The return of the seventh shadow, The Lunar Eclipse

by OnASeaOfDreams

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The perpetual void between the dreamscape, and the lunar mares subconscious was what greeted Twilight. The dark barrier between realms lacked any substance, time was nonexistent, and she could not tell if she was moving or still. Her eyelids gently rolled open, as a glint of light appeared in the far distance. The beacon; as slight as it was; captured the princesses gaze, with outstretched wings she flew towards it, until the majesty of a entire universe unfolded around her!

Rich colourful forms created by nebulous gases swirled around her; as pulsars glimmered brightly deep within the macrocosm. Heavenly bodies whipped around each other in a galactic ballet, with moons in close tow; as comets shoot through the empty spaces, and through to depths unknown. The awe that graced the face of this young alicorn princess, made the stars shine even brighter, as though in response to her wonderment.

"Twilight Sparkle?" A familiar voice rang out from the void behind her!

The purple mare turned back toward the darkness that had encapsulated her, only to see the faded image of Luna within it's inky depths! "Princess Luna, I don't understand, what has happened to you!"

"Twilight I do not know why, but the Tantabus has returned!" Luna addressed her fellow alicorn, in a strained voice that pierced the immense darkness!

"How could this be, you had rendered it dormant?" Twilight stated as she started in shock to it's titanic size. The entity that had been no larger then a pony, now spanned almost half the dreams galaxy, and dwarfed them by over a billion fold!

"The dreams Twilight. The dreams of countless creatures swarmed at me, and overcame even my powers! I have held them here within myself but I can only hold them here for much longer!" Luna said before a scream of pain escaped her lips, "Twilight please, you must close the door to Equestria before the darkness spreads to all of our ponies!" She pleaded.

With a slow blink Twilight found herself laying in a coat, next to the night princess, and with a startling ferocity she sat up gasping at the air in a panic.

"Twilight it's ok," Princess Celestria announced in a calming tone, "you are ok!"

"We have been trying to pull you out for the last 30 minutes!" Starlight exclaimed.

"We got really worried Twi!" Spike said, his clawed hand grasping her hoof as he starred up at her, a look of dread plastered across his face. With a free hoof she patted the back of his talon while mouthing the words, 'I'm ok', to the terror stricken dragon.

"Did you find her? Were you able to communicate with her?" Starlight inquired?

"I... I need a few moments!" The Lavender alicorn requested, a hint of exhaustion evident on her face.

"Okay you heard the mare, everyone out!" Odessa proclaimed while waving a hoof to her gathered friends. "I'm afraid that means you to my dear!" She whispered to the Princess of the sun, her only affirmation a subtle and brief nod before Celestria gracefully left the room. The others barred a hint of annoyance at the nurse but still following their Princesses lead.


Over a week had passed before the media had died down, and the young woman had gone into hiding in the woods. Patrols had swept the area in the days following the terrorist attack, but they weren't able to find the isolated caves within the Everfree. The girls found themselves intrigued by the otherworldly properties of the cave network that sprawled out, underneath the unique flora, of the Everfree forest.

In the days following there time spent at camp Everfree, they discovered the extreme magical residence inside the hidden forlorn caves had remained, even after the crystals removal. As they explored further, the seven girls found a entire cave network with multiple entry points. Over the years Starlight Shimmer with help from her friends; Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy; set up a entire base in secret. Meant at first to be a clubhouse, it had been adapted to a home away from home, and a obvious choice for their hideout.

"I'm so bored!" Rainbow Dash bellowed to no one in particular.

"Awwwwww, don't be sad Dashy!" A grinning Pinkie Pie said, while slowly lowering herself downward from a unknown location, startling the young woman with multicoloured hair.

"Pinkie will you just stop that." A now floored Rainbow Dash exclaimed, while picking herself off the ground. The only response from the pink haired lady was the sound of a party noise maker blown directly into the face of the less then enthusiastic athlete. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in response.

"Oh come on Rainbow, things aren't that bad! We have this super cool hidden lair! Oh my goodness, we should all work on our super villain personas!! Hey how's this for a evil laugh, Mmuuuhahaha...buzzz!

"It would be more effective without the party favour." Rainbow deadpanned.

"Fool the Pink Menace takes orders from no one... Mmuuuhahaha...buzzzzzzzz!" Pinkie announced as she outstretched her arms above Rainbows head, while wiggling her fingers in a less then intimidating gesture!

"Hey girls.... Ummm Pinkie what are you doing?" Rarity asked.

