The Desperation Requests

by The Dark Wolf

Fluttershy's Desperation

Fluttershy was always too shy to tell anyone when she needed to use the bathroom. Sometimes this would cause a lot of trouble for her, causing to her to hold for long stretches of time, but she always made it every time. But, one day she would have the longest hold of her life.

After a busy day of taking care of animals, Fluttershy was on her way to the Crystal Empire with Twilight Sparkle, for Twilight wanted to visit with Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, and Fluttershy wanted to go to the petting zoo.

Arriving at the Crystal Empire, Fluttershy and Twilight entered the library, where Twilight began looking at all the books, occasionally picking out a few to read. Fluttershy found a book about animals and began reading it.

Until she felt the urge to pee. She realized she had not gone to the bathroom all day, not even for her morning pee.

Since Twilight was too distracted reading books to see what Fluttershy was doing, Fluttershy thought she could use the library's bathroom without making a fuss.

Except for one thing. She didn't know where the bathroom was.

She could feel her bladder slowly filling up, so she walked up to the librarian. "Um... excuse me."

"Yes?" said the librarian.

"Do you know where I can find... um..."

"Where you can find what?"

"...a book about Breezies?"

"You'll find one on that shelf over there."

Fluttershy walked over to the shelf, still needing to pee. She had chickened out. She was too shy to ask where the bathroom was.

She read the Breezies book so as to not be suspicious, but focused more on how much she needed to pee, eventually putting the book back on the shelf.

Once Twilight had finished reading the books here, she and Fluttershy met up, and they went to Shining Armor and Cadence's castle.

As Twilight was talking with Shining Armor and Cadence, Fluttershy looked over at a bathroom that was in this room. She tiptoed over to the bathroom. The pressure in her bladder was growing each minute, but she was finally about to find relief.

When she tried to open the door, she found that it was locked. Of all the bathrooms in the castle, this one required a key. Who designed this castle?

All she had to do was ask Shining Armor or Cadence for the key, but again, she was too shy to do so. She decided to find another bathroom in the castle that didn't require a key. She walked through the halls, and eventually found a bathroom. She turned the handle of the door and started to open it.

Then she heard a familiar sound. She turned around to see a small bird on the ground. It chirped a bit at her.

"Oh, you poor creature," she said. "Your wing is broken? I'll help you find your nest."

Fluttershy picked up the bird in both hooves and flew around the castle in search of the bird's nest. She still needed to pee, and had been seconds away from relief, but she couldn't turn her back on an animal in need.

After a few uncomfortable minutes of searching, she found the bird's nest somewhere on a balcony of the castle, and made her way back to the bathroom, only to run into Twilight.

"Well, Shining Armor and Cadence have got some stuff to do now, so it's time to go back to Ponyville."

"Sounds good," said Fluttershy, though she didn't think so. She wanted to tell Twilight to wait so she could use the bathroom she had found... but she was still too shy to say it.

They boarded the train back to Ponyville. Fluttershy considered using the train bathroom. She was too shy to tell Twilight this, but her need to pee became greater and greater. She decided to use the train bathroom, and stood up.

"Where are you going?" said Twilight.

"Nowhere," said Fluttershy, sitting down, still too shy to tell Twilight she needed to go to the bathroom.

She held it in for the entire trip, concealing her desperation from Twilight.

As soon as they arrived at Ponyville, Fluttershy ran toward her cottage as fast as she could, but bumped into Rainbow Dash. She almost lost it there but held it in.

"Hey Fluttershy," said Rainbow Dash. "Ready to go to Baltimare?"

Fluttershy had forgotten she and Rainbow Dash were going to watch a show at Baltimare. "When does the train leave?"

"We're flying this time," said Rainbow Dash. "Our wings could use the exercise!"

Fluttershy wanted to ask if the could use the bathroom before they left, but again, she was too shy to say so. So, she and Rainbow Dash flew towards Baltimare. Fluttershy needed to pee badly at this point. She could always ask Rainbow Dash to stop so she could use the bathroom, but she was still unable to.

