//------------------------------// // Scootaloo's Sword // Story: The Legend of Celestia: The Wind Waker // by Razor Blade the Unicron //------------------------------// Outset Island Three Hearts Total Scootaloo quickly dove under Ms. Twilight's deck, and crawled through the "tunnel" to a small area under the house. There was a small chest, which she quickly opened and pulled out the item inside. You got the Hero's Sword! Use it wisely and carefully... She grinned, and quickly pulled out a scabbard from her item bag. She put on the scabbard, tucked the sword away in it, and hurried out from underneath Ms. Twilight's house. She ran back past Drips for the fourth time that day, who called out to her once more. "Scootaloo, what's with the-" "The sky!" "Seriously, again?!?" She hurried up the hill towards the mountain-top forest, and glanced over at the pirate ship for a moment. It was rather ominous to see the ship, but also rather exciting. She ran up to the tree barricade blocking her path, and sliced through it with a single swipe of her sword. She held it firmly in her teeth as she continued running, but still managed a smirk. Looked like all that training was paying off. Scootaloo ran up the hill and to the bridge, where several boards were missing in the middle. She simply jumped over the gaps, and finally made it up to the forest where the filly had fallen. She entered into the forest, where the filly was hanging unconscious on a branch by a pale blue pearl necklace she was wearing. "That looks painful..." muttered Scootaloo, quickly running through the forest towards the filly. !!! She quickly turned to the side to see an enemy (a diamond dog) that had spotted her. Scootaloo quickly slashed at it with her sword, and it "poofed" away into deep purple smoke. A green rupee dropped, and she picked it up before continuing through the forest. She had to jump to reach certain ledges, since she still couldn't fly. !!! !!! Scootaloo looked up to see two birds, each carrying a diamond dog, above her, and dodged out of the way as they dropped the diamond dogs down towards her. "Grr..." "Think you can handle me?" asked Scootaloo, before swiftly attacking one of them. After two swipes, the second diamond dog hit Scootaloo from behind, and she skidded across the ground. Two point seven-five hearts out of three Furiously, she got back up and finished off the first diamond dog, and then focused all of her attention of the second one. With just a few more swipes, both diamond dogs were gone, and Scootaloo had a few more rupees. "Huh?" She looked over to see that the filly had regained consciousness, before she promptly freaked out about hanging on the tree. She flailed around a bit, before the branch snapped and she tumbled onto the ground. "Ouch!" "Are you okay?" asked Scootaloo, hurrying over towards her. The filly looked over Scootaloo for a moment, before speaking. "What's with that get-up?" "I-" "Well, whatever. Where am I?" "You're-" "Oh that's right! That stupid giant bird came and-" "Miss Spoon!' cried out a panicked voice as they ran into the forest. "Miss Spoon, are you alright?" The pirate (Scootaloo could tell that he was one of the pirates on the boat now) quickly ran over to the filly. "Oh, thank goodness you're safe, Miss Silver Spoon! When I saw you get dropped on this summit, I thought for sure that you'd..." "Summit? So that bird dropped me at the of a mountain?" asked Silver Spoon, adjusting her slightly cracked blue glasses. "Well that wasn't nice of it!" "I don't think it was nice of it to be flying away with you in its clutches in the first place." said Scootaloo dully. Silver tossed Scootaloo a quick glare, before turning towards the pirate that had been worried about her. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go give that bird what it deserves!" "But what about this filly?" he asked, pointing at Scootaloo. "That bird is our first and only priority right now! Move it!" The pirate hurried off after her, and Scootaloo scowled. "Yeesh, you're annoying..." she muttered, before running out of the forest after them. "And I thought I was impatient..." "HELP!" Scootaloo froze at hearing the familiar voice, and broke into a gallop to outside. Dinky?!? she thought nervously. Why would she be crying for help? She ran outside, only to be immediately yanked down into a patch of grass and trees by Silver Spoon. "Hey!" said Scootaloo in surprise. "What-" "Be quiet!" hissed Silver. "Unless you want to risk that bird getting you, too!" Scootaloo managed to look past the grass to see the giant bird flying towards them, except holding a different filly in its talons. She quickly yanked out Dinky's telescope and aimed it at its talons, and her fear was confirmed when she was that it was holding Dinky. She was about to cry out Dinky's name, but Silver quickly covered her mouth. "Don't attract its attention!" she hissed. "But that bird has my best friend!" hissed back Scootaloo. "Then that's just too bad! You can't do anything to help her now!" Scootaloo glared at Silver, and watched as the bird came closer. It was going to fly right over the bridge, so she had one shot to free Dinky! "HELP!" cried Dinky for the second time. Scootaloo snapped, and quickly ran out onto the bridge before Silver could stop her. Furiously, she slashed her sword at the bird's talons as it flew by, but it didn't seem to affect it. Instead, she was knocked off her hooves by the wind generated by the bird's wings, and she slid down where the missing board was. She frantically reached up to grab one of the wooden boards, and managed to hold on for a few seconds, before she started to slip again. Her hoof was abruptly grabbed by somepony else, who struggled to keep her from falling. "Do you even realize how dangerous that was?!?" cried Silver as she pulled Scootaloo up. "At least I tried!" said Scootaloo, now very upset. "But now that bird has my friend!" "It was too late for you to do anything once it grabbed her in the first place!" She frowned and watched as the bird flew farther and farther away, which Dinky still in its clutches. "Dinky..."