//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: The Busy Farmer and the Playful Pegasus // by RoyalBardofCanterlot //------------------------------// Applejack strolled on the verdant, green field upon which an old, gnarled apple tree rose up. The tasty, juicy, red fruit swung in the breeze from a beard of emerald leaves. Applejack always thought of this tree as an old grandfather for some reason. Baskets full of harvested fruit surrounded her. An empty basket was situated right below the tree, designed for the fruit to fall into. The east field was nearly harvested. Only three trees remained for her to do. She wiped away the sweat that trailed from beneath her stetson and shook her head. Her ponytail swung behind her as she regarded the tree in front of her. Her body was covered in sweat and her muscles were a bit sore. She yawned and stretched her front forelegs. The farmer had been up since early that morning, harvesting this field. After the east field was harvested, there was still a ton to do. The pigs needed to be fed as did the chickens. The cows needed milking and the fields needed plowing. She almost considered curling up beneath the shade of the grandfather, but she couldn't do that. Her family depended on her. Big Mac was harvesting the west field so it wasn't as if she needed to do all the work. Coming out of her stretch, she lifted up and stretched out her back legs. The joints and bones of her legs rippled. With all her sweating, she was losing water. It was hot for an Autumn day, the sun blazing down in her full glory from the sapphire sky. At the very least she could get some water. She reached to her saddlebag, opened it with her teeth and pulled out some new, fancy device called a water bottle. It was much more convenient than having to go all the way inside. That slowed her down too much. With the bottle grasped in her tail she unscrewed it with her hoof and lifted it to her lips. The water was cool against her lips and refreshing as it went down her throat. She took three sips, screwed the cap back on and placed it back in her saddlebag. She squinted as she made out a flash of color against the sky. Red. Orange. Yellow. A rainbow. That only meant one thing. Or, one Pony rather. Applejack smiled at her friend's approach. She turned around, lifted her legs and slammed against the wood behind her. The tree yielded, surrendering its fruit which spilled out in a waterfall of abundance. The fruit fell into the basket with a clatter. "Incoming!" A shout rent the air and a bullet flew by, shaking the branches of the trees. Applejack nearly fell back as Dash came in for a landing. Rather than landing, Dash soared up and twirled into a loop, then a second and third loop. She came in for a landing on the tree branch. Her wings, legs and tail twitched and nearly shook. "'Sup, AJ!" Applejack tipped her hat. "Howdy, RD. I still got some work to do." Dash pouted. "I thought we were gonna race today!" "I know, I know. Harvest came in early. We have a bit of a surplus. The cider will probably be cheaper this year." Dash practically drooled at the prospect of cider. "Cider? Cider season is pretty close isn't it?" Applejack nodded. "It sure is. Look, this year I'll save you some for you and the girls." Dash flew circles in the air, dismounting off the branch entirely. "Can't you Earth Ponies control when the harvest comes in?" Applejack chuckled. "To a certain extent, but when the Pegasii get rain cloud happy it kind of makes the plants grow." Dash scratched the back of her head and had the decency to look embarrassed. "Whoops. Totally our bad. We had too many rain clouds." "And now we got too many apples." Dash went back to her branch and stretched out. "So, how long will it take you? I really, really wanna race. I've been feeling really...zippy." "Zippy?" "Yeah, zippy. Which is totally a word." "Well, I ain't Twilight, so I don't know." Dash flew straight up and performed a backflip in midair. While hovering, she began wildly punching, three short jabs and a hoof strike Applejack knew was hard enough to shatter wood. She looked back at her baskets, sighed. She loved apples, her entire career was based on apples, apples were her heritage, the pride and joy of her clan. But, that sure was a lot of apples. Maybe, just maybe, they ought to consider hiring farm hoofs. She took another look at Dash who was still shadowboxing. Rather than the jabbing, now Dash was doing elbow strikes and occasionally turned around to buck. The athlete's muscles were well-defined against her healthy coat, pointing to a strength which nearly matched herself. Dash bucked once, twice and then twisted around for a left cross, followed by a right cross. "Zippy, zippy, zippy!" Applejack examined the last few trees. "Hey, Dash? You've never done any farm work have ya?" Dash stopped her fighting routine. "Huh? Nope." "Hmm...you sure are a strong Pony." Dash stuck out her chest. "Sure am! I bench press one-hundred and fifty!" Applejack bench pressed five-hundred and was considered average for a female of her tribe. She didn't tell Dash that, only whistling. "Wow, Dash! One-hundred and fifty...that sure is a lot. For a Pony that ain't a farmer." Dash paused. "What's that mean?" Applejack shrugged. "Why, Sugarcube, it don't mean nothin' at all." "It means something." She swooped down next to her. "Are you saying you're stronger because of the kind of work you do?" Applejack counted the number of apples hanging from the branches of the tree. "I wouldn't go that far, but Earth Ponies are known to be strong." "Don't be such a Tribalist!" "Tribal Realist." Dash rolled her eyes. "I could run circles