Chronicles of the Planeswalkers

by Eagle Heart

The Fight Club

"Die mother fuc- *POW* OOWW! Shut it you piece of trash! Take this!, "CRUSH"!, AAAAAHHHHH! My Arm!. "

HAAAAAA! HAAAAAAA! WOOOOOO! YEAAAH! Go Crusher kill the son of a bitch! WOOOOOOO!

Our two heroes Aquila and Redik stand there between the crowd in front of one of the rings of the club watching the match that is taking place. Soon their turn will come, and even though they dont want to fight, they dont have a say in this anymore.

Redik starts making punching motions with a grin on his face and Aquila takes notice of this.

"What are you doing"? says Aquila.

"Hey, this is kind of exciting you know? I love a good fight! Especialy if I get to burn something". answers Redik while doing some jabs.

"What? Weren't you mad about about being forced to fight like 30 minutes ago?" asks Aquila with a high brow.

"That's totally different man they are trying to force me to do it, I wouldn't have minded to offer myself for one or two fights.
If they would have asked us." replys Redik. Meanwhile trying to do a high kick, not doing it very well though.

"I see... well anyway you can't use your magic, just so you know." says Aquila.

"What!? Why not?" yells Redik with a dumbfounded face.

"They don't know you can use... magic, and it could maybe become our ace under our sleeve, so to speak." says Aquila. Meanwhile, making a gesture grabing his own sleeve infront of Redik. "I hope you are as proficient with those punches as you are with your magic"

"Just so you know. We were well trained in the arts of hand-to-hand combat. HA!." replies Redik. Then doing some kind of strong punch with his right fist.

"For your well being, I really hope so." says Aquila.

"WUUUUUUU! YEEEEEAAAAAH!" The screams get louder as they both notice that the match is over. A referee walks in. Meanwhile, a pretty beat up guy is being taken out of the ring, the referee grabs and holds up the arm of the guy who apparently won the match.

"And the winner of this match is Cruuuuuusheeeeeer!" "YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHH!" says the referee followed by Crusher's voice. "Now for your entertainment we have prepared a very special match tonight. Coming from god knows where! A new challenger for the Crusher! Theeeeeeeeee Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed Waaaaaaarlooooooooock!" screams the referee meanwhile a lot of lights point towards Redik.

"What!? I said I wanted The Red Wizard! WIIIIIZAAAARRRRDDD! Not Warlock! What kind of stupid name is that?!" complains Redik.

"It's your's stupid. Just go." says Aquila, while shoving Redik in the direction of the ring.

"Mnmnngnfnf stupid mngnmgg red warlmngnmgngm damn stupid fat refermnmnnngmgnmg." Redik starts grumbling while he walks to the ring.

Redik gets into the ring and stands in front of Crusher and then the referee starts explaining the rules.

" Okay guys remember rule one, you do not talk about the fight club, rule two, you DO NOT! Talk about fight club and rule three, there no rules. You two will fight until the other one either gives up, is knocked unconscious, or die's. Understand?"

"YEEEEEAAAAAAHH! Crusher understands everything and Crusher also knows that." says Crusher an then grabing the referee's mic. "Crusher also knows that this little sissy in his frilly little red dress with laaaame hoodie will be sent back to his mooommyy crying aaaall the way back home." he thens throws the mic back to the referee this last one almost dropping it to the floor.

"Oh it is on." says Redik, with a very 'Im gonna FUCKING! kill you!' face.

They each take their place at the corners, the crowd starts to scream in their eagerness. Then the referee gives the signal
and the match begins.

Redik gets into his fighting stance and quickly moves to the center of the ring.

Crusher gets closer to Redik and sends a couple of quick jabs.

Redik deflects both and sends two quick left jabs into Crusher's face and a right hook.

Crusher stumbles back and yells as he grabs his aching jaw, "Raaaaaahhhhh!!!!!" He charges forward and brings both of his hands up in the air, once he gets close enough he brings them down toward Redik.

