//------------------------------// // chapter 3 understanding // Story: Zoroark in Ponyville // by Viper Pit //------------------------------// The next day zoroark woke up on Fluttershy's couch and out of curiosity began looking around smelling the air for any signs of danger or for any food. That battle with Big Mac made him a little peckish. He made his way to the backyard where Fluttershy's garden was and began to eat one of the cabbages. Fluttershy was massaging her bear when she saw Zoroark eating a cabbage "Oh, no my cabbage" Fluttershy went over to Zoroark. "Um, could you not eat my cabbages please. I mean if you want." Fluttershy said nervously. After finishing the cabbage Zoroark looked at Fluttershy before turning into her. Which naturally would make any pony a little nervous. "Why did you bring me here?"Zoroark asked with Fluttershy's voice. "Well I can't just let an animal attack my friends and not keep a eye on it."Fluttershy explain from behind her bear. "You aren't very brave are you" Zoroark said while looking at Fluttershy curiously. "And you aren't very nice Mr.fox are you." Fluttershy replied while still behind her bear. "My name isn't Mr.fox its Zoroark."he said in a bit of a aggravated tone. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know"Fluttershy was practically in the bear at this point and the bear at this point had about enough of the Zoroark as he began to growl at him. Zoroark simple ignored the bear and continued his conversation. "It is okay Ponyta. So what is your name?"Zoroark asked while being nose to nose with Fluttershy. "um, could you not be in my face please its a little uncomfortable." Fluttershy was sweating bullets at this point. Only at this point did Fluttershy realize that Zoroark was talking."wait you're talking, how are you talking?" "Same way you are with vocal cords but i can only do so while looking like one of you little ponies"he explained just before getting a hit by the bear with enough force to break the illusion and have Zoroark sent into a tree. Zoroark quickly recovered as he put his claws together in front of his chest and fired what looked like a chain of dark rings. Nopony could react fast enough to stop the rings from hitting the bear knocking him out cold. Zoroark went over to the bear only to be stopped by Fluttershy. "Why did you do that?" Fluttershy asked with tears in her eyes. Zoroark had turned back to looking like Fluttershy before replying "He attacked me first, I was just defending my-" before he could finish he was paralyzed. He quickly looked around, only to see Fluttershy using her stare on him. "Wh-what is this?" Zoroark asked as Fluttershy went inside. While inside Fluttershy made a call to the only pony who could lecture him properly, Twilight. Zoroark struggled to break its paralysis with some mild success, only able to stand up tho. "Why does everyone keep attacking me? I don't get it, first I end up here after my home was destroyed."Zoroark ranted to himself until a familiar yellow Pegasus and a purple pony showed up. "What do you want!?"Zoroark barked causing the ponies to jump a little. "Fluttershy told me what happened with harry the bear and I'm here to take you with me for the time being, so I can ask some questions if that's okay with you?" Twilight held a out a hoof in friendship. Zoroark still being paralyzed couldn't except the offer as sparks where visibly arching around Zoroark as he tried to move. Seeing this, Twilight tried to examine him but thanks to his disguise made it difficult to study. "Could you stop looking like Fluttershy please? Its a little hard to see why you cant move, plus its a little awkward looking at two Fluttershy's." With a sigh Zoroark dropped the illusion. Much to Twilight's surprise at how much bigger he was given his disguise. Twilight, after getting over the initial shock tried to levitate Zoroark to his feet only for nothing to happen. "what the?" she tried again and again and again."Why isn't this working? why can't I lift you with my magic?" Twilight said while rubbing her temples trying to figure it out. Zoroark's paralyses was beginning to where off at this point. With a slight growl Zoroark stood up and began to walk away. he didn't make it far when Twilight teleported in-front of him. "Where are you going? I know you had a bad day but you can't just leave." Twilight said waving her hoof around trying to exasperate her point. Zoroark looked at Twilight and sighed before using his illusion powers to look like Twilight. "Bad day, bad day, Try bad week first my home disappears, my pack is no where to be found and I'm getting attacked left and right by you ponyta's and blaming me for defending myself! And as for your quote unquote magic not working, I'm a dark type so psychic moves don't effect me." Zoroark took a deep breath. "I had no idea ,I'm sorry but I still need you to come with me so I can ask some questions okay?"Twilight said calmly trying not to step on any more eggshells. After a minute of thinking Zoroark nodded and with that They went inside Fluttershy's cottage. Once inside and everypony was sitting down, Twilight started questioning Zoroark While Fluttershy made tea for everypony. "Where did you come from?" "Alamos town, me and my pack were there for a contest." "whats a contest?" "Its to show off your skills in a show of beauty and power among other things" "interesting... so how did you end up here." "I don't want to answer that right now" Zoroark flinched at the memory of the event. "Tea's ready, who wants some?" Fluttershy came in with the tea and poured a cup for Twilight and Zoroark. "Thank you Fluttershy." Twilight smiled and took a sip while Zoroark just sat there looking at his cup. "Is something wrong friend?" Fluttershy asked nervously "No, its just, I'm tired and I want to sleep if that's alright?" Zoroark then yawned "Can I ask you a couple more questions before you go to bed?" Twilight asked with a huge smile on her face. "Fine, three more questions, understand?" Zoroark said waving his illusionary hoof around. "understood. first question, what was your pack like? " "Well there where four of us total I was the body guard so to speak i wasn't the strongest or the fastest but i did my job until the end. There was the leader of the pack Lydia she was a great strategist and really good with numbers. Then there was Braixen she was elegant and stubborn and from my knowledge the first to join the pack. And last was Milotic he looked like a girl much to his dismay and he was the reckless and prideful almost never thinking ahead." Zoroark let out a single tear as the memories came one by one "From what Fluttershy told me you used some form of magic on harry what did you use.?" "It's called dark pulse, I have 3 more moves besides that one not including my passive." "And what are those spells and whats a passive?"Fluttershy chimed in taking a sip of tea. "That would be four questions, but I'll let it slide, my other moves are night daze, flamethrower and shadow ball. As for my passive, that would be all of the illusions I can do, its mainly for defense purposes. I can change the way I look, but not my physical body so I can look big as Wailord or as small as a Rattata." Zoroark drunk his tea and went to bed much to Twilight's dismay. "What do you make of him Fluttershy." Twilight asked while finishing her cup of tea. "He seems nice, though I would be upset too if I lost my friends and family. Plus we didn't treat him too well either." "I see your point. you think he could stay here for a little bit? At least until we find his 'pack' as he puts it?" "But I never heard of Alamos town before. or the other creatures he mentioned have you?" "No, I haven't. It could be in a different country though, so we should start looking tomorrow." "Agreed. You should head home soon yourself, Spike and Starlight worry about you." Fluttershy grabbed the cups and put them on a tray. "I know they do, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then Fluttershy." Twilight waved as she left and Fluttershy went to do the dishes and finished up her chores late into the night.