A Chance Meeting

by Archy

A Chance Meeting - Chapter 3

It was nice to be able to sleep in, somethings that Mags always enjoyed. The sun was rather high in the sky before she flicked open one of her eyes and took a glance at her clock that sat on her bedside table.


Well it certainly was mid-morning, no doubt about that. She shuffled around, dozed for another 5 minutes and then finally with a small amount of effort hauled herself up and out of bed. ‘Funny how you can go to sleep and be fine and then wake up and look like you’ve been attacked by a stampede of cows.’ She thought to herself and sighed, and made her way across the landing to the bathroom to do her morning ablutions.

As she lazily wandered down the stairs, still somewhat half-asleep she noticed that there was…no noise, nothing. It was oddly quiet, usually somepony else was home. It seemed they had all gone out again. Dad usually went to work and mum…well, she wasn’t sure. A note on the dining table caught her eye and she trotted over to it and picked it up with her magic, levitating it in front of her face to read it.

Morning Mags!

She loved her mother’s optimism that she would be up early enough for that still to be the case, luckily it was. The note continued.

I’ve gone out with the girls for a few hours. If you are reading this…I’m still out. There is a small snack in the fridge if you want it, otherwise get something at Sugarcube Corner with Felicity. I’ll see you later.

She’d even signed it. Ah well, plenty of time to get into town. She grabbed her jacket from the back of one of the chairs round the table and put it on, she thought she had better wear it in case it was a bit chilly out but she had no idea what the weather was like. She slipped the front door keys into her jacket pocket and opened the door to be greeted by yet another sunny say. Ah, she was going to be hot instead. Excellent. She shut the front door behind her and started to make her way into town.

As she got closer and closer to Sugarcube Corner she started to wonder about Felicity. Why had she never seen her before? Looking around it become more and more apparent just how strange it was she had never even caught sight of her. Ponyville was a pretty small town, she knew probably a large majority of its residents just through working with them. Felicity had said she kept mostly to herself but…she surely would have seen her, even just wandering around. Mags had a pretty good memory, even ponies she had never spoke to she would recognise if she saw them more than once. They were a distinctive race, hardly any two were the same, even if sometimes she got asked if she gave music lessons. That was somewhat annoying.

Regardless, she looked at which ponies were in her field of vision. Carrot Top was speaking to June Bug about something, she couldn’t quite catch the words. Cheerilee was just about to pass her carrying a few books on her back heading back to the schoolhouse, more supplies. Roseluck was hauling a cart of more flowers to become beautiful bouquets. She spied Fluttershy just about to enter the local feed shop, more than likely to stock up on more food for her furry friends. She recognised them all…so where had Felicity been in all this?

She finally made it to Sugarcube Corner and gave a small huff of relief. She hadn’t quite counted on it being this hot, she decided she was going to lose the jacket once she got in. She trotted in, Pinkie was manning the counter today and gave her a wave. A few other ponies were inside, buying confections. Felicity was already there, sat at the same table they had occupied yesterday and already half way through her milkshake and sucking the rest of it away quickly. She gave a smile and like Pinkie a wave. Mags slipped her jacket off and laid it behind the stool as she took her seat at the table.

“Jacket off so quickly?” The Pegasus giggled and gave her a little slick smile as she went back to sucking down her remaining milkshake.

“Hey it’s hot, but at least we picked the best place for something cool.”

“Oh you bet, hold on. Pinkie!”

The pink earth pony came bouncing across in her trademark bounding. Often Mags had wondered how she kept in such great shape for a pony that lives in a business that sells nothing but fattening treats, and Pinkie wasn’t exactly one to hold back on the sweets.

“Hey girls, hiya Felicity! What can I getcha?!”

“2 more strawberry shakes please!”

“Okie dokie!” The pink pony bounded away as quickly as she had come and disappeared behind the counter to sort out their shakes. Felicity turned back to Mags after watching Pinkie go.

“So, did you manage to have toast this morning?”

“Oh yeah, it’s working great! Thanks so much again.” Felicity gave her another little smile.

“Oh well good, I guess that means it’s fixed for good then.”

