Nightfire's Depressed Night

by Prince Nightfire Grace

Dark Night

Nightfire looks up at the moon high above him while tears slide down his cheeks. “Why is it that no matter what I do… everything seems to be, lacking in something of importance.”

The blue Alicorn lies back down, looking at the calming water of the lake in front of him, the sounds of the night filling his ears along with his soft sobs. The cool water washing up around his front hooves, soaking them with every small waves that rolled up the wet mud beneath him.

“Maybe things… are just better off being like this; empty and left to their own devices,” Suddenly a sound behind him makes him lift his head to see what it was and sees a single wolf behind him, front right leg raised and a few drops of blood dropping onto the mud beneath him. “Oh you’re hurt? Come over here and let me look at that.”

He wolf bares his teeth and les out a pained growl before whining softly and limps over to the prone Alicorn beside the water. Nightfire stands up and kneels in front of the wolf and examines the wound, a single but deep cut at the wolf’s ankle leaving it unable to put any form of weight on it.

“Who could’ve done this to a beautiful wolf like you? Poachers…” Nightfire says gently answering his own metaphorical question and gently uses his magic to slowly clean the wound, pulling a small orb of water from the lake beside him and slowly encases the wolf’s paw in the cool water and pulls the orb away once it was more red then blue and tosses it aside, hearing the orb break and splash the bloody water over the mud. “Now just bear with me a second ok? I just got to do one quick thing,” Nightfire says and uses his magic to tear some reeds from the lake and slowly tears them into thin strips and uses a hoof to pet the wolf’s head softly. “I won’t lie, this may hurt a little, but it’s the best way for me to get this healed up. If you need feel free to bite my leg, or anything to keep you as still as possible,” Nightfire says as he offers a foreleg to the wolf and leans down to look at the wound better and find his best starting point.

The wolf nods in some understanding of Nightfire’s instructions and very softly bites his leg and closes his own eyes to keep himself as numb as possible to the coming pain.

Nightfire bites his lip gently as the wolf’s teeth dig slightly into his leg and takes a deep breath, his magic holding the strands of the reeds at the ready. Quickly so as not to keep the wolf in more pain than needed, Nightfire begins stitching the wound together, with every single moment Nightfire spent stitching the would together he could feel the teeth of the wolf dig more and more into his leg and cause his own leg to twitch in pain, eventually causing him to let out brief hisses between his teeth. Soon the pain became a little too much for Nightfire to bare and he taps the wolf’s nose to get the wolf to let his leg go. “Let go… please.”

The wolf released his leg and licked his teeth to taste the blood involuntarily as the wolf was still a hunter first and foremost then made eye contact with the blue Alicorn while still feeling a throb in its paw.

“Just one last thing…” Nightfire says in a calm voice as he looks at the two ends of the reeds that were stuck on the outside of the animal’s paw. “This shouldn’t hurt nearly as bad as the stitches did. You’re really brave,” He says as his magic takes the ends of the reeds and brings them together over the top of its paw and ties them tightly together. “And there you go. Just don’t pull at them and your paw will be fine in a matter of a few weeks.”

The wolf looks at his paw and then to Nightfire and leans in and licks the bite marks of the Alicorn’s leg, cleaning the blood from them wounds with each lick as if to thank the Alicorn for his help.

Nightfire smiles at the wolf and pets his head softly while smiling at the wolf. “You’re welcome fair hunter. Would you like to stay here with me?” Nightfire asks and looks at the water behind him as the wolf seems to look at him then the water and walks beside the Alicorn and lies beside him, his fur getting muddy from the wet mud beneath them.

The wolf looks out at the water with the Alicorn and feels Nightfire drape a wing across his back.

“This is a peaceful place, can’t help but wonder what might’ve happened if I hadn’t been here tonight…” He says addressing the wolf’s paw and then smiles. “Fenrir.”

The wolf’s ears perk up hearing the name and turns his head to stare at the pony who helped him.

“If you want, that’s the name I’ll be giving you,” Nightfire says with a smiles and then looks at the wound on his foreleg. “Got to say, you’ve got quite the bite. It may hurt now but don’t you worry about it, I’ll keep it as a memento of the night we met. Maybe... I was meant to carry this mark on my leg. I don’t know but I think that maybe you were meant to come here to help cheer this down and gloomy Alicorn up.”

The wolf licks its paw before laying his head down on his paws and stares out over the water of the lake.

Nightfire smiles and does the same before chuckling softly as he looks at the water before looking at his lightly bleeding wound. ‘Tonight couldn’t have been chance. Maybe I was meant for this brief bit of pain for making such a good new friend and maybe even pet; a wild pet but still.’