//------------------------------// // Full Moon // Story: Tales of the Battle Foals // by Sirdubya //------------------------------// Just outside the mouth of the cave, Zebota laid atop his bedroll whilst cradled in Shrapnel’s arms. The slumbering wood titan’s snores were light, but almost tangible underneath his throat where his master slept. But rather than keep the mystic zebra awake, his monster’s snores were somewhat soothing, lulling him to sleep. So why was it that Zebota felt that something was….off? Zebota could suddenly feel Shrapnel lightly nudging him, trying to wake him up. It took a moment or so, but the little zebra finally stirred. He rubbed his tired eyes as he looked up at his beast. “What is it, my friend?” Shrapnel whimpered in response as he looked around the forest. It was then that Zebota could feel what Shrapnel must have. The spirits of the forest seemed….still, almost too still even for nighttime. In fact, it felt as though they weren’t even there at all! “What is…..hmm….Perhaps I should wake the others.” However, he didn’t have to. For whatever reason, the rest of the Battle Foals came walking out of the cave looking about as confused as Zebota was. “Zebota! You’re awake too?” Fire Fight said. “Yes, but why have all of you awoken?” Zebota asked. “We don’t know.” Spiral Galaxy said. “It’s just….It felt like we had to wake up for something.” Quantum Tech scanned around with her glasses. “How strange…” “What’s good?” Turf War asked. “Everything around us…the trees, the rocks, even the soil…...They’re giving off the exact same signature.” Quantum answered. “I feel it too. Something’s not right…” Shadow Shroud said as she drew a kunai. Quantum Tech inspected her mech suit, but it seemed that nothing was wrong with it apart from the reading anomaly she was picking up from it. She couldn’t help but to notice how beautifully its metallic frame glistened in the light of the full moon……except. “One moment! Wasn’t the moon its third quarter stage when we went to bed?” “Ah….don’t reckon Ah was payin’ much attention to that, Ms. Quantum Tech.” Kickback said. A mellow gust of wind suddenly blew over, and Bullseye drew her bow in response to her mane catching it. “Something’s coming!” she warned. Suddenly, the full moon exploded into a brilliant light, and the wind grew stronger. The moon was so bright that the craters lining its surface could no longer be seen. Instead, a winged shadow appeared within its light and flew down towards the foals, who had readied themselves for a fight. As the shadow got closer, the foals could tell that it had the form of a pony, but they sure as hell didn’t expect to see what it actually was…. What landed in front of them was a tall alicorn mare with a navy-blue coat and a mane that looked like it had been weaved from the night sky itself. Her appearance was unmistakable. “Good evening, mighty Battle Foals.” She said in a calm, regal tone. The foals were certifiably shocked to see who had just come to visit them. “P-P-PRINCESS LUNA!?!?!?” Fire Fight exclaimed. He found himself scared to death for his team now that they’d been discovered by one of Equestria’s highest authorities. None of the other foals fared much better. Luna creased a warm, almost motherly smile. “It pleases me to see all of you safe and sound. I was truly worried for your welfare, but I should’ve known better than to doubt your strength.” “W-W-WE’RE NOT GOING BACK!!! EVER!!!” Spiral exclaimed. She was struggling to keep her horn from overcharging from how flustered she was. “Nrgh!!” “Easy, homegirl!” Turf War said. “Y-Your Highness, with all due respect, WE SIMPLY CAN’T RETURN TO OUR HORRID LIVES!!” Quantum exclaimed. Tears began to well from her eyes at the thought of being handed back to her disapproving parents. “Surely you’ve seen the toxicity of-” “I know, Quantum Tech.” Luna said. “All of you….I have seen the pain you endured that drove you to flee from the lives you’ve lived in Equestria or elsewhere…” she said as she glanced over at Zebota and Shrapnel. “Then surely you must understand why we’re not going anywhere!” Fire Fight said. “How’d you even find us anyway?” “You are all fast asleep in reality. I simply wove your dreams together into one so that we all may speak at once.” Luna said. “Huh! I was wondering why Mr. Tree Trunk Top Hat suddenly spilled his beetle tea….” Crazylocks blurted. “Nopony cares, Crazylocks!” Bullseye said. She then looked up at Luna. “So…Wh-What is it you wanna say, huh!? S-Spill it!” she stammered angrily. “Bullseye! Mind your words when speaking to royalty!” Quantum said. Luna giggled. “Worry not, dear. If you’re worried about being sent back to your abusive parents, I’m pleased to be able to tell you that will not be possible. They were discovered and arrested, and are currently awaiting trial in Canterlot.” Bullseye’s face lit up like the stars upon hearing that. “R-Really?” she said. “A-Are they gonna be executed? Can I do it!?” she asked rather happily. “Bullseye!” Fire Fight said. Luna looked at Bullseye with sorrowful sympathy. “While their crime is no doubt unforgivable, I’m afraid it won’t warrant a death sentence. They’ll likely face a life of imprisonment, so you’ll never again have to worry about them.” She said. “Oh…I’m so sorry that you endured such wretched treatment, Bullseye. I hope that your new friends are able to introduce to you the meaning of love.” “We will, milady.” Greensprout said. “But, really…..why are you here?” “Contrary to what you must be thinking right now, I have not come to retrieve you and send you back to your lives. Rather, I am here for quite the opposite.” Luna said. The foals were