//------------------------------// // Bounded - Part 2 // Story: The Oracle Infinium // by TwiWonderfilly //------------------------------// I know that beam of light means something, and I have to know what. But right now, I have to keep mining and scavenge remains of food if I want to live. So far I've been mining in this god-forsaken place for days. Every morning, the guards find me and escort me back to a certain city to gather for some sort of.... ceremony? I wasn't sure, but what I know is that every single day, we have to bow to this.... king. This particular pony, dark grey with black mane, wielding a red cape, fears me to my very bones. Perhaps it is he, the embodiment of pure darkness itself, showing no intent but true evil. Every day, we see one slave brought to a huge pedestal where an executioner decides to chop the head of one poor soul with his axe. "This is what happens for ponies who does not do what they're supposed to do!" Every slave couldn't help but bow. Wouldn't want to see another pony gets their head executed in the same day.... If I'm the least productive, I'm going to die.... I can't afford to let that happen.... Tonight is another time to mine as the guards escort me to the crystal mine along with a few ponies that met the same fate as I did: forced mining in the midnight. As usual, guards are present both in the front and back. Personally, I think they're overreacting, because they think hoofcuffing me isn't enough. Suddenly, the pegasus next to me whispered as he suddenly trotted faster than I expected. He was dark blue with a grey mane, but fortunately doesn't look intimidating. "Hey, you there. Why are you slowing down? Come on, we shouldn't let these guards assume we're doing something suspicious. Wouldn't want to get dragged to the torture room, would you?" I didn't know what to respond, but I trotted faster before the guards in the back knew I was slowing down. The last thing I wanted to end up is the torture room, especially after what happened to the last pony that I’ve seen. "Finally awake to your senses? Good. I'm Moonlight Zephyr, by the way. What about you?" I was hesitant to share about my memory loss, if it was a memory loss anyway. However, I had to whisper and tell him something. "I.... actually don't know. I'm afraid there's nothing about me that I remember. I couldn't recall where I came from, nor what my name is. I only believed that I hit something sturdy. Perhaps that is the reason I have memory loss in the first place." "Oh.... I'm sorry to hear that. Me, I was a lunar soldier, under Princess Luna's commands to fight against the Crystal Empire. While my squad was on the patrol for any enemy troops, we were led to one of their ambushes. We tried to fight back, but I was captured. I doubt the rest are even alive by now. I guess I should be grateful I wasn't killed." Those details kept my head spinning for a few seconds, as I did not know a single thing he said. I didn't want to ask back, but judging by the long distance to the mines, I guess indulging myself in knowing more wouldn't hurt. "Sorry... what? Lunar soldier? Princess Luna? What are you talking about?" "Never heard of them? I guess your memory loss is more severe than I thought. Our beloved land Equestria is at war against the Crystal Empire ever since Sombra took control. Unfortunately, the war isn't going well, as his troops are advancing and conquering territories little by little. I was supposed to return to Canterlot and report to Princess Luna, but you know how I ended up...." As we walk closer to the mines, Zephyr gulped and looked up to the sky. He seems to be recalling something, or perhaps he's thinking about his memories? "This place used to be a haven, you know? I used to come and visit my relatives here back when Cadance was still ruler of the Crystal Empire. Now, she's seeking refuge in Canterlot under Celestia and Luna. This place is a mess...." he continued. “But those days are long gone. My relatives were never heard from again ever since Sombra took control. That is why I enlisted for the lunar guard: to avenge their deaths. I will see to it that Sombra is put down to justice." ⟡∮⟡ Cadance? Now where have I heard of this name before.... It feels oddly familiar, but there's nothing I can remember from there on. Have I met this pony before? Unfortunately, all my memories seem bleak. I don't know what to respond.... "Cadance?" I replied. "So she used to rule this place?" "Oh, brother.... Probably the best ruler of the Crystal Empire! Was, before Sombra's reawakening along with his troops got her guard down. Her husband fought valiantly to give time for Cadance to escape but.... he was never heard from again." I let go of my eye contact with him for a second and thought to myself: All this information is a lot of history to be known. Perhaps in the future I might recall who I am and who I am meant to be. Perhaps only time will tell. Although, now that I think of it, did he mention something about Sombra being reawakened? "Wait.... Sombra's reawakening? How could he possibly be reawakened? And who’s Sombra I’ve been hearing about?" "Heh, beats me. However it is, we need to make sure that his wrongdoings are judged and him banished back to where he belongs.... And to answer your question about Sombra, he is a fallen king responsible for starting the war between the Empire and Equestria, for deaths, abuses and slaveries of all ponykind. He needs to be put down to justice." As he finishes his last sentence, he stomped his hoof to the ground. As he gave a determined stance towards what he said, I gulped in fear. I don't know what to respond, but it seems like this war against the Crystal Empire seems to be a bigger deal than I thought. As I looked back to see the guards convoying me to the mines, a bad feeling suddenly struck upon my mind. This horror.... it's not the worst. No, there must be a reason why he is even awakened in the first place then. I need to know more about what's going on.... perhaps I can recall back to what happened back then in that city.... every day, it was a dark and harsh time to see one pony die in vain. I need to know.... who am I, and why was I here? ⟡∮⟡ "This Sombra.... is he the one that wears a red cape during this executional ceremony that we are supposed to bow to? The one that stands next to the executioner and in front of the military....?" I tried to ask Zephyr. "Hey, shut up back there!" the guards at the front turned their head on me and releases a whip that is ready to hit me at any second. I felt intimidated by it and decided to trot faster as I feel like I'm losing pace. Zephyr suddenly reached to me closely while the guards at the back weren't looking. "To answer your question, yes. He's the damned pony that brought us here in the first place. Someday.... someday he'll die by my hooves, and by my hooves alone...." he whispered ever so faintly. He suddenly grew cold, with a murderous intent, perhaps reminiscing of his fallen relatives. ⟡∮⟡ Suddenly, the night sky became bright for a second as I saw a huge beam of light coming from the south. ("A beam of light....? No, it couldn't be just another beam of light. This one's really bright, as bright as the distant sun!") I thought to myself. Me and Moonlight Zephyr gave a huge gasp. "Did you see that?" I asked Moonlight Zephyr with a clueless facial expression. "That beam of light.... it can only mean one thing.... That light-" Before he continued, I suddenly came to the realisation that I reached the mine's entrance. Two of the guards suddenly pushed us inside with force and split us up through different channels of the mine. Worse, they even locked the mine shut. I know that beam of light means something, and I have to know what. But right now, I have to keep mining and scavenge remains of food if I want to live. For days I have waited for rescue to come, but no one ever came.... Perhaps the gods have put me into a bad fate.