around you in farmwork!" "I don't know about that. Farmwork takes discipline. Dedication. You're just a bit too lazy." "Oh yeah?" Dash's wings were flared out, her ears pinned to her head, teeth grit together. Applejack hung her head in an exaggerated show of contrition. "Now, now. I'm sorry. That was awful arrogant of me. I'll tell you what. I can give you a chance to prove yourself." The angry expression turned into a smirk. "What do you propose?" "Just a little wager. Let's see which one of us can buck these trees faster." Dash took off like a rocket, smashing her back legs against a trunk. The apples fell free and onto the ground. Luckily, a basket was in place to catch them and most of them fell into it. Applejack trotted over. Dash bounced on her forelegs. Applejack gathered the apples that had fallen outside of the basket, carefully examining them for bruises or other blemishes. They were fine so she tossed them in the basket. "Nice. Very nice." Dash beamed. Applejack swayed over to the second tree. "But, here's how it's done. There's still apples on that tree you bucked. This is how a pro does it." Dash watched carefully as Applejack turned, lifted up her back legs and, in one fluid motion, kicked the tree. Dash observed the position of her hooves as they made contact with the bark. The tree seemed to yield to her and released all of its fruit. "No hesitation, RD. Too much force and you send the fruit scattering. Too little and you don't get nearly enough." Dash narrowed her eyes, her tail swishing back and forth as she took in her target. She approached it, keeping in mind what Applejack had told her. She turned, lifted and firmly smacked the tree with her hooves. The branches shook and more of the juicy fruit fell down. A third buck brought down the rest. She jumped and down, a feeling of triumph washing over her. "I did it!" Applejack clapped. "Good, RD! But I bet your legs are so sore you couldn't get this here third tree." Dash growled. "Oh, yeah?" "Yeah. Your legs just ain't cut out for it." "I'll show you!" Dash rushed the tree and, just like Applejack had, firmly slapped her hooves against the rough wood. About half the branches vibrated with the force of the blow and there was a downpour of apples. They even all fell in the basket this time. Applejack patted her withers. "I suppose I was wrong about your legs." "Damned straight!" Applejack bucked it this time, knocking down the remaining apples. "Let's say this contest was a tie." "Any more contest ideas?" Applejack slid a basket on her back. "Let's see who can get these baskets to the barn fastest." "You're on!" She slid a basket on her own back, balancing it with her wings. They both crouched down low, in a racing position. "One..." Dash began. "Two..." Applejack continued. "Three!" Both shouted it and the ground shook at the thunderous tread of their hooves striking the soil. The wind whipped at their manes. Dash took to the air, taking her natural advantage. Applejack lept ahead and then slowed. The barn was coming into view and Dash took the lead before Applejack jumped ahead once more. A mighty flap of the athlete's wings sent her hurtling forward. Applejack reduced her pace, letting Dash soar into the barn first. Applejack trotted in a few moments later, placing her basket next to Dash's. Dash twirled in midair. "Who's awesome? I'm awesome!" "Yeah, you sure are. Let's go get more baskets." They ran outside again, although both went at a slower pace this time. Applejack slowed just a bit, letting Dash get ahead and get ahead she did. The speedster surged and grabbed up another basket, careful not to let the apples spill. Applejack pranced onto the grass, picked up a basket herself and rushed ahead of Dash. Dash jumped out of the barn as soon as she laid down the basket. She was a blur as she got into a fast pace, bringing in basket after basket before Applejack had time to get them. Applejack laid down her basket and waited as Dash brought in the rest of the harvest in about thirty seconds. Applejack panted. Dash zoomed inside and crossed her forelegs. "Are you letting me win?" Applejack gulped. "Don't be silly." "Don't you go easy on me! There's six baskets left. Let's go!" They once more crouched down into their racing position and darted out of the barn, both knocking the baskets atop their back. Dirt was kicked up in a cloud of dust as they kept up with each other this time. Both entered the barn at the same time, laid down the fruit and rushed outside again. Applejack found herself in the lead as she got into the spirit of competition. She caught a flash of color as Dash nudged up on her side. The farmer broke into a gallop, grabbed a basket and swung around Dash. The apples, miraculously enough, didn't fall. Dash wasn't so lucky. As she balanced the basket on her back, several fell from the top. She went down to the ground and gathered them up. Applejack stopped at the barn's entrance, cantered to where Dash was and inspected the apples. She took a few up and tossed them back on the ground. "Don't worry about it. We use the bruised apples for the pigs." Dash resettled the basket on her back and ran ahead. Applejack quickly overcame her and reached the barn first. They set the baskets down with the rest and neither hesitated as they darted out of the barn again, Dash rushing forward and grabbing a basket. Applejack grabbed the last basket. They shared a look, grinned and Dash stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry. Applejack's hooves pounded the earth as she kept up with her rival. Dash rocketed ahead and made it to the barn first, Applejack only a few inches behind. Their