Redik shuffles to the side and sends a quick two bursts of punches to Crusher's ribs, then a hard uppercut to the face causing Crusher to stumble back into the corner. He then charges forward and sends a hard right punch directly to Crusher's face.

Crusher falls onto his butt and rubs his now bleeding nose, he then yells in rage and charges Redik, grabbing him in the torso, lifting him into the air, and spinning him.

As Crusher spins Redik around, Aquila walks up to the ring and yells, "Shift your body weight!"

Redik just yells "But I'll fall!" in between spins. After thinking, he does it, just before Crusher throws him he jerks his leg and twists.

Crusher looses his balance and falls, causing both Redik and Crusher to hit the ground hard, but Redik landing on top.

Redik regains his composure and stands back up, he then leaps into the air and slams his elbow into Crusher's back as he gets up. A loud snap is heard and Crusher yells in pain.

Aquila nods with approval thinking to himself, 'Heh, he just moved a plate forward a bit, Crusher is going to have back problems for the rest of his life now.'

Crusher stands up holding his back.

Redik gets up too and kicks Crusher in the gut, causing him to stumble into a corner again, Redik walks closer.

As Redik gets closer Crusher sends a hard right fist at Redik.

Redik takes the punch to the jaw but grabs the arm's wrist with his left. He sends his right up and breaks the arm at the elbow, he then puts his right hand on Crusher face and pushes, at the same time sweeping his right leg under Crusher, causing him to fall back and hold his broken arm, Redik then stomps on his face to knock him out and break his nose.

The referee grabs Redik's arm and pulling it up and then shouts, and the winner is Theeeee Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed Waaarlock!. Everyone in the croud starts cheering "Warlock! Warlock! Warlock!"

Redik starts rubing the right side of his jaw meanwhile making an cocky smile, the felling of winning the fight and haveing everyone in the croud cheering for him makes him really happy. At that same moment from the other side of the room Mr Jackal is watching with a big grin and feels like he has just won the lottery.

"Excellent this pair of robed fighters will win me a loooot of money." says Mr. jackal. Meanwhile, from the other side Aquila is looking at Mr Jackal and then turns to Redik and says to himself.

"I hope you don't get to comfortable with this Redik, because one way or another... we are getting out of here"

Redik gets down from the ring and walks to Aquila and says.

"Man my jaw is killing me"

"Be greatfull that it is only your jaw, but anyway good job out there." says Aquila

"Heh heh, thanks." responds Redik, a man in a a black suit with shades appears and gives both of them a stack of dollar bills.

"The hell is this?" asks Redik

"Well, your pay of course." says the black suited man "These are your earnings for the fights."

"This is suppose to be our pay?, this is just useless paper, I want gold coins." says Redik

"Relax Redik and more importantly, he is paying us for this?" says Aquila with the sound of doubt in his voice

"Of course, Mr. Jackal pays all his fighters. When they win that is, only the winners deserve to be paid losers dont get shit." says the black suited man

The man leaves leaving a poundering Aquila and confuse Redik behind.

"So he first force us to fight and then mocks us by paying us with paper? That bastard!" says angrily Redik

"No no, this most likely is the currency they use here, what worries me is the why, why would he pay us if we are basicly his slaves?" says Aquila

"Maybe he has so much money he dosent no what to do with it?" says Redik

"Dont be stupid Redik."

"Well sorry for trying to help shish, is not like he wants us to be his friends or anything stupid like that." says Redik

"Friends... friends... friends?, Thats it! Redik you are a stupid genius." says a smiling Aquila

"Well of course, is good to know that someone can see my... HEY!"

"Jackal is not an idiot, he wants as to get use to this place and aven like it. He knows that if something were to happen to the girls or if we were to rescue them nothing would stop us from leaving this dreadful place so he is trying to buy us." says Aquila.

"I see, to bad for him that we have already pick up on his little game." says Redik.