"Stop!" said Rainbow Dash about halfway through the flight, and she touched down on the ground right next to an outhouse.

"What is it?" said Fluttershy as she reached the ground.

"I have to go to the bathroom real bad!" said Rainbow Dash. "Wait here for a second." Rainbow Dash ran into the outhouse. Fluttershy did the pee dance outside the outhouse, waiting for her to come out. After about a minute, Rainbow Dash emerged. "Do you need the bathroom too?"

"No," said Fluttershy, which was an outright lie, for she really needed to go, but was too shy to tell Rainbow Dash.

"Then let's go!" said Rainbow Dash, and they took off again.

They reached Baltimare, and watched the show. Fluttershy squirmed in her seat for all of it, unable to keep still. Rainbow Dash was too focused on the show to notice. Fluttershy considered sneaking off to the bathroom, but she didn't want Rainbow Dash to feel like she was walking out on her, or to say why she was leaving. So she crossed her legs and held it in.

After an hour, which felt like ten hours to Fluttershy, the show was over, and she and Rainbow Dash flew back to Ponyville. Fluttershy wasn't sure she could hold it for the flight, but she did, though she had both hooves on her crotch the entire time.

Fluttershy ran toward her cottage again, but then caught sight of a clock. It was almost time for her to go to a fashion show with Rarity at Manehattan. Fluttershy ran to the train station, hoping to use the bathroom there before Rarity got there. However, as soon as she got to the station, Rarity was already there.

"Thank goodness," said Rarity. "I almost thought you weren't going to show."

Why did she have to plan these trips with Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity on the same day? At least she didn't have anything else planned today. She let out a small squeak as she felt the need to pee grow greater, but she hid signs of desperation from Rarity.

"I need to use the little filly's room," said Rarity. "I'll be right back." She ran into the station bathroom. Fluttershy decided she'd find some excuse and use the bathroom as soon as Rarity was out.

However, just as Rarity came out of the bathroom, the train arrived. Fluttershy didn't want Rarity to be late for the fashion show, so without saying anything, she walked onto the train with her.

Fluttershy sat still for the entire trip, in desperate need of a bathroom. She avoided crossing her legs or fidgeting with great difficulty, because she didn't want Rarity to know how badly she needed to go. She didn't want to use the bathroom on the train, because she was too shy to say it, and if she stood up, Rarity would probably ask where she was going, and she didn't want to tell her. She tried to think of some excuse, but she couldn't.

As Fluttershy became even more desperate, she worried about how the fashion show was going to go. She would be trying on one of Rarity's outfits. She wouldn't be the only pony in the fashion show, but if she peed in Rarity's outfit, she'd not only be humiliated onstage, but ruin Rarity's fashion show, and one of her outfits.

As they arrived in Manehattan, Rarity said "Quickly! We must not be late!"

They ran to the building where the fashion show was taking place. Fluttershy was wearing a dress that Rarity designed, which was a relief because it would be easy to take on and off, and would not be damaged if she lost control. Still, she did not want to pee anywhere other than a toilet.

She stood on the stage, feeling nervous about the ponies looking at her. If she peed right here, it would still make a big puddle and all the ponies would see. She crossed her legs, which could not be seen under her dress, feeling the throbbing of her bladder as its pressure grew heavier. She was so nervous that she almost lost it, but she barely managed to hold it in.

After what seemed like hours, Rarity was presented with her trophy, and Fluttershy removed the dress and ran to the nearest bathroom. However, there was a line for it. Fluttershy waited as long as she could, but when she saw Rarity walking around, no doubt in search of her, she ran over to her.

"Congratulations on winning the fashion show Rarity," said Fluttershy, trying to keep the desperation out of her voice, not entirely successfully.

"Are you feeling all right, Fluttershy?" said Rarity, looking a little concerned.

