The return of the seventh shadow, The Lunar Eclipse

by OnASeaOfDreams

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A overwhelming nauseousness gripped the last of Nova squadron, as she exited the portal. Doubling over, Ametrine voided her stomach, her last meal of half digested sausages, and eggs assaulting her new alien senses. She wiped the remnants off her face, her new protruding mussel impeding her efforts. She staggering forward sloppily, on four legs, towards the foreign beings of her group.

"Vat da hell!!" A deep red coloured Unicorn pony said, as he inspected his foreleg.

"Well I guess we're all ponies now. That's great, just great!" An orange brown Pegasus pony, with a dark brown mane, announced sarcastically. "Hey Ametrine is that you?"

"Ummm ya, it's me..... Locks?"

"Yep, how'd you guess? Was it my quick wit, or sparkling personality?"

"Neither, it was the tattoo of the lock on your ass! Seriously how long have you had that for?"

"Huhhhh?" Locks said, as he looked down to his haunches. "That's new, and hey I have wings too! That's kinda cool!" Glancing up he stared at the rich orange protrusion, sticking out of the mares golden yellow hair. "Ametrine, I don't exactly know how to say this, but you have a horn. On your forehead, I mean." The confused Pegasus said, while pointing a hoof to the peculiar sight.

"Ok everyone fall in, we all have some 'changes' to deal with here! This'll take some getting use to, and I don't expect everyone to be at tip top shape right away, but we still have a job to do!" The rather large, light grey Earth pony, with the brown and teal mane announced. "Lets all take fifteen minutes to get use to this before heading out."

"Do you really find that wise commander, we could of been spotted!" A light blue Earth pony whispered, with a contemptible sneer in his voice.

"Yes I do think it's a good idea. My men will pull themselves together, but give them sometime to get use to this. Or you could pull rank, and get on their bad side! Personally, I'd like to see how that would work out for you, lieutenant Flanagan!" Beset remarked in a hushed tone.

"Hoper, you zeem to ve takings dis vell!" Glockenspiel pointed out probingly, to the tan Earth pony.

"Na I'm fine!" She replied sharply.

"Zou don't zeem fine?"

"I'm..... well, I'm umm; naked! I was wearing clothes and now I'm.... not." The mare said bluntly, as she started to blush!

"Vell zo look good!" The red stallion said, with a pronounced smirk on his face.

The tan mare narrowed her eyes, while glaring evilly at her comrade. As she fixed onto her target, the red Unicorn began to sweat prodigiously, and with a subtle movement forward, the two ponies eyes locked! Glockenspiels neck craned backwards; uncomfortably; at her aggressive stance, and Hoper watched his eyes reduce to mere pin pricks, before she spoke. "Hey Anat.... Your hair is grey!" The mare said with a smile.

With a quick shake of his head, Glockenspiel broke the unblinking stare, and looked up to his very grey mane. "O VAM IT!" He cursed causing the group to laugh in hysterics.

If anyone saw such a bizarre display of motor function skills, most would come to the conclusion they were viewing toddlers, whom had escaped the confines of a nursery. It took time, but eventually the group began to wobble forward, in a less the impressive trot.

Several hour past as they made there way though the terrain of rolling hills, as ill placed hooves lurched forward, eventually developed into a slow, staggering stroll; et too, evolved into a more graceful canter. While walking did provide to be a challenge, the more interesting aspects of their body's stood out. Facial features, along with their expressive nature, perplexed the weary group. There ears seemed to move, swivelling with a mind of their own; they reacted to not only noises, but insinuated every slight emotional state! Their expressions became clear with a simple twitch, and while figuring out the dubious meaning provided difficult, the underlined meaning persisted to become a quirk of their conversations. tails were another form of unspoken dialect, the way they would flick, twist and dance about, embellished unspoken words.

They continued their trek, through the hills and the beaten paths of the mountain sides; all the way discovering, and practicing some of the more innate abilities. Such remarkable talents surfaced one by one, both terrifying, and inspiring the merger group, as they walked the pathway through the hillside. Days of travel, led to a break in the hills, low flowing valleys expanded out, and mountain sides were pushed further apart. Eventually the contingent wandered into fields of lush grasses, and tail straws. With a eager and gleeful 'wahoo' Locks spread his wings, and flew above their party. As the only pegasus pony, he was the first to see the train tracks that lead as a main artery into a small village, a very short distance away.

"Watch your tail, slowpoke!" A light blue, and yellow blur shouted out to Locks, as it speed past him.