There was a small moment of silence between the two of them while they still waited. Felicity fiddled with the straw from her now empty milkshake glass. A few moments later Pinkie came trotting over this time, as she was carrying two milkshakes on a small tray with one hoof and being careful with them.

“Here you go! I’ll add them to your bill Felicity, okay?”

“Sure thing Pinkie, thanks.”

“No problem!” And back she went to bounding, returning behind the counter to serve ponies coming in to pick up food. Mags and Felicity started to suck on their shakes, Mags staring a little at once again how quickly Felicitys was disappearing. Her friend seemed to notice and stop, dropping the straw from her mouth and letting it sink into the thick mixture.


“Uh, um. Not much, except – you drink them so fast. Why?”

“…because I like them?”

“Oh yeah, of course.”

They went back to drinking again in silence, a few moments later Felicity stopped again and pushed her unfinished shake to one side.

“You didn’t have to meet me here today you know, you could have just decided it was fixed and I’d come to you if it broke again.”

Mags looked down a little, and put a hoof on her forehead trying to think of a reasonable response that was ‘I really like you I wanted to see you again!’ She decided to try to at least play it a little cool.

“I know, but I was having fun like I said. I was kind of hoping maybe for a little more fun…” She blushed ever so slightly, cheeks a pale shade of red.

“Well, we can certainly do that. Anything fun is always a winner with me.” Felicity laughed. “You don’t have to be so worried, hey I’m just really glad I made a friend! I’ve been kind of lonely for a little while.”

That brought Mags to her next question. “That was something I was going to ask, I know most ponies in town just through work. Even ones I hardly see I sometimes recognise, Ponyville is a small place. But I’ve never seen you, ever. The first time I’ve ever come across you was at Quick Fry’s place. How have you been hiding yourself so well?” She queried.

“Well I did say I keep to myself…I might take it a little to the extreme…”

Mags raised an eyebrow and looked at her, even more puzzled. “Extreme? Howso?”

“Well I only leave the house to come here, or there, or get food supplies and other things I need…I just try to make my trips out as quick as possible. I’d say 95% of my day is spent indoors at home. I come here to have a shake and leave after 5 minutes because well…you see how long they last.” She gave her a awkward smile. “So you’ve probably just missed me because I spend so little time out.”

Mags thought it made sense, and would buy it for now. If she really did spend that little time out then well, it was a surprise she had even run into her at all.

“Alright, sorry it’s just for me it is surprising to see a face in town I don’t recognise, unless they’re not from here. Hope you don’t feel like I was putting you on the spot.”

Felicity laughed again, a little more freely this time. “Not at all! It’s nice to know somepony took a little notice of me.” She pulled her shake back in front of her, and once again in less than a moment it had disappeared. She pushed the empty glass to one side again, a satisfied “Ahhhh!” left her lips and she licked them. Mags finished hers as well as quickly as she could, a little impressed she had managed to almost keep pace without getting a brain freeze.

“So you want a little more fun?”

“Well yeah. I’m enjoying spending time with you.”

“What about a day of fun? We’ve already started it here, how about a few more things. Will your mum mind if you’re out most of the day?”

“I doubt it, she’s happy if I’m out the house.” Mags giggled. “If she thinks I’m looking for work she’s happy.”

“Great, well I’ve got an idea. Now we’re finished here.”

“Alright.” Mags stood up and slipped her jacket back on. It was still rather hot out but she would manage. “What did you have in mind?”

As the day was drawing on the heat was becoming worse, Mags really did regret picking that jacket up without seeing just how warm it was first.

“Are we there yet? And can I get something cold to drink when we arrive?”

“Not much further…and maybe? Hmmm I’m not sure…” Felicity wandered off into her mind whilst she tried to think if anything would be available. “Maybe, but probably something healthy.”

“Healthy? Where are you taking me? I don’t do healthy.”

“I dunno, I think you might like this – and if you don’t we can do something you like after. Come on!”

She reluctantly decided to follow the excitable Pegasus. They continued a short way through town before coming to what looked like, at least to Mags, a fairly modern build that was nestled between the standard Ponyville architecture. It stuck out like the bowling alley and that gaudy crystal castle at the end of town, except in a different way. It was mostly glass, with some steel support beams painted an almost luminous green that went all around the edges of the build, it only occupied a single story so sat low against the buildings that surrounded it.