"Oh Rarity, we totally need to make costumes! Now that we are all fugitives on the run from the law, we needs to embrace our inner super villain!" Pinkie took a deep breath. "I was thinking to myself, self you don't want to be known as a terrorist do you, and wouldn't you know it self answered, well no Pinkie they're all a bunch of grumps. So I came to the only conclusion that made a lick of sense, and that was creating a new identity as a super villain!!!!!! Ppuuuuuww she deeply breathed out, before adorning a large grin that stretched from ear to ear.

"Ok, so wow, ummm darling that is... The most wonderful idea ever, but superhero costume would be a little more too everyone's liking I think! Come with me, I need to take your measurements!" Rarity gushed before grabbing Pinkies hand, as the pair ran over to where she kept her supplies.

"Hey wait for me guys!" Rainbow Dash hollered, taking off on a dead sprint after her two friends.

The apparent vagueness of Pinkie's costume conundrum left the purple haired designers head a whirl with ideas. The speed of Rarity's measurements, where astonishing, and even left Rainbow's mouth agape. Flutershy watched in curiosity from across the room, as her current company spoke among themselves.

"We can't just sit around here forever!" Applejack said while laying her hands forcefully down onto the table, almost shattering it. "Oh sorry I keep on furgetin how much stronger I am."

"I know it's difficult, but we all still have to lay low until this dies down." Sunset Shimmer pointed out with a sorrowful tone.

"Look I know how inportint it was to keep this secret safe, but didja really have to blow it up!" The cowgirl asked quizzically.

"We didn't have time for anything else Applejack." Sunset replied in a hushed tone, while Rarity rushed by, Pinkie in tow and Rainbow Dash following closely behind.

"Trying to change the magical frequency in such a short period of time, would have been to dangerous give our current knowledge of the gateway!" Twilight said.

"We will find a way to open the portal again; in time; but until then we'll have to find a way to hear what's going on out their." Sunset exclaimed.

"Ok I'll put some feelers out there, the Apple family has lots ah connections!"

"Alright who's next?" Rarity asked as she strolled up to the four young women, a devilish smile, as she wielded her trusty tape measure.


The troop stepped off the elevator, as Crystal moved out, and to the side of the doors. Gesturing with her hand she beckoned them forward; their expressions became stoic as they watched the swarms of scientists darted from side to side of a unknown expert.

"What is this?" The commander asked, pointing at a strange glowing piece of rock in the centre of the room.

"That is why we are here commander!" The Lieutenant announced; his gaze never leaving from the broken glowing crag.

"Right so listen up Nova Squad, because this will be a lot to take in. This is a portal to another world, possibly another dimension, and the inhabitants are not human! They have been described by are probes as quadrupedal mammals, much like equine in our world, but that is not all. Mythical creatures such as manticore, gryphons, and dragons have been viewed by are drones! They have language, and seem to be in a pre-industrial culture. Your jobs are to enter this world and gather intelligence, no weapons are allowed, and you are not to revel your identities to the inhabitants at any cost." Crystal said, her sharp green eyes boring holes into each soldier, while she addressed them.

"Ya that's all well and good princess, but how exactly are we going to get information. Last I checked we look nothing like ponies, with the exception of locks of course." Hoper exclaimed.

"I do not look like a pony!" Locks announced, his hackles rising in a righteous display of masculinity, that was visually more akin to teenager pouting, over the loss of his favourite pitchers glove.

"Wow that sounds kinda rehearsed, do you practice saying that in front of the mirror every night Locks?" Beset joked.

"Commander, with all due respect. Bite me!"

"Ok look, to answer your question, the portal has a strange effect on organic life. By the time you step foot in this world it will rewrite your DNA, and you will emerge looking like the inhabitants of the other world." The Lieutenant casually answered.

"Umm, what!" Beset asked in a stupefied, what the fuck tone.

"Deal with it! Now because you will be over there for a week. If you don't return back within 12 hours of this time seven days from now, we will conclude you have been compromised, and we will close the portal." Crystal exclaimed. "Ready yourself, you depart in five minutes."


Twilight Sparkle sat as she took the train back to ponyville. The intrusiveness of thought, blinded her from the fast moving terrain, as she starred to the horizon.

'Twilight are you feeling better? I was worried about you!' Celestria asked me as she stood to the side of one of the massive hallways the castle had to offer, and waiting to follow. I thought back to my fillyhood, how I was the one waiting in the wing asking Questions. How things turn full cycle, life is truly a bizarre thing!

'Yes I'm ok, I have news of your sister Celestria. I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away, but I needed time.'

'I understand Twilight, please go on, I'm listening!'

