equestria, her breath visible through the scarf she had wrapped around her muzzle. Her aqua eyes glistened looking at the same view he beheld.

“ I am sure the view at the top is much better General.”

“That does not make this view any less impressive.”

“I would think with as often as Bleu serves as a mount for you, this view would be common.”

“Every time I fly with Bleu it's into combat, I never have time to just enjoy the view. Besides she rarely flies this high.”

“It may not be so unpleasant if the wind lessens. I did not expect it to be this fierce.“

“No matter Princess. We need to keep an eye out for a place to camp soon anyway. There's no way we can make it to the top in just one trip. This is looking to take longer than the projected three days you gave to Rhede and Starfall. Are you sure the nobles will believe hat you are still there and Rhede is taking orders from you while you tend Celestia?”

“No pony saw us leave and I am still moving the sun from here. Baelit is the only one allowed to enter or leave my sisters chamber and he knows not to speak to anyone of what is going on. Granted I have not been lifting the moon to save energy. I am somewhat upset over that, though it is not likely any pony will really notice outside of the night guards.”

“Oh? Think so still hmm?”

“Let us find a place to camp. Standing here does not bring us closer to our goal General.”

“Of course Princess.”


Starfall sighs, looking over the designs that were on the desk before her and getting more and more annoyed with what she was seeing.

“Why am I doing this again?”

“Because Princess Luna is unavailable at the moment General, and her steward sent me to you.”

Starfall looks up at the pony who seemed to be in charge of this nonsense. The teal pegasus mare was dressed smartly in a gray and gold pinstriped suit. Her white mane was cut short and neat with two stripes of color in it matching her coats coloration. Her tail was done up much the same way, though was long enough to nearly brush the floor. She was surrounded by at least four other ponies who were dressed in such muted and boring tones and colors that, no matter how much Starfall tired to focus on them, her eyes kept being drawn back to the lead pony.

The pegasus kept taking notes based on what Starfall's reaction was to the designs on the parchment placed before her.

“That is not what I meant,but Rhede is going to pay for that. Why do we need new armor and uniforms for the air wing? Whats wrong with the old ones?”

“General I suppose there is nothing wrong with the old design, save it was so decades ago in fashion that the only good thing to come out of this attack that most of them were destroyed when the supplies were hit. I see this as a perfect opportunity to fix that problem at the very least.”

“OOOOkay, who are you again?”

“Glory, Glory Sparkler, General. I suppose you may have missed my earlier introduction.”

“I was a bit distracted by the fanfare... and fireworks. All right fine, I am not going to have a argument over this. The thing is Ms. Sparkler....”

“Oh please dear General, call me Glory.”

“Umm, yes, anyway... Glory. We do not need something that could attend a fashion show. We need something to protect the pegasi that are wearing them. We need function over form, substance instead of style. Do you understand?”

“Quite a bit actually, but there is no reason we cannot have some sort of style with the substance.”

Starfall sighs resigned to her fate.

“I suppose not.”

“Alright how about this as a starter?”

The unicorn assistant floats a new sheet of paper over to Starfall's desk. She looks it over curiously as Glory looks on.

“This looks just like a pony in a purple body suit. There's nothing to it.”

“That is why I said as a start darling. Your pegasi need to be more mobile than any of the other branches, leather is good but it takes time for it to wear properly to get the proper movement. And it truly is not the best as you are still placing metal plates over certain points to add to the protection. Now, it has come to my understanding that one of Princess Celestia's students developed a new type of material a little while back. Now from what I have heard it has only been used once and only by the Guard as they have only produced severely limited qualities of it. I have also heard that the only real sample of it used in clothing was destroyed after its first use.

“How the buck do you know about that!?”

“I have my sources.... Oh do relax, there is always a little leak here and there from some of the Guards when talking to a pretty mare.”

“I should have you locked up for that and questioned till you give the name of the leak.”

“You need not go that far General. The leak was my second husband, and if you wish to question him, you will need to exhume his body first. He did not survive the attack on New Dullahan. So if you want my motive aside from fashion, there it is. Now then is this conversation over with me whisked off to jail or can we continue to try and work something out?”

Starfall's eyes narrow, her ears flattening to her head as she watches the mare. The other pegasus seems unfazed by the scrutiny, but she had a hint of annoyance that touched the corners of her lips that was not present at the start of the conversation. Considering her assistants had backed away from the two was something as well. Starfall snorted her aggravation.

“We are unable to produce the material in large quantities. That is the main thing that's stopped us from using it before. Its a sturdy build, but a bit of a pain to get in and out of unaided. It holds up to cold, fire, and minor lacerations fairly well. The flexibility of it however is the same as standard cloth. It is perfect for pegasi or those who need a great deal of flexibility to move.”

“Then why have you not tried it with the private sector yet, to see if we can perhaps make it cheaper and at a higher quantity?”

“You would have to ask my predecessor about that.”

“I do not think I will, I was never one of her favorite ponies. Refused to even see me.”

“So you hoped to get in and make some money on this with the changing of command? Typical.”

Glory picks up a pen making a few alterations on the body suit, seeming lost in her own world for a time, humming something under her breath. She adds goggles to the suit, removes the portion over the muzzle and makes the hoods and boots of the costume black splitting them with a lightning bolt. The mane and tail of the design remain uncovered as do the wings, to allow for their use in aiding a pegasus's flight. Glory pauses a moment tapping the pen on her chin before spinning it between her wing feathers until she notices something on the wall.

“Darling, what is that ghastly symbol there on that flag?”

Starfall turns her head slightly looking at the 63rd division’s flag from the first dragon war. A pony skull, with a pair of bone wings coming out of the back of it on a field of sky blue. In black letters above the skull, was a 63, the slogan of “ No One Comes Close” was etched underneath to look like it was written by Princess Luna.

“That is the flag and slogan of the Guard's Air Wing. Its been the same since the first dragon war.”

The unicorn stares at it for a time before sketching out the skull on the flank of the uniform she was working on. Starfall looks down at the design as a few straps for weapons and supplies were added where they would not inter fear with the wearers movements. The pegasus raises an eyebrow looking up at the beaming Glory

“Not bad. Though why the purple?”

“It matches Princess Luna's coat, and the black and goggles are to add a bit of a intimidation factor to it all. Plus, the goggles have function of keeping the wind and any dirt or blood from the wearers eyes. Now, if I am able to produce this material, I am sure it will do wonders for keeping your ponies in the air. I will, of course, need some time to study the way it is made and make adjustments to make it easier to remove and put on. Still it should be a marvelously impressive flight suit. I shall, of course, get your measurements to make the first for you personally, General.”

“Alright. I will approve this one and get you the plans Glory, but there are conditions. I will have Guards posted to watch what you do with that material. Do anything I don't like and I will have you and your team locked up faster than you can bat an eyelash.”

“You need not worry about me, darling. Though to answer your question before I was distracted. I shall not be making any money off this General. At least not directly. I do not even expect to be covered for the cost of materials for the initial run.”


“Every pony needs to do something for this war effort and I think to use my skill for this. He may have been my second husband, but that does not mean I cared for him any less. I am in no way suited to fighting so making something that will protect others will have to do. Besides the publicity from this contract will be more than enough to cover any losses I might have. That and I simply love getting to play with a new material.”


Rhede knew he was having far too much fun with this. In all honesty however, he did not feel like he should be enjoying himself. He felt like he should still be helping his mother with the funerals, instead he was placed here as regent and was doing everything he could to not think about what had happened. Not spending a night alone was helping with that dramatically, but he was not able to really talk about it with any of the mares he was bedding as that would reveal weakness he could not afford to show.

He was in his element to say the least. Side deals, back stabbing, and power plays. All the nobles and important ponies doing their best to jockey for some sort of favor or ruling in their favor. Since Luna had appointed him her regent the noble mares were not above using their own bodies to get what they wanted, and the stallions were not above convincing their wives, or mistresses into the same situation to gain his favor. It was a dream job for him, he was practically swamped by mares. Of course he was using them all, in more ways than just the physical.

In just the short time Luna had been gone, his main goal had been streamlining what she had already set up and what Celestia had been doing for ages. He knew he had no hope of dealing in politics on Princess Celestia's level, but he knew he was doing better than Luna. The Princess was a warrior, not a diplomat like her sister was.

The dragon forces that survived the attack on Canterlot had relocated and joined up with reinforcements from Cindervale that had hit new Dullahan diving off the few defenders remaining there.

Mustang had moved nearly all the Guard forces to Manehatten again as if expecting another attack there. By the time the Guard had returned to Dullahan, the dragons already had control of it. Rhede let Starfall deal with the military side of things in this instance as he did not really have the head for tactics like Jer did. Besides he needed all his attention on just dealing with Canterlot and the nobles and merchants.

He kept his information net up however and had found out that the Blue, White and Green dragon gods were all converged in Cindervale to figure out what to do about the loss of the Red and Black. There were other dragon coloration’s from cross breeding, but none of them prominent enough to have any gods born of their ranks. If nothing else Rhede had to admire the lewdness of the beasts to consider anything a potential mate.

He had kept from doing anything drastic, preferring to accept things that would have a easy to see benefit and goal to Equestria, and occasionally the ponies involved. He had skipped a few opportunities that may have panned out in the long run for him, and by proxy Princess Luna, simply due to how veiled the results would be. Even with this self imposed limitation the mares still flocked to him trying to sway his opinion one way or another in their favor.