“…Nice, surprised I’ve never noticed it, but this yet another part of town I don’t come to that often. Sooooo what is it?”


“…It’s yoga? The building is yoga?”

Felicity giggled and pointed towards the front door with her hoof. “No silly, inside! It’s a fitness centre but they sometimes hold yoga classes here, it’s one of the few places I used to come but they only offer the basic stuff so I stopped. I thought you might like to try it though!” She beamed at her, clearly excited about the prospect of introducing her friend to her favourite past time, before turning and starting to walk inside.

“Wait, hold on! I don’t know the first thing about yoga!”

“Doesn’t matter, it’s beginner! And I’ll help. I know you were curious before, I thought this might help your curiosity a little bit. Come on, it’ll be fun I swear!”

“But I don’t have any gear! Don’t ponies usually wear stuff when they do this?”

“Optional! Seriously come on.”

The slightly perplexed but also mildly curious unicorn followed her friend in. The inside looked pleasant enough, a small reception with an yellow coated earth pony manning the desk met them as they walked in. She smiled as Felicity trotted up to her, and almost leaned over the desk for a hug. Mags assumed the two of them knew each other.

“Felicity dear! It’s been far too long. You haven’t been to classes in forever! I hope you’re keeping up your routine.”

“Of course Dusky, I practice every day at home! Oh, Magna-Save this is Dusky, she owns the place!”

“You can call me Magna, and nice place. Felicity wanted to show me.”

“Thanks! We’ve been open a while, keeping fit is important you know. I expect Felicity only told you about our yoga classes but we do all sorts here. We’re a fully stocked gym with a heap of keep fit equipment.” Dusky pointed behind the reception desk to the corridor that led away from them and down a hall, a number of doors dotted along that each lead to a different part of the building. She raised an eyebrow at Felicity.

“I expect you’ll be wanted the yoga class though? Starts in 10 minutes, down the hall, second door on the left. It will cost you 5 bits for the session.”

Felicity raised a hoof to get Dusky’s attention. “Mind if she uses my membership? I won’t be participating.”

“Oh sure honey, you haven’t been here for a while so that’s fine. I’ll mark it off.” She smiled and flicked a ledger on the desk open to a page and scribbled in it. “Have fun!” she said, as Felicity and Mags walked down the hall to the yoga group. Mags was not sure how much she was going to enjoy this…

There was a huge amount of huffing, and panting, and a whole host of other noises as only 5 minutes in Mags was starting to feel the pressure of trying to make her body contort and shift. Yoga was relaxing, but she hardly ever did any exercise, and even though this wasn’t quite as fast paced or crazily energetic as what she had witnessed Felicity do it was still causing her to strain a little. She looked over in between her bodies protests at her friend, who was totally content and easily gently shifting herself around. This was clearly a step down for her.

“You okay there?” Felicity giggled slightly, the question clearly not meant to evoke a response of platitude from her huffed out friend.

“I-I feel like I-I’m gonna flop over…” Mags squeaked as she tried to follow on with the rest of the class.

“Why, what’s wrong? This is relaxing and gentle silly!”

“N-not when…” She wheezed a little, before carrying on. “Y-you’re this out of shape!” She made a mental note as she struggled on to either, give up her favourite fatty foods completely…which was quickly dismissed, or never EVER attend another one of these wretched things. That seemed like the better option.

She looked up, there wasn’t lots of other ponies in the class, but all of them mares. It was supposedly a mares thing to do, the instructor was a mare of course. She was a few rows back but Mags could make her out. No idea of the name as they came in just as it started but she had rather long yellow hair and a light purple coat. She was clearly just as flexible as Felicity and was leading the class with ease, hardly breaking a sweat. But then again no other mare was…it was only Mags struggling along.

“55 more minutes class…follow my lead!” She barked as she leaned forward to touch the tips of her hind legs with her hooves, bending her body round to get to them as they were splayed out in front of her on the floor.


She wasn’t sure how much more she was able to take of this.