both shocked and relieved to hear the Princess of the Moon say that she was apparently encouraging their trip. “You…..gotta be trippin’!” Turf War said. “I am indeed not tripping…homie.” Luna said with a playful wink, pleasantly surprising the ghetto colt. “As we speak, Princess Twilight has begun organizing another search party that will comb this area of the White Tail Woods and outward. If you stay here for much longer, you will certainly be discovered. But, I know of a path you may follow that would allow you to avoid such ruin.” Everypony was utterly frazzled at why Luna would even think about helping them run away, but the mention of the search party stimulated their sense of caution. “A-And where might we be goin’ ma’am?” Kickback asked nervously. He then realized that he never took off his hat from being so shocked, so he rectified that. Luna lightly giggled at his polite gesture. “To the north of here, at the summit of the highest mountain in the Unicorn Range is an ancient portal to the other side of the Celestial Sea. In days of old when ponies and griffons had better relations, it was a means for the griffons to quickly travel home if they were far away from their homeland, or for each race to quickly rush to the other’s aid.” Luna explained. “It is old and long-forgotten, so not even my sister will readily think to consider it. I doubt she even knows that it is still functional.” Something about such a portal sounded familiar to Quantum Tech, so she checked her digital encyclopedia in her glasses for references and got a hit. “Ah! The twin portals connecting that point and the Asgard Forest near Griffonstone! There’s very little record of them still in existence, but I know what you speak of, Your Highness.” “Good. I would advise that you leave tomorrow at first light. If you make haste, then you will surely prevent your quest from being abruptly ended.” Luna said. “Thanks, Princess.” Fire Fight said. “But…..why are you helping us? I don’t understand.” He then suddenly thought about Shadow Shroud. “A-And just so you know, Shad- I-I mean….my friend hasn’t done anything wrong, so please don’t take her from us.” Shroud glanced over at Fire Fight in mellow surprise. “Fire Fight….” Luna smiled as she looked over at the shadowy filly. “Worry not, young Shadewalker. I can sense your pure intentions. Despite how heavy any of your earlier actions might have been, you have acted with honor and dignity. The ultimate consequences are surely for the better.” Fire Fight audibly sighed deep relief upon hearing that, and Shadow Shroud devilishly giggled. “I humbly thank you for your understanding, Your Radiance.” Luna could detect a hint of playful sarcasm in her tone, and lightly chuckled. “But to answer your question, Fire Fight….As I said before, I am well aware of the sullied lives you were forced to live, the scorn you feel towards those who made you feel unwanted.” Luna said. She took a solemn breath as she seemed to ponder over something. “I know how it feels to have your talents go unappreciated or even be shunned, but I wholeheartedly implore you not to fall to the darkness that I did. It is my firm belief that the meaning of your journey will alert everypony of the changes that must be brought about, so I must encourage you to remain ever strong-hearted.” Luna’s words made the foals sympathize with her. It was indeed very true that many years ago, she was in the same situation as they were, and as a result of allowing her resentment to cloud her heart, she rejected the very livelihood of Equestria itself and became a malevolent being that was scorned by history. That was something the Battle Foals didn’t want to happen for them. “Princess Luna….” Spiral Galaxy slowly walked up to her and hugged her leg. “Thank you…” Luna laid down on her stomach to return the hug. “Guys, you too.” Seeing as they had something of a bond with the lunar sovereign, the foals decided to go hug her as well, even Bullseye. Luna opened her fore hooves and gently embraced them as they returned the gesture; she even covered them with her wings. “You’ve all been through so much….” Luna said. “Never let your strength falter…..Equestria may need it.” Shrapnel lowly purred as he nuzzled the alicorn’s neck. He then graced her with a lick. “Ah! What a dear of a timberwolf you are, Shrapnel.” Luna said. Shrapnel barked. Luna let go of the foals, and they broke off from her. “What do you mean ‘Equestria may need our strength’?” Fire Fight asked. Luna’s expression grew slightly worried. “I cannot say for sure, but it feels as though a catastrophe is on the horizon, and….that is when I feel that the Battle Foals must rise.” The foals were now worried as well. A catastrophe that they’d need to defeat? Even if they were a powerful force together, what could their ragtag group do compared to the Elements of Harmony? “What….kind of catastrophe?” Quantum Tech asked nervously. “As I said, it is but a feeling I have. Regardless, you must halt your search for other foals here and make your way to that portal.” Luna said as she rose back up towards the moon. “Shadow Shroud, will you continue to guide your new friends as you have from the beginning?” Shroud chuckled. “I suppose I could babysit these little troublemakers for a little longer.” She teased. Luna nodded. “Then I wish you all safe travels, and know that the light of my moon shall serve to protect you and light your path.” She bathed herself the in the silver gleam of the moon and disappeared, erasing the collective dream world she created to converse with the foals… ***** ??? They took…..her….. And…….shunned me…….us…… …………This won’t stand!........