With the restoration of the castle being almost complete, the tour, and trades ponies took advantage of the historical monument. It was with there pull; backed up by the scientific community; that created the road to the castle of the two sisters. The journey through the Everfree forest was still wrought with dangers, but to those whom stuck to the road; and in the daylight; they had very little troubles with the wildlife. In the case of these six mares, little would come to bother them even when they strayed off the road. Zicoras hut was very deep within the hungry maw of the forest, but with this new road, it was only a twenty minute jaunt in, through the dense overgrowth!

"Zicora are you home?" Twilight hollered aloud, knocking her hoof upon the tree huts door.

"A familiar voice I do hear, an odd thing this time of year!" The zebra said, as she opened the door.

"Zicora its been too long!" Twilight said, while giving her a sincere embrace.

"Twilight, and the ponies I hold dear, on what business does bring you here?"

"Well it's not exactly a social visit, no, but we wouldn't be intruding on your busy time if it wasn't urgent!"

"Of course, I know this to be true, now please take a seat all of you!"

Single file the six mares all walked into the little hut, all with hints of worry on their faces; all except Pinkie Pie, but the mature zebra had learned to dismiss her jovial behaviour, as one could rarely discern emotional subtleties in the Pink mare! She instead decided to calmly approach this situation, as to not cause too much distress among her pony friends.

"Can I start by asking, Twilight what is wrong, many of you have faces that are so very long?"

"We have a problem Zicora. Princess Luna is stuck in a coma. She described it as a immense influx of nightmares, and if that wasn't enough, this negative energy has awoken the tantibus! She is unable to leave the dream world, as the nightmares would escape into the dreams of all ponykind! Also with that much dark energy, the tantibus would certainly escape into the waking world." Twilight looked like a large weight had been lifted, upon her admission, but her pained look still persisted, worrying her confidant.

"This surely is a problem indead, are you looking for advice on how to proceed?"

"That is right darling, this is simply not in our realm of understanding, but we want to assist regardless." Rarity interjected.

"There is no known remedy of natural ways, but perhaps there is one some distance aways! On one of my dealings with a pony of trade, he mentioned a story by one whom had rendered him aid. When on a trip, his carriage broke down, but a simple stallion stopped to help, one of great renowned. The stories he knew of this fellow so devote, that he couldn't help but smile at this colt of good note. As they limped the cart to the closet town, he told him his sad past, that made the trader frown! As he spoke on, he mentioned a place, in the frozen north that took away all his bad tastes. North of the borders of Yak Yackastan, stands a crystalline spire, that ripped away all his evils and plans! On the day he found that shimmering stalk, it stripped his ill intentions, his hate and mental schlock. Now he walks Equestria in hopes to do good, and he believes in his heart that he always should!"

The zebras cryptic enumeration made even Rainbow Dash sit at attention. As the stories ambiance faded away, the hostess was bombarded with questions from the six mares. Questions regarding the trustworthiness of the trader, how far north exactly is the pillar, what was the name of the wandering devote pony, would you like this carrot cake, and how old is this crystal spire; were some of the questions posed to the zebra alchemist.

"This story is all I can offer your sake, but to answer your question; yes I would love some cake!"

"Terrific, here you go!" Pinkie Pie said, as she gave Zicora the carrot cake.

"Thank you Zicora! We should start looking into this immediately, I'm not sure how long Luna can last! When this is all over don't be a stranger ok, I miss our long talks!" Twilight emoted candidly to her long time confidante.

With a heartfelt hug goodbye, the six mares exchanged well wishes with their hostess, and headed back home to ponyville.


"Oh, but you look fabulous my dear! The colours match you perfectly, and Ooooh the seams are invisible too! You have no idea how hard it is to blend the fabrics together by hand." Gushed Rarity as she inspected her work!

"No, I like it Rarity; it is well done, I just don't know if it's me is all!" Starlight Shimmer exclaimed, while trying to stretch the tasseled train down to her hip line, on the predominantly orange, and black outfit. A stylized crest of a Phoenix adored the back of her new orange jacket!

"It sooo fits your highlights my dear!" Said the designer, her eyes lit and sparkling at her creative accomplishment.

"Oh ya that's right, I am the fastest woman alive!" Gloated Rainbow Dash as she sported her new red and yellow uniform, and mask. A large capital 'F' framed by a yellow lightning bolt, embellishing the front of her costume.