He was some what used to being hit upon by mares he met, of common birth. Dealing with the rich courting you instead of the other way around was a interesting change. He had been showered with rather lavish gifts and had engaged in a few episodes of “backroom negotiations “ with the more forward of them mid court day.

Of course, he had not given up anything in return that he was not already planning to do anyway. While he might enjoy the new status as well as the perks, he was not going to do something that might wind up being detrimental, which is why more than a few of the nobles were turned down outright no matter how attractive the offers or the female might be. At times, however, he was pleasantly surprised that there was no ulterior motive. Some of the nobles played it straight, and they tended to be the ones who had the best goals in mind. And at times he was even surprised by how some of them reacted. Several had liquidated nearly all their holdings in order to pour the bits into the effort of rebuilding and restoring Equestria, including Jer's little fan colt, Cyan Sparkle. He had told the unicorn to keep some of it, at least enough to live comfortably, but he turned over all his holdings, stating that he would succeed by his own merit and that Canterlot needed the money and land far more than he did.

It was things like that that made him feel worse the more he enjoyed himself.

The heavy silver throne of night with its stylized phases of the moon sat next to the throne of the sun with its etching of casting rays down on ponies carved in the gold it was made of. He sat in a wooden chair at a desk that had been placed before the thrones. There were somethings he was not willing to do, and sitting in either of those thrones was one of them.

He should not be dwelling on this so much. He should be focused and ask the Guard to sent in the next pony who wished an audience.

“Are you alright sir?”

He looks up suddenly,a tan coated earth pony stood before him. She had the build of a farmer and was wearing a yellow sun dress that amounted to a fancy dress to the non nobles. She was clearly increasingly nervous to be standing before him. She pushed a strand of yellow gold hair away from her blue eyes watching him curiously, seemingly honest in her question.

“I have been better. I gather you are the next petitioner?”

“I.... I am. My name is Appletini....”

“Calm down , relax miss, I don't bite …. unless you ask...”

He winced a bit as she stiffened, silently cursing himself, he had gotten so used to the word games and hints that he forgot not every pony played the same game the nobles did. Damage control time.

“So then miss Appletini what brings you here?”

“Well me and my family own a little farm not far from the Hooper Sea and we have run into a little bit of a problem.”

“Alright what is the issue?”

“Well the lands around the farm have become a bit, over run at the moment....”

“By what? Parasprites, trolls? I can send some Guards out there to help clear them out if you wish, but it will take time as we are rather short hooved in everything at the moment.”

“Oh, no no nothing like that. They have been rather cordial, if a bit standoffish. Also they have been paying for their food with either work or bits, but there’s far too many of them tah support with just my farm and a lot of them are getting sick with something. Doesn't seem tah be contagious to ponies though, least none of my families gotten sick. All of them seem depressed and listless, not even counting the injuries. Those can be cured, but most of um just kinda mill around in tha woods and the edge of the farm like they got no purpose.”

“I am afraid you have lost me completely miss. What is wandering around your farm?”

She shifts nervously as if reluctant to say anything. She speaks finally and Rhede had to lean forward across his desk to hear her properly.

“..... Half dragons....”


The wind practically screamed out side of the cave as Jer'rahd lifted the last rock into place, blocking off the worst of the wind with the impromptu wall. He stepped back looking at his work, watching the smoke from his torch be sucked through the cracks in the rocks. Now if they only had the materials to build a fire, at least he knew they would not choke on the smoke produced. He turns heading back deeper into the cave, lifting the torch from the crack he had stuck it in with his magic,trotting back to where Luna was.

“Everything alright General?”

“Yes Princess, I have the entrance some what sealed off so it should warm up in here before too long. So hows dinner coming?”

“I will never get used to how you can call a dried oat bar any sort of meal.”

“If you are hungry enough, even grass can be considered a three course meal.”

“Don't tell me you have actually eaten grass.”

“You don't live long in the field by being picky.”

This end of the cave seemed a carved out hollow. The claw marks and scattered white scales as well as the occasional still hidden gem, marked this as a former dragon nest. The smell of the beast had long since faded and with the shape the cave was in, it was in it likely had been abandoned a long time ago. Of course, that fit perfectly with what they needed in a shelter.

Jer'rahd takes out his bed roll, sticking the torch in a crack in the wall, before he settles down to eat. Luna was already bundled up in every blanket she had brought with her,yet the occasional shudder was still seen running through her buried form.

“You know, I don't think a bit of magic to warm yourself up would be uncalled for.”

“Yes it would, I need to save every little bit I have so I can cast this spell. The more power used in its casting the greater the returns. If I could get away with not raising and lowering the sun for Tia I would.”


“I do not wish to tell you. I am not sure how you would react to that information General.”

Jer'rahd snorts in annoyance his ears flattening to his head.

“I have followed you half way up a mountain on the other side of Equestria because you asked me to. Do you honestly think after that, and everything else we have done, I am going to have a problem at this point?”

“You may.”

“Then you had better tell me now before we reach the summit, so I can decide if I plan to go up the mountain further, or down it in the morning.”

“You have changed recently Ge.... Jer'rahd.... what is wrong?”

They gray coated unicorn bites though another oat bar putting a bit more anger into the bite than was needed to get through the tough food. The crunching of the bar and the crackle of the torch the only sounds in the cave for a few breaths. He swallows finally taking a sip from his canteen to wash it down.

“In the past few weeks, I have had ponies, who have been my family for years, killed. A pony who I fought with and actually looked up, to turn around to be a traitor, and a dragon in disguise of all things. I have had a the capitol city of a land I swore to protect put under siege and I was unable to do anything about it. Despite that we still have ponies with the power to aid us in this war , refusing to offer aid or even attempt to fight. Many simply wish to give up and hope we are left alone. I should be out fighting some where, not sitting in a cave at the top of the world, eating some bucking oat bar, and simply hoping that what you are doing is not going to be a complete waste of time as you have not told me a bucking thing about this mission Luna!!”

He shoves him self to his hooves flinging the offending bar away into the darkness as he rose. His gaze locked on the Princess, the red light cast by his left eye illuminating the cave far better than the torch did. After a moment he exhales deeply dropping back down onto his bed roll eyes closing as he rests his head on his forelegs.

“I am sorry Princess, I did not mean to yell at you.”

“Rhede was correct. You do not take any sort of betrayal well at all. I knew the element of loyalty fit you, but not this well. It explains your dislike of nobility too, with the games they play for power, there is always betrayal and back stabbing. Do not apologize Jer'rahd, I feel much the same after what happened with Mustang.... or Silver Claw......You are not the only one burdened.”

She sighs seeing no real change in the unicorn stallions position or attitude. She reaches back under the blankets pulling out one of her saddlebags and setting it between her hooves.

“I suppose I cannot simply ask you to trust me any more without some sort of reasoning being explained. This is what we are doing here Jer'rahd.”

He lifts his head, watching as she opens the bag, pulling out three very distinct books, Blue, Gray, and Red. The etchings on the covers, as well as his own interaction with them, brought an immediate recognition from Jer'rahd.

“Luna..... why do you have those? I thought they were to be destroyed?”

“They are necessary, as are the components to the spell I have in my other bag.”

“I am not sure I understand, what are we doing up here with those books? Is there a volcano or something to toss them into?”

“No.... although I have been tempted to find one at times. When we first recovered them I set to studying them to locate the Elements of Harmony. While doing so I found a spell that would increase my power greatly in the Gray Grimiore. Since then the materials needed have practically fallen into my hooves during our travels. It as if the stars are guiding me towards the use of this spell.”

“Do you really need more power? Is it worth the risk of what might happen to you?Those books were used to create a alicorn that nearly killed us. Who knows what else Discord used them for.”

Luna tucks the books back away.

“I am generally feared by everyone anyway Jer'rahd. Being the Goddess of War and Night has not granted me the sort of love that my sister receives from all our subjects. It is only the soldiers who seem to care for me and I lead them more often to their deaths than anything else. With this.... I would not need to. I would be an army simply by myself and no pony would need to be risked. I can accept that I am not loved as my sister is, but that does not mean I do not wish to help them as much as I can.”

“You cannot help them if you are lost.”

“What risks would you take to protect those you care about Jer'rahd?”

He watches Luna a moment as she tucks the bag back away at her side. He really did not need to mull it over. He pulls his blankets over himself his magic snuffing the torch out against the dirt floor of the cave.

“You should get some sleep Luna. We have another long climb ahead of us tomorrow.”

“Thank you Jer'rahd.”


>” We greet you again, Zebra Queen, though we question your visit to us so soon after your last.”<

“ Just to make this bit of information clear, to me it has been over a year.”

>”Has it been that long? Ahh, I see. Time is not something we need watch. Why have you come to us again?”<

Bleu had stretched out her wings, shrunk back down to the small dragonling size and was currently curled under a blanket on Velkorn's back trying to hide from the cold. The pair had just made it into the mountain range and set up a spot to sleep for the night when the Windigo had shown up, gilding down in a flurry of snowflakes to land at the edge of the camp site. There were only three and neither Bleu nor Velkorn could tell if they were the same as the ones they met before or not. Though all three seemed to recognize the pair.

“I wish I could say this was just to come and say hello, but I have need of the aid you might be able to provide if it's something you truly know.”

The Windigo remain expressionless though the three offer glances at each other before the first one speaks again.

