Equestrian Adventure 2!

by DerpyHooves320

9: Insanity

Opening his eyes, Zach felt a strong pain in his head. What happened? Looking around where he was, he observed that the room was made out of crystals, with a few stone or wood bits here and there where they fit best. It was a bedroom from the looks of it, a desk off to the side with some pretty basic desk things scattered about, the bed he was currently resting in was really comfortable now that he thought about it, even if the bedding also looked like crystals. Why was everything all crystal like? Waving that away, he tried to figure out why his head was hurting, and how to procastinate to stay in the bed just a bit longer. From what he could remember before falling asleep, he wasn't attacked by Sombra directly, so that scratched physical pain off the list. Was it mental pain? No, that couldn't be it.....could it?

"Why yes, it could be mental pain," a voice echoed from deep within his mind, earning a wave of pain and utter annoyance to course through him, causing him to groan and moan, "and don't go crying about the pain. It will only hurt for the next few hours or whenever I feel like stopping," it continued on before fading away with a chuckle, the pain slowly getting better. Even though it still hurt quite a bit, he could easily shove the pain off to the side now. Pain was a friend of his after all, their history long and colorful. Getting up from the bed, he felt something different about himself, but he wasn't quite sure. What he was sure of now was how uncomfortable he felt. The bed called to him, but he resisted. Seeing a mirror also resting in the room right on the wall, he wandered over to it to see how he looked before running out and about looking like a cave man. What he beheld was horrifying.

"What the....hell am I?" Zach asked himself in uncertainty, his voice echoing while he did so. Reaching his hands up to his face, he felt the crystals that now covered all of his body.

"Don't worry, it's only for today, then it will hide itself away until needed," the voice explained to him, with some more crazed chuckling following close behind. He was beginning to sense a theme.

"Yeah, no, fudge this," he said while still feeling his face, a frown growing ever so slowly for the lack of that word he wished to say since it was always slipping away from his tongue. He continued to gaze upon himself. Like, he looked cool, but at the same time it just really bugged him. This wasn't him at all. That started to echo in his mind, the words shifted their places to taunt him. 'This is you' it taunted on and on, the thought of that really being him becoming more inviting with each time it came back. Grabbing both sides of his head as it continued on and on, he started to accept the fact that it was now him.

"Yes, accept what you already knew," the voice jeered at him, causing something inside his head to snap. Anger, insanity, whatever it was that snapped, it bugged him too much and he wasn't in the mood to deal with it.

"Fox off!" Zach yelled, throwing his crystal fist into the mirror, shattering it and sending shards all around him. Time slowed down as he recollected himself, it was all he could do right now. Would he really fall to this? No, no...not now at least, and definitely not on these conditions. Time returned to it's normal pace as the bedroom door opened. Turning to it, he saw King Sombra in the doorway, his face riddled with confusion.

"What did that mirror ever do to you? Seemed harmless enough," Sombra asked, which caused Zach to look at the mirror where his fist was still at the impact zone. Pulling it away, he looked to Sombra with his own face of confusion.

"Didn't you watch me from my mind?" He asked the king, certain that he was the one talking to him telepathically. In fact, he was so certain it was him, he made hand gestures relating to mind control and the likes.

"Mind control isn't my thing...most of the time, anyways," Sombra said, clearing his throat then smiling. Pulling something from his pocket, he held it forward, "I believe you would like your magic mirror back," he said. Walking over, Zach looked at what he was talking about. It was his phone. Why does everyone take his phone? Taking it back from the king, he went to pocket it, only to see that he had no open pockets.

"Damn crystals," he muttered to himself, before opting to throw it on the bed instead. This was his room, right? "Oh yeah, is this my room now, my king?" He asked, wondering why he adressed him as his king at the end.

"Oh you know why," the voice said to him, making him growl in anger.

"I told you to shut it!" Zach barked, throwing a fist into his own head. Sombra took a step back from him, watching on as he tried to figure out what was happening.

"Uh, yes, this is your room," Sombra continued on pretending he didn't just see that, before he took a step forward to his original position, "are you alright?"

"No, no I'm not because that bastard of a voice won't shut up."

"But I can't leave my poor little Zach alone, what would you do without me?" It asked, before Zach got a brilliant idea.