Pinkie then emerged from the shadows, on the far side of the cave. In a slow steady speed she meandered across the room, unlike her normal bubbly self. She was dressed in black spandex pants, blue calf boots, a blue and pink shirt; which looked more like body armour than fabric; and her face was framed in black caul that pushed her full head of hair out its open top. Her whole outfit was framed in a long brown trench coat, that moved in a slow flowing motion, as she walked.

"Alright Shar, it time she get dis done!" Exclaimed Pinkie in a Cajun accent, while producing a retractable steel staff.

"I don't know how much I trust you, swinging that thing around Pinkie! We have a lot of breakable stuff around hear." Starlight said, confusion, and concern plastered on her face.

"Don't nobody trust Pinkie Ehh? Then Pinkie don't need nobody!" Pinkie Pie huffed, retracting her staff, and producing two playing cards with a slight of hand.

"Pinkie Pie stop it, your totally freaking me out." Rainbow Dash said, watching the uncharacteristic antics of the young woman!

"Ahhhh come on Dashie, I'm just trying to get into character!"

"Right, umm darling you know these are original designs right?" Rarity interjected.

"Says you.... lalalalalala" Pinkie sang, while skipping away.

"Hey Rars, why does my outfit have to be so, revilin?" Applejack said, while struggling to keep her blue high cut shorts with white stars, from riding to high! "En this gold top is little more then a corsit, can ya loosen it up a notch?"

"Oh certainly dear, please hold still!" A sigh of relief came from the young farm girl as Rarity loosened the straps, allowing her to breathe normally. "You don't hate it do you, I put so much thought into your outfit." Rarity asked, her lip quivering ever so slightly.

"Na course not, it's just a little to low cut for my taste, but I love the lasso!"

"Oh good, I'll try extending the shorts ok darling."

"Much appreciated dair Rarity."

"Hey Rarity not to be to picky, but if these costumes are supposed to hide are identities, then why is the only one with her face hidden, the one that can run fast enough to not be recognizable?" Twilight asked, as she adjusting her glasses, and inspecting her blue spandex outfit with a similar black caul to Pinkie Pie's.

"Oh dear, um yes I guess that was a bit of a oversight! Well just a minor detail I can fix that by the days end. Fluttershy darling are you sure you just want to ware that hoodie, I could still whip up a gorgeous outfit for you?"

"Oh dear no, that's ok Rarity, besides how could I chat with all my animal friends if they couldn't recognize me!" Fluttershy reasoned.

"What about your costume Rarity?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I thought you'd never ask!" Rarity said, while pushing aside a conveniently placed curtain, revelling a mannequin with a fanciful costume on it! The predominantly silvery white leotard covered most of the midsection, but did expose the belly. Strung from the small of the back, to the mannequins wrists, hung a feathered pair of wing like capes, and it was all topped off with a pair of white knee high boots!

"Ok, well I'd better get back to work. Genius never rests!" Said the fashionista, as she dramatically embellished her exit.


The road back to Ponyville was uneventful, filled with many passing travellers, ranging from merchants to pilgrimers, and guards to tourists. All of which made there way to the castle of the two sisters, and back again. The six mares reached the edge of Ponyville by the time the sun set. The morose feeling of the suns decline was subtle, but to a princess; especially one who had been under the tutelage of Celestria; the emotional presence that was held by another princess, showed through their magic! Twilight became worried for the solar mare. For as long as she could remember Celestria stood, as beacon for all of ponykind, but that was on the surface; everypony expected that from her. The true mare behind the carefully crafted mask, was another pony altogether, and Twilight was starting to grow fond of that Celestria.

The six mares slowly parted ways, all promising to meet up the following morning, as they trotted through the town of Ponyville. By the time Twilight reached the Castle of friendship, her only companion left was Rarity.

"Bit for your thoughts darling?"

"Sorry what did you say Rarity"

"I was wondering what was on your mind dear. You have been uncharacteristic silent, on the walk back?"

"Have I been that obvious?"

"Well, I do pride myself on my observational skills darling!"

"I have been worried about Celestria Rarity. Over the last few years, I've gotten to know her; the real her! Since the return of Luna, I have seen a side to Celestria that I don't think I ever would of, if her sister didn't come back. I don't want to lose that Celestria, I owe her that at least!"