> “ What is it that you wish to know that would bring you back here to us Zebra Queen? It is clearly important, but not so much that you would use the boon we granted?”<

“I traveled here to cut the time, we flew here though, no need to climb.
You are in a book as The North Winds from a old tale, you saved a pony goddess, felled by evil and cured her ail.
The current ruler of the pony folk, is in need of strong healing or she may croak.”

Bleu shivers a bit against Velkorn's back poking her head out from under the blankets a moment to watch the three Windigo debate among themselves in their own language. It seems there was some sort of argument going on at the request.

“Hey you three, if it helps your decision any. If Celestia dies, there's no one to raise the sun and that light show that you guys have going on up here for your children won't exist any more.”

The Windigo stare at the dragon then at Velkorn.

“> We were unaware of that, our issue is that when we healed the last alicorn she made matters worse, in time they got better but it was time as we perceived it which was centuries to you. We are not sure that we can make a decision such as that, as it could endanger our children as well as your pony kind, again.<”

“Then I ask you to teach me all you know, it will be on my head if this is a boon or will cause more woe.”

The three begin discussing everything again looking curiously at the zebra before the two who had not spoken to her take off galloping into the sky.

>”Remain here, Queen of the Zebra's we shall hold council on this with the others.”<

“I do not think, I will do that if its all the same, I wish to learn how to treat your children as well, so I might heal any that are lame.”


“Velky here is a doctor pure and simple shes been studying how to cure everything shes come across for years. Shes got more healing knowledge in her stripy head than any other pony any where. She wants to learn about your kids so she can help them too if need be. Not just the Princess. So we are heading on towards your village to check up on every pony as well.“

The Windgo blinks, suddenly seeming very confused at this, though he leaps into the air galloping off in the sky as well calling back as he vanishes into the storm.

>”I shall see what I can do for you Queen of Zebras. But I do not think you will find what you seek with our children.”<

[“You need not have lied to them Bleu they were on their way to help. Luna said that the lights would remain so long as her moon was raised.”]

[“ Luna never told us exactly what locked the lights in place, but it was done at sunset so the sun could power it. They don't know Luna will take over moving the Sun if Celestia dies. Keep in mind Starfall is the first to have done the sonic rain boom and what she did was the most visible effect to them. They don't know its anything else. Heck we don't even know how Luna did it. But if it helps us save Celestia I'll tell them what ever is necessary. I'm the bearer of Laughter, Velky, not Honesty, and if Celestia dies there's gonna be a lot less laughter around.”]


Starfall waves a hoof to the group of pegasus following her. The Great Hooper sea lay stretched out before them as the dozen troops flew along the coast line towards the farm of Appletini's family.
Rhede had her summoned immediately upon finding out all he could from the mare. She likely would have grilled the mare for everything she knew, but Rhede had interjected and ceased the questioning.

He had ordered Starfall to check it out and after a tense few moments along with a death glare she had picked up from Jer'rahd, Rhede had retracted the order and simply asked politely. Luckily for him this was a serious issue, even if all he was doing was trying to make the mare thankful enough to sleep with him. She was still rather pissed that he was abusing the power he was granted so quickly, but she let it slide for now so she could deal with this.

Her units wing had left the small settlement on the island in the sea's center. She had stopped in briefly to check up on the displaced sea ponies finding that the town only held a few residents as most of them remained on The Princess Bride, ferrying cargo for the small towns along the shore of the sea. She had not stayed long simply gathering a list of things they wished and needed to survive on the island, she planned to see too it the ponies that gave up their lively hoods for them had what they needed to survive.

So now here she was, flying along the coast, looking for a bunch of half dragons that had camped out on some mares door step. She was decidedly less than thrilled to be going on the mare's word alone that they were not hostile. A frantic hoof waving from one of her wing ponies drew her attention, the other pegasus pointed at the ground along the edge of the woods to a collection of ragged tents and hastily erected lean-to's.

Starfall shifts her wings soaring closer looking at all the half dragons sitting around the tents and trees. Her group was in clear view though no move was made to scramble troops or even that they were being watched. This was odd considering her former contact with the half dragons had them as highly alert and trained to rapidly take to the air after targets. She signals two of her wing to descend with her and the remaining seven to stay in the air. She fans her wings gliding down to land at the outskirts of the camp.

She exhales deeply, slowly approaching the camp, the sounds of screaming foals and the occasional cough filling the air as she trotted into the camp her two guards on either side of her looking as nervous at this as she felt. The place was full of half dragons, male female and a few foals oddly enough, now that she was on the ground the entire tree line seemed to be filled with nothing but bodies. Some of them were milling about aimlessly others looked as if they had simply lay down where they had been walking and not gotten up. There were signs of starvation as well as dehydration and exposure though none seemed to care or even notice. A few lifted their heads to watch Starfall pass curiously though only the group that was watching the foals made any sort of move and that was to put themselves between the children and the trio walking along the path.

One of the tent flaps was shoved aside and a rather large half dragon stepped out his reptilian eyes regarding the three. Out of all of them he was the only one still armored and he wore a weapon on his side as well as a mark of some kind on his collar, likely some sort of rank. His green eyes narrowed as he moved away from the tent to place himself in front of the small group.

“I had wondered how long it would take before Canterlot would send some one to finish us off.”

He snapped at them clearly agitated his focus seeming to be on the uniforms. Starfall wondered about his arrogance and poise , but she was not going to be cowed by it.

“There are three of us here, are you all so weak that it would only take us?”

The half dragon narrows his eyes fanning out a wing gesturing to the apathetic and despondent looking half dragons.

“In the state my ponies are in, a foal with a wooden sword could finish off most of them. Though if not for our removal why have you come?”

“Information. I am surprised you speak Equestrian so well, but regardless who are you?”

“ I had need of learning it before. My name is Commander Lion-heart, formally of the Onyx Wing assault force..... now of a dying race.”

“And what is wrong with them?”

“Do I not get a name from you mare?”

Starfall ruffles her feathers in annoyance.

“General Starfall Silvertail of the 63rd air wing.”

A few of the half dragons near by perked up at this, some rising to their hoofs a muttering starting that spread from where they were standing and ran like wildfire across the large encampment. Lion-heart hesitated a moment at the name and rank though he eventually snapped a salute to her with his wing before folding it against his back.

“My apologizes, I was unaware of who you were General. I had not had the chance to meet you in combat.”

“That is a good thing, as you would not have lived through it. Now what is wrong with these ponies?”

“As you say General. I cannot explain what is wrong in truth, only that it affects all of us that do not have a purpose. I suspect it is something akin to depression.”

“A purpose? I am still not following.”

“We are warriors General, created and bred to be just that, nothing more or less. When there is no battle to fight a malaise sets in and this is the result.”

“Why should you be depressed. I am sure the dragons have you running around slaughtering ponies left and right.”

Lion-heart snorts tossing his head ,clearly aggravated by her comment. Starfall does not move though her two wing ponies back up preparing to draw weapons until Starfall's wing snaps out signaling them to stand down.

“We do not work for the dragons General. A hoof full of us were free of the controls Onyx Wing placed on us in order to be able to lead for him. We know how we came about and we know what we were used for and what was done to us. We have been slaves born of rape and mutation. We are not natural creatures of this world General, that was denied to us when we first came about near the end of the first great war.”

Starfall's gaze shifts over the Dragon half’s surrounding them. Most of them were males with the occasional mare dotting the ranks, she was unsure of the foals, though all of the adults looked like they had not been fed or slept in weeks. There was a stench of death an decay in the air that was missed with the fresh breeze coming off the sea , but as the breeze died down the smell assaulted her nostrils. None of them had bathed it seemed either.

“So you think this is a better life than the one you left?”

“No, but we all agree it is better to die here than to return to being mindless slaves. There are a few young that we managed to escape with as well. We have lost over half our number we left Cindervale with, to this malaise or to ones who changed their minds and returned to slavery, some once free fell on their own blades at the truth of our existence, and what little future we have. No other group in all these lands has come into existence from such a perverse nature as our own heritage. Many could not take the truth of their birth. Their souls may be lost however as without Onyx Wing there is little chance there shall be more of us born for their souls to inhabit.”

“You have mares and you have stallions. Did you need a sex ed course?”

“If all you intend to do is insult us General I suggest you get to the killing that I see in your eyes and be done with it.”

Starfall snorts though Lion-heart continues to meet her gaze with a look of one who has accepted his death long ago.

“I am here for information Commander, nothing else. Putting you out of our misery is not off the table yet however. Why are you unaffected by this?”

“Who are you to say I am not. You are here and for now I have a purpose again even if it is doing little more than what a diplomat would do. I have a responsibility to the ones left under my command even if all I wish to do is lay down and die. This is something and while so focused I need not dwell on my existence. We have survived this long by aiding the few locals about as well as hunting, but with so many not eating and so few farms about there is not enough to keep occupied.”

Starfall looked out over the sea pondering something briefly. It would put a small group in danger if this was not as it seemed, but if they were honest then this could wind up being a rather impressive boon. It was a fifty fifty shot. Starfall was not a gambler, but something about this tickled at the back of her mind. She wanted to believe they were being honest. Something in her gut was telling her that while he was not telling her everything, this Commander was telling the truth. She was unsure of what he meant by there existence being the cause of this. While all their mothers had been rape victims that was something most of them should have been able to push past. She would have asked, but that might have given up some edge she could use for nothing, better to grill Rhede about it.

