//------------------------------// // 6. Reforging // Story: Sunset Nikos // by Diokno44 //------------------------------// "You sure this guy knows what he's doing?" Sunset asked as she, Valor, Rainbow, and both Twilights headed to the blacksmithing shop Rainbow Dash had recommended to them. The others were off on their own little errands, primarily with Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack having jobs, volunteer or otherwise. "Trust me Sunset, Daidara's got whatcha need." Rainbow grinned. Daidara was a local blacksmith of weapons, mostly forging swords for collectors or cosplayers. Each customer was required to sign a legal waiver upon buying a weapon for the first time. "My mom goes to him all the time." Rainbow's mother, Firefly, was a locally famous historical fiction writer, and avid live-action role player. "She went to high school with the guy, and, from what mom said, I and my friends get discounts," she said, running a hand through her chromatic hair. They soon arrived at a humble shop, the sounds of a firmly grasped hammer striking metal, and steam hissing could be heard from behind the sliding door. "Well, here we are." Rainbow said, sliding the door open, and revealing the Daidara behind his counter. Daidara, as he only went by his surname, was a well-built, if a bit scruffy man of Neighponese origin. "Ah, if it isn't Firefly little rascal." he grinned beneath his trimmed mustache-and-sideburns combo. He flicked the cigarette out of his mouth, and into a nearby ashtray. "Your mom ask you to pick up her order for her?" he asked, hefting up a wrapped bastard sword. "Finest Celyrian steel, those northeastern boys sure know how to make some damn good steel." "Thanks Uncle Daidara," Rainbow said, carefully taking the sword in her arms, and slotting it into a specialized leather holster on her back. Daidara had helped Firefly and Rainbow Blitz raise Rainbow, he had even been the best man at their wedding. "But that isn't the only reason I'm here." She gestured to Sunset and Valor, who tentatively waved at Daidara. "My two pals here are into Ancient Equasian-Roanan history, and they're looking to get started on a collection." She handed him two drawings that both of the former Remnantians had drawn of their old weapons, as best as they could from memory. "With a unique flair." Daidara picked the sketchings up, whistling. "Heh, been a while since I got something this specialized. Mostly it's just recreations of weapons from this game or that anime." he chuckled. "Alright Dashie, that'll be thirty bucks." Rainbow paid the price, fishing the money out of her wallet. She and her mom were both "Weaponologists" or "Weaponophiles", at least that's what Daidara called shoppers who had become regular buyers and earned a discount, alongside other benefits. "Come back in two days." He then caught site of Valor. "Hey, you're the Shield´s boy am I right? Tell Amber I said hi, and to come in if she ever needs repairs." Valor nodded, as the trio soon left. "Well, that went better than I expected," Twilight said, fixing her glasses. "His collection of varying weaponry was impressive, from a historical perspective anyway." she mused aloud, tapping her chin. Princess Twilight nodded, "I would say I agree, but it would be weird to say you agree with yourself." she chuckled. "So, what are these," she wracked her memory for the term Valor and Sunset had used. "Grimm, exactly?" she asked the duo. They had been passing through the local park, and so decided to sit down at a nearby double bench. After a quick call, the other girls arrived not long after. Sunset smiled, eager to talk about her original homeland, as more and more memories had come flooding back to her. Some were embarrassing, others filled her with warmth, others existential dread and maple syrup, but she was glad to have them all the same. Sunset waited for the rest of her friends to take their seats, and for Valor to position himself next to her before she began the tale of the Grimm. "Long ago, the world of Remnant was barren. It was nothing more than a sphere of lifeless dirt and ashes. One day, however, two beings, two brothers, descended from the aetherial plane, and gazed upon this sphere." Sunset said, as her friends listened with rapt attention. Pinkie was munching on a box of caramel kettle corn, which she occasionally passed around to the others. ¨The elder brother, The Lord of Light as some call him, was the God of Creation. With just a casual wave of his hand, he could cause healthy plants to sprout from the ground, the skittering animals, and even the tiniest molecules that live within every single living being.¨ she said. ¨Any questions so far?¨ she asked, pausing. The girls, mid-munch of their kettle corn, shook their heads. Smiling a bit, Sunset continued her tale. ¨The younger brother, in my homeland of Mistral he was known as Kagirinai-Kage, at least in the native tongue of Mistral, was the God of Darkness. He spread death, disease, and famine, all in an effort to spite his brother, for he envied the life and joy his brother brought to the world of Remnant. In turn, he eventually created....The Grimm. Souless incarnations of his hatred, they fed off of negative emotions, like the Changelings do prior to a certain stage in their development, and slaughter indiscriminately. The ¨younger¨ a certain Grimm is, the more feral it acts, playing whatever feels fear or anger around it. Most non Huntsmen and Huntresses stand little chance against even the most basic of Grimm, at least in small numbers. However, the old a Grimm gets, the smarter it gets. They will rarely actively seek out a fight, preferring to be the reactor, rather than the agressor.