
by Kobolum

A long time ago in a empire far, far away....

The walk back to Ponyville wasn't nearly long enough. As we walked into the town the few who were still up immediately rushed to see if we were okay, and to express their relief. I had told the Equestria Guard that I would be taking care of an errand after the Summer sun celebration and might be missing for a day or two, as the ponies of Ponyville had gone to them after everything that happened they immediately assumed that Nightmare Moon was the errand and I had to take care of it early. With an explanation and how tired everyone was most of the ponies of Ponyville went to bed while some stayed up and the guards kept a lookout to make sure everything was fine.

I began giving the guards orders telling them to return to Canterlot after they had delivered a message to the post office to have them tell everyone that I had returned in a few hours. Although this is all just to buy time, while Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had fallen asleep on the walk back, Luna was anything but restful. Completely silent for the entire trip, which I was thankful for, I knew it was because she was either afraid that this was some sort of trap or building up energy to make some sort of escape plan, or to try and kill me. The others were silent as well, save for Pinkie Pie who bounced and hummed the entire trip. But I knew the silence needed to be broken and an explanation needed to be given, and I knew just the place for it.


"The Golden Oaks Library. I haven't been here in 100 years, Pinkie you cleaned this place up beautifully, can't find a speck of dust anywhere and you wouldn't even think there was even a party here just a few hours ago," I observed with a bit of aah. And it's true, not a speck of dust anywhere in sight despite the fact that no one had set hoof in here for a hundred years, and not a single remnant of Pinkie Pie's party that she had thrown just a few hours ago could be found, no cups, no stains, the wood was clean and the air was fresh.

I turned to the pink mare, who had acquired a caramel apple at some point. "Pinkie could you go get us a table and some chairs, we're going to be here for a while and I don't want to stand the entire time."

Instead of answering me she pointed her hoof in a direction as she enjoyed her caramel apple. Following the hoof I saw a round table low to the ground surrounded by seats enough for everyone in the library and low enough for the fillies so they didn't need a booster of some sort, along with several different cups, which I assume hold different drinks as only three of them are steaming.

I blinked before craning my neck. “All right you three my back is not a bed, it's time for you to wake up and get off.”

Luna and her continued silence, which I am still thankful for, immediately got off my back, the fillies however, we're still asleep and refused to move. Igniting my horn I lifted them gently off me and place them on the floor before I begin gently nudging them with my hoof. “Come on you two, rise and shine. I know you must be tired but you deserve to hear an explanation directly from me and I don't want to have to tell this story twice.”

As the two fillies awoke with a pair of yawns and blinking eyes I turned my attention to my protégé, “Twilight you might wish to go and awaken Spike as well, I'm sure he'd be rather upset if he heard this story was told right under his sleeping nose.”

As my protégé went to get her assistant I went to get my coffee, “All right everyone let's find our seats, Pinkie, would I be correct in assuming that the cups are filled of our favorite drinks?”

She tried to give me an answer but apparently the caramel apple had stuck her mouth shut. Eventually everyone was in the main room of the library and seated at the table. I knew Spike would be next to me, he needed coffee just as much as I did, Silver Spoon on the other hand was a bit of a surprise, but her family does own the Silverbits coffee chain.

All eyes were on me, waiting for my explanation, and I knew it was time to begin. “All right let's cut to the chase, first of all it's important to understand that memories of my early life are gone. The reasons why I took many of my actions when I was a young colt are gone. The actions that I took during those years, gone. The history from those years and why I destroyed it, gone. I have been using powerful and esoteric magic to preserve my memory for the past thousand years, but it only preserved my memories after I started using it, so the memories from before that time have faded in the thousand years that I have tried to hold on to them, an effort that has proven to be futile.”

I took a sip of my coffee before I continued, “It was a little over nine hundred years ago that I realize my memories were beginning to fade and I started using this magic, so my knowledge of events predating that are secondhoof, however I have no reason to believe this history is wrong.”

I took another sip of my coffee, “A thousand years ago I had enslaved my own kingdom, the poorly named Crystal Empire, and was raging a war against the kingdom on my southern border, the also poorly named kingdom of Equestria, and I had been winning that war, although given the numerous warnings I eventually made to myself of Princess Luna's inevitable return I highly doubt that was true.”

I had turned to look at Princess Luna, hoping to get some clarification on this story, however all she did was glare at me. I also notice that she hadn't touched her drink, probably fearing it was filled with poison of some sort.

I considered taking a sip of her drink to prove it was safe but decided to just sip my own and continue, then I realized my cup was empty, I hadn't even gotten to any of the important parts of my story yet and I’ve already finished my coffee. “Spike I want you to give me back my thermos.”

My thermos, a beautiful thermos made of shining violet crystal infused with all of the magic my years of research and practice could provide. Power and versatility went into it's creation, and it was not wasted in the slightest, despite what everyone else says. It keeps temperature perfectly, it doesn't ever get dented or scratched and remains perfectly clean.

Spike took it away from me claiming I have a drinking problem, complete another nonsense but I decided to indulge him in his little endeavor to help me, but playtime is over. I am getting my thermos back and if Spike wants to get in my way, well it's not like I haven't slayed dragons before.

“King Sombra, you said you warned yourself of Nightmare Moon's return, but you told me that you made calculations for when she would return, so does that mean you're the one who sealed her in the Moon and then you forgot?” Twilight asked while going over the notes that she had been taking.

Twilight's question me out of my musings over my beautiful thermos and I took a moment to compose my answer before responding, “No I didn't seal her in the mood, that was her sister Celestia. I don't know why Luna became Nightmare Moon, but I do know that when she did, she and Celestia battled and Nightmare Moon's lost was what led to her being sealed in the moon. I don't remember these events myself but there were enough sources to prove that this second hand account was accurate.”

“Wait a minute, sister? Do you mean there's another powerful alicorn waiting to bring on eternal night?” Diamond Tiara asked trying to sound annoyed at the prospect, but I could tell that she was actually afraid.

I frowned as I shook my head in sadness, “No, Celestia's gone and she isn't coming back, I made sure of that.”

“Well Nightmare Moon escape from her prison so this Celestia can probably escape to right?” Spike asked with his own growing fear at the prospect of another alicorns return.

I look down into my empty cup, feeling coffee and bile churn in my stomach, “I had begun preserving my memories at that point. I remember, clearly, taking the families of Celestia own soldiers hostage, threatening to kill them if they did not betray her and threatening to torture them to death if they did not do the same to her. I remember her getting her wings torn off, I remember her getting torn limb from limb, I remember every thrust of every spear and I remember every drop of blood, I remember every scream and the last gurgle of her life escape her blood-filled mouth, I remember the copper taste on my tongue and the heavy scent of blood and tears In the air, I remember crystallizing her corpse and displaying it as a monument to all those who oppose me. if Celestia can come back from that then I am doomed either way.”

And with that the silence I had enjoyed from Luna was broken.