“Commander, gather your troops, break down the supplies and the camp you have here. Move all of it to the island in the center of the sea, Gallopagos. You may have to carry some of them, but you get all of these ponies off this spot. Once you get there set up a temporary settlement at the far end of the island from the port. I will return in two days, if any of your troops remain here I will kill them. If any are dead now set up a burial detail in a location the local farmers allow you too. You now have orders again I suggest if you want to save who you can, you get to it Commander.”

The draconic pony blinks his ears perking at the rapid fire set of commands he was given. He hesitates a moment, as if watching her to see if this was some sort of trick. Eventually he nods softly, offering another salute.

“As you wish General.”

He turns from the three bursting out a guttural barking hiss that Starfall barely registers as the orders she gave him translated into Draconic. Most of the half breeds around her jerk upright struggling to fulfill what commands were being given. The slow nature of their movements suggest many had not changed position in a long time. She shakes her head preparing to take off to report this back to Rhede when she pauses wincing as the stench hit her again. She turns her head screaming towards their commander and the rising troops.



Snow fell down the side of the sheer cliff face that towers above Luna and Jer'rahd. The wind was calm here, but far above it still blew like a gale, swirling snow and ice about in abrasive gusts. Luna curses lightly as Jer'rahd sighs.

“And it has been such a easy trip so far too. I suppose I can fly up and carry you as well Jer'rahd.”

“No need Princess.”

His horn glows, the green light barely visible under the scarf wrapped around his head. A series of shields forms into a long box with either end open. It angles up like a ramp along the side of the cliff with another set forming at the end of the first, creating the beginnings of a enclosed hall up the cliff side.

“I would say ladies first, but I need to see what I am making.”

“You had best not be remarking on my flank being to big.”

“Only when you are bundled up like this, you look like a foals beach ball with legs.”

“Not all of us can be too dumb to realize its cold as you do.”

Jer'rahd chuckles heading up the ramp.

“Come on then Luna before I decide to see how high I can bounce you.”

Luna smiles slightly following along. The air in the shield enclosure feeling warmer once they were out of the wind. As the pair make it to the second ramp the first vanishes behind them as Jer'rahd works to conserve his own power only making what was needed to advance. As they near the end of the first a small landing is formed stepping onto that the ramp behind them vanishes and reforms angling up again.

“You did not explain to me fully why we had to come here Princess. I understand its a spell though I don't see why we need to come up here for that sort of thing.”

“It is a ritual spell and the only location that it can be preformed is a set of ruins at the top of this mountain.”

“Rather specific of it. Most ritual spells I know of simply require a prepared area to be made, not one to be discovered.”

“I forget at times you have studied magic as much as you have.”

“When I was a foal I did everything I could to learn other spells. Failed all of them, but I learned a great deal. Likely not much of it is valid any more with the way some unicorns keep evolving magic, but I have the basics at least. Saying that explain these books to me I thought they were only to help find the Elements locations.”

“Only the Book of Blue has that. It was written by Discord as a study into that which could defeat him as well as a book that he translated parts of the other two books into. The book of Blue makes many references to things in the other books. On its own it is fairly useless and seems more the rantings of a lunatic than anything of worth.”

“So what about the other two you said one summons demons and the other has spells and such when we first found them.”

Another platform is reached as the ramp behind them is readjusted and the shield walkway they stepped off of fades out.

“It is hard to explain Jer'rahd. The Red Tome is not something I have a use for. There are dark spells in there that are only used to inflict suffering. Spells to make creatures barren by sacrificing their young, Spells to raise the dead and give them the appearance of a loved one of the pony viewing it. It is one I should very much like to destroy, but it contains parts of the spell I need and parts of it are referenced in the other book as well.”

“Even things that dark can be useful if properly wielded. But would that make us any better than the ones we fight?”

“Exactly. The Gray Grimoire is only a bit better. There are spells to strip gods of their power, countless spells to destroy, lists of arcane and ritual sites as well as the last known locations of powerful artifacts and weapons. Several of those I have already sent ponies out to collect before this incident. It has a spell I have used often that adds a temporary boost to my abilities. But there is one that will add a major boost to them and will make the effect permanent.”

“At what cost? If Discord had this book why didn't he use that spell?”

“He may have, Tia said his power increased drasticly during the war although the elements still proved stronger. The materials for this spell are not something easily obtained either. I am lucky I found any of them, let alone all of them.”

“So what should I expect to happen? Glowing lights? An explosion? Your coat to turn pink?”

“From what I understand it is mostly the former. Though it has been noted that at times those in the area of the ceremony will suffer some effect. It may be you that ends up with a pink coat.”

“Oh yes I am so looking forward to that. Might just have to stay far enough away that it doesn't happen.”

“Do not go too far, I still would like you around in case something happens. If the ceremony is interrupted it could ruin the components I have gathered, or worse.”

“It could kill you Princess.”

“Wha... yes, how did you know that?”

“Your talk on what you would do to protect those you care about. Dying for them is usually as far as you can go. Unless you wind up like me. I died trying and then came back to do it again. Equestria needs you more than they need you to have power. Don't risk yourself unnecessarily.”

“Thank you Jer'rahd, but I am still going to go through with this. Your concern is noted however.”

“I figured I would try a last time to make you change your mind. Particularly if Celestia is against this.”

“I am set in this resolve General, I had hoped you would trust me enough by now to know I would not do anything that could be a danger to my subjects or friends.”

“We are still climbing the mountain side are we not?”

“Thank you. I would prefer if you did not try to dissuade me further I already have enough doubts about this. I know it will work, but power always has some price.”

“So that's why you did not want any one else along. You did not want them trying to convince you otherwise, and you figured I would not go against what you say?”

“No... while it is true they would try and talk me out of this I chose you for a specific reason.”

Another ramp formed angling up a few more and they would reach the top of the cliff face. He did not feel any strain at making the shields yet, but he would be glad to be on solid ground again.

“And what is that specific reason Luna. Needed some one strong enough to carry everything?”

He chuckles a bit though his ears perk at the silence that followed the bit of snark.

“No nothing like that, although you do make quite a good work horse.”

“Then why?”

“We are at the top.”

“You have my curiosity up now Princess. Don't expect to get out of telling me why else I am here.”

“I will if I am able, when we camp tonight.”

“Alright then. I will hold you to that.”


Bleu and Velkorn left the next morning, heading to the location of the village. The weindigo might wish to keep it secured from the rest of the world, but they were reluctant to stop a pair that had helped their children. Particularly since they knew they meant no harm.

The were greeted much the same way as they were the first time minus the trap, but with armed guards who seemed rather confused about which end of the weapon was the pointy end. They calmed down a bit as Velkorn pulled back her hood though a careful watch was kept on both of them as the language barrier had yet to be broken. The towns leaders again came out, though the group seemed more inclined to try and figure out what was being said rather than escort them to a museum like before.

While Velkorn tried to pantomime medical questions to those who would listen, Bleu had her own attention taken up by a swarm of foals that kept trying to get a good look at the pony sized white dragon. Every time she glanced in their direction the group dove for cover hiding fairly well in the snow. Bleu pretends not to notice them as they snuck closer one of them finally managing to poke her tail with a hoof.

Bleu smirks changing that spot on her tail bright green for a moment, she watched the foals reaction from the corner of her eye as the whole group of them dashed out of sight again from the sudden change in her color. It took them less time to come out of hiding again to try poking her again. She let the same color effect happen much to the clear delight of the gathered foals though when she glanced back at them they scurried off again. Well at least she was too big for this group to run off with.

Velkorn sighs not liking the lack of progress but that the very least she managed to convey she wanted to learn about them. She showed several of the patches on her bags that drew interest though no recognition at first. One of the leaders poked her bag saying something about one of the patches. The others looked closer at it blinking. This set off a round of comments among the tribe leaders before the one who pointed at the mark gestured at her to follow leading her towards a building on the other side of town from the museum. Bleu started to follow along after her in case a quick escape was needed though the dragon in turn was trailed by what had to be every foal in the village.


Rhede looked over the map on the table while Starfall paced in front him. She had told Rhede what she had found out and his reaction had been one of worry for the Half breeds rather than the ponies that might be affected. Appletini was also present, though she was doing her best to remain hidden in plain sight away from the two.

“Did you get an accurate count of how many there where?”

“No my wing mare got an approximation as they took off there are a little over a thousand half breeds in that location. Its enough to inhabit a city, that they could take by force if they wanted too.”

“Did you get a better description of this illness they seem to have?”

“Just that before we left they were burying about thirty of their number who just did not get up. They seem to be alright so long as they are moving and doing something. But I told you all this already, Rhede the question is what are we going to do about them. They pose a great risk even moved to where I put them.”

“They abandoned their former masters to die free from what you have said. Miss, if you have something to add please just say it.”

They both look over to the earth pony mare who seemed to be trying to find a way to interject.

“Ahh yes sorry... well they have been losing at least that many a day since they first arrived. When they first landed they were close to sixteen hundred strong. After a few days some flew off and others just started not getting up. I don't know why, but it may have something to do with what the dragons did to them. My family and I were hoping some pony could help them.”

“What the dragons did to them? What about what they did to ponies? Think of how many have been killed since the first war by the half breeds........”


“…....We should be wiping them out not trying to help them. I am not sure what sort of bleeding heart you are but you should be feeling sorry for those killed not the killers.......”


“........... we have lost far too many ponies out there and had far to many dragged off to be used as brood mares by these things for any sympathy to be had......”