coats brushed together and the baskets were laid down. For a few minutes they stood on the hard, wooden floors and panted, catching their breath. Applejack brought her tail up and wiped away the sweat collecting on her forehead. Dash gave a few flaps with her wings, wiped away the sweat on her forehead and buried her head in her wings, readjusting her feathers. Applejack slapped her back. "Alright. You won that last one fair and square." "Yeah, I did." "I've been workin' since dawn, ya know." "Dawn? Seriously? You haven't taken any naps?" "Nope." "You want to take a nap?" "Nope. You?" Dash hopped onto her back legs, rearing up. "Nope. What's next?" "Let me go feed the pigs and chickens. And then, let's see how you do on a plow." "Can I help feed the animals?" "If'n ya want." Dash spread her wings and floated on a thermal. First on Applejack's list was the pigs so she picked up a bucket of slop and handed a bucket of chicken feed to Dash . The pigs squealed at her approach, pushing up against the simple, wooden fence. A few of the pigs were still lounging in the bubbling mud pool, but squirmed out and squeaked in excitement when they saw Applejack's approach. Applejack opened the gate and they all circled around her. She scattered the slop and they chewed it down in a feeding frenzy. Dash flapped over to the chicken coop and swooped inside. The chickens, sensing lunch was near, squawked and crowded around her. A rooster misinterpreted her descent as aggression and charged her. Dash jumped into the air. "Hay! I have food! Food!" The rooster bobbed his head, fluffed out his wings and tapped on the floor which was covered in straw. Dash puffed out her own chest and an answering squawk came from her lips, guided by the deep instinct of her Equo-Avian ancestors. The rooster thrust out with his beak. Dash emptied the bucket in the center of the coop and took off out of the coop as quickly as she could. Applejack snorted as she closed the pigpen. "That's Bruiser. He's a jerk and might territorial." Dash landed on the grass. "I noticed. I couldn't help but notice." Next came milking the cows. Applejack did that herself since Dash came from the "udders are icky" school of thought. Pointing out that she had udders didn't change Dash's opinion. Her udders were gorgeous. Cow udders were weird. Mooirella got offended about that and Applejack got her out of the pasture before she could get in a fight with a cow. Dash pouted and roosted on a branch. After that debacle, Applejack led her to the fields. They were spread out past the orchards, rich, black soil. Applejack strapped herself to the plow and then helped Dash strap herself to hers. "You know, I don't know why I didn't strap you to a plow years ago. Keeps you from cheating in a race since you can't use your wings." "Slows you down, too." "More or less. To some extent." They assumed their racing position. On the count of three, they took off. The dirt and soil were sliced by the plow. While it did slow them down, Applejack soon adjusted to it. Dash had more difficulty, straining as the plow pulled her back even as she charged forward. In deference to her opponent, Applejack slowed down herself as the blade cut a line into the earth that would later be used for planting seed. Dash, after a few moments of struggle, realized the problem. She was struggling too much, pulling too much. She slowed her pace and fell into an easier rhythm. Soon, she caught up with Applejack. Applejack deftly turned, cutting a new row, and kept going. Dash grunted as she just barely managed to keep up with the more experienced farmer. Dash's back muscles burned as did her legs. She hopped and skipped an inch ahead of Applejack. Applejack soon closed the distance as she made it to the other side of the field. Dash trudged next to her. Turning the plow took no effort from Applejack, but Dash nearly stumbled. She adjusted herself and caught up with Applejack who had already gone two feet ahead. Soil and rocks were kicked up and nascent weeds were sliced to pieces as the rivals raced, slashing deep lines and cuts into the field. They exchanged the lead, Applejack ahead at first, but then Dash got used to the added weight on her back. She turned with Applejack, the two Ponies neck and neck as they broke into a quick trot. Galloping proved impossible, but they ran as quickly as they could. They were zigzagging, coming closer and closer to the end of the field which would bring an end to their contest. Neither gave in to the other, both maintaining their speed. They were so close that their coats rubbed against each other, sprays of each other's sweat striking the other. Dash broke into a light canter, almost approaching the galloping speed that she'd need to get to the last part of the field. "Oh no ya don't!" Applejack jumped forward, the plow driving deep. She was vaguely aware that the furrows were way too deep. She ignored that, filing it away for later. The important thing was that she was tied with Dash as they plowed the last section. Both struggled to catch their breath, their hearts pounding against their chest. A quick glance around told her that the furrows weren't too deep, not as deep as she'd thought anyway. They reached the end at the same time, Applejack only slightly in the lead. By unspoken, mutual agreement they laid down next to each other. Dash cocked a grin. "Anymore chores?" Applejack lifted her head. "No, that was it." "Wanna take a nap?" "It'd be nice." She unstrapped herself and then unstrapped Dash. Dash yawned. "That was fun." "More fun with a friend." They hoofbumped and curled up around each other. Soon, a light sleep claimed them.