"Yes but that dosent change our situation, we need to find a way to get the girls and the out of this place." replied Aquila.

"And in the mean time well play his little game he he he." says Redik while laughing very quietly rubbing his hands.

"It seems you have caught on pretty quickly, anyway lets save the money and try to make some more; It could be usefull and make sure not to lose okay Redik? asked Aquila

"Of course who do you think you are talking with here." says Redik with a proud grin and punch to his chest

"Hmmm good to know I can count with you for this."

And so our heroes spend their time fighting with many opponents, big guys, small guys, fat guys, skinny guys, muscle heads and every other steretype you can imagine, just using their martial skills, but of course this was easier. For the master assassin than for our red mage friend in which some battles could have gone better. But anyway winning battles, getting money lead to our heroes up above the ladders of the Fight Club ranking. Of course every now and then they would ask to see the girls, Mr Jackal only brought one of them at a time, that way making sure our dimensional travelers wouldn't try anything.

"Relax Twilight everything will be okay." says Aquila.

"No is not! We are trapped here and even if I can teleport myself I cant just go and leave Dash alone and run in a total unknown world!" says Twilight while crying.

Lucky for Aquila the guard was next to the door not paying attention.

"Wait wait Twilight, you can teleport yourself?" asks Aquila

"Yes what about it?" Twilight replies.

"Twilight maybe this magic of yours will become useful for our escape, try to not use your magic in front of these guys okay?" says Aquila.

"Okay, I trust you guys, please take us home." says Twilight.

"Don't worry we will." Aquila replies.

Moments later in the seats near one of the rings meanwhile a fight is taking place our two heroes waiting for the drinks
they ordered meanwhile trying to figure a way to escape.

"Ha damn it! I cant think of anything. We are doom to become awesome profesional fighters foooreeeveeeer." says Redik

"Hmm, there must be a way..." says Aquila while mimiking the thinker pose.

"Here are your drinks boys." says a waitress in a bunny suit bringing our heroes drinks.

"Gratzie (Thanks you)" says Aquila

"Just what we needed." replies Redik, he then starts paying attetion to all the fighters and tough guys around and starts
wondering outloud. "How can a skinny wimp like Mr. Jackal have to many thugs working and fighting for him?"

"A small man with a lot of wealth has more power than a big man with no wealth." says Aquila

"Oh that sounded so smart form you Mr. Aquila, indeed it is as you say. All this ruthless men work for him since he pays so well with the revenue he gets from the fights making him the most succesfull owner of fighting clubs in the city. All do if he were to lose all his money he would most likely get beat or abandon by all this guys, after all he is very cruel with his fighters
specialy those who lose in clubs tournaments. But for some reason he treats you two very well." says the chatty waitress.

"Yeah? go figure" says a bored out of his mind Redik.

"I got it!" shouted Aquila suddenly standing from his chair and scaring the waitress and Redik making drop his drink. The glass falls and breaks. *Crash!*

"AAAAAHH! My soda! What the hell man!" says Redik wimpering.

"Oh my, I'll bring something to clean this right up." says the waitress as she leaves.

"Thank you, and sorry." says Aquila to the waitress, one the waitress leaves he turns to Redik and says. "Redik get over your stupid soda and listen to me. I know how we can get out of here." says Aquila with a very serious face.

"Really? how?" asks Redik

"Listen and listen well. Mr. Jackal only has control over us because he has the girls and those thugs that could harm them if we were to get out of line right?" says Aquila

"Right sooo?." responds Redik

"Sooo the only thing we must do is tell Jackal we want to represent the club in the inter club tournament that is coming up in two days. Then we keep making money by winning here and get someone to bet for the other team in the final match and make Jackal go bankrupt. With no money that means no thugs" says Aquila

"And no thugs means no one will stop us from getting the girls. Thats brilliant, But wait, we do have quite a lot of money but wouldn't we need like a major sum of money to do that?" asks Redik

"Thats the beauty of it, we just have to keep winning money here, ill get some more by some underhanded methods like pickpocketing. And since it seems that the relations between Jackal and the other club owners are not going smoothly we could ask for a little monetary backup if you catch my drift that is." says Aquila with a wide grin.