The pegasus whirls at the yell only to find Rhede had already managed to get around the table without her noticing and be right in her face. She steps back in spite of her self at his sudden appearance next to her but her glare does not diminish.

“I don't give a crap how much you want to bed this one Rhede or what the buck you promised. You are not in command here. I have let you get away with a lot of stuff since Princess Luna has been gone, but I am stopping it here, we are not expending any of the resources we have to save a bunch of enemy combatants so you can get a bit of tail.”

“I see you have fallen back on my hobby as a common insult.”

“From what I have seen you do around here in the past three days it is justified. How many nobles have you run off to your quarters or a broom closet with?”

“And how many have I not run off with no matter how enticing if what was proposed was not beneficial to Equestria in some manner?”

Starfall growled returning Rhede's glare neither of them backing down a inch. Final Rhede sighs and shakes his head.

“You do not know half of what has gone on Starfall and I had planned to keep it that way.”

“If you want my cooperation Pelt you better explain.”

“I do not have to. Miss please enlighten Starfall as to how many of those Half dragons are yours or your late sisters children.”


The Earth pony mare seems to shrink into herself not having expected this sort of question at all or the scrutiny it brought and the faint mutters she speaks are not able to be heard even in the now quiet office.

Rhede moves back behind the table looking again at the map waiting for Appletini to stop speaking. Starfall blinks looking back to Rhede more confused than angry now.

“What did she say?”

“She said Starfall, that at least fifteen of them are, including the one in command known as Lion-heart.”

“That's impossible he's older than I am and this mares maybe three years older than my daughter!”

“Thank you Miss, please speak with the Guard outside and she will take you back to your room.”

The earth pony nods and scurries out shutting the door behind her. Rhede sighs dropping into a chair gesturing with a hoof for Starfall to sit, but she ignores it.

“You know something, and you've realized you can't hide it any more, don't you?”

“I know a great deal of things, as does Velkorn, that we are not telling you and the world is a better place for it. This is..... was, one of them. Of course your stubborn streak has kicked in and you won't let it go. But then that's what we all love about you, well that and your nice tone....”

“RHEDE...... get to the point.”

“Yes, yes. So much for levity before the shit storm. This does not leave this room and above all else you do NOT BUCKING TELL JER! He hates the dragons enough, this would send that into over drive particularly with what happened to Luna. And before you ask, yes the Princess knows, both of them do.”

Starfall tightens her wings ears flattening at the instructions.

“Fine Rhede. Now spill it.”


The climb had not gotten any easier after the cliff, the estimation of a few days was being pushed back more and more with each trudging step up the ever steeper slope. Or at least it was in Jer'rahds mind, he did not relish the thought of climbing back down this mountain. Of course if this succeeded The Princess could probably just teleport them down or at the very least fly them back down, unless a worst case happened. Granted if the worst case happened he might not be able to go back down any way depending on how bad. Even if he lived that was a long way to carry a body.

He stops suddenly whipping his head to clear out the unwanted images and nearly having the Princess run into the back of him. He looked back as she apologized, she seemed lost in her own thoughts as well. He sighs the mist of his breath blowing through the scarf as he turns his gaze back up at clouds surrounding the top of the mountain. The wind was such that Luna said it would still be too dangerous to fly, having no wings himself he took her word for it. His eyes narrowed spotting something though the snow. The shape was familiar some how as was the way it loped towards them. He sighs lifting a hoof to stop the Princess and moving directly in front of her as the creature lumbered closer its cries likely lost in the wind. He was surprised to see it was white though he doubted it was much different mentally from its green counterparts.

Luna's eyes widened finally seeing the creature charging them, its fanged maw wide showing crocked and broken yellow teeth, black beady eyes sunk into its face under a thick forehead. A sharp beaked nose rested unevenly on its face as if it had been broken and not healed properly. A long matted coat of white fur clung to a massive oddly shaped frame that seemed like a strange cross between a bear and a hunting cat though it rippled with muscle. It hurled itself off a rock, claws that seemed akin to a common sloth's, were brandished on all four limbs as it fell towards them after its leap.

Jer'rahd raised a shield over them and the beast hit at full force, bouncing off and giving Jer'rahd a moment to drop the shield and give it a magical push that sent it flying off the side of the mountain. Luna blinks as the creature flails wildly before vanishing out of sight. Jer'rahd simply exhales deeply, as if he was hoping for something better to fight.

“I didn't expect trolls up here Princess. Do I get combat pay out of this?”

“You are currently the highest paid officer in the entire Guard. What do you need more bits for?”

“Oh you know, this and that, mostly reteaching my liver its old skills.”

“Delightful. As if the last outing of drinking was not bad enough with you.”

“Hey you made it back to your room alright. I still don't know how I wound up in the pond though.... maybe I do need to ease up a little on the drinks though, I don't think I could handle that again.”

The pair start trudging through the snow, the conversation continuing , but being shouted over the wind.

“You still have that phobia?”

“Of deep water, oh yeah, even the sight of it tends to freak me out a little bit. I don't run away in a panic any more at least, and rain no longer is an issue thanks to all my training. I don't think I can do the same thing with deep water, there's no way to only have a little bit of it at a time to grow accustom.”

“What about the nightmares?”

“At times, I did in the field quite a bit, since I started staying in the castle though, not so much. Most of the dreams now are of the moon casting a beam of light over me, with the nightmares clawing at the light. So long as I stay in the moonlight, I am fine, not always easy though as sometimes the moon moves.”

“An anti nightmare moon. That is a interesting effect.”

“Heh, I like that, Nightmare Moon. Sounds like some sort of nickname you would give to a battlefield commander.”

“I said anti Nightmare.... oh never mind, you are correct that it sounds interesting.”

“There's a cave ahead, might be a place to stop for the night, provided there's not any more trolls inside.”


Velkorn looks up at the symbol on the awning above the door. She had been staring at it for a bit of time after confirming that it was the sign the snow ponies associated with medicine. Bleu had stretched up knocking off most of the snow and ice so Velkorn could get a better look at it. After a few moments she sighed taking out a bit of charcoal and parchment, sketching the symbol out. It was not that different from the zebra medical symbol,perhaps some lost connection between ponies and zebras. If Velkorn was more of a historian she would care about that bit, but she was more interested in the mark. The central rod was split in two with what looked like a horse shoe on top and the snakes were replaced by a length of twining ivy of some kind. There were no wings connected to the rod and instead a stylized snowflake was spread behind it.

She looks at the image with some of the Snow ponies looking over her shoulder as she drew it before she rolls up the symbol tucking it away in her saddlebag to make into a patch for her medical kit later if she learned how to heal them. She glanced up at her guides curious face and pointed up to the symbol then to the snow pony then pointed to Bleu and the dragon symbol for healing , then to herself and the zebra one. The snow pony nods seeming to get it at least in part before gesturing the pair inside the building.

Bleu shifts down to her dragonling form shuddering suddenly as if the size change made her that much colder. Velkorn glances back as the dragonling scurries onto the zebra's back trying to warm up again.

[“Why are you only cold when you are small?”]

Bleu grumbles through the blankets.

[“Why do you only rhyme when you speak in pony?”]

[“Because it is easier to rhyme in pony than it is to rhyme in zebra. The words do not sound right when rhymed.”]

[“....... OK that makes sense.... any way I dunno I guess my bloods just not flowing as far or something”]

[“That makes no sense. Your blood should be warmer having less distance to travel.”]

[“Like I said I don't know I just get cold when I’m small and the bigger I get the warmer I am.”]

[“I suppose that is something to look into later...... oh my....”]

The pair were guided into what seems to be the most Hodge podge hospital Velkorn had ever seen, even counting some of the battle field structures Velkorn had witnessed. There were devices for dragons, ponies, griffons, and several she did not even recognize. The walls were covered in pictures of anatomy and various skeletal systems of many creatures. Velkorn was amazed and even Bleu gave a whistle at the impressive sight.

Velkorn approached looking at the anatomy charts curiously then over everything else. It was all covered in a light layer of dust. Most of the equipment was still clearly sealed , or was so far gone that it would never be used. The admiration gave way to a bit of sadness at the nature of the equipment. It was clear that this was not used as anything more than another museum of like materials.

Her guide said something and bowed before heading out the two guards who accompanied him stepping out in the hall to leave them alone for a moment.

[“What does this mean Velky? If this is their hospital, why does it look like nothing has been used?”]

[ “They are the Windigo's children in truth, more than they are ponies. I was glad when the Windigo said before that Starfall's rain boom did not harm any of them and that they would reform. I did not realize the same might be true of the ones they protect. I do not think there is anything I can learn here. The Windigo will not allow their children to come to harm. Perhaps it would be best if we had waited at our camp, this is a disappointment to me.”]

[“ Well there's a book shelf over here, you can leave some of those books you brought so at a least they will have something to look at if any other creature comes out this way.”]

Velkorn sighs wandering over to the book shelf curiously looking over the books. Bleu had turned her attention to a wooden pony skeleton and had hopped off Velkorn's back to try and do a impromptu show with the skeletons hinged jaws as a puppet.

“What did the three claws say to the face boney?”

She badly pantomimes the jaw moving and makes her voice deeper to act as the skulls voice”.

“I dunno what did the three claws say to the face?”


Bleu belts the skull with one hand letting it spin around on her finger a few times. Velkorn largely ignores her.