"Alright I'm getting sick of this," Zach ended the conversation with that, before running and jumping through the window on the far side of the room. With any luck, he would be jumping from the highest point in the castle. Unfortunately, he was only on the first floor and casually flopped onto the ground outside. Hearing Sombra walk over the the window, he looked over to see the king staring at him with genuine concern.

"I can see why you're not alright," Sombra said to him, before picking him up in his magic and bringing him back inside. Pulling the chair from the desk over infront of him as he made another with crystals, he seated Zach in it, "now mysterious voice inside his head, reveal yourself to me!"

"If you insist," the voice echoed throughout the room with yet another overused evil chuckle, before a darkness fell upon the room. Neither one of them could see past their eyelids, but they could tell something was moving, "ah, to be free again feels sooooo good," the voice said, no longer echoing nor originating from Zach's mind. Without much warning, the darkness seemed to pull itself into a single area. It was a cloud of darkness, floating just between Sombra and Zach, a top hat floating on top of it, making it look like a dapper douche. A ghastly white smile adorned it's 'face', two eyes opened above and below the mouth, before the bottom one flew above the mouth as well. They all sat in silence, waiting for someone to talk.

"Come come now, spit out your words, for I can feel them burning in your minds!" The cloud exclaimed, two 'arms' came flying out from it's 'sides' and into the air. It looked up in annoyance, before looking back and forth between the two.

"What are you?" Zach asked, reaching out a hand and poking at the dark cloud, only to have his arm sucked off and slapped back into place quite painfully.

"No touchy," it said, before clearing it's 'th-, "stop using quotations!" Alright fine, it's....throat, and answering with, "My name is 'insanity', God of Chaos to all dimensions and worlds but mainly Earth. Discord can suck a fat one," Insanity said, before opening a portal that lead straight to Discord and sent him a....very special gift.

"What?" Sombra asked in complete confusion, he wasn't expecting this from a Monday.

"Exactly!" Insanity exclaimed, before looking down in anger, "yes yes I know! Why are there so many things coming from Zach's head and all that, we're getting to that!" he declared, which made the other occupants of the room question if they were still sane or not. Who was he talking to?

"Alright enough of this," Zach said, standing and taking a punch at the Insanity before him.....really?

"Yes, really," Insanity said, dodging the punch before it even happened, looking back at the history written before him, "I already know what you're going to do next, so stop trying," he said, throwing back a punch and connecting, despite Zach's best attempt at dodging. It's almost like he knew where he was dodging to. Falling to the floor rather quickly, his crystal face had a bit removed, chipped the nose right off. It was painful, but that pain only seemed to fuel the Insanity....stop that!


Ugh, fine. Letting things continue on as they were, Zach got back into his chair, rubbing his hand on the chipped area. Now that the situation was sane once more - god damn it - they collected and readied themselves for whatever would happen next. Except Insanity, since he was such a smarty pants.

"How sarcastic, it bores me oh so good," Insanity said with a yawn, his white eyes turning into Z's. Sombra and Zach looked around for whoever he was talking to, but gave up after they remembered what he had said.

"Well, now that you aren't talking to whoever that was, mind answering our questions?" Sombra asked, getting rather annoyed of this. Discord was bad at times, but this...

"If you insist, which you are, then I shall," Insanity said, before clearing his throat and started answering, "I'm made of all the insane thoughts that consume the minds of humans, ponies, ponies, centaurs, and anything else that I won't bother naming. You can call me Isaac, I like that name, even if it isn't insanely great. No, you may not touch me. To do so would kill you, for the insanity is too much to handle and I won't be answering anymore, as I have another place to be right now," Isaac said, his words lingering in the air quite literally, before spinning away into nothingness with their creator in tow. Thank. God.

The both of them sat in silence, processing what they were just told. Isaac had said all that so fast, that they didn't really catch much of it besides the part about being called Isaac. They were about to go back to whatever they were going to do before all that Insanity - god damn it - when Isaac came swirling back.

"Almost forgot, but here's a gift for beating Rarity, the first 'boss' of this story," he said, throwing a knife to Zach. It didn't have a sheath, so it went straight into his crystal leg as if it was butter, "don't lose that pumpkin, it's made from some really good stuff that I will not be naming at this time," Isaac said, before swirling away once more while Zach screamed to the high heavens. Oh how the plot thickens, it pleases me so.