"Ooooohh." says Redik as he then partakes in the grin with his friend.

Aquila and Redik start doing their best and fighting as many fights as the kind to raise a lot of money. Mr. Jackal sees this and feels very confident with his new fighters being so energetic and getting ready for the tournament."It seems that my new aquisitions are getting ready. Ill bet all my money on them, is risky but it is worthy" says Mr. Jackal "But boss what if they lose or if they are planning something?" says the black suited man.

"Oh dont worry about that, I have the perfect insurance to make sure they dont do anything stupid remember?" answers Jackal to the black suited man.

Two days later in the city arena. Ten minutes before the torunament begins.

"Ok Redik, ready?" asks Aquila

"Of course, who do you think I am?" answers Redik

"Excellent but, one more thing, promise me that whatever happens, if I tell you to do something youll do it. Remember the girls lives are on the line here" says Aquila

"Yeah I promise dont worry about it, we totally got this." Redik replies.

"Hmm yeah, lets do this." Aquila says.

So, our brave fighters enter the Inter Fight Club Tournament, or IFCT for short, and start makeing their way through out the other clubs teams. Finally they arrive to the final match. A very slim guy with a black suit and shades (pretty much like black suited man don't you think?) stands in the center of the ring, he seems to be the referee for the final match.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have finally arrive to the final match." WOOOOOO! YEEEAAAA! WOOOOO! the croud goes wild. The referee starts making motions with his hands to ask for silence from the audience. "In the right corner from clubs Jackal, Whiiiiiite Hooood and The Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeed Waaaaarlock!" says the man with a sudden very low voice. Both Aquila and Redik get on the ring and wait for their opponents. "And in the left corner, from club Warriors, Jackie Leeeeeee and BIG! BAD! BOB!" and with this introduction a very small and slim asian looking man and a giant muscle head with the biggest body and muscles you could imagine come on to the ring.

"Okay teams, remember, rule 1 of fight club?"

"You do not talk about Fight Club!" shouts everyone

"Rule 2?"

"You DO NOT talk about Fight Club!"

"And 3?"

"There are no Rules!"

"Okay get to your corners and get ready"

"Also since this is the final match we will be fighting the most of the old school rules except for 4 and 8 of course!" says the referee

"Damn I should have known" says Aquila

"What is it?, what are this rules?: asks Redik

"Dont worry I read them nothing mayor except for the fact that we have to take our upper parts of our robes and our shoes, revealing my hidden blades. Good thing that there is no rule against them, also Redik now you can use your magic if you want." says Aquila

"Ooooo yeah, someone is going to get burned." says Redik with a smirk.

Meanwhile outside the ring. "Boss?"

"Yes Bruno?" says Mr.Jackal to the black suited man

"I always meant to ask, why does a flashy violent sport like this have rules like 1 and 2?" asked Bruno

(1st RULE: You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB. 2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about FIGHT CLUB. 3rd RULE: If someone says "stop" or goes limp, taps out the fight is over. 4th RULE: Only two guys to a fight. 5th RULE: One fight at a time. 6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes. 7th RULE: Fights will go on as long as they have to. 8th RULE: If this is your first night at FIGHT CLUB, you HAVE to fight.)

"Well... It is said that a long time ago in this world of ours violence was not well seen in society. So it is said that one day some guy with a friend created a secret club of men that loved to fight and those rules were made to make sure no one revealed the existence of it that way getting canceled by the authorities. Soon the sport grew to a point were it could not be hidden anymore. And for the surprise of the members it became quite welcome by society as an extreme sport that soon
changed the very fabrics of society itself, arriving to our glorious present times. So to answer yor question Bruno they have been kept just as tradition nothing more."