55 minutes later, and a very sweaty, very tired and extremely achy Mags emerged from the room, staggering on her hooves out the door and almost comically collapsing against the opposite wall. She was exhausted, completely. Never in her short life had she ever exercised that much. Even though it was gentle, it had worn her out. As she lay there, not wanting to move an inch she felt a hoof prod against her side as Felicity loomed over her.

“Um…did that really make you that exhausted?”


“You know there is a bench by reception you can sit on.”

“Can’t move.”

Felicity rolled her eyes a little. “Don’t be so dramatic, come on.” She extended a hoof and offered it out, helping her friend stand on four very wobbly legs as she limped her way down the hall and yet again collapsed onto the bench, Felicity taking a seat besides her.

“Okay wow, I didn’t think it would do that to you – it’s hardly very exacting on your body unless you do what I do.”

“Yes but…I am very, VERY out of shape Felicity.” She sighed, wanting to talk as little as possible to conserve some energy, but Felicity pushed on regardless.

“Oh come on, you fix things for a living! You must do some exercise!”

“Yes, but I fix things mostly with magic. I hardly do anything that requires much effort and even then I have tools when the magic doesn’t work. Being fit is not a requirement of my talent, I can’t actually remember if I’ve ever really done any exercise…”

“I um…might have made some assumptions there then…” Felicity smiled, giving her friend a friendly pat on her middle with her hoof as she lay there motionless. “Maybe you can just watch me in the future.”

“…That might be best.”

“Okay, so fun thing number one wasn’t so much fun…but I have another idea, fun thing number two might be better!”

“Does it involve any form of exercise?”


Mags finally got up from the bench, having rested enough to get some energy back.

“Then count me in.”

The two mares wandered back into the main part of town, Mags body still twinging slightly from her not-so-intense but unexpected work out session.

“Okay, so the first one was a little bit of a bust…” Felicity started to say. “But I think you might enjoy this one.”

“Well I’m not holding my breath so far.”

Felicity giggled “Don’t worry, it’s not scuba diving or anything, you won’t need to!”

“Uh…” She decided it wasn’t worth explaining she was using a phrase, regardless they carried on walking with Felicity leading the way. There passed plenty of other ponies as they walked.

“Is this thing you want to do actually close or anywhere close? I’m still kinda hurting a little bit from earlier…” Mags asked, a little glum. She wasn’t a huge fan of walking very far either.

“Don’t worry, not far…”

They rounded a few more bends, they had left the main town centre and were just coming to the edge of it. A few shops were dotted here and there but mostly houses. At the end of the street they were on a single shop occupied the corner, a low slung roof made it distinctive from all the high thatched cottages that occupied the road. Mags squinted and stared at the sign as they came closer.

“A clothes shop?”

“Yeah, they make pretty much anything here. I come here because they put together some pants that Rarity doesn’t often make, at least it’s not part of her usual line up.”

“I didn’t think I’d be buying clothes.” Mags chucked. “Although I do wear this jacket an awful lot, I think I might be one of the few non-fashion conscious ponies who wears clothing. Saying that it’s not like I wear anything else…” She stopped, and then pinged herself back to reality.

“So why are we here again, what do they make you want me to try and or buy?”

“Well you know how I love yoga?”

“Oh yeah, I’d never have figured that one out, in fact I can still feel your love for yoga shooting up my spine in pain. Ouch…”

“You it helps a lot if you have the right clothing.”

“Right clothing?...” She scanned her brain, trying to think what Felicity was talking about. Oh no, wait. Not those awful black pants that she sometimes saw ponies sporting? The ones that absolutely hugged your figure and left nothing to the imagination? Not that it made a lot of difference, she was naked from the waist down anyway, but still. There was something about them that often made ponies stare more, and she couldn’t quite put her hoof on why.

“…Are you suggesting we buy yoga pants?”

“Awww, you spoiled the surprise! Maybe I shouldn’t have said so much, and no – I’ll buy you some – my treat seeing as the last think didn’t go so well.”

“Aren’t you going to get some? They seem more your thing.”

“I’ve got like 20 pairs back home! I don’t need more. Come on.”