The zebras eyes widened as she pulls a book off the shelf opening it to flip through it her eyes widening as she flipped faster through the book looking at the anatomy charts and images in it. She looks up at the shelf setting that book gently aside before scanning the shelf and pulling out a few other books. She had never seen these before. These were books on races she had not ever seen books on, there was nothing on Snow ponies or weindigo, but this one was about draconequus as if they were a actual race at one point in the past, this one about hydra, and this one had a plethora of various normal animals including some she had never heard of, a complete guide to para sprites. The first book however remained the most important however as it pertained to the very source of this quest, the gods and goddesses themselves. The script was not one known to her, Bleu had no clue either but both of them knew a pony who could likely translate it given enough time.

Even if nothing in this book was useful to the current situation it would be a immeasurable boon in the future. What confused her was none of the books seemed to be the same. Some were written in griffon others in pony, the older more important ones were in languages she could not even think to decipher.

The guide trots back in expressing surprise at the zebra having spread the books off the shelf though he before he could say anything, he became even more distracted and disturbed by the pantomime skeleton act Bleu was doing. He seemed about ready to call the guards at the desecration of the museum when Velkorn whirled grinning wide and setting the stack of books she had collected from the shelf on the table nearby. She pointed at the books on the table before pulling out the ones she had brought with her to give to them any way, a slightly larger stack than what she was asking for.

It took some convincing, and a shout at Bleu to put the skull back where she found it, before he finally understood she wished to trade. He opened and leafed through a few of the books spending far more time on the ones that had color illustrations of various creatures in them. Eventually he agreed to the trade, much to Velkorn's delight.


Rhede sat back as Starfall shook her head in disbelief. The crimson pony smirked as if that was all he was going to say before Starfall belted him with a throw pillow from the rooms couch.

“Enough with the tension building Pelt, tell me what the heck happened or next time I'll throw the couch.”

Rhede slips off the chair half crouching under the table just in case. Starfall simply glares and Rhede sighs taking his seat again.

“The story that has been spread is that those captured were being used to breed half dragons. This is of course true. It is also true that both dragons and half dragons were being used to impregnate the captured mares. What is not known except by Velkorn, myself and the Princesses and those who managed not to repress or have the memory removed, is the rest.”

“I knew quite a few of the victims had their memories magically erased so they could lead normal lives afterwords.”

“There were also a few who did not want to have their memories erased, but we did it any way and told them they did.”


“We have been fighting foals, Starfall. There is not likely a half dragon that we have fought or killed that was any older than three or four years old. Not a one. We basicly have been killing children. Now how the buck do you think that would effect morale? Let alone the uproar it would cause from the ones already against the war?”

Starfall blinks and sinks back onto the couch the implications of it quite clear though the rest was not.

“How do you know any of this?”

“We found the head researchers journal as well as the labs themselves when we raided that castle. After all was said and done we found one in ever single castle of Discord we came across. The dragons had some how found a way to harness the time distortion that was going on in the Darklands. That’s why their armies were unaffected by it, that’s why they could accelerate the foals in the wombs to advance from conception to birth in just under a day, and how it only took them three days to have a fully grown solider, brainwashed and programed to be the perfect warrior. All at the cost of shortening their lives and causing numerous other problems along with the pain of that accelerated growth. The only reason we are not over run with half dragons like a parasprite swarm is the still born ratio is above fifty percent. Over fifty percent of them die in childbirth often taking the unfortunate mare that birthed them with it.”

“Buckking hell.”

“Miss Appletini out there was one of the ponies that had been captured, both her and her sister. Her sister did not survive very long and died in one of the multiple child births she was forced to endure. That mare who just left this room got to watch it all. She was never in any danger of my attentions as you so put it, that mare is young, but its not likely she is ever going to let any one touch her again, yet she was still willing to see if she could use herself to convince some one to help. I know you don't think I have any real scruples when it comes to mares, but I have plenty. Once I found out who she was I have not even flirted jokingly. Shes been through enough as is.”

He rubs his temple with a hoof.

“She is amazing none the less. She broke through a amnesia spell of the highest caliber just to come and try and save them. She sees them as they are supposed to be, as foals that need to be cared for and guided back to the proper path. That mare is full on trying to be a mother to over a thousand fully grown half dragons. She came here when she realized she could not do it herself. When we took out Onyx Wing, the programming he had that used him as the focus, the paternal figure to obey and follow, broke. That's why so many just wandered or flew off mid combat. Their reason for existence was gone. That gave them the chance to do what they are doing now and yet they are still suffering for it.”

Rhede exhales deeply his ears flattening.

“Equestria views them as abominations of the enemy, Appletini views them as children and a reminder of her sister. Me? I know their story, I know what they are and where they came from and what they suffer through. All that and I still cannot see them as anything more than possible allies, bodies to fill our own war machine.”

Starfall's ears and wings droop as she thinks on this though, she did wonder about something.

“I get it now, though why not tell Jer'rahd. This seems like something that he should know.”

Rhede chokes back a laugh.

“OK, picture this, Jer is already set to destroy every dragon he sees aside from Bleu, and that's just from the invasion and war. Genocide from just that. Now add in some of the horrors I just passed onto you. Let those add to his fire and what are you going to get? Think back to what happened last time he was mad beyond all sense?”


“Right. And since we don't have the time to stop and wait as he flenses every dragon we come across before finally killing them, its better if we leave this bit out of his earshot. Princess Luna and Celestia agree with me on this one.”

“I agree as well. But knowing all this does not help us with the current situation however.”

“No … no it doesn't..... and without Luna being here I cannot make any direct decision involving them. This ones a bit too important.... Though I have an idea if you are up to flying back there.”

“What did you have in mind this time Rhede?”


The screams of the group of trolls as they were flung off the mountain faded quickly as Jer'rahd growled in annoyance. Luna had offered to help though Jer'rahd declined.

“The day I can't handle a couple of trolls is the day I hang up my sword.”

“Then might I inquire as to why you are flinging them off the mountain then instead of out right killing them?”

“Have you killed a troll recently? The smell alone is enough to make you ill, I’d rather swim through a tank again.”

“You might have your chance when we retake Dullahan.”

“I find it some what disturbing that the source of my nickname has been the most heated battle field of the entire war.”

“Clearly prophetic.”

Jer'rahd nods heading deeper into the cave. The ice that half formed this cave let in enough light from the setting sun that he had no need for a torch to see this time. The cave itself split off into two short tunnels at the end, one ending in a now empty trolls nest, the other ending against a wall of ice. Given what a trolls nest was made up of, the ice wall was the more comfortable spot. Jer'rahd again takes the time to fill the mouth of the side passage with rocks. It likely would not stop any thing, but the noise would wake him up.

The Princess predicted they should reach the summit the following day and locate the ruins there. He was not convinced though he also could not see very far in the clouds they had been climbing through. He broke out another oat bar munching on it idly as he set up the rock wall. He was glad he packed extra just in case this trip had taken longer than he had thought So far it had and at least a day longer than Luna had planned for. He trotted back down the cave finding her wrapped up in blankets again.

“Still freezing hmm?”

“Only when I stop moving.”

“Well we have to sleep sometime, I don't even want to think of trying to climb up further with all these trolls while tired.”

“We might encounter more. Quite a lot of trolls escaped when Discords Castles were taken out.”

“Those trolls were green and brown,unless they can change their coat color depending on the seasons...”

“They can, it helps them hunt.”

“Perfect. What do the ruins up here attract them?”

“I don't know the books do not say, but it is possible.”

Jer'rahd lays out his bedding settling down on it and turning to dig out a few blankets from his bag. His ears perk as Princess Luna shifts up to her hooves but he pays it no real mind till she lays down next to him on his bedding her wing draping her blankets over both of them as she presses lightly against his side. He tenses up turning to look in her direction as she lays her head down on her legs.


“I suppose I should tell you the rest. The spell can present me with great power, though it can also kill me.”

“I had figured that out with the last conversation we had about sacrifice.”

“Regardless, it is a far more worrying proposition for me now that I have once again started to enjoy the company of others. While I was alone, with just Celestia, I would not have batted an eye at it. Yet now I seek to again put my life, an actual life on the line for a nation of ponies that still hates and fears the night and barely seems to count me as one of their own unless a conflict arises and half of them blame me for that.”

“I do not think any pony hates or fears you, let alone all of them.”

“Really, then why is it even one of my most trusted friends tenses up as if he is ready to run when I am close to him?”

Jer'rahd sighs trying hard not to chuckle at that.

“I would think any stallion would be a bit panicked at first when a beautiful mare suddenly joins him in his bed without a invitation.”

Luna's eyes widen a moment and she blushes, though she doesn't move and Jer'rahd pretends not to notice.

“So you think I am beautiful?”

“I would not have said it if it was not the case. That should mean something if you believe Bleu's comments about my “High Standards”.

“Even after all that you have seen me do, all that has been done you think that? Why?”

“I saw you dance.”

“You danced as well. Not poorly either...”

“No I mean when I first met you. Camp Geode. I still remember that. Beautiful and terrifying at the same time.”

Luna blushes again though Jer'rahd continues on still pretending not to notice.

“I never really even thought I would make it this far. I thought it was a honor just to speak with you Now in possibly the shortest time ever I have gone from just another solider to a position of power rivaled only by the Princesses themselves. Trust me if I let it, my ego would be off the charts right now.”