¨ She said, taking a deep breath. ¨However, the Elder Brother, wanting to end the feud between them, even if only briefly, they pooled their power together, and created humanity. With the power to create and destroy, it was said the aspects of creation, such as wisdom and of course, creation, and the aspect of destruction were given physical vessels throughout the world, and given to mankind to keep safe.¨ Sunset took a sip of her water, before finishing. ¨Kagirinai didn´t stay his hand for too long though, and after a vicious war between the Grimm and early humanity, he was sealed in the moon, like Nightmare Moon. However, it is said his escape was what shattered the moon.¨ She took a deep breath. ¨And, what about the Faunus?¨ Fluttershy asked. ¨I´ve always wondered it would be like to be part animal or part tree.¨ she mused. ¨Oh right, the Faunus. According to texts from the very first Faunus tribes, there was a third deity. That deity was referred to as simply, The Phoenix. While not directly related to the two brothers, it wanted something to keep mankind in check and to give a part of itself to creation. It created the Faunus, in essence humans with animal traits, like when we ¨pony up¨. Normally, Faunus share only one outward trait with their respective animal, like a tail, not including things such as tastes. I knew this one cat Faunus girl, she had a thing for fish like no other.¨ Sunset chuckled, remembering a hilarious incident involving Blake, Yang, and the buxom brawler accidentally landing in a tub of tuna spread. ¨It IS possible for Faunses to have more than one trait, though its generally incredibly rare, or as the result of grafting onto the body.¨ she said. ¨Well, that´s the creation of Remnant, or what´s generally believed anyway.¨ ¨So, what are the cultures like on Remnant?¨ Both Twilights asked, notebooks and pens in their hands. Sunset snickered, playfully rolling her eyes at the resident knowledge addicts in the group. ¨Well, Mistral is primarily a mixture of, in essence Neighpon/Mhinese culture, from the native Mistralians, and Valician, from the kingdom of Vale, which were a lot like the Ancient Roanans when Mistral and Vale first met.¨ Sunset said. ¨My family hails from primarily the Vale side of Mistral, where the culture is moreso Roanan inspired, albeit modernized. In the various combat and non combat schools, we still learn the native tongues of the kingdoms, primarily for formal settings, plus, you´ll never know when you´ll run into some ancient manuscript or monolith with text on it.¨ The Remnant born girl coughed into her hand. ¨I can still speak Ancient Mistralian, if you´d like.¨ Both Twilights nodded eagerly. ¨Alright then, let´s see,,,¨ she wracked her brain for a phrase, before smiling. ¨Yōsei-no kokoro-wo hiromu¨ at her friendś´, save for Pinkie Pie, confused looks, she translated. ¨Roughly it translates to "Spread the spirit of nurturing rightness" it's the kingdom´s motto, has been since ancient times.¨ she ran a hand through her ketchup-and-mustard hair. ¨I could teach you if you want, though the fundamentals are similar to the other languages in this world, and Equestria.¨ She got an eager nod from her friends, except Pinkie who only smiled, and a very eager nod from the two Twilights, whose heads resembled bobbleheads from how much they were nodding. Valor then checked his watch, ¨Well, it's getting late, we should probably be getting back to our places.¨ he laid a gentle kiss and a firm hand squeeze with his kinda-new girlfriend, smiling. ¨See you tomorrow Pyrrha.¨ he said, as he began jogging back to his place. ¨Cya Jaune.¨ Sunset waved, giddy. She hopped on her bike before her double did, and raced her back to their shared house. Shimmer´s parents and Sunset´s sort-of adopted parents, Ebony Rose (No known relation to one Ruby Rose of Remnant) and her husband Ivory Dawn awaited them, smiling. ¨Hey girls.¨ Ebony said, running a hand through her long hair which shared her namesake color, except for a light crimson strand or two. ¨So, how was the night with your new boy toy Sunny?¨ she asked Sunset, smirking. ¨Should we be expecting any potential grandkids from you two?¨ she teased, a gleam in her eye. Both Sunsets, particularly the former Mistralian, turned a shade of red that matched their namesake. ¨Mom!¨ they both yelled in unison, as their mother chuckled, smiling brightly. With that, the two girls turned, and hastily zipped upstairs, swiftly shutting the door behind them. ¨Well, now that that embarrassment's over, we should head to bed.¨ Sunset smiled at her double. Both girls stripped, to just a tank top, bra, and a pair of shorts, tossing their old day clothes into the laundry hamper. After that, both Sunsets brushed their teeth, and with a quick ¨Goodnight¨ to each other and their family, they went to bed, shutting off the lights. Morning came relatively quickly. After a brief breakfast of Captain Cinnamon Crunch, the dual Sunset Shimmers went to go meet with their friends to hang out for the day, as usual. Little did they know, a tiny, inky black bird was watching. Its blood red eyes leered at them from the ashy white bone plate on its face. With a caw, it took flight, and soared above them with the speed of lightning.