//------------------------------// // Letters from Elsewhere // Story: Double Vision // by EveningShadows //------------------------------// Dear Sunny, I'm glad to hear you're meeting new people but I wish you'd make some real friends up in Canterlot. I'm not sure it's a good idea to only have friends you have to commute to. I hope your project goes well. Where'd you get your head for business? No one in the family has one. Speaking of commuting, Shining and Cadance want to apologize again for not being able to meet you yet. They said they've been too busy in the empire to leave so they've invited us to come and stay with them for a few days. Let me know when you're free and I'll set it up. Rarity told me Blueblood asked you on a date. You didn't mention that in your last letter. Already keeping secrets? They grow up so fast. You did say you were working with him on a project so I should have assumed he'd try to make a pass at you. Thinking back on it he's done the same to me with some regularity, although I didn't realize it at the time. I thought he was just another annoying pony trying to infringe on my study time. As for me, well you're not going to believe this, but A.K. Yearling is actually Daring Do! And Daring Do is real! Turns out that A.K. was actually going out into jungles and temples to find artifacts and fight Ahuizotl and then publishing books about it. Crazy right? We went on an adventure with her and Rainbow could not act like a normal pony. It was quote this line, sign my that, the entire time. It's too long to repeat here but I'll tell you all about it next time I see you. P.S. Spike says you got a drool stain on one of his comics! Dear Twilight, I'd love to go up to the Crystal Empire and meet Shining and Cadance. I'll make some time. Although, I'll admit I may possibly be the teensiest bit nervous. So I shouldn't assume I'm special then? That's certainly a confidence booster. Speaking of making passes, maybe you should've said yes one of those times. You're an expert at friendship but your experience with dating is lousy, isn't it? (I'm joking, of course.) I look forward to being regaled on your adventure and Rainbow's fangirling. Her having a nerdgasm sounds hilarious. So I've been having this weird, recurring dream. I (or maybe it's you?) am coming back from the library. It's my first time going alone and I get lost. Probably because I always have my head in a book on the way back. I'm wandering around getting more and more lost and I'm scared. After an hour of this I stumble onto a restaurant that I've been to before. A doughnut place. I'm so relieved that I walk in without thinking. The owner recognizes me and I tell him all about being lost so he gives me a free glazed doughnut and a cup of hot chocolate, which tasted vaguely of hazelnuts. After I finish I tell the owner I know the way home but he doesn't want me to get lost again so he walks me home. I ask him, "Please, please, please don't tell my parents! They'll never let me go out on my own again if they find out!" He says okay, but only if I promise to learn the way before I go out again. Then it's over. It's weird, you know? I just feel so strange when I wake up. I don't know how to describe it. If it was just once I wouldn't think about it but I keep having it. I'm afraid to ask, but do you remember this happening to you? Anyway, yes my project is going well. Fortunately, I've shuffled all the tedious stuff onto Blueblood so I'd say exceedingly well! I actually need to ask you a favor about that. Remember how you said you wanted to do one of my publicity events? Well, I'm sure you won't hate it but you're not going to like it. I know you'll say yes, so thanks! P.S. Tell Spike that his comics made for a great pillow! (And that I hope I didn't drool on a collectible and I'm sorry.) P.P.S. Don't call me Sunny. Dear Don't-Call-Me-Sunny, Teensy isn't a word. Neither is its superlative adjective form. But I'm sure it'll be fine! Spike and I will be there. Nope. Not special at all, for him at least. I'm pretty sure he's tried to hit on every mare he's ever met. Have you been doing those magic exercises I taught you? I know they're boring but they're very important for learning how to control your mana and do simple tasks by muscle memory. And before you ask, yes, I've been taking my flying lessons with Rainbow. She's making me wear a helmet so thanks for that. For some reason she thinks that if I get hurt you're going to make her start that union. You wouldn't know where she got that idea, would you? By the by, I've noticed you're writing more and more with your horn, and that your horn writing is improving. Good job! I've recently taken up the art of wing calligraphy. It's not going very well but I bought some expensive brushes and they're very pretty so I'm going to keep trying. I'm sure you'd appreciate the aesthetic of placing them on my office desk. When I get good at it I'll hang my best work on the wall. In regards to the favor, nope. Not a chance. I don't even know what it is, but no. I know you're going to try to talk me into it so you'd better be on top of your game because I certainly will be. The dream. Yes, I remember that vividly. And frankly, it creeps me out that you're dreaming of my memory. The place was Doughnut Joe's. That's how I met Joe and how it became one of my favorite spots in Canterlot. I don't know what to say other than I hope you don't dream of something embarrassing. P.S. Spike says it's okay and to come visit soon. Dear Twi, Teensy is a word. Check the dictionary and if it's not there then check back in a decade. Good to know. I'll be sure to tease him about it, maybe get a little offended. Should be fun. I have to say I'm not enjoying the magic exercises. I really thought that learning magic would be more fun. Turns out it's a lot like real exercise but instead of a runner's high you just get a headache. Nevertheless, I shall continue onward. One day, if I work hard enough, I may even be average! I'm glad we can cover each other's weaknesses. With you handling the physical world and me handling the social world we'll be unstoppable! Thanks, I'm always happy to hear my efforts are worth it! I can still only write with the horn for a little while before my head can't take it, but it's a longer while every time. Good to hear you're taking your flying lessons. You never know when you'll have to flee from something on the ground really, really quickly. And I have absolutely no idea where Rainbow would have gotten that idea! You're learning! The best way to brag is to place objects that say 'I'm important and have better hobbies than you (and so on)' where other ponies can see them and start conversations with you being awesome as the focus. Send me one of the pieces you're proud of. I'd be willing to bet you'll say yes in the end. Be ready, I told you early for the challenge! I'm creeped out by the dreaming too, and terrified. I hope it stops. P.S. I'll make time soon.