
by Kobolum

And thus our story begins

Coffee, one of my favorite inventions since the beginning of my rule, and I honestly do not know how I had managed so long without it, even with my crystals of memory.

And those memories have served me well over the years, always remembering to raise the sun and lower the moon and vice versa. What I had scheduled for the day, so I never needed a personal scheduler or to have a schedule written down. Every document I read, every promise made to me, and every promise I made. I remember the details of all of my friends, from there earliest memories to the end of their lives.

So, I remembered that I had to prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration down in Ponyville.

Magical smoke came into my throne room, turning into parchment. I read its contents, unsurprised at first, only to feel my heart stop beating in my chest as I finished.

I had made a mistake, a horrible one that could prove costly, and I knew what I had to do. I ordered parchment, a quill, and ink, and as I waited for the utensils to be brought to me, I considered my words.

When they were presented, I knew what I would write.

I had continued and finished my work in a blurred autopilot I learned long ago for boring days, although one of the more observant maids that I kept in the castle asked if I was alright. I lied and said everything was fine. She looked more concerned but it did not matter.

As I ushered the mayor of Ponyville out into the main hall, as I had to assure her that I would be there, I tapped into magics that none but myself would dare touch and disappeared from the world. Watching, listening, but not acting upon it, knowing that I would have to leave my faith the hooves of my protégé.

I watched the events unfold. It was over and done, and everything had worked out just as I had hoped in the end. It was time for me to return and assure my good ponies of my safety and let them know everything would be alright.

Although I felt a little grandiose entrance was not out of the question and decided to make a show my return. Six shrill shrieks announced me, then turn into gasps when I had fully returned and into my physical form. Five of the seven ponies bowed to me once they recognized me. The other two did not. My protégé, who I knew would be too filled with relief to remember such formalities and the one who would never bow to me, not that I ever intended to ask it of her.

I look to my good ponies and realize that this may be the last time I ever see them. The last time I ever get to offer any wisdom.

I decide the order and step forward with light steps, putting on a smile. “Applejack, an honest soul is truly a noble one and one very rarely found, but it is important to remember that just because you know you are honest doesn't mean everyone else will. Details are important. If I was about to fall off the side of a cliff and you knew that others would be there to catch me, I would appreciate it if you said so.” The apple farmer who has the decency to look embarrassed.

I step over to the next mare, who despite everything, seems to be radiating a scent of sugary baked goods. “Pinkie Pie, to laugh in the face of fear is a great strength, and the power to encourage others a magnificent one. I can't help feeling that you would make an excellent leader in your own right, but it would be wise for you to remember that not all problems can be laughed away. And that it cannot always be you that lifts the spirit of others, no matter how much you may wish to.” I finished with the party mare giving me a salute. Although I wonder if my words are lost on her.

I move on to the yellow pegasi. “Fluttershy, sometimes showing a little kindness is all you need, but recognizing that there are times when kindness is not enough, that will take you far,” I say, with the smile she gives to me telling me that I chose the right words.

I move on to the first of the two fillies. “Silver Spoon, staying loyal to one's friends isn't an easy thing to do, especially when they need to hear what is the right thing to do, but I find that it is one of the most rewarding aspects of true friendship,” I tell the filly, knowing that I struck a chord has she looks down with her ears folded.

I turn to the other young filly present. “Diamond Tiara, generosity, charisma, intelligence, these and many more are the traits that make a truly excellent leader and you embody many of these traits, the cutie mark you have attained tonight is proof of that, but every good leader always keeps their promises.” Both her and Silver Spoon know that I am referring to Steven Magnet.

And finally, I stand in front of my protégé. “Twilight Sparkle, you have now, as you have always proven, that your only failure is your ability to disappoint me. I knew you could do it and you met my expectations and beyond.”

“But you told me it was all an old ponies-tale,” she said with confusion. “And if you knew Nightmare Moon was coming, why didn't you prepare anything? Why didn't you try to stop her? Why did you send me away?"

“Twilight, when you sent me that letter, my heart stopped. I knew Nightmare Moon was coming but when I made my first calculations on when she would return the methods for calculating time were not nearly as advanced as they are now. So, when you had come to the conclusion that Nightmare Moon was returning on this night, I knew I need to take immediate action. Because I had thought she was not to return until next year.” I told her while lifting her downcast head with my hoof.

“And you truly did need to go out and make some friends, because sitting in your room alone all day isn't healthy,” I told her. “Besides, when did I say that you were wrong?” I made sure to enjoy her realization before I turn to walk over to the only pony I have yet to talk to.

“Hello Princess Luna, it's been about a thousand years I believe,” I let the smile fall from my face as I greeted her. As I expected, she greeted me with eyes full of anger and hatred.

I clear my throat before continuing, “If you wish to strike me down then do so. I will not dodge you nor will I block you,” I finish as I stare straight into her angry blue eyes.

It became a staring contest. which I quickly lost as I blink my eyes a few times before she eventually decided to stagger to her hoof’s.

Finally, after a long silence, Luna lost her patience. “Do you wish to insult Us monster! Is this your jest? Is it a ploy? Well, We will have none of it! Strike me down and claim your victory Sombra!”

I close my eyes and shake my head, having expected this reaction. “It is no jest, nor ploy. It is, however, a thousand years since the time we last spoke, if you would be willing to call it that, and a thousand years can change a lot of things, as it is a great deal of time. I wronged you and your sister and if you wish to strike me down then you have all right too.”

Before Luna had time to react Twilight put herself between us.

I blink at my protégé. “Move aside Twilight, this doesn't involve you,” I say.

And her reaction is immediate. “No.”

I blink completely shocked by the straightforward declaration. After taking longer to compose myself then I would have liked I said, “Twilight Sparkle I order you to stand aside.”

I expected her to move aside or to freeze at my command. I did not expect her to nearly sends me reeling. “No! I will not let her hurt you!” She yells with an authoritative voice that I'm really regretting having taught her right now. Her new friend coming to stand beside her before I have enough time to regain my bearings.

“Ah don’t understand all of what's going on, but what Ah can tell is there a lot of history between you and Nightmare Moon, or Luna or whatever her name is. And while Ah'd love to hear all about it, Ah would love to hear all about it in someplace that isn't an abandoned castle in the middle of an evil forest,” Applejack said waving her hoof around.

“Yeah, and with lots of caramel apples!” Pinkie Pie added with a lick of her lips.

“And, um, daylight,” Fluttershy added with a whisper.

I'm completely flabbergasted. all I can do is look to each of my good ponies one by one, seeing that they're leaving no room for argument. Both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are clearly very tired despite the steadfast front they're trying to put up with the other adults. They are just fillies.

“Fine, you win. Let's start heading back to Ponyville. It's going to be a long walk.” I sigh as I left Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Luna on to my back.

Whatever protest Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon might have had we're drowned out by Luna own.
“Put Us down Sombra! We do not need your pity! We can walk on our own!”

I drawing a deep breath through my nose, hold it, and then release it. “I'm sure you can Luna. I'm carrying you because I want to.”

I was going to be walking through the evil forest, with three fillies on my back, all the way from the center to the edge.

This is going to be a long walk.