Daily Life In Canterlot High

by Banchoking

Roughneck Cinderella

Sonata hummed a merry tune as she twirled around and swept the duster across the bookshelf. Since coming to live in the Sentry household, she'd discovered she had a knack for domestic duties. When she was cooking or cleaning, it was like all of the nasty things in her past just melted away.

Years spent feeding on people's misery? Gone. Trying to drain the magic from those seven girls and brainwash a highschool to conquer the world? Gone. Losing their powers? Gone. The job she needed knee pads for? Gone gone gone!

She took a dust cloth to a vase, making sure to thoroughly clean the inside.

It brought her into some kind of zen state that just made everything feel normal. Heh, 'normal.'

She got up on a step stool and began wiping down the tops of the shelves.

An evil, ageless siren from another universe wanting to her life to be normal. That's bizarre in and of its self.

Aria leaned in through the window from the fire-escape, "Hey, Sonata! Adagio just called. One of the customers did that thing where you put the waitress' tip under an upside down glass of water and she wants us to go vandalize his car."

"Ooh, that sounds fun! Wait for me," she pulled off her apron and climbed out after Aria.

Well, you can take the girl out of the street but getting the street out of the girl? Baby steps.