"I understand how you're feeling darling, when my parents sent Sweetie Belle to live with me, I had no idea there was something missing in my life. I know it isn't quite the same, but if Sweetie Belle was to leave tomorrow, I don't think I would be the same mare. Even so, if she was to leave I couldn't live with myself if one of my friends brought herself to harm to reunite us. Don't let this consume you Twilight, I don't think any of us couldn't stand to lose you as well." Rarity sympathized, while she placed a hoof on Twilights shoulder, only to have Twilights hoof meet her foreleg, in a gentle gesture of gratitude.

"Thank you Rarity! We should call it a night though, there will be a lot of work to do tomorrow!" Twilight said, a small genuine smile on her face.

"Of course, I will see you bright and early!"

In that instant the two mares parted ways, but as much as Raritys words reassured her, Twilight knew, deep down, that she would still go farther then Celestria would be comfortable asking. The reigning monarch of the sun, could never ask, or assume that her ponies would do such things for her, so Twilight decided long ago; and before she became a princess herself; that she would always do whatever it took to help her. Not because she had or was expected to, but just the opposite; because she was never expected too! She herself had never truly understood why...


Why the local ponies that stumbled upon them, would be so generous, was beyond the battle hardened group. However, the mildly disconcerting turn of events, was a welcoming gesture, and appreciated by the weary group of travelers. It was somewhat refreshing not to be questioned by the residents, with how forthcoming these mares were, they did feel comfortable accepting their invitation to partake in the festivities.

"Well that was unexpected?" Locks admitted.

"Ya just keep sharp, ok Locks. It seems a little fishy!" Beset said, in a hushed tone.

"Ok commander!" Locks whispered back.

"Oh we are so glad, we ran into you, the celebrations are starting tomorrow, and everpony will be so happy, to see so many new faces there." The orange coloured mare announced happily!

"Ya no joking, we don't have many guests this will be great!" The light blue mare agreed.

"Ya, great ladies, but we didn't even get your names?" Locked asked?

"Oh my! How rude of us, I'm soooo sorry. Gee, ok, my name is Pumpkin Pie, and my friend, her name is Bright Sky!" The orange mare said, her darker orange hair bobbing about, as she looked from Locks, to Bright Sky, and back again.

"Hi! Really digging your wings, I like a stallion who preens his wings regularly!!!" The light blue mare, with the yellow mane said in a flirting manner.

"Oh, ahhh, thank you, yours are really nice too!?" Lock replied with a unsure grin.

"So how about your names? Oh I love meeting new friends!" Pumpkin Pie asked, with a excited squeak.

"My name's Locks, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Pleasures all ares Locks!" Pumpkin Pie said, as she turned her head towards the light grey stallion, with the brown, and teal mane whom only stood a few feet away.

"Oh right, um Beset!.... Sorry my name is Beset. It's nice to meet you!" Beset said, mildly caught of guard by the mare.

"I bet it is!" Pumpkin Pie said, while give a not so subtle wink, causing the light grey stallion to blush.

"My name is Ametrine, it's nice too meet you! If you don't mind me saying, you have the loveliest accent! Is that common here?" The unicorn mare inquired.

"Well thank you, and yes I suppose so! I've lived in Coltville my whole life, so I never really thought about it!" Pumpkin warmly acknowledged, the unicorn mare.

"Coltville is that where we are!"

"Ya, we're just on the outskirts. Wow, you all must have been traveling a while. You didn't lose your way did you?"

"Zou might zay dat! Ello, my name is Glockenspiel my dear, idis a pleasure to meet zou!" Glockenspiel said, while gently taking Pumpkin Pies hoof, and laying a kiss on her lower leg.

"Oh my," The mare said before withdrawing her hoof, and pressing against her wildly blushing checks, "Very, far away I see!"

"Don't blush to much Pumpkin, we may not be able to tell the two of you apart!" Bright Sky teased.

"Brighty, behave yourself!"

"Don't mind him, he thinks he's a Casanova. Names Hoper!" The tan mare said sticking out her hoof.

"Oh pleasure to meet you," Pumpkin Pie said before taping her hoof against Hopers, "but what is a, cas-e-nova?"

"Just a character out of a mov...... er, story!"

"Like in a book?" Bright Sky asked?

"Yes I read it a long time ago, I can't really remember the exact story, but he was known for his 'romantic life'; if you know what mean!" Hoper explain, with a wink.

The two mares looked back at each other, wide eyed, and with deep red checks. They broke out in a fit of giggles, as each of them held a hoof to there lips, trying to hide there gazes from one another. Not saying a word, the two young mares gestured for their new group of friends to follow them, as they trotted off down the road.