“Alright…” Mags said, a little glum. Clothes shopping was never her idea of fun, it’s why she only wore 1 item of clothing ever, and more because it was practical. Not fashionable.

Both mares made their way inside, a small bell above the door tinkled to signal their arrival. There were a few other ponies in the store, browsing the racks and whatnot, but Felicity made a b-line straight for a section towards the back, Mags following behind her.

“See, told you they stocked them.”

“Oh yes, how um…great.” She was presented with a whole rack of varying sizes of yoga pants. She had never seen so much black in her life. Mags prodded through the rack, different sizes of course. Felicity poked through with her, and started moving down. Mags was still in the M section, Felicity had moved down towards XL and XXL.

“Excuse me?”

“Huh? What?”

Mags raised an eyebrow. “Extra extra large? Do you really think I have hips that wide and an ass that lardy?”

Felicity immediately went red, and tried to hide herself between the displayed pants, realising there was nowhere for her to go. She gently pulled herself back out, turning her head to speak to her friend.

“S-sorry…it’s just, well, even you said you’re out of shape.”

“Well, yeah but…” She huffed, and gave in. “Fine, gimme the damn XXL pants. I’m not struggling in the XL ones, I’ve made that mistake before.”

Felicity giggled a little, trotting over and placing the XXL pair on Mags back. “There’s a changing room just over there. Promise me one thing.”


“Show me them before you take them off and say you don’t like them, please?”

“…Fine, I guess that is the least I can do seeing as you’re paying. Oh you know XXL is more expensive right?” She shot Felicity a sly smile as she flicked her tail and started towards the changing room.

“It’ll be worth it, I don’t mind.” Felicity said, following Mags to the changing room as she watched her go in, pulling the curtain shut behind her. Only her hooves moving around, just slightly visible under the slightly too short curtain. Felicity parked herself on a chair next to them and waited.

A few moments later Mags voice emanated from within the booth.

“Okay, I got them on. Would you laugh if I told you they feel a little tight round my thighs?”

Felicity had to stifle herself from what would have been a very audible giggle. “Oh um, no! Of course not. I guess I could ask if they had XXXL ones…”

“Don’t even think about it!” Came the retort from inside, and a hoof appeared at the edge of the curtain to slide it back.

Felicity watched, it was like one of those peep shows she’d heard about where ponies slowly remove clothing, which she didn’t really get because most ponies were naked all the time anyway. First she saw Mags head, then her usual purple jacket, and then finally her flank to reveal…

“Wait I’m confused.”

“…That’s your reaction? I was hoping for some sort of jaw drop here.”

“No no, it’s not that, they do look great.”

“Then what’s up?”

“How are they purple? When you went in they were black like the rest of the ones on the rack.”

“Oh right! Well yeah they were black, but honestly with my grey coat it just didn’t look right, so I made them purple with a touch of magic. Looks better huh?”

Felicity looked on at the pair of yoga pants adorning her friends rear, they certainly did stand out from all the other pairs that was for sure. For some reason though something was bugging her, and she pointed with her hoof to a sign next to her head in the middle of the 2 chairs next to the changing rooms.

Magically altered clothing must be paid for immediately, no exceptions – Management

“Did you not see the sign? Guess I am buying them now regardless.” Felicity chuckled, standing up and walking over to her friend, coming a little close to her rear.

“Hey don’t touch, just look okay?”

“Fine, I just wanted to see how they looked. Man those are tight. You know really should cut down on food in the future, do you really want to be wearing XXXL clothing?”

“If I cared do you think I’d be wearing XXL and complaining about how tight they are in the first place?”

“Suppose not…” She couldn’t resist giving Mags a little prod around her thighs, the yoga pants had almost tightened, hugging her figure at her middle, her rear and on her hind legs. The material felt incredibly soft on her, and her tail poked nicely through the opening at the back just right.

“I said no touching!”

“I know, I just had to, a little. It feels good on you, and hey. Might help you if you want to try it again, just with me this time though, even gentler? I won’t take you to a class.” She removed her hoof from her friends thighs, and took a step back from her to let her out.

“You can wear them home if you like, I mean they do look good on you. I’m not just saying that, they really do.”

