//------------------------------// // Meeting Your Dream Girl // Story: Chasing Sonata // by StormLuna //------------------------------// A new phase in your life is beginning. After twelve years of school in Whinnyapolis your family has decided to move to Canterlot. This displeases you as you have to spend your senior year in school in a place where you know no one. For you it feels like having to start from scratch when it comes to your personal life. Despite pleas to your parents to let you finish out your schooling back home and live with a friend, your parents say no. The first day of classes start and as you arrive at Canterlot High, you look around at all the unfamiliar faces and the unfamiliar landscape in disgust. Like it was back home there were cliques but back there you had a clique you were part of and had pretty much no enemies. Here you will have to make new friends and hopefully not piss anyone off. You look around at all the kids talking but three individuals catch your eye, three individuals who seem to be outcasts so they are the ones you decide to go and talk to. When you approach them two of them give you a disgusted look while the other has an innocent smile on her face. You introduce yourself to them and they do the same with you. One with a rather disgusted tone of voice, one made a comment about you being the worst but the third gave you a cute smile, introduced herself to you and batted her eyes at you. Almost immediately you have fallen for this girl, Sonata Dusk. Compared to the girls she hangs with, she seems sweet, innocent, naive and you have a feeling that she may like you. You now realize something, you have to get to know Sonata. She is your dream girl and if you can get to know her, perhaps you could grow close and maybe be her boyfriend one day. You have always been the honest and straight laced type, one that never did anything abnormal or creepy but as the school year starts to progress, you have memorized her classes, what paths she takes and have even begun to sit next to her in some classes, much to the displeasure of the girls you learn are her sisters. While Sonata has clearly captured your heart, the two individuals she is closest to unnerve you. Her oldest sister Adagio, the one in your class, has pulled you aside on more than one occasion and warned you what would happen if you broke her little sister's heart. The one a year behind you, Aria, too has pulled you aside although her warnings could be more or less classified as death threats. Despite her having two sisters who seem overprotective, you won't let that stop your quest to one day capture Sonata's heart. Another thing you have learned about Sonata is the time she goes to eat every single day and use this to your advantage. You have noticed that on every day except for Tuesday, her sisters join her for lunch and it just so happens that Tuesdays are when her favorite meal is served, tacos. When the following Tuesday arrives you head to the cafeteria just before she does and low and behold, she is right behind you in line! She looks up at you with a smile and says hi, which you do back in return. You are ecstatic that she spoke to you first because she has never spoke to you first, normally you are the one who always speaks first. Much to your delight she strikes up a conversation with you. Yes it is only about ordinary, everyday things such as how you and her are doing in your classes, the weather and other stuff that most guys would find boring. For you though, you are in seventh heaven because your dream girl is having a long conversation with you outside of studying and outside of class and even better, she is wearing that adorable smile of hers the whole time. Before you know it it is time for you to take your lunch but much to Sonata's dismay, you were given the last taco, the last taco! Sonata sees this and begins to tear up because Taco Tuesday is the one day she always looks forward to but this week she will have none. Naturally though you do what any love seeking guy would do, you offer her your taco and decide on a burger instead. The very first thing she does is one of the things that attracts you to her so much. She squeals, "Eeeee, for realzies!" You let her know that she can have your taco for real and she grabs a hold of you, tightly. Never before has Sonata grabbed a hold of you, much less grabbed you tightly. Even better she asks if she can sit with you during lunch. Your dream is coming true. You can feel that Sonata likes you as normally she only sits with her sisters during lunch. As you and her head to an empty table for lunch she begins to act strangely after setting her tray down and gives you a nervous look. You ask her what is wrong and what is about to happen will shock you. She clings on to you and asks you to be her boyfriend. Your heart explodes. In your mind you're thinking, "She could have asked anyone to be her boyfriend. She could have asked one of the buff football players, she could have asked that guitar player most of the girls fawn over but she asked you! She asked you, just an average guy from Whinnyapolis!" You smile at her and ask if she really wants you as her boyfriend and she affirms that she does and of course you say yes! Next thing you know she is pulling you close to her, with the whole school watching, she is pulling you in for a kiss. She stares lovingly into your eyes as you do the same with her. At this moment you are in a state of pure bliss. You and your dream girl are an item now and your lips are about to meet hers. Just as your lips are mere millimeters away from hers and you can feel her breath on your face, *BAM!* and then nothing. Soon you come to and pull yourself up but something isn't right, you got up but your body is still laying on the floor. You stand there in shock as you realize that you are dead. What bothers you just as much is seeing Adagio trying to drag a devastated Sonata away from your corpse. What angers you though is seeing Aria, brass knuckles and all, standing with her foot planted on your chest, her fist pumped high in triumph and a scowl on her face. The whole school is looking at the scene in shock and fear. The situation is only intensified when Aria proclaims, "You see this losers, this is what happens if you hit on my sister!" At this moment you vow that whether Aria is punished for this or not, that you will haunt her for the rest of her days for devastating Sonata the way she did, for taking you away from her.