Aquila and Redik take their shoes and upper part of their robes out revealing Aquila's hidden blades which look just like some kind of bracers so no one takes notice. The referee stands in the middle of the ring, he looks at both sides and with one swift motion of his hand bringin it down he shouts. "Begin!"

Listen to this until the fight is over, for added epicness and badassery.

Bob charges Aquila each step making a loud thump on the floor.

Aquila looks around, as Bob gets closer he just decides to bring out the big guns now, he turns around and runs, he then jumps and puts a foot on the top of the ropes and pushes off, flying high into the air and he twists as he back flips, he brings his foot down and smashes Bob in the head causing him to fall on his back with a *BOOM* Aquila lands but holds his foot in pain, "Bah! It's like hitting an anvil." he says through the pain.

Bob stands back up, with just a bruise on his head, he swings his powerful fist at Aquila.

Aquila ducks under and sends a hard jab to the man's gut, it just felt like punching a brick wall, he stumbles back, holding his fist.

Meanwhile, Redik is fighting Jackie, "Holy shit! This guy is- AHHHHHHH!" he yells as the small man proceeds to beat him up. He deflects a few punches, meanwhile Jackie letting out these high pitched screams.

He gets hit by most of the punches but eventualy, he manages to grab Jackie by the torso and throw him across the ring.

As this happens, Aquila is dodging and staying out of the way of Bob, he then charges Bob and leaps into the air.

Bob catches him mid air in a bear hug and begins to squeeze.

Aquila is getting crushed and his arms immobilized, he begins to yell "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" He thrusts his head forward smacking his head into Bob's causing Bob to drop him and stumble back. Aquila slams into the ground and holds his head, his vision is blurry, his ears are ringing, and his head throbbing.

Bob get's his sight back and walks over to grab Aquila, he picks him up and smashes him into the ground.

While Aquila and Bob go at it, Redik is still taking the little hits here and there.

Meanwhile outside next to the ring Jackal smiles starts to fade and turn to a frown and then Bruno arrives.

"Hey boss i finished making the bet, boss?" Bruno asks.

"Bruno would you be so kind and bring me the insurance please?" Jackal asks Bruno, then returning his attention to the fight.

Bruno nods and runs off.

Aquila slowly gets up and move away from Bob, "REDIK!"

Redik takes a punch from Jackie, "WHAT?!"

Aquila yells to Redik, "SWITCH!" he then begins to run and he frontflips over Redik.

Redik ducks under Aquila and takes his attention to Bob, "Well... at least I wont get hit by thi- OH SHIT!" he ducks under a fist and jumps back from another.

Aquila is now fighting Jackie, expertly deflecting the punches and kicks, he grabs the leg of Jackie as he does a roundhouse kick, he then kicks him in the balls and pulls the leg back, forcing him into the splits, he sends a foot to Jackie's face and grabs the back of his head, he then slams it into the ground and allows him to lay there.

Redik begins to channel a fireball as Bob charges at him, he sends it forward igniting Bob on fire and knocking him back, though the fire fades quickly he has burnt marks all over him. This magic brings a shock from the crowd and everyone attending.

Bob yells in anger and charges Redik, he manages to pick him up and thow him to the ground. Bob then jumps up and falls down, he lands on his butt... right on top of Redik.

Redik yells in pain "AAHHHHHHH!" he holds his chest feeling a couple broken ribs.

Jackie gets back up and goes back on the offensive, quick jabs and kicks everywhere, even faster than before.

Aquila manages to deflect them at first, but his defense then breaks, he takes many hits and falls back onto his back and his face a bloody mess.

Aquila and Redik are having a hard time fighting this two enemies, they are suppose to let them win but it seems that this guys didnt need the help anyway.

"Ahem!" Our heroes attention is suddenly taken to the sides of the ring, there Mr. Jackal haves Bruno holding Twilight and Dash with chains that go around all the way around their legs.

"Gentlemen, if you were so kind as to Stand! The Fuck! Up! and fight this seriously and win?" says Mr. Jackal. "That is if you dont want anything to happen to this cute little ponies. Which for some reason you two seem so eager to protect."