Mags raised a hoof and rubbed her chin, she couldn’t fail to notice Felicity staring, mostly at her rear portions. She had an idea.

“Tell you what. I’ll wear these allllll the way home, on one condition.”

“One condition? What’s that?”

“You have to come over some time and play pinball with me.”

Felicity smiled. “Wait, your condition is something that sounds fun? Of course I’ll do that. You’d have to try and stop me doing that!”

“Good, shake my hoof.” The two mares raised their hoofs to each other and then shook, securing the deal. Felicity smiled, and then pulled a few coins out of her wings.

“This should easily cover it, but I think you gotta take them off to pay.”

“Not this time, I think I can have a little fun.”

“Oh um, what are thinking of?”

“Just follow me, all you need to do is pay.”


Mags made her way towards the cash registered, manned by a deep blue and rather regular looking stallion, who spent most of his day keeping an eye on the store and taking bits for the clothing that was available. His eyes widened at least twice as much when he set eyes on a rather portly mare trotting towards him, wearing a pair of their yoga pants as she turned herself sideways too him, nearly blocking his vision of the isle she had come down with her wide flanks.

“Hello, I need to pay for these please. Sorry I accidently made them purple because I thought they looked a bit better on my chunky thighs. Wouldn’t you agree?”

The stallion struggled to speak, but eventually a “…U-uh huh. T-two bits.” Softly left his lips as he couldn’t help but stare, just as Felicity had been doing a few moments ago.

“Ah I’m glad, Felicity please pay the kind stallion, and I’ll meet you outside.” Mags gave him a wink, making his cheeks go a slightly pale red as he almost fumbled the two bits Felicity had put in his hooves, not even checking to see if it was correct before opening the register. Felicity managed a “Thank you!” but the words never even registered in his brain as he watched the mystery mare trot away from him, her cheeks hugging the yoga pants as she trotted out the door, closing it behind her. He had hardly noticed another impatient customer had come to the register, coming back to with a startled yelp before snapping out of his yoga pants induced coma.

Outside, the two mares erupted into laughter for a good solid five minutes. Mags could hardly contain herself, almost spread eagle on the floor as Felicity laid next to her laughing her head off as well. Eventually their laughs turned to chuckles as they composed themselves, Mags speaking first.

“I’ve used that trick a few times, I wanted to see how well it would work with something like that. Usually my large rear is enough to set them off but man, these pants apparently have more use than just for yoga. Did you see his face? His eyes did not leave my butt except to blink! You know I was thinking of backing out our little bet but I will wear these home, see if I can set a record for stares. Hahaha!”

“I know! He hardly said anything, he was practically slavering over you the entire time. I think I could have just given him some worthless metal coins and he’d have just pushed them in the register!” She giggled a few more times before getting up herself.

“See, told you I’d have some fun.” Mags smiled, she was so glad she had given this mare another chance, she really was a lot of fun. And she had done some very nice things for her all day, not all successful but this had been the icing on the cake.

“I do need to get home, the day is drawing in. But we need to do more things in the future. I know where you live, you know where I live. What about an open door policy where we can just meet whenever. Sorry I know that isn’t a really great idea but I like spending time with you…” Mags blushed a little. She never really said these things, she wasn’t even sure if it was the right thing to say but she was relieved when Felicity smiled back at her.

“Me too, and it’s so nice to have a real friend. And I like that idea, I’m often free.” Felicity shuffled her hooves and looked around, they were alone on the street. No other ponies occupied it. It seemed like a good natural end to the day.

“Well like I said, heading home. See you soon then?”

“Of course! My homes the other way, but I’m sure you knew that.” Felicity grinned, turning herself around to head home. “See you soon friend!”

“See you soon.” Mags said, almost with a little lift in her tone of voice. She started to make her way home. She was going to have a fair bit of explaining to do, her mum was going to immediately ask about the purple yoga pants, but she was sure the truth would be fine this time. She was also waiting to see just how many stares she was going to get, maybe keep a mental count and let Felicity know when she saw her next, she was sure she’d get a giggle from it. Whatever happened, she felt she had made an exceptional friend and knew it wouldn’t be long before she would be seeing her again. She smiled to herself, and began her journey home.