“You have suffered much and done a great deal to have achieved your position Jer'rahd. You have even faced death and returned. You have become perhaps the closest friend I have had in centuries, and twice now it seemed you had been lost to me, once in spirit the other in body. Yet you press on preforming deeds that had made lesser ponies legends, and yet you constantly trump your own exploits, with newer ones. It as if your life is a story written by some mad pony whose sole purpose it seems is to see you suffer.”

“It cannot be that bad. After all I am currently sharing a bed with one of the Princesses of Equestria.”

Luna chuckles.

“That is because you are warm and it is cold out, do not expect anything much more than that General.”

“Way to dash a stallions hopes there Princess. And after all the work Bleu has put in trying to get us together. Though it is for the best that nothing does come out of this ”

Luna opens one eye to look up at him before making a dismissive noise.

“And why would that be Jer'rahd? Am I not as you have hoped in a mare?

“I would prefer that you did not die due to me.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Aside from my relation ships seem cursed? I was betrayed then Platinum was killed, the Scarlet betrayed me. If the pattern follows it would mean your death.”

“I think you are reading a little to much into it, We are not an item as it were Jer'rahd. Granted if there was less for us to worry about it would not be a bad thought.

She turns her head away from him as he lays his head down on his own legs eyes closing after a last glance towards the rock wall he put up.

“Possibly Princess but I doubt it. I do not wish for you to become another casualty of my .. “story” as you put it.”


Velkorn was both delighted and depressed it was a strange feeling, Bleu had commented she seemed like she had one ear perked and the other drooping since she found the books. The pair had left the village after a few good byes and were on their way back to the initial camp having declined what they thought was an offer to stay the night. Eventually she hoped to learn the language, but for now she was content to speak with the weindigo. There had been no sign of them in the village and likely that meant they were keeping their distance from their children still.

They had just set up a small camp for the night when the weindigo arrived. Velkorn had been expecting them, Bleu just remained huddled under a blanket complaining.

>”We greet you again Queen of the Zebra's, though we ask why you ignored our request to remain here?<

“It was a long trip that I did undertake, to come here and not see the village would have been a mistake.”

>”No harm was done save that our children are curious about the outside world now, more so than when simple objects were found by them.”<

“The world outside is a dangerous place at the time, the peace they know here is truly sublime.”

The lead Windigo of the three nods, his mane swishing like ice over rock as it moves.

>”We have decided that we shall aid you in restoring the Summer lands Princess of the Sun. Some wished to count this as the boon you have been granted, but you came to us and the benefit to us for her to live is not minor. The boon will remain with you Queen of the Zebra's we do not doubt when the time comes that you use it, the need will be dire. As to your second request, that we cannot grant.”<

“With what I have seen while in the town, it is not as if they even need a doctor around.”

>” This is true. Our children have inherited quite a bit of our healing ability. It would take enough damage to kill them outright before they were injured beyond what could be healed. There are no books or information to give you. The snow that falls over the land from us speeds up there already considerable recovery.”<

“Hey I got a question. How do you guys even have these children? That's like a level of inbreeding or something there isn’t it?”

>” I am not sure of your term thunder lizard, but they were created from the fresh snow with life breathed into them by the north winds. They have children on their own now This was another gift granted to us in return for our aid to the goddesses from long ago when ponies still lived here. Sadly it is unlikely they could survive in the Summer Lands. Is that a sufficient answer thunder Lizard?”<

“Actually that was more informative than I expected.”

>”You carried the Zebra Queen to us and aided her in what she did for our children. A simple question is easily answered. Of course it seems our Children gave you enough of a reward as your bags bristle with the ice gems of this land.”<

“Cause these diamonds are insanely tasty.....”

“What is this cure of which you speak, do you have it with you or is it something I must still seek?”

One of the Windigos trots up producing a simple brown leather bag from his mane, frost coated around it where the Windigo touched it before he set the bag before the Zebra returning to where he stood before behind the speaker.

>” This powder is something that we create ourselves it will amplify the healing of a body at the cost of a great expenditure of energy. With the powers the goddess of the sun has it should take little time before her wound is healed. The focusing of all her power may have some undesirable effects, but it should save her life as it saved another in times long past. Put this bags contents into water and apply the paste it makes to the wound. Be sure to use it all or the results could be what is not desired.”<

Velkorn had been jotting down the information from them on a bit of parchment before she took the bag putting both it and the parchment in her bag before bowing to the Windigo , they did the same in return. Seeing their business was done the three took to the air again galloping off through the sky.


Starfall once more was flying over The Great Hooper Sea with her wing, although this time some of the pegasus were pulling flying carts loaded with a few scant supplies and a hoof full of volunteers, mostly males. She spotted the landing point of the Half dragons at once. It seemed after they left they mainland they managed to keep the interest up for a while before lapsing back into the strange funk that they underwent before after setting up a great many crude shelters that did not even seem to be used.

Once again her arrival sparked the attention and many of them rose looking up at the group as they landed. Touching down with the carts. Starfall shifted her gaze about looking for the one called Lion-heart and was not disappointed as he came trotting up saluting again as warranted a higher ranked officer though his gaze was primarily on the collection of earth ponies and unicorns that had come with them.

“General might I inquire what this is about. We have done as you asked...”

“Smells like some of you missed the last part. I expect you to fix that as soon as possible. “

The half dragon looked particularly annoyed folding his wings and ears tightly against his sides and head though his attention was diverted by a older black coated earth pony mare approaching them. Her blue hair was pulled back in a bun with, a pair of glasses perched on her nose. She said nothing at first simply looking over Lion-heart as if one would look over a piece of art that they were unsure whether it was genius or crap.

“Commander Lion Heart this is Ginger Snap she is to be your liaison with the training force that has been brought as well as with Canterlot as a whole.”

“Wait training force? Canterlot? General what is going on?”

The half dragon was looking nervous clearly having several different scenarios crossing his mind. Likely none of them was the correct one, but Starfall was enjoying watching him squirm, he was not a bad looking stallion if you could get past the oddities. That he was some ones foal rapidly grown up was a very sobering thought, but she could see the vague resemblance to Appletini now that she was looking for it. His father had clearly been a red dragon judging by the coloration of his wings and scales however even if his fur was black. Actually looking this time it was clear that none of them had any sort of cutie mark. Rather sad but fitting given the proper age. The training group was picked out by Rhede every one of them could keep their lips shut about this situation though Rhede had implied what would happen if it slipped.

“It is simple Commander, as of this moment you have the attention of Canterlot. These ponies are here to protect our interests. They are going to show you how to farm, build a town and run it. The Princess bride shall also be adding this side of the island as a list of stops. There is the potential for mining on this island as well, The Princess Bride has been commissioned to collect what ever raw materials you may produce. To have them refined.”

“So we are little more than slaves to you as well.....”

“You will be paid for what you manage to do Commander, be it with supplies or bits. There are plenty of raw materials both in this lake, on this island, and on the mainland for you to harvest. Your first mission to to build a town to house these ponies and create a farmland capable of supporting them with the land you currently have access to. This is not a small island Commander and we are giving your ponies free run of it with only moderate supervision for the moment. If Miss Snap does not report in or reports something that we do not like we shall come in force and wipe your ponies off this island. For now we are simply going to watch you and provide you with a means to be self supportive. In time if your progress is sufficient enough and your intentions have not changed we might even be willing to offer your kind citizenship within Equestria. “

Lion hearts jaw remained wide open at her speech a rather dumfounded look on his face.

“These ponies are going to separate everyone into groups to train them in what needs to be done. We have it all set up that ever single one of them is going to be doing something to make sure this town gets completed. And you are going to have two jobs Commander. You are going to continue to lead these ponies with the advice and counsel of Miss Snap, and you are also going to teach every single one of them the pony language. If they are not busy that means you are training them is that clear?”

“Yes General. That is clear....... thanks...thank you.”

“Don't thank me commander Thank that mare who's farm you stayed at. Without her you likely would all be targets.”

Starfall nods to Ginger Snap who leads Lion-heart off to begin discussing preparations as Starfall and her wing take to the air again returning to Canterlot. She glanced down watching the Ponies milling about the place smirking slightly before angling off back towards Canterlot. Sometimes Rhede's ideas were not that bad.


“This is it Jer'rhad, are you ready?”

“Of course, cast your spell already, I expected trolls. Maybe not a troll god, but it would not be the first god I killed. I have this.”

Luna hurriedly sets out the materials her tail whipping across the surface of the large round stone dais cleaning off dust and blown snow further. Jer'rahd glances back to the cave mouth and the pounding force being directed against his shields.

They had left the cave where they spent the night and barely crested the rise above it when they found the ruins of an old temple, swept raw by the winds. Luna had opted to not raise the sun to start the day and had instead lifted the full moon letting its pale light illuminate the ruins. Considering she drew some power from the orb it was not a surprise, though Equestrians may have been freaking out again. They had not made it far into the the ruins when the first wave of trolls started howling, pouring from the ruined buildings and seemingly out from under the rocks. A huge brute of a troll smashed its way out of a half collapsed building, the creature was almost twice the size of the orc god Jer'rhad had killed and twice as smelly. A second set of arms sprouted from under the first, just as muscled and clawed as the first set. The beast had six gold and black eyes running up its forehead over his main set giving it the odd impression that it was a spider cross of some kind. Jer'rahd and Luna both donned their armor, though Luna darted off towards a cave yelling for him to follow. He took off after her, The Waning Moon drawn and cutting down the first few of the fastest trolls. He was going to have to heavily clean his sword after this.

