Melody of the Future

by Tatsurou

CM: Set the Trap

When the teleport ended, Octavia and the others quickly took in their surroundings. They found themselves in a massive golden chamber, obviously the center of some sort of base. Epsilon stood before them, completely covered in his cape. As they situated themselves, he nodded to Scarface. "Stand down," he ordered calmly. He then turned to Octavia. "Ferham?"

"Stable," Octavia promised. "Currently in the care of Steel Massimo."

"The younger," Epsilon corrected idly. He then pursed his lips. "She's sweet on him."

"We noticed," Octavia, X, Zero, and Axl all chorused together. This brought a soft chuckle all around.

"Ferham did always wear her heart on her sleeve," Epsilon observed carefully.

"Massimo is sweet on her as well," Octavia pointed out. "I've instructed Chief R to act as chaperone until our return."

"Does he have combat protocols?" Epsilon inquired.

"'Stable' is not the same as 'combat ready'," Octavia countered dryly. "Or 'combat' ready, as I made sure to tell Massimo."

" made certain he understood the innuendo?" Epsilon teased, a playful grin on his face.

"I didn't use innuendo when I explained it to him," Octavia corrected.


"Not the one who attacked Ferham," Axl confirmed.

Epsilon nodded softly. "I have a small Ether Crystal in the back. It will be a simple operation to switch it for my SFM Power Core so I'll remain functional when you bait that trap." Seeing Octavia's eyes widen in surprise, he grinned. "As X told Redips, the thing that made Sigma so dangerous was his mind. I was designed to be able to outdo Sigma at his own game to beat him, to be able to out-think him. While I hope I never get to test that, I can keep up with you easily."

"How did you know about that conversation?" X demanded in shock. "I never told anyone!"

"Part of the tests to see if I could measure up to Sigma's mental abilities was hacking into Maverick Hunter HQ's security cameras," Epsilon answered simply. "Before we do anything though, what's the status of Wild Jango?"

"...who?" Octavia asked, momentarily caught off guard.

" soldier who was capturing Central Tower before you, your father, and Spider stopped him?" Epsilon clarified. "He's the only one of my troops who I can't account for."

Octavia blinked a few times, then flushed guiltily. "Umm...we locked him up in the lower levels of the Tower after capturing him...and haven't thought about him since..."

"Oh, the bobcat?" Zero asked in surprise. "Spotted him on my way down to follow Axl when he was heading for...well, you know." He glanced back and forth, trying to organize his thoughts so as to not mention Ninetails and what was involved there. "He'd painted himself blue - somehow - and was curled up in a ball, pretending he was a hedgehog."

"I...guess captivity didn't agree with him?" X asked nervously.

"Seemed pretty embarrassed when I caught him at it," Zero added.

Epsilon sighed ruefully. "No, he just enjoys cosplay," he corrected dryly.

"Master, may I speak?" Scarface spoke up intently.

"You were going to ask why I discussed removing my Power Core," Epsilon deduced. When that received a nod, he continued. "Simply put, a Reploid with DNA copy ability has a chunk of Supra-Force Metal large enough to trigger a global scale Etheric Evolution. On its own, any use of it would result in a massively unstable overcharge of the DNA copy ability until they self-destructed. But if they had access to a second chunk - like my power core - they could create a stable evolution that amplifies the DNA copy ability until they could create a true Ultimate Body. It might even allow a complete analysis of X and Zero's build data to be incorporated into that Ultimate Body. The fact there hasn't been a massive Force Metal explosion reported anywhere in the world means that's the plan of whoever has the warhead presently...and that they can change into anyone to come get it."

"'re setting a trap," Scarface deduced. "But then why remove the Core?"

"Because of how we're going to set the trap," Octavia explained. "Once it's out, I'll send a communication to Colonel Redips on open frequency that Epsilon has surrendered the Rebellion to us and is ready to hand over all weapons grade equipment and reopen peaceful discourse with the Governments of the whole world - not just Giga City - and the Resistance. Either Colonel Redips will show up himself and we can set the trap at Maverick Hunter HQ, or the New-Type will show up disguised as Redips, and we'll have him."

"And how will we know if it's Redips or someone pretending to be Redips?" X inquired worriedly. "I really don't want to make the mistake of shooting the real Redips. He's a good friend..."

"That's where I come in, isn't it?" Epsilon asked incisively. "You're counting on me to be able to read everything about the behavior of whoever shows up and tell you if it's the real Redips based on information you know I have from our first meeting, since I was already preparing for the off chance of a confrontation with the S Rank Maverick Hunters?"

Octavia chuckled softly. "...that can work," she allowed. "Honestly, I was just going to call in Piano, Classic, Timbre, and Tango and be cuddled up with them when he entered. If it's the real Redips, he'll just daw cause he's used to it. Any other reaction, we shoot. But yours sounds much more the sure thing."

An audible smack told Octavia what X, Zero, Axl, and Scarface thought of her plan.