Twilight's heart weighed heavy, as her personal sense of duty to her old mentor stuck to the forefront of her mind. The news of Luna's entrapment distressed the young alicorn, all of which broadened in scope when she told Celestria of her predicament. True to form, nothing could stop Twilight from volunteering to help in any and all ways possible; an offer the Princess of the sun accepted graciously.

"Ok stop moping, you haven't said word one to us since yesterday. Twilight we're worried about you." Starlight stated in a serious, but gentle tone while Spike looked at her with expectant eyes.

"I know, look I just need to do something, and it is going to take me away for awhile."
Twilight confessed.

"Well that's simple, we'll come with you!" The dutiful dragon announced, while sporting a large grin.

"You two have been the best companions I could ever ask for, but I need both of you to stay at the castle this time." The princess of friendship said, with a finality in her voice. "I need you two to look after the affairs of Ponyville in my absence!" Twilight calmly stated to her assistant and student.

"Surely you could use some help Twilight! A good friend to look out for you on such a important mission!" Starlight Shimmer exclaimed, raising her eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

The princess hummed to herself while she rubbed her hoof to her chin, seemingly deep in thought, to her students wise remark.


"Well a cours we'll go with ya!" Applejack shouted out loud as her other four friends all agreed.

"Wooohooo road trip!" Pinkie yelled, after firing off her party cannon into the castles main lobby! Fluttershy clenched her teeth, as the sudden blast went off behind her.

"Ohhhh yaaaa, just like the old days." Rainbow dash yelled.

"Alright, but we need information first. Fluttershy can you talk to Discord, I think he knows what is going on and..." A sudden flash from above Twilight, cut her sentence short. She briefly rolled her eyes, before looking up to see the spirt of chaos unambiguously floating overhead.

"So good to see you Twilight! I see you made it back from the dream world; intact. Please tell me, how is my favourite mare on the moon doing? Is she enjoying her little; mental break?" Discord remarked, as he floated above the main six his eyes half lidded!

"We don't have time for games Discord, we need answers! What were you trying to do in Luna's dream?" Twilight Demanded.

"Now I thought we were past this! Friends don't demand things from other friends!" The Draconicuus said, irritation clear in his voice!

"Umm Twilight, maybe Discord is just as worried for Luna, and he was trying to help in his own way.... So maybe you two could talk about it, I mean if want to that is!" Fluttershy interjected.

The Draconiquus turned to face the yellow Pegasus, presenting her with a large warm smile, before embracing her a gentle hug! "Thank you Fluttershy, I can always count on you!"

"Then what were you doing, when I was dream walking in Luna's subconscious?"

"Oh Twilight, I was just watching for the entertainment value!" Jested Discord. "Look I can't enter dreams my dear princess; I don't have any sway in that domain. I can only watch... And usually only on a lazy Tuesday afternoon...."

"Right." The young alicorn stated, as she closed her eyes, and shook her head. "Discord, I know you were trying to help in you own 'very unique way', but Luna needs our help right now. So if you know anything, could you please tell us?"

"I am sorry my dear, but Luna is hiding her thoughts from me! I am afraid I can't assist you, although if I'm not mistaken, you usually visit your Zebra friend by this point in the story!" The chaos spirt added, before snapping his talons and disappearing in a white flash.

"Oh my goodness, Twilight, he's right! It is that time in the story! We have to go right now, or we'll be late!" Pinkie said panic running clearly in her voice. The pink pony pranced in place, her eyes dilating to pinpricks as she began to pout.

"Pinkie it's ok! That actually sounds like a good idea!" Twilight reassured her as she placed a hoof gently on her friends back. "Whewww, that's a relief I thought we would miss that part for a moment! Oh do you think she would like a carrot cake? I made like, a dozen of them. I just kinda got on a roll and I made like twice as many as we needed!" Said Pinkie a smile erupting from her face.

"Yes I think she won't mind a cake, why don't you get it and meet us back here in ten minutes!" Hummed the the purple alicorn.

"No need silly, I have it right here!" The pink mare said while inexplicably producing a cake from seemingly nowhere, just as suddenly, she put it back to that same unknown place.

"Everypony, we should get going right away, if we want to make it back before the sun sets."

"Alright! Starlight, Spike, make sure the castle is well kept, and tidy we won't be gone long!" Twilight shouted back, while waving a hoof goodbye.

"Ok, no problem, have a good trip, we'll miss you, bye bye now, have funnnnnnn!" Starlight Glimmer shouted back, her tone progressively getting lower, as the six ponies walked away. She continued waving her own hoof, until the six mares left from sight, and then turned her head to look at Spike! "Whata make some nachos, and set off some fireworks?"

"Would I!" The young dragon said happily, before running to the kitchen.