The great beast roars charging after them as the pair ran into the cave. Jer'rahd flung up a few shields behind them sealing the cave for a moment or two he turns as Luna slid to a stop in the middle of the cavern . Light poured in from above, cast from the moon through a hole in the roof, illuminating the dais. Luna worked on getting the ritual set up. She occasionally checked the book for reference placing the object where it was needed. Jer'rahd winced feeling one of his shields be battered down. He started moving towards the tunnel leading to the surface planning to intercept the swarm himself.


He froze looking back as she trotted up to him.

“Yes what is it Luna?”

“If something should happen …. if the worst should happen.”

“It won't, you will complete your spell and no troll will even get to see it.”

“But if it does. Please. Apologize to my sister for me.”

“Not happening. That mare would skin me alive, if something happens to you I sure as buck am not going back to face her. So you better come out of this alright I have a career to think of.”

He smirks not really feeling it and she seems to do the same with a halfhearted smirk.

“Anything else Princess?”

She darts in suddenly kissing him lightly on the lips. He freezes with shock at the action as she blushes deeply.

“I have wanted to do that since the Gala.... if it was not that good I suppose I could practice a bit more if we live.”

“Oh yeah, neither of us is going to die today. Cast your spell Luna. I have some annoyances to take care of.”

She smiles a bit more genuinely this time and dashes off back to the center of the dais. He shakes it head continuing down the tunnel and raising a shield behind him. He turns looking at the masses clawing at the other side of the shield. The big one kept pounding on it crushing many of the normal trolls that got in his way. Most of them had pulled back letting the large one flail at the shield. He was not sure how he was going to do this.

His ears perk hearing Luna using the royal Canterlot voice, but the words that were being spoken were like nothing he had ever heard before. They echoed and reverberated from the chamber behind him as if it was miles away though more tunnels and rock than should allow the words to be heard. He shivered slightly hearing it though he was not sure why, something in that language gave him a flash of fear like he had just been dropped in a lake. It was also very familiar.

Cracks appear on his shield bringing his attention back to the situation before him. The brute swung again and Jer'rahd dropped the shield charging forward, his blade gripped tight between his teeth as the troll god pitched forward unbalanced by the blow that didn't land. It caught itself on its lower arms until Jer'rahds blade nearly cut through the extremity as he ran past. The troll god howled in pain and the numerous other trolls leaped and slashed at the armored unicorn their claws not so much as scratching the Armor of Loyalty.

He smirked expecting such protection against the minor ones though the lumbering giant now had its full attention focused on the creature that wounded it. Silver Claw had proven that Gods could penetrate the armor and he did not doubt that the troll was any different. His head whipped the twin blades of the Waning moon slicing apart anything that got in his way. He galloped back out into the open away from the cave still able to hear Luna's voice as if she was standing right next to him.

He turned to face the charging troll. Many of the ones he had wounded in his charge were not able to get out of the way and were trampled by the beast as it lunged after the unicorn. Lightning flashed though the air, Jer'rahd offered a brief glance up to see clouds starting to roll and swirl around the mountain leaving a clear circle of sky that allowed the moon to shine through.

He would have watched further though the great beast was on him over sized jaws snapping at the Unicorn and impacting hard against a raised shield. He took that moment to finish the cut on the one arm severing it completely before running away as the troll tried to bite through the shield.

He darted away gripping the blade tighter and cutting through a few more of the smaller trolls as he galloped past. He glanced back eyes widening and threw himself to the ground as the arm he severed from the troll flew over him smashing into a host of other trolls and destroying another section of the ruins.

He scrambles back to his hooves darting out of the way as the massive bulk of the beast crashes to the ground where he had dropped to the ground. The creature stumbles as it tries to use an arm that was no longer there to catch itself and again Jer'rahd takes ad vantage his blade digging though the creatures back leg on the same side. It roars whirling about only to stagger back as its head collides with another raised shield. His blade drinks deep again severing the limb.

From that point it became almost too easy. The troll god simply went into a rage, ripping apart anything that moved near it. He repeated the process without the troll even noticing the pattern cleaving off its limbs bit by bit till it was trying to crawl after him with its one remaining arm, its rage putting it past any sort of survival instinct.

The ruins were covered with hooting and screaming trolls looking down on the battle as Jer'rahd trotted up and with a few swipes managed to sever the trolls head from its body. He turns his head up to look at the suddenly quiet trolls wondering if any of them wanted to take a turn. He was doing his best to try and breath through his mouth as the stench of this place was unbearable , or maybe it was just him soaked in troll blood. Either way he needed a bath badly.

The storm over the mountain was getting worse, Luna's voice was growing louder as well. He looked back up to the moon, his eyes widening as darkness seemed to slowly be swallowing it up making its phases change rather quickly, moving from full moon to new moon and back again in a matter of moments. He glances back to the surrounding ruins not seeing a single live troll any where any more. Even the cries were muted as if they were all running off.

He sheaths his blade, planning to burn the scabbard once they made it back to Canterlot or before considering the stench. He runs back down the tunnel dropping the shields and raising them again behind him just in case.

Luna was floating in a swirling sea of whirling energy, little globes like comets screamed through the air around her nearly blocking her from view as they moved counter clockwise around the floating alicorn. Jer'rahd barely had time to look around before everything froze and suddenly exploded the energy wave flooding out from the dais pouring over him blinding him with the glow of energy. He swore he heard a multitude of voices echoing in his ears though two were in a language he knew and were loud enough for him to make out.

“This is the only one? Should we?

“No let that one decide when this one is ready. We need not do anything to it.”


The air clears as suddenly as it started the power flowing back into the dais like a retreating tide before a wave he charges forward sliding to a stop, the dais was still covered with a pulsing dark purple dome of crackleing energy that slowly begins to shrink. The power that washed over him was making his fur tingle and he needed to check to make sure he was not pink. After a moment the glow fades completely from view leaving a still form laying curled on the ground.

He hesitates taking a step forward not sure if he was supposed to be on the dais or if anything was done or not. The form stirs slowly rising to its hooves.

The mares coat was as black as midnight with purple markings on her flank that was dotted with a white crescent moon. She stretches her wings, the lengths larger than a normal pegasus and more bat like than bird. She was taller than Luna and leaner possibly matching Celestia in height. Her mane and tail did not even seem to be hair any more, yet were a near translucent dark sea of stars as if the night itself had decided to inhabit this mares mane and tail. She yawned bearing small fangs as she stretched her eyes opening to reveal a brilliant green coloration that was slit more like a dragons than a ponies. Jer'rahd was frozen, the same sense of beauty and terror that had overcome him when he had first seen Luna dance had returned even stronger now.


“I gather everything went well with the trolls Jer'rahd?”

He blinks nodding his head, keeping the armor on still just in case.

“It did Princess. I am not sure what your spell did but you have clearly been changed some how.”

“I have been changed? I can feel power running through me I was unaware even existed. Though I do not feel different otherwise.... oh...”

She turns her head, glancing back at her wings and tail rather surprised to see her new coat coloration as well as the changes that she had undergone.

“This was unexpected, though fitting I suppose for the goal we have set our selves. This is a odd look for me but judging by your reaction it is quite a intimidating one. Hmmm, On that I suppose Princess Luna shall not strike enough fear into the hearts of our enemies General.”

“Oh? Then what would you like Princess?”

She looks over at Jer'rahd and smiles, something he could not quite bring himself to return.

“I think Nightmare Moon would be adequate don't you?”


Twilight sits back with a shudder. She had expected Luna to change at some point, but she was expecting something gradual. Not the result of a spell. Particularly not one that she was utilizing to help ponies. There must be something else to this. It was not even close to the legend she found in the book, and a astrological event of that size should have been seen by everyone and recorded? Frankly it was giving her a bigger headache than trying to figure out the nonsense with the time jump .

“You OK twilight yah look a bit paler than usual.”

“I just saw Princess Luna become Nightmare moon... it was..... anticlimactic to say the least.”

“Well considering what you been writing about for the past couple of months, I ken understand why, all these battles and heroic escapades this groups been doing. Something that yah already new was gonna happen ken seem like a let down.”

“I suppose you are right. Though I think I am done with this for the night.”

“Mind if ah take this book with me, not quite at a point ah ken put it down just yet.”

“Sure go ahead, Rainbow Dash has my other copy, though the one she has is two chapters behind. That one is caught up at least and once I get this one put in to the main book I can have Spike copy it.”

“Provided keeping an eye on the Crusaders doesn't completely wear him out.”

“Well he does seem to be having fun with it.”

Applejack closes up the book pulling on her saddle bags and dropping the book into one. She rises and heads to the door as Twilight puts everything away sliding the sword case back under her desk.

“Ah'll bring this back soon as I’m done sugar. Shouldn't take me too long, not much tah do aside from standard chores mid season.”

“Alright Applejack , if you see dash tell her I need the book back to update it before Fluttershy gets it. I should have Spike start to work on a fourth copy sometime as I need to send one to the Princess.”

“Actually Twilight, I suggest yah don't do that.”

“What why not?”

“Somea this stuff's getting kinda personal like, I doubt Luna would want her sister seeing it.”

“Oh I forgot about that. I am so used to looking at this like history I forgot that both Princess Celestia and Luna have lived through it.”

“Ah doubt Princess Luna would be too happy bout some of this stuff being passed around.”

“Alright I should still send Luna a copy when I am done though. She might like it or hate it , but she should still have it.”

“Might be right any way g'night Twilight.”

“Night Aj.”