Aquila slowly stands, spitting up a little blood, "Bastardo...(Bastard...) You. Will. Pay." He stands up and yells to Redik as he also stands, "Redik! Shoot a fireball at me!".

Redik looks at Aquila and gets into his fighting stance, he prepares another fireball.

Aquila begins to run at Redik, Jackie following quickly behind.

Redik fires the fireball at Aquila as he runs straight in it's path.

Aquila leaps and frontflips, going over the fireball and it burning Jackie, he yells in a high pitched voice and falls back.

Aquila lands on Redik's shoulder and jumps off of them straight at Bob, he lands on Bob's face, pushing off and leaping really high into the air, he barely reaches the platform Jackal and the two ponies were on. He steps on the edge and brings himself up with the momentum, he runs forward.

As this happens Jackal is pulling out a handgun.

Aquila grabs the wrist and with one smooth movement he moves it out of the way and lets out his right hidden blade, driving it into Jackal's heart. He lays him down and holds the small man's head up. "Requiescat in Pace. (Rest in peace)" he quietly says to the dieing man.

At this moment, a lot of people present in the public starts screaming in fear. Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash start crying their eyes out, after all, murder is not something common for them.

"Sorry you had to see this, I promise I'll make it up to you both but first we'll take you both out of here" says Aquila.

In that moment the referee yells. "Team Jackal loses by ring out and is disqualified for murder, someone get them!" As he says this a lot of thugs and armed men hurry from their seats and closes in on them.

"Redik!" shouts Aquila while taking the ponies in his arms.

"Coming!" yells Redik as he jumps out of the ring over where his and Aquila's clothes were and then starts focusing a lot of his magic energy in one point trying trace Equestria's energy and forming a portal to it. A small portal is form adn Redik shouts "Hurry!"

Aquila runs towards Redik's little portal meanwhile a rain of bullets rains on him and the ponies, after effectivly evading the projectiles with swift zig-zaging moves he mades it and gets suck in followed by Redik who makes sure to grab their clothe before jumping in. The portal dissapears in a blink and no one cant believe what they just saw. Then out of nowhere a scream is heard and... celebration?. "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! YAAAAAAAYYYYYYY! WUUUUUUPIIIII! I'm rich!" yells a sexy looking waitress with a bunny outfit. It seems she was the one that made the bet in our heroes bet.

The portal opens in Equestria and our friends fall hard on the ground. It seems the have landed on small hill right next to Ponyville.

"We made it?" asks Rainbow Dash with tears still streaming down her cheeks not believing that she has actually made it back.

"Yeah you better believe it, woooooo, what a ride." says Redik happily.

"Thank you so very much." says Twilight.

"Please Twilight do not thank us, it was our fault in the first place that you two got dragged into this." says Aquila.

"No please don't say that, even if that was the case you guys decided to stay for us and brought us back home... thank you." says twilight as she then hugs Aquila.

Upon seeing this tender moment both Rainbow and Redik look to each other and hug too. They made it back to Equestria and they were now safe.

"Hear they are!" All of a sudden the group starts hearing voices. when they start looking to whom they belong to the can see in the distance coming at full gallop from Ponyville all the other members of the mane 6 being followed by Dr. Whooves and the blonde and gray mare.

Twilight and Rainbow inmediatly start galloping towards their friends and when they meet they all share a hug, both Rainbow and Twilight crying. They don't know what happened for them to be like that, but decide to just stay like that and comfort their two friends. The Doctor passes right next to them with the mare, both with wide smiles and then they walk directly to both humans who are walking on their direction.

"So lads tell me, to which world did you go to, and what happened there?" says the Doctor.

Both Aquila and Redik look to each other at this remark and share a smirk.

"Well Doctor, that would be a problem because you see." says Aquila

"The first rule of Fight Club." says Redik

"You do not talk about Fight Club!"