"I'm feeling just fine," said Fluttershy, which of course was not true.

"Then let's go back to Ponyville!" said Rarity.

As they got to the train station, the train hadn't arrived yet.

"Um... Rarity... there's something I'd like to do. I'll be right back."

"All right, darling. The train gets here in three minutes."

Fluttershy ran toward the train station bathroom and entered it. This was a bathroom with three stalls, but to her dismay they were all taken. Fluttershy frantically did the pee dance, now that no one could see her. She needed to pee so badly and she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold it.

She was sure two minutes had gone by when she heard one of the toilets flush. With how much she was holding in she couldn't possibly use the toilet and then return to Rarity in just one minute. So, very reluctantly, she ran back over to Rarity.

The train arrived, and Fluttershy and Rarity got onto the train. Fluttershy was more desperate than she had ever been in her life. She couldn't hold it much longer. There was no hiding her desperation this time. She crossed her legs and fidgeted, biting her lower lip.

Naturally, this did not go unnoticed by Rarity. "Fluttershy, darling, if you need to use the bathroom, you should just say so."

Fluttershy blushed.

"You can use the bathroom on this train."

Feeling a little relieved, Fluttershy ran over to the train bathroom, but to her horror it had an "Out of Order" sign on it.

"No..." Fluttershy whimpered. She returned to Rarity and sat beside her.

"Are you feeling better, Fluttershy?" said Rarity.

Fluttershy shook her head. "It's out of order..."

"I hope you can hold it until we get to Ponyville," said Rarity.

Fluttershy became more desperate with each minute, squirming hard and feeling the pee slosh around inside her.

After what seemed like an eternity, they reached Ponyville. It was around sunset at this time. Fluttershy ran toward her cottage as fast as she could. This time she was going to get to her bathroom and find much-needed relief!

"Fluttershy!" came a familiar voice.

Fluttershy turned around to see Applejack running up to her.

"I'm so glad you're here," said Applejack. "Some varmint rabbits are stealin' my apples! Can you go talk some sense into them?"

Fluttershy didn't want to. She wanted to run into her cottage and get to her bathroom. She wanted to tell Applejack this, but she was too shy to say it to her, even after Rarity had noticed her desperation. She nodded her head, her eyes tearing up.

Applejack led Fluttershy to the rabbits, who stuck their tongues out at Applejack.

"SHAME ON YOU!" said Fluttershy. "Stealing Applejack's apples! Return them AT ONCE and don't let me EVER CATCH YOU DOING THAT AGAIN!"

The rabbits quickly set the apples down and ran. Fluttershy felt a little bad about yelling at them. She'd usually try to ask nicely first, but she needed to pee so badly she was in no mood to put up with the rabbits' antics. She'd have to apologize to them for being so harsh once she had finally relieved herself.

"Wow, that was... effective," said Applejack, taken aback a bit by Fluttershy's rage. "Thanks, Fluttershy. Ah don't think they'll be stealin' my apples ever again."

Fluttershy felt a bit better knowing she had definitely helped Applejack. "I'd better get home now."

Applejack nodded, and Fluttershy ran as fast as Rainbow Dash toward her cottage. She knew she was about to burst, and she couldn't spare another second.

She reached her cottage and ran toward her bathroom as fast as she could. The pressure was at its heaviest and she knew she had reached her limit. She ran into the bathroom, closed the door behind her, sat on the toilet, and finally let go.

She let out a very satisfied sigh of relief as her pee splashed into the toilet. The relief felt absolutely delicious. She could not believe she had held it for almost a full day. There had been many times where she thought she wasn't going to make it, and she was very relieved that she had. She could not imagine how humiliating it would be to wet herself, even if she wasn't wearing anything.

After about a minute and 40 seconds, Fluttershy finished peeing. Immensely relieved that her bladder was now empty after holding it in for so long, she flushed the toilet and decided to go relax with her pets.

If only she could get over her bladder shyness, she could save a lot of trouble.